Welcome to Week 7 of term 2, 2018.
Our focus this year is Matatau - to know, know well, be proficient, expert at, competent and fluent.
This term, the focus is reading. Students focussing on individual reading for pleasure. Juniors are using the library
well, we have a great library. Please make sure library books are exchanged regularly.
well, we have a great library. Please make sure library books are exchanged regularly.
2018 Term Dates : 30th April - 6th July. 23rd July - 28th Sept. 15th Oct - 18th Dec
Calendar of Events
12th June : ASSA meeting 7.30 at school
20th June : Science Fair up at Waituna West
22nd June : Oroua Cross Country at Waituna West and Science Fair.
25th June : Hearing and Vision Screening at 9.15.
2nd July : BOT meeting at 7.00pm. All welcome.
3rd July : School concert dress rehearsal at 11.00. (please note date change)
4th July : School Concert @ 6.00pm.
6th July : Term 2 ends.
23rd July : Term 3 begins at 9.00am.
Mondays - Technicraft continues this term for our Year 7’s.
Tuesdays - Whanau groups meet at 1.45 to develop and implement their plan. All welcome.
Wednesdays - Bon Apiti and Maryann will work with students on their Apiti’s Got Talent, 1.30 onwards.
Year 7 students are working with Virtual Learning on Spanish and Computer programming.
Please note: The above dates are updated as required. The school also keeps you updated with all community
Please email anything you would like to add to community notices to christinedigby@apiti.school.nz
CONGRATULATIONS to these students for their successes over the last 2 weeks :-
Mathletics - Leading points scorers last are :- Abbey 300. Owen 100.
Sumdog Maths - It is really pleasing to see the improved results for the Senior Class on Sumdog and during
Maths lessons. While working on Sumdog the students can see how many questions they have answered and
their accuracy rate. Katie 1935 (90%), Renee 1514 (80%). Ava 1180 (62% this is a massive improvement as Ava
was at 50% 2 weeks ago and at 30% earlier this term), Meiah 1153 (72%), Josie 1100 (95%), Aimee 1014 (75%),
Johnny 1001 (76%), Savannah 776 (76%), Bently 754 (59% Bently has improved and is answering more questions
and increased his correct answers from 30% to 59%), Boston 695 (95%), Sarah 694 (75%), Lucas 680 (75%),
Kadin 667, Summer 645 (90%).
Maths lessons. While working on Sumdog the students can see how many questions they have answered and
their accuracy rate. Katie 1935 (90%), Renee 1514 (80%). Ava 1180 (62% this is a massive improvement as Ava
was at 50% 2 weeks ago and at 30% earlier this term), Meiah 1153 (72%), Josie 1100 (95%), Aimee 1014 (75%),
Johnny 1001 (76%), Savannah 776 (76%), Bently 754 (59% Bently has improved and is answering more questions
and increased his correct answers from 30% to 59%), Boston 695 (95%), Sarah 694 (75%), Lucas 680 (75%),
Kadin 667, Summer 645 (90%).
Sumdog reading - Bently 75
Stepsweb - Savannah - Gold 39, Silver 16, Bronze 6 overall 91%. Skaife - Gold 38, Silver 12, Bronze 3 overall 95%.
Ava - Gold 33, Silver 19, Bronze 6 overall 84%. Katie - Gold 13 overall 100%.
Ava - Gold 33, Silver 19, Bronze 6 overall 84%. Katie - Gold 13 overall 100%.
Reading Eggs Last 2 weeks since the last newsletter: Well done to all these students.
Owen 3 gold certificates. Willow 1 silver 1 bronze, Jake 1 silver certificate.
Reading lesson progress - Owen 71 100% accuracy, Emily 45, Claire 43, Kadin 38, Rydah 12, Jake 11, Willow 10.
Driving tests mastered Kealee 1, Emily 1.
Books read : Owen 29, Rydah 8, Kealee 6, Jake 6.
Reading Express - Last 2 weeks since last newsletter
Comprehension :- Josie completed 2 lessons level 45, Savannah 1 lesson level 35, Katie completed 1 lessons to 33.
Quizzes completed Josie 80%, Savannah 90%, Katie 70%.
Josie Lexile level 496, Savannah 431 and Katie 418.
Spelling events completed Abbey 3, Savannah 1.
Books read Josie 1, Lucas 1, Stadium events Abbey 1.
Students should all be encouraged to use these programmes which are set at their own level to support their
Junior Reading : Everyone working well. After a visit to our School Library the pupils are now taking out two
books every Friday.
books every Friday.
Maths : Started looking at shapes around us for Geometry last week. Maybe we have future Architects in Apiti.
Continuing to work on doubles and quick recall for our Maths games
Continuing to work on doubles and quick recall for our Maths games
100% Spelling : Junior room : Week 5 : Bentley, Saxon, Kealee and Owen. Week 6 : Bentley, Saxon, Kadin,
Owen, Autumn, Emily and Claire.
Owen, Autumn, Emily and Claire.
Senior room : Week 5 : Phinece, Johnny, Sarah, Boston, Josie, Lucas, Ava, Abbey, Savannah, Katie, Renee and
Week 6 : Whole class spelling test held.
Congratulations Junior room - Great to see a big response in the Junior room to remove litter from lunch boxes.
Using containers that can be recycled for things like crackers and yoghurt is a super way to remove the litter. Children
are very concerned about packaging ending up in our Oceans. Their awareness is impressive. Keep up the good work.
Using containers that can be recycled for things like crackers and yoghurt is a super way to remove the litter. Children
are very concerned about packaging ending up in our Oceans. Their awareness is impressive. Keep up the good work.
E-Portfolios - Each student has made their own google site. We have linked these on our Weebly on our
e-portfolio button. Please check you can open these. Please make sure you have checked your wiki space and
copied over everything as these will be closed down this month. Each student’s individual google site will be a
place to celebrate success, by students adding published writing, text, photos, video also a place to store photos.
e-portfolio button. Please check you can open these. Please make sure you have checked your wiki space and
copied over everything as these will be closed down this month. Each student’s individual google site will be a
place to celebrate success, by students adding published writing, text, photos, video also a place to store photos.
Our assessment reporting will continue on google docs which are shared with each parent.
Whanau Groups
Thanks to those who came and worked with the students, everyone is welcome. We are very excited to have
parents and community members working with each group:- Dave with Waste Busters, Nicole with the Super
Small Blacks, Rebecca with the Hydro Rangers, Rob with the Expertplantagators and Toni with the Community
Creators. We appreciate your help and support.
parents and community members working with each group:- Dave with Waste Busters, Nicole with the Super
Small Blacks, Rebecca with the Hydro Rangers, Rob with the Expertplantagators and Toni with the Community
Creators. We appreciate your help and support.
We appreciate your help on this day and in the future to make our school and community more sustainable.
Thank you Maureen Searle for sending us Kowhai that she grew from seed. They were planted out by Summer’s
Whanau group. If anyone has small native trees which they do not want or are growing in the wrong place, please
drop them off to school to the Expert Plantagators.
Thank you Maureen Searle for sending us Kowhai that she grew from seed. They were planted out by Summer’s
Whanau group. If anyone has small native trees which they do not want or are growing in the wrong place, please
drop them off to school to the Expert Plantagators.
If anyone has any exterior paint (any colour) that we could use for our enviro school projects e.g hopscotch pattern,
painting up the potatoe boxes, murals etc, it would be very much appreciated. Also if anyone has any mulch or
manure we could have for our vegie gardens, native area etc that would be fantastic! Many thanks.
painting up the potatoe boxes, murals etc, it would be very much appreciated. Also if anyone has any mulch or
manure we could have for our vegie gardens, native area etc that would be fantastic! Many thanks.
Thank You
A huge thank you to the Corbett family for donating several ‘spud boxes’ to the school for our vegie gardens.
Oroua Science Fair at Waituna West
All students are working on their inquiry topic and experiments for the science fair. Many topics are part of our
Enviro work. This is going to be held on Cross Country day. Students and others will be able to view them on this
day but they will need to be taken to Waituna West on the 20th.
Enviro work. This is going to be held on Cross Country day. Students and others will be able to view them on this
day but they will need to be taken to Waituna West on the 20th.
Here are the junior students growing plants and testing seeds.
Apiti's Got Talent - We are giving students many opportunities so they can choose which "talent" they want to
present. Jo Loveridge has kindly offered to teach the ukulele, guitar and other instruments on a Monday afternoon.
present. Jo Loveridge has kindly offered to teach the ukulele, guitar and other instruments on a Monday afternoon.
Dean McKerras is helping us learn a finale dance.
Students have now decided on their “talent” and we look forward to Maryann supporting us on Wednesday afternoons.
She will work with each group on their practise. Please make sure you have all of your ideas, instruments and
props to share with her on Wednesdays.
She will work with each group on their practise. Please make sure you have all of your ideas, instruments and
props to share with her on Wednesdays.
Cross Country Training - Our students are training daily for the Oroua Cross Country. Parents or community
members are most welcome to run with the students at 12.15 everyday. We hope all students will be very
motivated, and it will be great to see their fitness and speed improve with each run!! Fitness training at home is
very beneficial as well. Could students please make sure they are equipped with the appropriate gear, especially
the shoes they will run in on the day. There are thistles, rocks and fences to climb, as well as creeks and hills for
older students. Some find rock shoes the best. Students need suitable clothes to run in every day and have
warm clothes on hand to put on after their run. If your child is unable to participate in anyway we would
appreciate a note, email or text please. This means we can take into account various fitness levels, coughs and
colds. Students unable to participate fully will be able to walk or jog instead. We know that not everyone can win
a certificate on cross country day’s, but students who with family support persevere and give of their best on this
day are the BIG winners!
members are most welcome to run with the students at 12.15 everyday. We hope all students will be very
motivated, and it will be great to see their fitness and speed improve with each run!! Fitness training at home is
very beneficial as well. Could students please make sure they are equipped with the appropriate gear, especially
the shoes they will run in on the day. There are thistles, rocks and fences to climb, as well as creeks and hills for
older students. Some find rock shoes the best. Students need suitable clothes to run in every day and have
warm clothes on hand to put on after their run. If your child is unable to participate in anyway we would
appreciate a note, email or text please. This means we can take into account various fitness levels, coughs and
colds. Students unable to participate fully will be able to walk or jog instead. We know that not everyone can win
a certificate on cross country day’s, but students who with family support persevere and give of their best on this
day are the BIG winners!
The Oroua Schools Cross Country - Friday the 22nd June
This event will be held on Friday the 22nd (pp day 29th) June at Waituna West School (postponement will only
happen if the weather is atrocious). Parents will need to transport their own children to this event but if you have
difficulty with this, please talk to Mary or Darren a.s.a.p so alternative arrangements can be made.
The bus will not run at all on this day. Students will need to take their lunch, a water bottle, warm clothing and
suitable footwear for running in and students need to wear their uniform please. If there is a problem with your
uniform please talk to Pat about this.
happen if the weather is atrocious). Parents will need to transport their own children to this event but if you have
difficulty with this, please talk to Mary or Darren a.s.a.p so alternative arrangements can be made.
The bus will not run at all on this day. Students will need to take their lunch, a water bottle, warm clothing and
suitable footwear for running in and students need to wear their uniform please. If there is a problem with your
uniform please talk to Pat about this.
Format for the day:
10.00 am – Arrive at Waituna West School. 10.15 am – All children to walk the course before races.
Waituna West School will provide guides to walk the course with each age group.
10.45 am – Welcome.
11.00 am - 7 Year Old Race. 11.15 am - 8 Year Old Race. 11.30 am - 5 Year Old Race.
11.45 am - 6 Year Old Race. 12.00 pm - 9 Year Old Race. 12.15 pm - 10 Year Old Race.
12.30 pm - 11 Year Old Race. 12.45 pm - 12+ Year Old Race.
11.45 am - 6 Year Old Race. 12.00 pm - 9 Year Old Race. 12.15 pm - 10 Year Old Race.
12.30 pm - 11 Year Old Race. 12.45 pm - 12+ Year Old Race.
Approx. Distances: 5 and 6 years – 600m. 7 and 8 years – 1.4km. 9 and 10 years – 2.2km.
11+ years – 2.8km
11+ years – 2.8km
- Boys and Girls will run together but will be recorded separately.
- Certificates will be awarded after each race.
- The course will be muddy and there will be some water to negotiate for the older children. Please make
- Children run in the age group that they are on the day.
- The course is the same as last year. Parents are welcome to watch their children from positions on the
There will be sausages/soup/slices/hot drinks/cold drinks for sale throughout the day.
Waituna West will phone each Principal by 8.30am if the day is to be postponed and a text will then be send to
We need a volunteer to take the school gazebo and a tarpaulin please. Remember it is a winter event so please
be prepared.
be prepared.
Bon Apiti - This Wednesday and next Wednesday will be Beef or Chicken burgers at $2.00 each with Summer
and Phinece in charge (Summer and Sarah next week). Smoothies (berry or banana) can be purchased for $2
every Wednesday as well. Week 9 will be Shepards pie (Boston and Johnny) and Week 10 (Boston and Sarah)
will be Wedges. Please place the money in a sealed envelope with the order written on the front. Orders will be
taken by 9am. We hope to use our garden for some supplies but also appreciate the donation of ingredients.
Anyone donating will receive a free lunch. All Bon Apiti lunches are judged according to healthy products used,
public appeal, cost versus money made, and ofcourse clean-up, which is judged by our cleaner. We look forward
to announcing the Bon Apiti winner at the end of term.
and Phinece in charge (Summer and Sarah next week). Smoothies (berry or banana) can be purchased for $2
every Wednesday as well. Week 9 will be Shepards pie (Boston and Johnny) and Week 10 (Boston and Sarah)
will be Wedges. Please place the money in a sealed envelope with the order written on the front. Orders will be
taken by 9am. We hope to use our garden for some supplies but also appreciate the donation of ingredients.
Anyone donating will receive a free lunch. All Bon Apiti lunches are judged according to healthy products used,
public appeal, cost versus money made, and ofcourse clean-up, which is judged by our cleaner. We look forward
to announcing the Bon Apiti winner at the end of term.
Board of Trustees - The next Board meeting will be 2nd July starting at 7.00pm. All welcome.
Junior Room Stories
In one more sleep, Mum and Dad are leaving to go to Hamilton and then coming home on Sunday. Auntie Bridget
is coming to look after me. - Kealee.
is coming to look after me. - Kealee.
Today I am going to start swimming lessons. After my swimming lesson I get Burger King. - Bentley P.
In the weekend, we went to Hansen’s Cafe for my daddy’s birthday. - Owen.
I am going to buy a horse, its name is Flower. She will be white. - Claire.
I am playing with Emily and Claire and Kealee and we are playing teachers. - Autumn.
I looked at a Zombie. It came inside my house. - Rydah.
Regards, Mary, Darren, Linda, Pat, Mary B, Jenni, Ruth and Christine.
ASSA News - Next ASSA meeting - Tuesday 12th June at 7.30pm. Please can everyone look at the sponsor list
and hit up businesses they deal with and add to list, AND please put your name on the adult activity roster ... EVERYONE
NEEDS TO BE ON SOMETHING ON THE DAY PLEASE!! Baking for bake sale is required ... Toni and Nicole will let
everyone know more about this. Make sure you share links on Facebook and tell all your friends about the 24th fun
day. - Maryann.
and hit up businesses they deal with and add to list, AND please put your name on the adult activity roster ... EVERYONE
NEEDS TO BE ON SOMETHING ON THE DAY PLEASE!! Baking for bake sale is required ... Toni and Nicole will let
everyone know more about this. Make sure you share links on Facebook and tell all your friends about the 24th fun
day. - Maryann.
Thank you everyone who has donated items so far. There are still a couple of items needed (contact Toni for more info)
and still spots for adult activities where help is required. It would be great if you can contact Lance or Blair (who are in
charge of the adult activities), if you can help. A text will be coming out in the following days with info on baking details,
if you don’t receive a text please contact Toni (0212505873) for details. - Nicole.
and still spots for adult activities where help is required. It would be great if you can contact Lance or Blair (who are in
charge of the adult activities), if you can help. A text will be coming out in the following days with info on baking details,
if you don’t receive a text please contact Toni (0212505873) for details. - Nicole.
Oroua Cluster / Waituna West School
Our Science - with a twist will be on during the week of 18th - 22nd of June. It will be open to the public in our
Waituna West Hall from 1pm on the 20th of June to 3pm on the 22nd of June.
Waituna West Hall from 1pm on the 20th of June to 3pm on the 22nd of June.
The twist of our science fair is - this is not a competition! We want involvement and students to be able to share
their explorations and love of science with each other. Consider it an art gallery of science!
their explorations and love of science with each other. Consider it an art gallery of science!
Please feel free to bring your children along or show them through before they run in the Cross Country (we don’t
want mud in the hall!).
want mud in the hall!).