
Apiti School and District Newsletter, 20.08.2018

Welcome to week 5 Term 3 2018

2018 Term Dates : Term 3  23rd July - 28th Sept. Term 4 15th Oct - 18th Dec

Sir Peter Blake:  Sarah received a Young Leader Award. These awards celebrate young people whose
outstanding leadership uplifts their school community.  By acknowledging leadership at this young age, we hope
it encourages these talented young people to keep going and to aim higher.

Sarah won this award as she is an amazing athlete, with many athletics, swimming and triathlon
successes. She is a great leader at our school always prepared to help others, staff, students and the wider
community. She has a friendly manner always reliable with a good sense of humour. She is fully involved in
sports, art and cultural activities in and out of school.

This term, the focus is oral - listening and speaking.
Apiti School Speech Competition

We would like to congratulate all the students for presenting their speeches on Friday and especially Sarah who won the Apiti Speech competition and Johnny who was second. Both these students will represent Apiti in the Oroua Schools competition this Thursday the 23rd of August at the Oroua Clubrooms in Kimbolton, starting at 1pm. We would like all senior room students to attend this event, but will depend on transport, so please let the school know as soon as possible if you are able to help out.  We would like to thank Linda for judging this competition and to the parents who attended this event.

Dates for your calendar

23rd Aug : Oroua Speech Competition.
31st Aug : Ski Trip to Mt Ruapehu (with Kiwitea School).
7th Sept : Cultural Responsiveness Day with Anahera
24th/25th Sept : ERO to visit. A Powhiri will be held at 11.00. All school parents
24th Sept : Board of Trustee Meeting at 7.00pm. All welcome.
27th Sept : Assembly at 2.00pm
28th Sept : End of Term 3 at 2.45.
15th Oct : Start of Term 4 at 9.00am.
25th Oct : Lamb and Calf Day.
Please note: The above dates are updated as required. The school also keeps you updated with all community
news. Check this link http://bit.ly/2pvsJzf or the tab on the right hand side of the blogspot.  
Please email anything you would like to add to community notices to christinedigby@apiti.school.nz

Unfortunately, we recently said farewell to Boston, Skaife, Meiah and Willow. We wish them well for their future schooling and beyond.

Celebrating our success
Steps Web - Senior: Johnny 43 Gold, 6 Silver and overall 95%, Josie 37 Gold, 8 Silver and overall 95%, Katie 38 Gold, 15 Silver, 1 Bronze and overall 95%,Renee 26 Gold, 10 Silver, 2 Bronze and overall 97%, Summer 27 Gold, 12 Silver, 1 Bronze and overall 90%, Junior: Kaelee 18 Gold, 17 Silver, 2 Bronze and 86% overall. Kadin 9 Gold, 14 Silver and 88% overall. Owen 10 Gold, 5 Silver, 2 Bronze and overall 95%, Emily 8 Gold, 4 Silver, 1 Bronze and overall 94%.

Sumdog - Senior: Johnny 936 questions answered at 86%. Abbey 754 questions answered at 84%. Aimee 720 questions answered at 89%. Katie 630 questions answered at 93%, Josie 617 questions answered at 85%. Junior: Kadin 760 questions answered at 73%, Bentley 565 questions answered at 86%, Kealee 273 questions answered at 59%, Saxon 261 questions answered at 69%.
Reading : Kadin is now on Blue 2. Bentley is now on Gold 1. Owen and Kealee are on Orange 1. Claire is now on Yellow 2.
100% Spelling : Junior Room : Week 3 : Bentley, Saxon, Kadin, Owen, Kealee, Autumn, Emily, Claire.
Week 4 : Bentley, Saxon, Kadin, Owen, Kealee, Autumn, Rydah, Claire.
Senior Room : Week 3 : Phinece, Summer, Sarah, Johnny, Lucas, Ava, Josie, Aimee, Bently, Abbey, Renee, Katie.

Senior Room: Over the last 4 weeks the senior room has been working hard on their speeches and practising everyday, it was great to see all the students successfully completing their speech.

Teachers Strike
Thank you to all parents for supporting this action by keeping your child/ren at home for the day.

Beeswax Candles
We will be making these for Lamb and Calf Day, also we are making pottery candle holders. If anyone is able to help with any of these, please let us know. Students will also be making books about Maori Legends and doing art work. If you have any art work books or especially local legends, we would love to hear from you.

Bon Apiti - Healthy Lunches
This Wednesday, Phinece and Summer will be cooking stuffed sausages at $2.00 per sausages and $2.00 for a smoothie.
Next Wednesday, Sarah and Summer will be cooking Pea and Ham soup with bread rolls at $2.00 per bowl of soup and a bread roll.

Badminton will be held for all students for the next 4 Wednesday afternoon's in the hall. This is taken by David Wasley from Sports Manawatu Badminton.

EOTC Ski Trip to Mt Ruapehu - Friday 31st August
We are booked in for the 31st but we need to know ASAP who can provide transport. Thanks to those who have offered transport so far.

ERO to visit - 24th September
A Powhiri will be held at 12.00. All school parents and community members are most welcome. More info closer to the time.
On Tuesday the 25th, ERO will arrive at 9.00 and will meet with the Board at 11.00a.m.

Junior Room Stories
In the weekend, I helped Grandpa put on a new barn door. Grandma helped too. - Saxon.
Yesterday I went to Saxon's and we played on the bikes with Saxon and Savannah. It was fun. - Kadin.
On Saturday, I went on the farm with Dad. We went to check the lambs. - Owen.
In the weekend, I went to Hamilton to watch Huntah play rugby for the 1st 15. The other team was yellow and black and Huntah's team was blue and white. Huntah's team lost 24 - 17. - Kealee.
After the speeches, I went to town and we had to get some things for the tractor and we went to the shops after that. - Autumn.
In the weekend, I went to the ATV show. The monster trucks jumped up the hills. - Rydah.
In the weekend, I saw a fat Tiger. - Jake.
We have a lamb, it's name is socks and we have a lamb called flops. I love them. - Claire.
The man is in the working truck. - Connor.

Happy Birthday to Mrs Cuming who recently celebrated her birthday and to the following adult / students about to celebrate their birthday. We hope you had / have a great day! Mrs Burton!
21st August - Summer! 30th August - Sarah!