Welcome to Week 3 of term 3 2018.
We are delighted to welcome Connor to Apiti school as a brand new 5 year old. Connor is the younger brother to Abbey. We know Connor will enjoy learning at our school.
2018 Term Dates : Term 3 23rd July - 28th Sept. Term 4 15th Oct - 18th Dec
Our focus this year is Matatau - to know, know well, be proficient, expert at, competent, fluent.
This term, the focus is oral - listening and speaking.
STEAM - We will also be continuing to learn through the NZ curriculum inquiry based learning STEAM - Science, Technology, Enviro, (usually Engineering) Art and Mathematics. This is most evident as we prepare for Lamb and Calf Day. Please view the inquiries the students are working on this term on the Lamb and Calf Day link. http://bit.ly/2naU7ly
Culturally Responsiveness - Starting this term we are working with the Oroua Schools and Anahera McGregor starting Wed after school at Kiwitea. This is funded by the Ministry of Education.
Calendar of Events
Every Tuesday, Students Johnny, Sarah and Summer French lessons through VLN.
Every Thursday All Year 7's continue Programming with VLN and Phinece continues learning Korean.
6th Aug : BOT meeting at 7.00pm. All welcome.
8th Aug : Anahera - Cultural Responsiveness at Kiwtea
10th Aug : Badminton 1.30 at hall with David Wasley for all students.
15th Aug : Teachers Strike.
17th Aug : Apiti School Speech Competition.
23rd Aug : Oroua Speech Competition.
31st Aug : Ski Trip to Mt Ruapehu (with Kiwitea School).
28th Sept : End of Term 3 at 2.45.
15th Oct : Start of Term 4 at 9.00am.
25th Oct : Lamb and Calf Day.
Please note: The above dates are updated as required. The school also keeps you updated with all community
Please email anything you would like to add to community notices to christinedigby@apiti.school.nz
Stepsweb Last 2 weeks Aimee 77 Gold, 20 Silver, 1 Bronze - 96% overall. Johnny 72 Gold, 17 Silver, 2 Bronze - 95% overall. Katie 68 Gold, 24 Silver, 6 Bronze - 95% overall. Renee 69 Gold, 34 Silver, 2 Bronze - 94% overall. Josie 64 Gold, 11 Silver, 2 Bronze - 98% overall.
Mathletics - Last 2 weeks Saxon 580, Katie 340, Emily 220, Renee 90..
Sumdog in the last month. Katie 823, Johnny 724, Aimee 585, Renee 536, Lucas 531, Claire 507, Bentley 503, Summer 470 Josie 449 Phinece 440.
Reading Eggs and Reading Express Last 2 weeks since the last newsletter.
Emily 1 gold certificate. Rydah 1 silver certificate.
Rydah is now on level 33 with 7 books read and 1 quiz. Emily now on level 61 with 5 books read, and she completed a quiz at 93%, well done. Kealee is now at Level 66 with 1 book read, Claire at level 48 with 5 books read, Claire at level 48 with 5 books read and Saxon now at level 23 with 2 books read.
Junior Reading : Rydah Red 3, Claire Yellow 1, Emily Yellow 3, Autumn Blue 2, Kealee Green 3 and she knows all her Orange words too ! Bentley is now on Purple 3
Junior Maths Bentley IKAN test at Early Additive Stage 3 Well done.
100% Spelling : Junior Room : Week 1 - Bentley, Owen, Saxon, Kadin, Kealee, Autumn, Rydah, Emily, Claire.
Week 2 - Bentley, Owen, Saxon, Autumn, Rydah, Emily, Claire.
Senior Room : Week 1 - Johnny, Sarah, Boston, Josie, Lucas, Ava, Aimee, Abbey, Savannah, Katie, Bently, Renee. Week 2 - Summer, Johnny, Boston, Skaife, Josie, Meiah, Ava, Katie, Renee, Savannah, Bently.
Bon Apiti - Healthy Lunches
Bon Apiti will continue every Wednesday. Thanks to the Year 7's and a huge thank you to June and Deb for helping the students with this. Everyone enjoyed the Spanish lunch cooked by the year 7's. This week it will be Mac and Cheese and Smoothies prepared by Sarah and Phinece. Next week will be Lasagna and Smoothies prepared by Phinece and Johnny. All dishes and smoothies are $2.00 each. Please remember to place the money in a sealed envelope with the order written on the front. We do use our garden for some supplies, but any donations of ingredients are very much appreciated.
Beeswax Wraps
This week we hope to make bees wax wraps and students will need about a 30cm of bright cotton material for their wrap, we do have material at school for students to use if they need it, Also if you have a pair of pinking shears this would be useful too. If you would like to help please contact the school. We will need big flat electric frypan's so if you have one we would love to hear from you.
Board of Trustee Meeting
The next Board meeting will be held tonight Monday the 6th of August in the staff room starting at 7.00pm. All members of the community are most welcome. Please view the Agenda on the Blogspot under the BOT tab.
Apiti School Speech Competition - 17th August
Oral language is an important skill and at Apiti School we focus on both formal and informal speech. All students have brainstormed their speech and have their 3 main points. Some have completed writing their speeches and their focus is on the oral presentation. The junior students topic is "An Aspect of Safety." All Apiti School students will present their speech to parents and community members on 17th August
The 1st and 2nd place students of the Apiti competition, both year 7/8 and Year 5/6, will then represent Apiti at the Oroua Speech competition being held on Thursday the 23rd of August at the Oroua Clubrooms in Kimbolton. It would be great if parents could set aside a little time to listen to and help your child with their speech. Also we will need transport on the 23rd for the winners and their supporters.
Whanau groups
The Whanau groups are working every Tuesday at 1.45 on their Enviro projects. We welcome all the community to help the students work on their action projects and their vege boxes, herb tyres, native areas, orchard and hot house. Thanks to David and Rebecca Stewart, Rob Scarrow, Nicole Philps and Toni Tibbits for leading this. If anyone has some old paint or tools they do not need or need attention like a broken handle, we would appreciate them being donated to the school.
Teachers Strike
As most of you are aware the teachers are going on strike for a full day on Wednesday the 15th of August. We expect all families to keep their students at home on this day. If you are unable to do this please contact the school. This strike has been well publicised - it is about getting a better deal for the children, There is a shortage of teachers and especially relievers. There is a 40% decrease in teacher training and many aren't choosing to teach. There are many older teachers retiring and younger teachers choosing other jobs which have better conditions or leaving for overseas. Some classes are unable to get a teacher. There is a huge workload especially with less funding for special needs students and more pressure on schools to cater for them without funding from MOE.
Skiing 31st August
We are booked in for our ski experience visit to Mt Ruapehu to go skiing with Kiwitea School on Friday the 31st of August. This event is of-course weather dependent so we do have postponement dates for early September but hopefully we will not need them, but we will only go if the weather is right.
We will be heading up the mountain a little earlier than usual as we need to be on the mountain between 7.30 - 7.45. Therefore we will need to meet at Ohakune by 7.00 - 7.15 at the Information Centre which is on the left hand side on the Main Street as you enter the Ohakune township. I would therefore recommend a departure time from Apiti by 5.15 - 5.30 (after having a substantial breakfast), as the trip will take 1 hour 40 minutes. From the Information Centre, we will head up the mountain for a great day's skiing. Lesson 1 is booked for 9 - 10.50, lunch will be from 11 - 11.30, lesson 2 is booked for 11.30 - 1.30 and from then on - free skiing. We will hopefully be able to ski all day until the mountain closes at 4.00pm.
Could parents please text, email or ring if you are able to help with transport or if you intend on joining us for the day skiing, with what you would like to do. We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
More information closer to the date.
Junior Room Stories
P.J wanted to be a Bear, or a Bird, or a Beaver, or a Pig, or a Moose, or a Skunk but he really wanted to be a BUNNY.
I went to the boys rugby. After the rugby, we got treats. Huntah and Tyler got 2 tries each. - By Kealee.
It is Delta's birthday today (18.06.2018). She is turning 4 and she is going to have a Dinosaur cake.
- By Autumn.
In the afternoon on Sunday, my Nan and Granpoppa came up. We played dot to dot and tag. I was in first and then Mum, James, Nan and Granpoppa. We had lots of fun. We played on the school field. - Bentlley.
On Saturday, it was Connor's birthday and I went to his birthday. It was fun. We played on the Bouncy Castle. We ate lots of yummy food. - By Emily.
On Sunday in the afternoon, me and Edith and dad made a lamb shelter. We used a round container. Dad washed out the chemicals first. - By Owen.
Today is Autumn's birthday. I'm going to her birthday and I am going to bring a toy horse. Autumn is six now.
- By Claire.
I went to my Nana's. We went shopping and we got a four wheeler toy and we played with it. - By Rydah.
I have got Lego in my bedroom. - Connor.
Happy Birthday to the following student. We hope you have a great day! 6th August - Autumn!
We are delighted to welcome Connor to Apiti school as a brand new 5 year old. Connor is the younger brother to Abbey. We know Connor will enjoy learning at our school.
2018 Term Dates : Term 3 23rd July - 28th Sept. Term 4 15th Oct - 18th Dec
Our focus this year is Matatau - to know, know well, be proficient, expert at, competent, fluent.
This term, the focus is oral - listening and speaking. STEAM - We will also be continuing to learn through the NZ curriculum inquiry based learning STEAM - Science, Technology, Enviro, (usually Engineering) Art and Mathematics. This is most evident as we prepare for Lamb and Calf Day. Please view the inquiries the students are working on this term on the Lamb and Calf Day link. http://bit.ly/2naU7ly
Culturally Responsiveness - Starting this term we are working with the Oroua Schools and Anahera McGregor starting Wed after school at Kiwitea. This is funded by the Ministry of Education.
Every Thursday All Year 7's continue Programming with VLN and Phinece continues learning Korean.
6th Aug : BOT meeting at 7.00pm. All welcome.
8th Aug : Anahera - Cultural Responsiveness at Kiwtea
15th Aug : Teachers Strike.
17th Aug : Apiti School Speech Competition.
23rd Aug : Oroua Speech Competition.
31st Aug : Ski Trip to Mt Ruapehu (with Kiwitea School).
28th Sept : End of Term 3 at 2.45.
15th Oct : Start of Term 4 at 9.00am.
25th Oct : Lamb and Calf Day.
Please note: The above dates are updated as required. The school also keeps you updated with all community
Stepsweb Last 2 weeks Aimee 77 Gold, 20 Silver, 1 Bronze - 96% overall. Johnny 72 Gold, 17 Silver, 2 Bronze - 95% overall. Katie 68 Gold, 24 Silver, 6 Bronze - 95% overall. Renee 69 Gold, 34 Silver, 2 Bronze - 94% overall. Josie 64 Gold, 11 Silver, 2 Bronze - 98% overall.
Mathletics - Last 2 weeks Saxon 580, Katie 340, Emily 220, Renee 90..Sumdog in the last month. Katie 823, Johnny 724, Aimee 585, Renee 536, Lucas 531, Claire 507, Bentley 503, Summer 470 Josie 449 Phinece 440.
Reading Eggs and Reading Express Last 2 weeks since the last newsletter.
Rydah is now on level 33 with 7 books read and 1 quiz. Emily now on level 61 with 5 books read, and she completed a quiz at 93%, well done. Kealee is now at Level 66 with 1 book read, Claire at level 48 with 5 books read, Claire at level 48 with 5 books read and Saxon now at level 23 with 2 books read.
Junior Reading : Rydah Red 3, Claire Yellow 1, Emily Yellow 3, Autumn Blue 2, Kealee Green 3 and she knows all her Orange words too ! Bentley is now on Purple 3
Junior Maths Bentley IKAN test at Early Additive Stage 3 Well done. Week 2 - Bentley, Owen, Saxon, Autumn, Rydah, Emily, Claire.
Senior Room : Week 1 - Johnny, Sarah, Boston, Josie, Lucas, Ava, Aimee, Abbey, Savannah, Katie, Bently, Renee. Week 2 - Summer, Johnny, Boston, Skaife, Josie, Meiah, Ava, Katie, Renee, Savannah, Bently.
Bon Apiti will continue every Wednesday. Thanks to the Year 7's and a huge thank you to June and Deb for helping the students with this. Everyone enjoyed the Spanish lunch cooked by the year 7's. This week it will be Mac and Cheese and Smoothies prepared by Sarah and Phinece. Next week will be Lasagna and Smoothies prepared by Phinece and Johnny. All dishes and smoothies are $2.00 each. Please remember to place the money in a sealed envelope with the order written on the front. We do use our garden for some supplies, but any donations of ingredients are very much appreciated.
Beeswax Wraps
The next Board meeting will be held tonight Monday the 6th of August in the staff room starting at 7.00pm. All members of the community are most welcome. Please view the Agenda on the Blogspot under the BOT tab.
Apiti School Speech Competition - 17th August
Oral language is an important skill and at Apiti School we focus on both formal and informal speech. All students have brainstormed their speech and have their 3 main points. Some have completed writing their speeches and their focus is on the oral presentation. The junior students topic is "An Aspect of Safety." All Apiti School students will present their speech to parents and community members on 17th August
The 1st and 2nd place students of the Apiti competition, both year 7/8 and Year 5/6, will then represent Apiti at the Oroua Speech competition being held on Thursday the 23rd of August at the Oroua Clubrooms in Kimbolton. It would be great if parents could set aside a little time to listen to and help your child with their speech. Also we will need transport on the 23rd for the winners and their supporters.
Whanau groups
The Whanau groups are working every Tuesday at 1.45 on their Enviro projects. We welcome all the community to help the students work on their action projects and their vege boxes, herb tyres, native areas, orchard and hot house. Thanks to David and Rebecca Stewart, Rob Scarrow, Nicole Philps and Toni Tibbits for leading this. If anyone has some old paint or tools they do not need or need attention like a broken handle, we would appreciate them being donated to the school.
Teachers Strike
As most of you are aware the teachers are going on strike for a full day on Wednesday the 15th of August. We expect all families to keep their students at home on this day. If you are unable to do this please contact the school. This strike has been well publicised - it is about getting a better deal for the children, There is a shortage of teachers and especially relievers. There is a 40% decrease in teacher training and many aren't choosing to teach. There are many older teachers retiring and younger teachers choosing other jobs which have better conditions or leaving for overseas. Some classes are unable to get a teacher. There is a huge workload especially with less funding for special needs students and more pressure on schools to cater for them without funding from MOE.
Skiing 31st August
We are booked in for our ski experience visit to Mt Ruapehu to go skiing with Kiwitea School on Friday the 31st of August. This event is of-course weather dependent so we do have postponement dates for early September but hopefully we will not need them, but we will only go if the weather is right.
We will be heading up the mountain a little earlier than usual as we need to be on the mountain between 7.30 - 7.45. Therefore we will need to meet at Ohakune by 7.00 - 7.15 at the Information Centre which is on the left hand side on the Main Street as you enter the Ohakune township. I would therefore recommend a departure time from Apiti by 5.15 - 5.30 (after having a substantial breakfast), as the trip will take 1 hour 40 minutes. From the Information Centre, we will head up the mountain for a great day's skiing. Lesson 1 is booked for 9 - 10.50, lunch will be from 11 - 11.30, lesson 2 is booked for 11.30 - 1.30 and from then on - free skiing. We will hopefully be able to ski all day until the mountain closes at 4.00pm.
Could parents please text, email or ring if you are able to help with transport or if you intend on joining us for the day skiing, with what you would like to do. We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
More information closer to the date.
Junior Room Stories
P.J wanted to be a Bear, or a Bird, or a Beaver, or a Pig, or a Moose, or a Skunk but he really wanted to be a BUNNY. I went to the boys rugby. After the rugby, we got treats. Huntah and Tyler got 2 tries each. - By Kealee.
It is Delta's birthday today (18.06.2018). She is turning 4 and she is going to have a Dinosaur cake.
- By Autumn.
In the afternoon on Sunday, my Nan and Granpoppa came up. We played dot to dot and tag. I was in first and then Mum, James, Nan and Granpoppa. We had lots of fun. We played on the school field. - Bentlley.
On Saturday, it was Connor's birthday and I went to his birthday. It was fun. We played on the Bouncy Castle. We ate lots of yummy food. - By Emily.
On Sunday in the afternoon, me and Edith and dad made a lamb shelter. We used a round container. Dad washed out the chemicals first. - By Owen.
Today is Autumn's birthday. I'm going to her birthday and I am going to bring a toy horse. Autumn is six now.
- By Claire.
I went to my Nana's. We went shopping and we got a four wheeler toy and we played with it. - By Rydah.
I have got Lego in my bedroom. - Connor.
Happy Birthday to the following student. We hope you have a great day! 6th August - Autumn!