2018.04.04 Newsletter

Welcome to Week 9 of Term 1 2018. Hope you all had a lovely Easter break.
Our focus for 2018 is Matatau -  to know, know well, be proficient, expert at, competent, fluent.
2018 Term Dates : Term 1 2018 : 7th Feb - 13th April.  30th April - 6th July. 23rd July - 28th Sept.
15th Oct - 18th Dec
Calendar of Events
5th April : Katrina Taylor from the Ministry of Education will meet with Mary.
6th April : Sam Strahan Cup ( Sarah and Johnny have been chosen to represent Northern Oroua).
Thanks to Ben for coaching this team for us.   
9th April : Feilding Athletics (Sarah and Johnny have qualified to represent the Oroua Schools).
11th April : Assembly at 2.15.
13th April : Term 1 ends at 2.45.
25th April : ANZAC Day.
30th April : Term 2 begins at 9.00am.  Technicraft.
Please note: The above dates are updated as required. The school also keeps you updated with all community
news. Check this link http://bit.ly/2pvsJzf or the tab on the right hand side of the blogspot.  
Please email anything you would like to add to community notices to christinedigby@apiti.school.nz
Stepsweb: Top Student Achievements: Phinece 100% in Reading Comprehension. Savannah: 12 Gold, 10 Silver,
2 Bronze and 87% overall. Ava: 8 Gold, 2 Silver, 1 Bronze and 87% overall. Abbey: 5 Gold, 2 Silver, 2 Bronze
and 95% overall. Bently F: 3 Gold, 6 Silver, 2 Bronze and 76% overall.   
Sumdog Maths : For the last 4 weeks Questions answered Katie 2823, Renee 2652, Abbey 1734, Aimee 1430,
Boston 1345, Sarah 1344, Ava 1176, Lucas 1244, Meiah 1105, Savannah 1072, Summer 1061 and Johnny 1036.
All these students have had an accuracy of between 97%-80%.  Basic facts learning has really improved using
this programme. Well done!
Sumdog Reading : Top student : Bently 168.
Reading Eggs and Reading Express Results for this term: Congratulations to Owen with 26 lessons completed
with 93% accuracy. A lexile growth of 60. 2 gold 1 silver this year.  Also Kealee 23 lessons completed with a 95
lexile growth 25 books read and she has completed a spelling level too. 2 Gold certificates. All this term!
Reading Eggs Certificates Kealee a 1st for achieving 100% in Map 6 + a 1st for 93% in Map 5.  Owen a gold for
achieving 100% in Map 4. Claire a gold for achieving 100% in Map 4. Renee Map 10 Reading Eggs Quiz.
Emily 8 books read and 8 lessons completed + 86% Map 1. Well done Kadin, Lucas, Renee and Claire 3 lessons
completed each.
Junior Reading : Claire is now on Red 1, she is writing great stories and finding her own words.
100% Spelling : Junior Room : Week 7 : Away on camp.   Week 8 : Saxon, Bentley P, Kealee.
Senior Room : Week 8 : Sarah, Boston, Lucas, Josie, Meiah, Abbey, Renee, Katie.
We encourage students to use Stepsweb, Reading Eggs, Mathletics and Sumdog for homework and during the
holidays. Students are able to learn online which is very motivating and engaging especially for some students.
These are our good learning sites, we pay for your student to belong to these and work is set at their level.
These sites can be trusted but it is always good to view your child’s screen and check the history if you are
concerned. We encourage education rather than blocking sites although the school has security against
unsuitable sites. If you have any queries let us know.  
Student/ Parent/ Teacher interviews
Thank you to those who came to interviews. It is a great time to discuss achievements and goals. Please feel
free to make an appointment at any time. Collaboration between school and home has been proven to have a
huge impact on the success of students. Each student has record keeping (writing, oral, maths knowledge and
strategy matrices as well as other records according to age eg PAT and reading graphs and reports on a shared
google drive. If you have any problems accessing or understanding this, please contact us.  
Education Outside the Classroom to Hawkes Bay 21st - 22nd March
The students all had many amazing learning experiences in HB which covered many objectives from the NZ
curriculum, especially from the science, literacy, numeracy and most importantly the key competency development
of managing self, participating and contributing. Many students showed great responsibility and problem solving.
The whanau leaders really stepped up and showed amazing leadership. The photos from the camp are well worth
viewing, students can share these with you if they log in under their school gmail account and look in the team
drive 2018 photos HB EOTC.  We look forward to reading the EOTC magazine due out very soon. Thanks to Lance,
Tim and Maryann our parent helpers, also Julie for the use of her car.

‘Energising Young Minds’ Competition - genesis school-gen
Last day today! Everyone can enter only once a day. We could win $25,000, $15,000 or $10,000 to spend on our
school’s science or tech equipment. Entering is easy, take 5 minutes now!  1) Go to www.schoolgen.co.nz    2)
Enter your details.   3) Get voting! The number of votes is divided by per student at our school. Thanks to Nikita
Patterson for your help and support with this.
We will have an end of term Assembly on Wednesday the 11th of April starting at 2.15 in the senior room.  
All welcome.
Board of Trustees
The next Board meeting will be Wednesday the 16th of May at 7.00pm.  All welcome.
E- Poftfolios - Wiki spaces
We at Apiti School have always been known for our comprehensive digital e-portfolios which we have shared
with many other educators. These include wiki-spaces. Each student has had a wiki space linked from the
School Weebly, where their success and progress has been celebrated and open for all to see. A true learning
journey recorded in curriculum areas that cannot be shown on paper based documents alone. These have included
writing, photos, artworks, videos, poetry, camp, concert, Lamb and calf day and PE reflections, Photo peach,
documents and in the past, record keeping. Unfortunately wiki-spaces informed us they will cease to exist after
June this year. It would be an impossible task to convert these to another site and so we have decided to inform
everyone. Please feel free to look at your students wiki asap and copy anything you would like to keep. There are
some great photos there, videos and project work. Past students work can also be accessed. Although the students
have paper portfolios, we always believed digital e-portfolios showed a more comprehensive learning journey
through the years. Students have been able to reflect on their learning here and looked at the next step especially
for parts of the school curriculum that are yearly eg Speech Competition, concert. The record keeping google docs
which are shared with parents and include record keeping, successes, goals and reports have proven a successful
way to share progress. Since hearing about wikis demise, I have looked at other options and discussed them with
colleagues including of course Darren and Nicki. At this stage I have decided to further develop a students google
site which is shared with you and maybe look at See Saw. I am reluctant to start something that may also close or
become costly in time and financially restrictive overtime. Some schools are using Facebook to share aspects of
learning and major school events, like Kiwitea School.  Any comments would be appreciated. Our School Charter
and Strategic plan include Life long and future focussed learning which is based on the NZ curriculum. Feedback is
important to us as we plan for our students future, especially with the introduction of the new digital technology
curriculum. Please view it here https://bit.ly/2q0vXv9
Many thanks to Mrs Christine Lowe for her many years as caretaker of our school. She has always had the grounds
and gardens looking great, as our many visitors have commented on. She has helped us prepare for our big events
of the year, triathlon and Lamb and calf day to name a couple. She has also helped teach students about the
hydroponics and supported students with their enviro projects : - native area, vege tyres, fruit trees and growing
herbs.  We are pleased Christine is still continuing her job as school cleaner.
We would like to announce Dave Stewart is the new caretaker, and we look forward to working with him and
learning some new skills in growing for sustainability.
ANZAC Day - 25th April
Students are encouraged to attend the ANZAC Day service if at all possible.  The oldest and the youngest student
at the service will carry the wreath for Apiti School.  Please wear the Apiti School uniform to the service. A senior
student will read a poem, which priviledged student, will be decided on soon.
Swimming Pool
The swimming pool is now closed. Thanks to Toni for keeping our pool clean and in great order over the summer.
We really appreciate your efforts.
Could all bikes be taken home at end of term please.  Thank you to those who loaned bikes to other students to
Anyone is welcome to help themselves to any excess vegetables from the tyre gardens.  
Junior Room Easter Weekend Stories
I had not very much chocolate because I don’t like chocolate.  I only had three - By Emily.
Kadin is coming to my house and me and Kadin are going to eat all the Easter eggs.  Happy Easter. - By Bentley P.
I went to Palmerston North for a big Easter egg hunt.  - By Saxon.
At Easter, I went to my Aunties home and I got one Easter egg.  - By Kadin.

Happy Birthday to the following student who celebrated his birthday recently, we hope you had a great day.
-  30th March - Skaife!  
Also to those who will celebrate their birthday during the holidays, we hope you have a great day.  
- 15th April - Abbey!    17th April - Saxon! 21st April - Bentley P!    24th April - Boston! 29th April - Savannah!

As this is the last newsletter of the term, we would like to wish you all a very safe and happy holiday break, hope to
see you at the ANZAC service and will see you all again on Monday the 30th of April at 9.00am for the start of Term 2.

Regards, Mary, Darren, Linda, Pat, Mary B, Jenni, Ruth and Christine.