2018.5.14 Newsletter

Welcome to Week 3 of term 2, 2018.
Our focus this year is Matatau -  to know, know well, be proficient, expert at, competent, fluent. This term, the focus is reading.
This week is Anti- bullying week with a 2018 focus on "Let's talk about it " and we will be focusing on various aspects throughout the week.
There is a very good website available, copy this link onto your toolbar-  https://www.bullyingfree.nz/
We hope to enter the school competition on the website.  This Friday the 18th, is Pink Shirt Day which is aimed at stopping bullying and spreading kindness. So feel free to wear your pink shirt this Friday!
We want to continue to promote staff, students, families and community feeling safe, valued and respected.
2018 Term Dates : 30th April - 6th July.  23rd July - 28th Sept. 15th Oct - 18th Dec
Calendar of Events
15th May :  Rowena Brown from Horizons to work with students and Staff - All welcome to join us.
16th May :  Board of Trustee meeting - all welcome.
21st May :  Mary ankle replacement surgery, Mary B in junior room.
21st May  : NYLD//18 (National Young Leaders Day) for Year 7 students.
23rd May :  Dean McKerras to work with the students on dance.
22nd June : Cross Country at Waituna West and Science Fair.
25th June : Hearing and Vision Screening.
2nd July : School concert dress rehearsal at 11.00a.m.
4th July : School concert - 'Apiti's got talent' starting at 6.00pm.
6th July : Term 2 ends.
Please note: The above dates are updated as required. The school also keeps you updated with all community
news. Check this link http://bit.ly/2pvsJzf or the tab on the right hand side of the blogspot.  
Please email anything you would like to add to community notices to christinedigby@apiti.school.nz
Mathletics - as we have had some technical problems with Mathletics this report is from April 1st to now.  Leading points scorers are :- Katie 3,030, Renee 2070, Meiah 1380, Josie 1000, Abbey 850,
Sumdog Last 2 weeks - Kadin 553, Claire 522, Willow 326, Emily 245, Kealee 128.
Stepsweb Last 2 weeks - Ava 28 Gold, 11 Silver, 1 Bronze and 89% overall.  Savannah 23 Gold, 32 Silver, 2 Bronze and 88% overall. Bently 12 Gold, 19 Silver, 4 Bronze and 78% overall.
Reading Eggs and Express Last 2 weeks since the last newsletter.
Emily a silver and a gold certificate.  Katie a bronze trophy
Jake completed 3 lessons to level 5, Willow 3 lessons to Level 6, Bently completed lesson 13, Owen completed lesson 41, Aimee has completed 5 lessons to 109, Emily completed 19 lessons to Level 40. Well done
Skaife has completed 3 driving tests.
Comprehension :- 1 lesson Savannah, Sarah, Abbey, Meiah and Lucas. 2 lessons completed Renee, Summer, 3 lessons completed Josie and Katie.
Quizzes completed 4 Katie, 3 Renee, 2 Josie, Abbey, Sarah, 1 Savannah and Meiah.
Lexile level. The highest is 483 Summer.
Books read 12 Savannah, 4 Lucas, 3 Aimee and 1 for Skaife, Renee and Summer.
Junior Reading : Claire is now on Red 2.  Jake is now on Red 1. Bentley is now on Turquoise.
100% Spelling : Junior room : Week 1 : Bentley, Saxon, Owen and Kealee.  Week 2 : Bentley, Saxon, Owen and Kealee.
Senior room : Week 1 : Summer, Sarah, Josie, Lucas, Ava, Savannah, Katie and Renee.
Week 2 : Summer, Johnny, Boston, Josie, Meiah, Savannah, Renee and Bently.

Congratulations to Stacey and Andrew on the birth of their son Lachlan and a brother to Lucas, Kadin and Aiden, weighing in at a healthy 6lb 14oz.   

As you know wikis are closing down, so we have taken action. Each student has made their own google site. We have linked  these on our Weebly on our e-portfolio button. Please check you can open these.
Our assessment reporting will continue on google docs which are shared with each parent.  Each students individual google site will be a place to celebrate success, by students adding published writing, text, photos, video also a place to store photos .
These google sites are are open to add information, text, pictures, photos and video from their wikispaces.

Whanau Group planning day with Rowena Brown from Enviro Schools
This Tuesday, the 15th of May, we welcome Rowena Brown back to our school to help the whanau groups plan the next stage in their development i.e :-
  1. Icebreaker particular to each group - to give a wider context of Global Environmental Issues.  E.g. Living Landscapes for Expert Plantagators
  2. Create a Big Picture Vision for Apiti School that each group can contribute to - we will unpack this at the end of the day and then it can be shared with the BoT etc and added to further at a later date.  
  3. PMI - Plus, Minus and Interesting activity - for Reflection and planning for each group.

We look forward to your help on this day and in the future to make our school and community more sustainable. This is an important part of our vision of life-long learning through authentic, meaningful learning opportunities. Rowena is going to be working with the students during the day, and with the staff and anyone else who is interested after school.  You are most welcome to join us or let us know if you are interested in supporting us in any way.

Apiti's Got Talent
We are giving students many opportunities so they can choose which  "talent" they want to present. Jo Loveridge has kindly offered to teach the ukelele, guitar and other instruments .
Dean McKerras is going to come on 23rd May to go over various kinds of dance students may choose from.
We had the Kahurangi Concert and workshops and Rocky Terita came last week to teach us some waiata.

Kahurangi Concert and Workshops
Thank you to those parents and Pat who helped transport students to Kimbolton for this event held recently.   
The students enjoyed learning about the Rakau, the poi and the dance.
Thanks to Kimbolton School for organising this. Also all the teachers who took activities. It is great to work with the other Oroua Schools on sport and cultural activities.

Board of Trustees
The next Board meeting will be Wednesday the 16th of May at 7.00pm.  All welcome. Please view the agenda on the blogspot under the BOT tab.  

Cross Country Training  

Our students have started training for the Oroua Cross Country.  Parents or community members are most welcome to run with the students at 12.15 everyday. Nearly all students are very motivated and it will be great to see their fitness and speed improving with each run!!  Fitness training at home would be very beneficial as well. Could students please make sure they are equipped with the appropriate gear e.g shorts, or suitable clothes to run in every day and have warm clothes on hand to put on after their run. If your child is unable to participate in anyway we would appreciate a note, email or text please. This means we can take into account various fitness levels, coughs and colds. Students unable to participate fully will be able to walk or jog instead.

A reminder that the Oroua Group of School cross country will be held on Friday the 22nd of June at Waituna West School.

Bon Apiti
This Wednesday and next Wednesday will be Home-made burgers at $2.00 each and Smoothies:-  berry or banana can be purchased for $2 every Wednesday as well. Please place the money in a sealed envelope with the order written on the front.  Orders will be taken by 9am. We hope to use our garden for some supplies but also appreciate the donation of ingredients. Anyone donating will receive a free lunch. This week the lunch option is burgers and smoothies with Sarah as the leader. Thank you Sarah and Summer for organising this.

Junior Room Stories
We got a dog when mum went to town.   - Willow.

Happy Birthday to the following student, we hope you have a great day! - 15th May - Kadin!

On behalf of the Apiti School staff, students and Board of Trustees, we would like to pass on our condolences to the McIntyre / Goodall families for the recent sad loss of Margaret, a loving mum and nana. You are all in our thoughts at this very sad time.

Regards, Mary, Darren, Linda, Pat, Mary B, Jenni, Ruth and Christine.

School fundraiser - Hunt and Family Fun Day Event - Friday 15th - Sunday 24th June!
We hope everyone has marked this whole week on their calendar.  For those who have not received the latest newsletter from Maryann regarding the ‘hunt,’ please find one attached.