28.05.28 Newsletter

Welcome to Week 5 of term 2, 2018.
Our focus this year is Matatau -  to know, know well, be proficient, expert at, competent, fluent.
This term, the focus is reading. Students are reading for research for their science fair projects and focussing on
individual reading for pleasure. We have recently purchased some great new books for the library to motivate our
senior readers.

2018 Term Dates : 30th April - 6th July.  23rd July - 28th Sept. 15th Oct - 18th Dec

Calendar of Events
4th June    : Queen’s Birthday.
12th June  : ASSA meeting 7.30
15th June - 24th June : Apiti Hunt / Family Fun Day.
22nd June :  Cross Country at Waituna West and Science Fair.
25th June  : Hearing and Vision Screening at 9.15.
2nd July     : School concert dress rehearsal at 11.00.
2nd July     : BOT meeting at 7.00pm.  All welcome.
4th July      : School Concert @ 6.00pm.  
6th July      : Term 2 ends.
Mondays - Technicraft continues this term for our Year 7’s.
Wednesdays - Bon Apiti and Maryann will work with students on their Apiti’s Got Talent, 1.30 onwards.
Thursday - Whanau groups meet at 2.00 to develop and implement their plan.
Year 7 students are working with Virtual Learning on Spanish and Computer programming.
Please note: The above dates are updated as required. The school also keeps you updated with all community
news. Check this link http://bit.ly/2pvsJzf or the tab on the right hand side of the blogspot.  
Please email anything you would like to add to community notices to christinedigby@apiti.school.nz
Apiti Senior students were 8th overall in the recent Sumdog competition.
CONGRATULATIONS to these students for their successes over the last 2 weeks :-
Mathletics - Leading points scorers last are :- Katie 1080 and a bronze certificate, Abbey 300. Saxon and Claire
Sumdog Maths - Katie 1580, Ava 939, Renee 841, Meiah 822, Aimee 819, Josie 733, Savannah 727,
Bently 699, Lucas 644.
Sumdog reading - Bently 46.
Stepsweb - Summer - Gold 23, Silver 5, Bronze 1 overall 92%. Katie - Gold 12, Silver 5, Bronze 1 overall 96%.
Lucas - Gold 11, Silver 6, Bronze 4 overall 81% and Skaife - Gold 11, Bronze 2 overall 96%.  
Reading Eggs Last 2 weeks since the last newsletter:Well done to all these students.
Aimee 1  gold trophy. Emily gold trophy.
Books read : Emily 10, Rydah 5, Kealee 4, Kadin 3 , Owen, Willow , Jake and Saxon 2,
Reading lesson progress : Aimee 1 lesson 101, Bentley 1 lesson to 82 Emily 10 lessons to 45, Owen 2 lessons
to 43, Kadin 3 lessons to level 38, Saxon 2 lessons to 15, Bently 1 lesson to 14, Rydah 1 lesson to level 11,
Willow 2 lessons to 8, Jake 2 lessons to level 7.
Reading  Express Last 2 weeks since last newsletter
Comprehension :- Josie completed 1 lesson level 43, Katie completed 4 lessons to 32 Renee 1 lesson completed
Quizzes completed Josie Katie and Renee.
Spelling events completed Abbey 3 Savannah 1.
Books read Lucas 2 ,
Students should all be encouraged to use these programmes which are set at their own level to support their
learning. .
Junior Reading : Autumn, Kadin and Emily are now on Yellow 3, Bentley on Purple 1, Saxon on Yellow 1,
Kealee on Blue 3, Rydah on Red 2, Willow on Red 1.
Maths : Kadin is working really well this week on his maths.
100% Spelling : Junior room : Week 3 : Bentley, Saxon and Owen.  Week 4 : Saxon, Kadin, Owen and Kealee.
Senior room : Week 3 : Summer, Phinece, Johnny, Sarah, Josie, Meiah, Savannah and Katie.
Week 4 : Summer, Josie, Lucas, Savannah, Abbey, Katie and Renee.
E-Portfolios - As you know wikis are closing down, so we have taken action. Each student has made their own
google site. We have linked these on our Weebly on our e-portfolio button.  Please check you can open these.
Our assessment reporting will continue on google docs which are shared with each parent.  Each students
individual google site will be a place to celebrate success, by students adding published writing, text, photos,
video also a place to store photos.
These google sites are open to add information, text, pictures, photos and video from their wikispaces.

Whanau Group planning day with Rowena Brown from Enviro Schools
Thanks to those who came and worked with the students on 15th of May,  We are very excited to have a parent
or community member working with each group:- Dave with Waste Busters, Nicole with the Super Small Blacks,
Rebecca with the Hydro Rangers, Rob with the Expertplantagators and Toni with the Community Creators. We
appreciate your help and support. These people are going to work with groups on Thursdays at 2pm onwards to
develop their plans. Others, parents or community members are warmly invited to join in on Thursdays too.  
We appreciate your help on this day and in the future to make our school and community more sustainable.
This is an important part of our vision of life-long learning through authentic, meaningful learning opportunities.
Rowena worked with the students during the day, and with the staff and Dave our caretaker after school.

Science Fair at Waituna West
All students have now chosen their topic for inquiry for the science fair. Many topics are part of our Enviro work.
This is going to be held on Cross Country day. Students and others will be able to view them on this day.  
Here are the junior students testing seeds and growing  :-

Zero Waste - Last Friday we had Zero Waste, we are hoping everyone can try to have a lttterless lunchbox.

Apiti's Got Talent  -  We are giving students many opportunities so they can choose which  "talent" they want to
present. Jo Loveridge has kindly offered to teach the ukulele, guitar and other instruments on a Monday afternoon.
Dean McKerras came on 23rd May to go over various kinds of dance students may choose from.
Most students have now decided on their “talent” and we look forward to Maryann supporting us on Wednesday
afternoons. She will work with each group on their practise. Please make sure you have all of your ideas,
instruments and props to share with her on Wednesdays.

The year 7 students had the opportunity to attend the National Young Leaders Day (NYLD) in Palmerston
North with 2,500 other students. Here are the students highlights:
The music played and everyone cheered as the next speaker came onto the stage, I flipped through my
book quickly trying to find out what his name was. His name is Jono Naylor. Jono Naylor was the mayor of
Palmerston North from 2007 - 2014.  I found Jono’s story quite interesting because I felt like I could
relate to his childhood, even though there is many years of age difference. I enjoyed his story.
- By Summer.
My Highlight from the National Young Leaders Day was when Kelly Wilson spoke and this is why. Kelly Wilson grew up
around horses and competed in show jumping to World Cup levels. She also has a passion for film, having filmed and
directed two documentaries; Wind Eaters and Mustang Ride. Kelly was also the second camera women on the hit rating TV
series, Keeping Up With The Kaimanawas, which she also starred in alongside her sisters Vicki and Amanda. Following
their work taming New Zealand’s wild Kaimanawa horses since then she has travelled to America and Australia to rescue
and tame wild horses with her sisters and their work features in six bestselling books, written by her.  - By Phinece.

It was so cool when I got to NYLD there were so many people. We got to our seats and looked around there were
at least 2000 people in there, it was so so amazing! The first speaker that came out was Kelly Wilson, she talked
to us about taming wild horses like mustangs and all of the stuff that she has done in her life, like walking on top
of planes and riding camels through deserts. At the end of the whole thing a singer, Vince Harder, sang a song
called Sugar Coated and it was so cool. I went home and told mum all about the day, it was so cool!  - By Boston.
N.Y.L.D 18
Now welcome Riley Hathaway Clap, clap, clap, whoooooo!  The crowd goes wild! She talks about the ocean and
plastic and about her dad. He is a diver and when she was young she was so scared of seaweed, sharks and
crabs. Then a couple of years later she got over her fears of crabs, sharks and seaweed, it was really amazing
and inspiring. My second favorite thing about the NYLD was the music and the concert that Vince and William
did, they sang Uptown Funk, wowee! And Sugar Coated, it was a blast, I can’t wait till next year.  - By Sarah.
At NYLD we got our seats two rows behind Kimbolton and Kiwitea. We sat down I was so nervous. The dance
cam came I was so happy it was not on me but then they did it again and I liked it.  Later Reily came out and she
was a leader. She said to pick up one piece of plastic a day and that inspired me, I want to be like her. Reily has
swum with sharks and she has swum with a lot of cool fish and sea life. Then Vince Harding sang us some music
like, Uptown Funk and Sugar Coated and No Words just that Maui.  - By Johnny.

Board of Trustees - The next Board meeting will be 2nd July starting at 7.00pm.  All welcome.

Cross Country Training - Our students have started training for the Oroua Cross Country.  Parents or community
members are most welcome to run with the students at 12.15 everyday.  We hope all students will be very
motivated, and it will be great to see their fitness and speed improve with each run!!  Fitness training at home
would be very beneficial as well. Could students please make sure they are equipped with the appropriate gear
e.g shorts, or suitable clothes to run in every day and have warm clothes on hand to put on after their run. If your
child is unable to participate in anyway we would appreciate a note, email or text please. This means we can take
into account various fitness levels, coughs and colds. Students unable to participate fully will be able to walk or
jog instead.
A reminder that the Oroua Group of Schools cross country will be held on Friday the 22nd of June at Waituna
West School.

Bon Apiti - This Wednesday and next Wednesday will be Stuffed potatoes at $2.00 each with Phinece and
Summer in charge.  Smoothies (berry or banana) can be purchased for $2 every Wednesday as well. Please
place the money in a sealed envelope with the order written on the front.  Orders will be taken by 9am. We hope
to use our garden for some supplies but also appreciate the donation of ingredients. Anyone donating will receive
a free lunch.  All Bon Apiti lunches are judged according to healthy products used, public appeal, cost versus
money made, and ofcourse clean-up, which is judged by our cleaner. We look forward to announcing the Bon
Apiti winner at the end of term.

Junior room story
I went to Bentley’s house in the weekend.  We played tag. - Saxon.

Queen’s Birthday Weekend - 4th June
School will be closed next Monday, the 4th of June, to observe Queen’s birthday and will re-open on Tuesday
the 5th at 9.00am. Enjoy the long weekend!

Happy Birthday to the following students, we hope you have a great day!  29th May - Savannah!   
2nd June - Phinece! 3rd June - Aimee!

Thank You
Thank you for your support while Mary is recuperating from her ankle replacement surgery. It is taking a bit
longer than she thought but she hopes to be back fit and strong soon.
Regards, Mary, Darren, Linda, Pat, Mary B, Jenni, Ruth and Christine.

Next ASSA meeting - 12th June at 7.30pm. Please can everyone look at the sponsor list and hit up businesses they
deal with and add to list, AND please put your name on the adult activity roster ... EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE ON
SOMETHING ON THE DAY PLEASE!!  Baking for bake sale is required ... Toni and Nicole will let everyone know more
about this. Make sure you share links on Facebook and tell all your friends about the 24th fun day. - Maryann.
- School fundraiser - Hunt and Family Fun Day Event - Friday 15th - Sunday 24th June!
We hope everyone has marked this whole week on their calendar.