2018.06.25 Newsletter

Apiti School and District Newsletter 25.06.2018
Welcome to Week 9 of term 2, 2018.
We would like to welcome Travis and his family David and Stephanie to Apiti. We know Travis will enjoy his time
at Apiti school.
Our focus this year is Matatau -  to know, know well, be proficient, expert at, competent and fluent.
This term, the focus is reading. Students focussing on individual reading for pleasure. Juniors are using the
library well, we have a great library. Please make sure library books are exchanged regularly.
2018 Term Dates : 30th April - 6th July.  23rd July - 28th Sept. 15th Oct - 18th Dec.
Calendar of Events
25th June  : Hearing and Vision Screening at 9.15.
27th June   : Senior - Student led Conferences - click on this link to book your time  http://bit.ly/2JxpJeI  
28th June  : Junior -  Student led Conferences - click on this link to book your time  http://bit.ly/2JxpJeI  
2nd July     : BOT meeting at 7.00pm.  All welcome.
3rd July     : School concert dress rehearsal at 11.00. (please note date change)
4th July      : School Concert @ 6.00pm.  
6th July      : Term 2 ends.
23rd July    : Term 3 begins at 9.00am.
Mondays - Technicraft continues this term for our Year 7’s.
Tuesdays - Whanau groups meet at 1.45 to develop and implement their plan. All welcome.
Wednesdays - Bon Apiti and Maryann will work with students on the Variety Show 1.30 onwards.
Year 7 students are working with Virtual Learning on Spanish and Computer programming.
Please note: The above dates are updated as required. The school also keeps you updated with all community
news. Check this link http://bit.ly/2pvsJzf or the tab on the right hand side of the blogspot.  
Please email anything you would like to add to community notices to christinedigby@apiti.school.nz


CONGRATULATIONS to these students for their successes over the last 2 weeks :-
Sumdog Maths - Katie 2079 (84%), Josie 895 (90%). Renee 846 (84%), Aimee 495 (88%), Bently 377 (59%).
Stepsweb - Seniors: Renee - Gold 33, Silver 7, overall 98%. Savannah - Gold 32, Silver 4, Bronze 2 overall 91%.
Ava - Gold 28, Silver 12, Bronze 4 overall 93%. Meiah - Gold 25, Silver 6, Bronze 2 overall 95%. Juniors: Owen -
Gold 43, Silver 15, Bronze 4 overall 96%. Bentley - Gold 24, Silver 8, Bronze 3 overall 95%. Emily - Gold 17,
Silver 7, Bronze 6 overall 87%. Kadin - Gold 15, Silver 10, overall 88%.
Reading Eggs Last 2 weeks since the last newsletter: Well done to all these students.
Kadin 1 gold certificates.
Reading lesson progress - Jake 12,  Rydah 13, Saxon 2 lessons to 17, Kadin 2 lessons to 40, Claire 44
Emily 3 lessons to 48, Owen 4 lessons to 74, Bentley 83.
Driving tests mastered Owen 5.
Books read : Owen 4 Emily 3  Kadin and Saxon 2 each.
Students should all be encouraged to use these programmes which are set at their own level to support their
Junior Reading:
Fantastic progress - Owen now on Orange 1 Autumn Blue 1 using great sounding out strategies.  Kealee is now
on Green 2. Jake now knows 14 sounds 14 names of letters and 13 words which start with that letter. Great
progress Jake.
Bentley is 7 he completed a 8 ½ -9 year old running record with 97% accuracy,67% retell and 75%
comprehension. Well done
Maths : Congratulations to Rydah who is now doing daily Maintenance sheets.
100% Spelling : Junior room : Week 7  Bentley, Saxon, Owen, Autumn, Emily Claire:.  Week 8 : Kealee, Owen,
Kadin, Emily Claire Rydah Saxon
Senior room : Week 7 : Ava, Sarah Savannah Josie Bently Renee Week 8 : Sarah, Josie, Abbey, Katie, Renee,
Johnny, Summer, Bently Savannah, Aimee Lucas ! Well done. There are some names we would like to see next

Cross Country
Congratulations to Sarah - 1st in the 11 year olds. 3rd Katie and Johnny. More results coming.

Congratulations and thank you to those who supported the students to prepare and run at the
Oroua Cross country. Not everyone can be awarded a certificate but those who trained hard, went to
Waituna West for the Oroua Cross country and gave of their best are all winners. These days many
students need to learn resilience, this comes from persevering and challenging. Students,parents and
staff are all very proud of you !!!   

Junior Stories -
Owen -  I ran in the Oroua Country. I ran 600 m but it was like 600 miles ! I came 7th in the 6 year old boys. It
was hard running up the stump. I got a big piece of lolly cake and my sister got a big bit too. There were lots of
marshmellows in the cake more marshmellows than cake.  Next year I will run faster.
Autumn - It was cool . I ran fast . I liked Dad cheering for me.  It made me go faster.
Kealee I came 4th . I was trying to come 1st but I didn't . But next year I hope I come 1st.  I liked the mud it was
cold and I slipped on the mud. Cross country is fun because you get fit and it is sometimes sunny.  I like Mum
and Dad came to watch me. I got a chocolate muffin.and it was yum.
Rydah  I went to cross country . It was noisy when the people were cheering  at me. I ran fast like a
Oroua Science Fair at Waituna West
We hope everyone saw the science fair exhibits at Waituna West. Well done to all the Apiti Students !  This was
a great celebration of learning in science.

Student led Conferences
Due to other commitments the junior and senior student interviews are now on different days, however if you can’t
find a suitable time please contact Darren and Mary to arrange one. We hope everyone will take this opportunity
to meet and discuss progress and goals for their student. Research shows that one of the most powerful impact
on student achievement and progress is collaboration between parents and school. At Apiti we have a proud
history of success in this this area, Parents are well informed and support the students and learning well.  Each
student has a reporting google folder which is accessible by parents. This clearly shows achievement level,
successes, goals and next step. Students also use these as an important part of their learning journey.
E-Portfolios - Each student has made their own google site. We have linked these on our Weebly on our
e-portfolio button.  Please check you can open these. Please make sure you have checked your wiki space and
copied over everything as these will be closed down this month. Each student’s individual google site will be a
place to celebrate success, by students adding published writing, text, photos, video also a place to store photos.
Whanau Groups
Thanks to those who have been coming and working with the students, Dave, Rob, Rebecca Toni and Nicole.
Remember everyone is welcome, as there is a lot of heavy work at the moment to complete to make our school
and community more sustainable. The seniors only will be working with adults until the end of term.  We
appreciate your help and support on Tuesdays 1.45 - 2.30. If anyone has small native trees which they do not want
or are growing in the wrong place, please drop them off to school to the Expert Plantagators - Summer.
If anyone has any exterior paint (any colour) that we could use for our enviro school projects e.g hopscotch pattern,
painting up the  potato boxes, murals etc, it would be very much appreciated. Also if anyone has any mulch or
manure we could have for our vegie gardens, native area etc that would be fantastic!  Many thanks.
The Apiti Variety Show  -  
Students should have their costumes this week and be able to practise with all props. We thanks Maryann for
her expertise in this area and we look forward to Maryann supporting us on Wednesday afternoons. She will
work with groups who need help with their item for the Variety Show,  however everyone needs to practise
practise and practise. At school and at home. We would appreciate parents helping students practise. If you
have any queries talk to your teacher or Maryann. Please make sure you have all of your music, instruments,
costumes and props to share with her on Wednesdays.

Bon Apiti - This Wednesday will be Shepherd’s Pie at $2.00 each with Boston and  Johnny in charge. Then the
following Wednesday will be Wedges for $2 each with Boston and Sarah in charge. Smoothies (berry or banana)
can be purchased for $2 every Wednesday as well. Please place the money in a sealed envelope with the order
written on the front.  Orders will be taken by 9am. We hope to use our garden for some supplies but also
appreciate the donation of ingredients. Anyone donating will receive a free lunch. All Bon Apiti lunches are
according to healthy products used, public appeal, cost versus money made, and of course clean-up, which is
judged by our cleaner. We look forward to announcing the Bon Apiti winner at the end of term.

Board of Trustees - The next Board meeting will be 2nd July starting at 7.00pm.  All welcome.

ASSA Hunt and Family Fun Day: Thanks so much for all the massive effort to make this event such a success!  A special mention to Rebecca for advertising, Nikita for her tireless work securing so many sponsors and prizes for the day … and the team of pluckers who have been dealing with the 445 possums entered (we had 300-odd last year!) Adam, Steve, Malcolm Jensen – and our amazing ladies who made such a delicious lunch for all – Toni, Nicole, and helpers – and Hannah with her awesome team who ran all the kids activities, and those helpers on the adult activities all day – and of course Tiff for dealing with all the money stuff - Thanks.  SO we can all relax now as that is the last of our fundraising events for the year … and thanks again for everyone who has done so much for the ASSA events this year – appreciated! J


Regards, Mary, Darren, Linda, Pat, Mary B, Jenni, Ruth and Christine.