
Apiti School and District Newsletter 19.03.2018
Welcome to Week 7 of Term 1 2018.
Our focus for 2018 is Matatau -  to know, know well, be proficient, expert at, competent, fluent.
2018 Term Dates : Term 1 2018 : 7th Feb - 13th April.  30th April - 6th July. 23rd July - 28th Sept.  
15th Oct - 18th Dec
Calendar of Events
21st - 22nd March: EOTC trip to Hawkes Bay for the whole school.
29th Student led conferences at school during the day. Please add conference time http://bit.ly/2kCtQxJ
30th March : Good Friday - School closed.
2nd/3rd April : Easter Monday/Tuesday, school closed.
4th April : School resumes for term 1.
13th April : Term 1 ends at 2.45.
25th April : ANZAC Day.
30th April : Term 2 begins at 9.00am.
Please note: The above dates are updated as required. The school also keeps you updated with all community
news. Check this link http://bit.ly/2pvsJzf or the tab on the right hand side of the blogspot.  
Please email anything you would like to add to community notices to christinedigby@apiti.school.nz
Stepsweb: Top Student Achievements: Katie 87 Gold, 17 Silver and 18 Bronze and 97% overall. Savannah 43
Gold, 31 Silver, 6 Bronze and 86% overall. Renee 34 Gold, 17 Silver and 4 Bronze and 93% overall.
Sumdog Maths : The senior class entered the Manawatu/Wanganui Maths Competition last week. The students
worked hard and the pressure of the competition had the students performing at their best. We answered 11,496
questions and achieved excellent results. Overall we came 4th in the competition and were the daily winner
for Friday. Individual results: Boston achieved a fantastic result and placed 14th and Meiah held on to 48th
place for the region.   
Sumdog Reading : Top students : Savannah 75, Aimee 47.
Reading : Owen is fluent on Blue 3 words, is now on Green 1.  Kadin is now on Yellow 2. Autumn is on Yellow 1.
Rydah now on Red 1.
100% Spelling : Junior Room : Week 5 : Bently F, Bentley P, Saxon, Owen.
Week 6 : Bently F, Bentley P, Saxon, Owen and Kealee.
Senior Room : Week 5 : Phinece, Johnny, Skaife, Lucas, Aimee, Ava, Katie, Renee.
Week 6 : Boston, Phinece, Skaife, Meiah, Abbey, Lucas, Josie, Katie, Renee.
Education Outside the Classroom to Hawkes Bay 21st - 22nd March
We are all getting excited about our EOTC to the HB. We will be leaving school at 8 and arrive at Arataki Honey
Farm in Havelock North by 11am where the students will learn about bees and honey. After this we will go to
Napier, lunch at the park followed by a swim at Ocean Spa. We are learning about Fishy Features, Sort it out,
Shark Attack and Primo Penguins followed by the ‘Piranhas in Pyjamas’ sleep over at the Napier Aquarium.
The next day our Year 7’s are going to swim with the Sharks. We have a session booked at the Faraday Centre
on Thursday morning before heading home.  
Board of Trustees
The next Board meeting is Wednesday the 28th of March at 7.00pm.  All welcome.
The pool will remain open until further notice for a free swim at lunch time while the weather is lovely.
Oroua Group of Schools Swimming Sports - Friday 9th March
Thanks to those who supported the students at the swimming sports.  Congratulations to our students who
performed well at these sports. Thank you to Kimbolton School for running this event.  Results are as follows:
Senior Championship : Senior Boys : 1st= Johnny 100m Freestyle. 1st Backstroke.
2nd Medley.   2nd Breaststroke.   2nd Butterfly. 2nd 50m Freestyle.   
2nd Senior boys champion! Congratulations and well done Johnny!!
Senior Girls : Freestyle : 1st - Summer.  3rd - Ava.
Dolphin Dive : 1st - Phinece.  3rd - Summer.
Flutterboard : 2nd - Josie. 3rd - Abbey.  (heat 2) 2nd - Phinece. 3rd - Katie.
Flutterboard on back : 1st - Josie. 2nd - Aimee. 3rd - Ava.
Backstroke : 1st - Summer.  3rd - Abbey.
Breaststroke : 1st - Summer.
Running Race : 2nd - Abbey. 3rd - Lucas. (heat 2) 2nd - Josie. 3rd= Ava, Aimee.
11+ year old Relays : Summer, Sarah and Johnny - 3rd.
Junior Swimming - Boys : Flutterboard on back : 1st - Bently F.  Freestyle width : 1st - Bently. Flutterboard
front : 3rd - Bently.  Backstroke width : 3rd - Bently.  
Girls : Flutterboard front : 1st - Kealee.  Freestyle length : 1st - Kealee.  Freestyle width : 1st - Kealee.
Backstroke width : 1st - Kealee.  Flutterboard back : 3rd - Kealee.

‘Energising Young Minds’ Competition - genesis school-gen
We could win $25,000, $15,000 or $10,000 to spend on our school’s science or tech equipment.
Entering is easy, take 5 minutes now!  1) Go to www.schoolgen.co.nz    2) Enter your details.   3) Get voting!
The number of votes is divided by per student at our school.
Mrs Christine Lowe has handed in her resignation as Caretaker effective from the end of Term 1, 13th April.  
Christine has been our caretaker for many years. We thank her for her dedication to the job over the years and
how she has kept the school and grounds looking great.
We would like to advertise this position.  The caretaker position is for 6 hours a week.  The job description is
available on request. If you are interested in this position, please apply in writing by the 26th of March addressed / emailed
to the Principal (principal@apiti.school.nz).  
In the senior room for writing we have been focusing on the structure of a recount (retell an event that has
happened). Lucas followed the process and here is his writing:  
Holidays - By Lucas
In the holidays I went to Whanganui with my Nana and we hopped in the car and drove off.
When I got to my Nana’s, I played on the xbox for a little while, I was playing Minecraft and Hot Wheels and in
Minecraft, I built a house out of quartz.
At dinner time I had fish & chips and for dessert I had ice cream and pavlova. When I was done I watched
a movie, the movie name was called Rise of the Guardians. Later, when I fell asleep my nana came in the door.
The next day I went on the Xbox in the morning and a little bit later I went to town and I did a couple of things,
like going to get Coke Cola for my Grandad and his lotto ticket. We went to McDonalds for some food and a
Ice cream. I got the milky bar Ice cream and then I went home and played xbox for a while. Later I had dinner,
I had sausages and potatoes.
I called my mum to say hello then I went to bed. The next day when I woke up,I got dressed then went home.                            
I liked the being on the xbox and most of the time I felt happy.   - Lucas.
Junior Room Writing
At school I like playing on the monkey bars. - By Jake.       Look at the Leopard. - By Jake.
Look at the pool.  - By Jake. Look at the Triceratops.  - By Jake.
I am playing with Delta on the rainbow.  - By Autumn. I am playing with Delta on the tramp.  - By Autumn.
I am going home.  - By Willow. I was going to town with Meiah, Skaife and mum.  - By Willow.
I am going to my big house after school.  - By Rydah.

Happy Birthday to the following student, we hope you have a great day.  - 23rd March - Bently F!

Regards, Mary, Darren, Linda, Pat, Mary B, Jenni, Ruth and Christine.