Apiti Show AGM 2017
Held on 18.10.2017 at Apiti Tavern, opening at 7.30pm
Present :- Helma Hughes,
Lydia and Mike Cranston, Jordan Coppen, Hendrick Engellbrecht, Tom Hayes, Rose
Piha, Ken Thompson, Andy George, Gabby Harvey, Kim Speedy, Shane Bird, Tim
Field, Ruth Brocket, Pat Hayes, Gaylene and Russell Knight, Pat Prince, Mary
and Anna Cuming.
welcomed everyone to the Show meeting
Apologies: - Joy Drew and
Apiti Play Centre
moved by Anna confirmed Pat Hayes passed.
Matters arising
slow getting accounts done, Anna proposed she will do 2018 accounts and get
them audited by someone. Audited every 2 years as part of constitution. Shane suggested apply to Pub Charity and
suggested an auditor.
Chairpersons Report by
Russell. Mary passed.
again the Show went off well. The improvements out back worked very well for
the Judges and pen helpers and by next show they will be completed.
big thank you must go to all the volunteers that have put in many hours in
their respective areas and I hope this continues. Without your help this day
will not operate so well.
the last month we have had a full length shade/cover completed thanks to the
driving force of Anna. The Council and Apiti Golf Club contributed most of the
funding to this project and special thanks go to them.
next Show in 2018 we will be hosting a Shearing test between New Zealand and
Wales. Also in the year coming we hope to expand the Show a little and this we
hope will come about with ideas and help from others.
again many thanks to all who help this day be the success it is and most of all
our many Loyal Sponsors
Treasurers Report by Anna. Tim
2017 financials were printed out and a copy was given to each member present.
Committee approved 2017 financials.
used to be 70 million sheep in NZ, with a thriving wool and shearing industry.
However, the rural base and the farming industry has changed, and in fact
continues to change, which won’t be news to any of you sitting here today. My
point is that the show has struggled on, surviving year to year with the
shearing sports keeping it propped up, yet the shearing sports relies on the
goodwill and good faith of our local farmers, and as you all know a lot of work goes into
organising sheep, crutching crews, farmers and truckies.
a committee we need to put plans in place to future proof it for the next
generation by diversifying and expanding what we offer and most importantly to
remain relevant to the changing rural landscape and local community. We need to
develop a strategic plan for the next 1, 2, 5 and 10 years with KPIs, goals and
a clear path forward for the show as a business.
brief overview of the financials:
Income was down
in 2017 by $1800, mainly due to $1600 less sponsorship
Expenses down
slightly by $600 and an overall deficit of $760
Depreciation was
constant and as this is not a ‘cash’ movement we actually ended the year with a
small cash surplus
Term deposit with
Rabodirect of $7500 rolls on the 30th of Nov 2017 (6mth term) and
will make $85.11 interest – we need to decide whether to reinvest?
Outstanding bill
of $350 to pay to the accountant – meeting 10am 24th Oct
Golf club – thank
them for their contribution, I did ring Dennis and Ben Pratt to invite a
representative but no one came
Council funding
2018? Budget?
General Business
Discussion about
the cover – thanks to Chris Tapp, the Apiti Golf Club and the Manawatu District
Council for their help and support with this project.
Search online for
grants, Infinity, Lions Club, Shane Bird.
Gabby – Horse
ideas show jumping and games, discussion how we compete with other events held
on the same day.
Shane suggested -
Quarter mile race. Good to run it bareback?
Anna suggested - Maybe
horse and cart, miniature pony’s event, People vs horses jump. Games then
jumping. Different ideas.
Shane – runs
Kimbolton Bull rides all around area. Cost $12,000 to run on the Rodeo circuit.
The yards are his and they are portable. Or small local bull ride with portable
yards cost $2000 local steer/bulls. Shane knows some guys who would come and
ride/help set up. Need a vet and ambulance on site according to health and
safety. Takes an hour for a local bull ride. Calves for kids, no ram riding due
to rodeo rules. Hunterville is the day before in 2018 so next event could be 2019,
need to advertise this year for 2019.
Bucking bull from
promo king – Anna to email. Emailed 22/10/17 awaiting reply.
Hendrick from
Apiti Tavern will apply to Council for bar licence, he’s happy to support the
Show and work with council requirements.
Anna did invite
people from local speed shear, but they could not attend.
Anna ran the
Terrier race last year. Matt from Murrays has offered up a dinner for 2 for the
owner of the winning terrier.
Helma will set up
a lavender stall.
Ken suggested
that the show needs to have some music.
Ken suggested a Tug
of War – Teams invited. Junior/seniors knock out competition.
More stalls, Ken
will do a fundraising stall to raise money for the hall.
Ken can arrange
for judges of muffins and cakes.
Gaylene will go
to the Cross Hills fair and ask if they would come to Apiti Show.
The Apiti Play
centre run the food stalls.
The Apiti School
runs the judges lunches.
Fire Brigade
competition idea from Helma.
Victoria to bring
the Funky Monkey Farm Yard to the show.
Guess the weight
of the pig.
Gypsy fair –
suggest someone contact them to arrange if they can come to the show
Travel agency to
sponsor a trip as part of a radio promotion.
Gabby - A game
like needle in haystack to win prize or coins in a sandpit.
Pat – guess the
final winning time of the open shearing – this could be a radio competition.
Horse’s shepherds
Speed Bike Shearing.
Shane suggested –
Giving away free pass through gate, family pass over the radio?
Rose - Free entry
to novice shearing / wool handling as part of the prize.
The school will
organise some games.
Russell –
Rose - Wool
Gabby - Horses.
Tim – Sheep.
Mary – Schedule –
Anna suggested this needs revamping!!
Pat Prince/Mayoral
- Cross Hills ask people 18th Nov. Gaylene will give stall holders a
flyer about Apiti Show.
Shane Bird - Jan
27th Bull ride - Can put
Apiti Show sign up.
School - Hole in
one or putting competition to save space.
Horses further back
into paddock.
Tim - we need to
source a new trucking company. Pat had some ideas Farmers Transport Stock Line?
Errards? Alistair Smith? 3 trucks and trailers. Pat and Tim to investigate.
Sheep – Sam Brown
through Andy George. To organise sheep. We prepare sheep and rely on goodwill
for crutching and shearing at the end.
Can we find out
entries before the day? How would we do this? As this would make it easier.
Last year we were down on entries because World Cup timing. Good year for getting
Discount if they book early? We rely on shearers to keep show going.
Russell – said
Taihape had record entries last year. He could predict how many entries to
Tim – needs to
know how many sheep they need. 400 can be the difference in sheep numbers between
a good and bad year of entries.
Rose – use Face
book to see interest surcharge for late entry
Rose – suggested
a High School shearing competition, this would need to be communicated to the
Gabby talk to
Marton Young Farmers and see if they want to be involved and how both parties
can benefit.
Deadline for show
is printed in shearing book in July so we need to be in early to let them know
there will be late entry fees.
Pen Girls / Boys
We need 8, either FHS? Smedley? Or take
a mate up? Tim will co-ordinate that with Russell. Jordan, James, Nathan, Casey
and Max were pen boys in 2017, Jordan will talk to those boys.
Jock’s participation via a presentation to him or Donna at the show in 2018.
Show is a
business, we need to treat it like one by creating an environment, eg horse
sports, coin dig, and advertise as a family day.
Survey people on
the day to find why they came and make it more relevant.
Shane – ideas for
fundraising - Quiz night raised $8000 in Rangiwahia, Casino night, Auction,
Fancy Dress etc.
Russell - Singlets
for wool handlers/pen boys, sashes to be printed.
Barbeque venue to
be decided – 9th Dec for committee and helpers. All welcome.
Email to be sent
out with minutes and reminder about the next meeting/BBQ.
Other ideas for the show:
Free or
subsidised buses from PN or Feilding
More advertising
in PN
Radio competition
Bull riding –
Shane Bird
Hendricks Bar –
Craft beers/ music
Ruahine Port
Helmas Apiti
Lavender Farm
Tractor backing
Sheep racing
Terrier Racing
Miniature ponies/carts
Feilding Arts and
crafts stalls
School kids
making something they can sell at stalls
Artists –
Timber furniture
Appeal to
Face painting
Dog trialling
Food stalls i.e
venison salami and speciality cheeses
Election of Officers
– Mary Cuming nominated Russell Knight. Pat Hayes seconded.
Chairman – Anna Cuming nominated Tim Feild. Gaylene seconded.
– Tim Field nominated Gabby Harvey. Anna seconded.
– Gaylene Knight nominated Anna Cuming. Tim seconded.
thanked everyone for their attendance.
closed 9.30pm.
meeting 9th Dec with Barbeque, venue to be announced, all welcome.
APITI SHOW MEETING on 10th February 2016, held at the Russell & Gaylene Knights.
Present: Donna, Jock, Barry, Shelly, Phoenix, Pat Prince,
Russell, Gaylene, Joy, Mary, Anna, Pat Hayes.
Apologies: Shannon, Tim, Jason and Rosie.
Moved Donna, 2nd Joy
Minutes read from the previous meeting.
Moved Joy, 2nd Mary
Matters Arising:
Shelley’s sponsor have given the show $250.00
Welsh test is to go ahead, 2 shearers and a
A letter to be sent out re: lack of
communication over the above mentioned test
No pen girls this year as they have a tournament
and are unavailable, shearers will use their own pen boy
Financial Report:
Treasurers report
for 12/1/2016 – 10/2/16 (meeting to meeting) Expenditure: No
expenditure Income:Kendrick Sponsorship $Current balance as at
10/2/2016 = $6,668.98
Moved Anna,
2nd Shelley
Joy spoke with Scott Bailey and he has agreed to
sponsor the show $400.00, Joy is awaiting confirmation email
Russell has the singlets and sashes at the
printers. Committee have requested extra
singlets for sale as a fundraiser with ‘Apiti Shears’ printed on them, 10 of
these will also have 2016 printed on them and they will sell for $25 each.
All the judges are sorted
Anna has advertised the show on various media outlets
and has appeared in the Evening Standard.
Anna still hunting for drums.
We need Serotone for writing up the shearing
schedule/contestant names etc, Joy to ask her brother inlaw who is a plumber. Anna’s uncle has similar stuff which we can
Mary asked for lunch numbers and we have
confirmed at least 75-85.
Tuma Mullins, Russell and Nooky Gordon to be the
commentators for the show.
Anna has written a letter of thanks to the Golf
Club thanking them for sponsorship but has not sent it yet as money has not
gone into bank account.
Anna has requested horse events to be announced
over loud speakers prior to each event.
Jock asked for prizegiving after lunch to be
sped up.
First Aid Kit to be assembled by Gaylene and
Rural Fuel dropping off product to Barry next
Anna went through the sponsor list to confirm
who has approached who, committee members to chase up their delegated sponsors.
Working Bee at the grounds Saturday 13th
Feb, 9am
Crutching show sheep Saturday 20th
Feb, at Sam Browns, time to be confirmed, everyone to be notified when details
Meeting Closed 9.20pm
Next meeting to be confirmed.
APITI SHOW MEETING on 13th January 2016, held at
the Russell & Gaylene Knights.
Present: Russell, Barry, Jock, Pat Prince, Mary Cuming,
Gaylene, Shelly, Joy, Rosie, Tim and Phoenix.
Apologies: Pat Hayes, Anna & Shannon.
Moved Joy, 2nd Phoenix
Minutes read from the previous meeting.
Moved Joy, 2nd Mary
Matters Arising:
There are still two Apiti Show signs to go up.
Anna has some drums, but still needs more
Council donation has been accepted, we are
having a sound system plus a man on the ground
Barry has 4-5 drums at home and Phoenix has some
Financial Report: Anna
Treasurers report
for 27/11/2015 - 12/1/2016 (meeting to meeting)
$600.00 Accountants
$236.20 Signs
$20.00 Mayoral for
newspaper ad
$35.40 Anna for
paying the GST for the signs which wasn't included
Total expenditure =
$2.51 interest Nov
$2.58 interest Dec
$1000 Fundraiser at
Donna and Jocks
(many thanks for the
fundraiser and very prompt payment)
Total income =
Current balance as at
12/1/2016 = $6,166.53
Moved Joy, 2nd
Russell, Tim & Barry spoke about dagging the
show sheep
Ribbons have been ordered
Singlets have arrived and Russell will organise
these to be printed
No test this year at the Apiti Show
We went through the sponser list and an updated
one will be sent out to everyone with who is contacting who and also the
sponser letters, anyone with any other sponsor ideas please add these.
Discussion over pen girls ( not doing right job)
Fire Brigade to hose out the pavilion
Rubbish liners needed for rubbish bins
Lunches – asked that the price stay the same as
last year. To use the pavilion for lunches.
Check that Anna has help to set up for horse
Shannon to review toiletries.
Gaylene & Russell to organise gate keepers
Schedules handed out for distribution.
Meeting Closed 9.15pm
Next meeting will be Wednesday 10th Feb 2016,
7.30pm at Russell & Gaylene Knights.
APITI SHOW MEETING 7.30pm on November 27th
2015, at the Apiti Tavern.
Present: Russell
Knight, Barry McIntyre, Donna Forbes, Jock Bielski, Anna Cuming, Pat Prince,
Mary Cuming, Gaylene Knight, Shelly McKenzie, Joy Drew
Apologies: Pat
Hayes, Shannon Knight. Moved to accept
apologies moved Donna, 2nd Mary agreed
Minutes read from
the previous meeting and correct moved Mary, 2nd Anna agreed
Matters Arising:
· Russell thanked everyone for an excellent turn
out for the fundraising shearing at Jock & Donna’s.
· Anna showed us the new signs for
advertising. Everyone agreed they were
excellent. They will be put up on the
Cheltenham straight, between Feilding and Palmerston North, Mangaweka turn off
and one at the Apiti turn off.
Donna’s sign to go up at the Domain.
Anna also contacted Media Works about
advertising the Apiti Show on the radio.
They came up with an idea to come up with a competition for announcers
to promote the show e.g teddy bear shearing???
Will discuss any more ideas at the next meeting.
· Anna showed her schedule for the horse
sports. She will post/email to pony
Financial Report:
presented by Anna
Accounts paid
Accountant $600.00
Signs $236.20
Gaylene $ 20.00 (still to be presented)
Anna $ 35.40 (still to be presented)
Bank Balance stands at $5216.84 on 27.11.2015.
Anna moved
the adoption of her report sec Shelly
Funding from
Manawatu District Council is $700.00 which will pay for the sound system from
Fauldings and also a man on the day. The
next funding is 30th March and 30th June 2016.
society had taken the Apiti Show off its register for some reason but we are
now re-instated and the financial report has been sent to them.
General Business:
Drums for the horse sports are still
needed. Anna has asked for a notice be
put in the school newsletter. Barry will
ask a family member if they have any spare.
Show has 1200-1300 sheep to pick from for the
shearing competition this year.
Mary to get schedule out before Xmas, if she has
all the details.
Barry offered to frame the new signs before they
go up.
Sponsorship letters needed; Anna will meet with
Russell to insure everyone is on the list.
Letters will be mailed out and then followed up by a personal visit.
Joy printed off a map with details on how to get
from Apiti to City Doctors in Palmerston North just in case this is needed on
the day. She will print off three more
and laminate them.
Judges lunches will be trialled next year in the
main pavilion.
Next meeting :
Wednesday 13th Jan 2016, 7.30pm at the Apiti Tavern.
Meeting Closed
Apiti Show AGM on 23.9.2015
Apiti Tavern 7.30pm
: Russell and Gaylene Knight, Jock and Donna , Mary and Anna Cuming Pat
Prince, Pat Hayes, Tim Field,
Joy Drew, Hannah Blackmore, Jason and Rosie Edwards.
from : Jess Sandbrook and Shelly McKenzie moved by Gaylene sec Pat. accepted
: true and correct Russell sec Pat
man – pulled out
date change to is end of June
report attached
accountant fee
statement closing balance $5429
– We are doing well financially problems early on and after redoing shearing
stand. Last year we wrote several ideas to improve show and make it more financial.
for treasurer sec Donna accepted
Show had a successful shearing and woolhandling day with entries on a par with
previous years. The horse Sports seem to be struggling a bit for numbers but I
believe Anna has a new format in mind to try and attract more competitors.
During the year we had one fundraiser at Donna & Jocks which was well
supported by members. Pat Hayes had approx ½ of a days wages donated by Scott
Bailey Shearing gang. This was an
outstanding contribution from his team.
Many thanks must go to Pat for organising this. More thanks go to Pat for his crutching teams
for their work leading up to the show.
Our new transport company worked quite well with only 1 or 2 minor
hitches that held things up a little on the day. All in all they are very keen to
continue. We have quite a few suggestions
that might help next years show be a little better. There was one thing mother nature had a hand
in, lifting the roof off the press area.
Our insurance helped the rebuild of this which was a blessing in
disguise. We have our treasurer Shelly resigning
and I would like to thank her for her services for the last 2 years. In closing.. many thanks to the committee and
all the helpers on the day with special mention to all our very Loyal
Sponsors. We all know that without all
these people we would not be able to have such a successful day.
Love from Russell Knight.(efficiently typed by Donna )
of Officers
called by Jock
- Russell Knight nominated by Mary sec Donna accepted
Secretary - Jock Bielski nominated by Pat Hayes sec Donna accepted
- Anna nominated by Gaylene sec Donna accepted
– Gaylene & Joy , nominated by Mary sec Donna accepted
co-ordinator - Pat Hayes is developing Tim Field into this
job nominated by Jock sec by Donna accepted
· Pat
has done a lot for 22 years or so , he’s been in charge of :- sheep selection,
crutching, Many thanks from Russell and
Show committee. He is available to help Tim.
will organise sashes, singlets, shearing.
· Anna
re-advertising . Anna moved to get signs from Massey printery with date, entry
price etc. Quotes for 4 signs to our design $217, there is a 5 day turn around
Anna will put Show on radio. She will
investigate free advertising Living Channel and Radio. Anna proposed to go
ahead. Sec Donna accepted.
all to look at sponsorship.
· Playcentre
- Food Hannah Blackmore moved to organise all food for the day. She will
consult with Russell. Set up by 8.30 and go to 6pm . Accepted.
through the gate 180 competitors 500 through
gate . $1200 takings on gate. 480.
AGM in newspaper. Account to be paid – Suggestion - Next year advertise online
to save money. Accepted
grant money we could apply for money from School provided lunches and also Fauldings
$500 . This has to be in by 30 Sept
from 2014 for 2015
· Judges
lunches in domain building. Move lunches to inside
help for Anna
for wool handling on ground
for judging length of board
for judging pens
door for shearers door walkway
floro lights off for photographers
girls from Feilding High – need training
young farmers keen to helping out
shade for spectators
to organise fun events for kids over lunch
· 44
gal drums still needed by Anna for horse sports with one end cut out.
out pavilion
electrical multi board
thanked everyone for attending. Next meeting date 26th Nov at
Results of the Apiti Sports Shears on Saturday, February 25:
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Local spirit fires up show day![]()
READY FOR ACTION: Russell Knight in the catching pens of the new woolshed.
Apiti and Districts have their 70th show this weekend. JILL GALLOWAY talks to supporters about the revamped show and how times in rural areas have changed.
A rural show is a time-honoured way to bring people together.
With a new shearing shed, Apiti's 70th show seems sure to be a hit, but support among rural residents for each other has sometimes waxed and waned.
After some difficult times, the spirit at Apiti and surrounding areas is now strong, residents say, and evidence will likely be in abundance on Saturday.
There should also be plenty of fun.
The 70th Apiti and Districts Show is at the Apiti Domain on Saturday, February 25.
One of the movers and shakers in the Apiti region, and a strong supporter of the show, Jock Bielski, says after the 2004 floods people in the area came together.
And it has been that way since.
But there have been huge changes over the years the show has been going.
There has been depopulation in rural areas, with dairying now a huge part of the Apiti area.
"Dairy farmers have to milk in the afternoon, we understand that. Us sheep and beef guys don't. The dairy farmers' workers are often transient. They have cars and go to town. They don't commit to the area," Bielski says.
And that makes fundraising tough.
Russell Knight, chairman of the 70th Apiti show, says it is different now to the way it used to be.
"It has changed, because once every farm had staff and their children went to school. Now sheep and beef farmers are older. That has a big impact over the whole country."
He says that in his younger days, when he was shearing fulltime, you would go to a big farm and there would be six or seven families there.
"Now there are probably only two or three. And heaps of shepherds ... and you don't see that now."
The show boasts things many older people remember doing as a kid – sack races, egg and spoon races and three-legged races. There are horse sports and jumps for all levels of riders.
And there is a new shearing shed. The main focus is the shearing and wool handling contest, which is part of the national circuit, and is a big thing for the Apiti and Districts Show.
Knight is a former shearing tutor. He lives at Apiti.
"The old shearing shed was unsafe, untidy and past its use-by date. It was small, not enough room for the judges – too tight."
The new shearing shed is a thing of beauty, he says.
"It is shearer and sheep friendly. And it has six stands. We used to have five in the area where now we have four. That's how tight it was."
They are proud of the way supporters all got together and built the new shearing shed.
One side is open, so spectators can watch the shearers and wool handlers in action.
"We have gone to six stands, because we get a good turnout of shearers, and we want to cater for not such a long day. It means people will be able to get away by 5 o'clock, rather than having to wait until six or half-past as they did before," Knight says.
The sheep must be dry for the shearers, with Pat Hayes in charge of getting around 1200 ready for the show.
"About 1200 because we don't know how many shearers will turn up. We'll probably need more sheep than that."
Apiti holds on to the February 25 slot because it fits between Taumarunui Shears and Pahiatua Shears. There is also speed shearing in the area at Cheltenham on Saturday night.
Apiti is part of the shearing and wool handling circuit that has points going towards finals later on in the season. The season ends at the New Zealand championships at Te Kuiti on March 31.
Depending on the level, shearers have different numbers of sheep to shear. From one, in the novice section, to 20 in the open final.
They shear 20 in the final of the Golden Shears at Masterton – the pinnacle of shearing competitions. This year it is the New Zealand and world contest. It will be held from February 29 till March 3.
"This year, because it is the world champs in Masterton, we'll probably have more shearers than we had in the past," Knight says. "The shearers are real athletes now. Lots of them will go down to the speed shearing after they have been at the Apiti and Districts show."
The new shearing shed at the Apiti Domain means the catching pens each now have room to hold 20 sheep in the Open final, he says.
Conditions have not always been easy.
"One year we had wind, and rain. We were told to cancel the show, but the show went ahead. The locals got behind it – the fire brigade came down with tarpaulins and we kept most of the people dry for most of the day."
Having a good attendance is a bit weather dependent. A fine weekend in late February can usually be relied on. Not so this year – and all the organisers have their fingers crossed.
About 400 people come to the show each year. And there are about 80 volunteers who help run activities and staff the gates.
"Apiti School puts on lunch for the volunteers. It is fundraising for the school and Playcentre," Bielski says.
Knight has been instrumental in keeping the show going and getting the new shearing shed, saying the old one was a health hazard for shearers and sheep.
It was originally portable and had only three stands, and it got more fragile.
Gone is the old shed, though the bones of the new one come from the old shed – it is hard to tell.
"Once the community could see the shed, they were committed more than ever to keeping the show going and fundraising. Russell [Knight] is the key, but now we have a team around him and the community has come around us," Bielski says.
Fiona Mancer says she wants her children to enjoy games many people remember from their younger years.
"I grew up in Rangiwahia and I have the fondest memories of sports days. I want my kids to do the three-legged race and egg and spoon. In the past we've had about 45 kids take part.
"They're the things that make a show day fun."
As well, she says they have the bouncy castle and face painting. Family friendly is the name of the game.
"There will be lots of things for the kids to keep busy all day, as well as watching the horses and the shearing."
There is also a contest between Apiti and Rangiwahia schools with school work that includes posters, bird-feeders and a poem.
The spirit of people in the districts is strong, says Bielski, though it's not always the case. "They have no reason to commit to issues. Yes, you have your ups and downs."
After the 2004 floods, they got walkie-talkies to keep in touch should another disaster strike, and a meeting brought people together.
The local tavern has just been bought, drawing people back to a central area.
"We've had 100-year winds, 100-year droughts, lots of 100-year events.
"And we have a strong Anzac Day commemoration. And it has all brought the spirit back."
70TH APITI AND DISTRICTS SHOW February 25 at the Apiti Domain
* Horse sports start at 9.30
* Shearing starts 8.30
* There will be raffles
* Closest-to-the-pin golf
* Kids' best decorated bike
* Arts and crafts stalls
* Fun races
* And the usual food and drinks.