
Apiti School and District Newsletter 05.03.2018
Welcome to Week 5 of Term 1 2018.
Our focus for 2018 is Matatau -  to know, know well, be proficient, expert at, competent, fluent.
2018 Term Dates : Term 1 2018 : 7th Feb - 13th April.  30th April - 6th July.  23rd July - 28th Sept.  
15th Oct - 18th Dec
Calendar of Events
6th March : Year 7/8 Vaccinations. ASSA meeting debrief and EOTC 7.30 (every family to be represented please).
7th March : Audit visit.
9th March : Oroua Swimming Sports (P.P date : Thursday 15th March).
21st - 22nd March: EOTC trip to Hawkes Bay.
30th March : Good Friday - School closed.
2nd/3rd April : Easter Monday/Tuesday, school closed.
4th April : School resumes for term 1.
13th April : Term 1 ends at 2.45.
25th April : ANZAC Day.
30th April : Term 2 begins at 9.00am.
Please note: The above dates are updated as required. The school also keeps you updated with all
community news. Check this link http://bit.ly/2pvsJzf or the tab on the right hand side of the blogspot.  
Please email anything you would like to add to community notices to christinedigby@apiti.school.nz
Stepsweb: Top Student Achievements: Katie 70 Gold, 27 Silver and 14 Bronze and 92% overall. Ava 23 Gold,
14 Silver and 3 Bronze and 89% overall. Savannah 22 Gold, 17 Silver, 3 Bronze and 89% overall. Abbey 22
Gold, 15 Silver and 7 Bronze and 89% overall.
Sumdog Maths : Top Students: Questions answered: Katie 501, Johnny 435, Aimee 404, Renee 370,
Bentley 313, Summer 311, Josie 293, Abbey 246, Lucas 236, Phinece 218, Meiah 211, Boston 199.  
Sumdog Reading : Top students : Savannah 75, Aimee 47.
Early Words : Well done to Kadin for finishing Early Words!
Printing : Well done to Owen for fast printing today!
Reading : Rydah is now on Magents 3.  He knows 10 words in reading!
100% Spelling : Junior Room : Week 4 : Bentley P, Saxon, Owen.
Senior Room : Phinece, Summer, Johnny, Sarah, Skaife, Josie, Aimee, Ava, Katie, Renee.
We are delighted to welcome Claire to our school as a brand new 5 year old. Claire is the younger sister to 
Josie and Katie. We know Claire will enjoy learning at Apiti School.
We will continue swimming training everyday, please bring appropriate clothing, even if it is cold in the mornings
it often warms up during the day.
Bikes scooters and skateboards
Thank you to those who brought bikes to school and especially those who brought them for others to ride for
the triathlon. Remember it is the responsibility of the student to make sure these are put away each night.
Unfortunately the bikes are unable to be transported on the bus.
While we are happy for students to bring these to school, students must also always wear a helmet and
shoes when riding their bikes even if they go home and come back and ride them. Please name helmets and
even the bikes, scooters and skateboards.
Oroua Group of Schools Swimming Sports - Friday 9th March
This event is happening this Friday the 9th of March at the Makino Aquatic Centre in Feilding.  The
postponement date is the 15th of March, but the weather would need to be really bad for the sports to be
postponed, so please come prepared.  This event is for the whole school, but the juniors will have a
programme in the shallow pool.  Entry to the pool is free.  Children require their togs, 2 towels, goggles,
their lunch, a drink, warm clothes, a hat and sunscreen. Kimbolton will sell food and drink. Students are
required to wear their school uniform please.
Cup age groups :- Junior = 8 years and under. Intermediate = 9 and 10 year olds. Senior = 11 years and over.  
Parents are asked to arrange transport for their own children to this event, the bus will not run at all on this day.
It is a great Oroua day and a chance to see your children’s swimming confidence and ability.
There is no stand so parents will have to bring their own seating and shade. If you are able to take the school
gazebo down to the pool for the day, that would be very much appreciated.  
The programme for the seniors should conclude at about 2.00 and juniors about 12.30, but this time could
vary so if you are leaving the pool please be back by 1.30.  This is a good date to make all those appointments
e.g haircuts.
All students need to be at the pool by 9.30.  
Junior students are to meet inside the Makino on the far side of the shallow pool on the grass, Mrs Cuming
will be waiting there.  The students will then be divided into 2 groups.  Group 1 will do water confidence while
group 2 walks to the library.  11.00 will be morning tea and then the groups will change - group 1 will walk to the
library, group 2 will do water confidence.  Water confidence will include walking/running races, ball push,
flutterboard races etc.  These are fun activities aimed at enjoyment and are a chance to show parents what
they can do and what their confidence levels are.
Once their activities have finished at 12.30 (lunch time), students become the responsibility of their parents and
are welcome to stay or leave, but please let Mrs Cuming know if you are leaving.
Senior students will assemble in their school group outside the Makino on the grass at the Apiti School
site - Mr Hodder will be waiting there.
Students will have their event numbers written on their hands.  Can parents please make sure your child is
ready for their event.  All individual events will be held followed by the relays.  The winners of the cups will be
announced and presented at the end of the days programme at which point students will be dismissed for the
day. The day should conclude at about 2.00.  Those parents who choose not to stay for the swimming, please
make sure you return in time for pick up.
If you require more information regarding the above, please contact Mary or Darren.
Oroua Schools Triathlon - Friday 2nd March
Thank you to everyone who helped make this day such a success, by supporting our students, marshaling or
selling food during the day.
Special thanks to Tim - Apiti Fire Brigade and Mark Dickins - Police for your help.  
Apiti School Results
5 Year old Boys : 5th Rydah, 10th Jake.
5 Year old Girls : 3rd Emily, 7th Autumn, 12th Claire.
6 Year old Boys : 4th Kadin, 5th Saxon, 8th Bentley P, 9th Owen.
6 Year old Girls : 3rd Kealee.
7 Year old Boys : 12th Bently F.
7 Year old Girls : 3rd Katie, 7th Renee, 8th Abbey
8 Year old Girls : 5th Josie, 9th Aimee, 10th Savannah.
9 Year old Boys : 9th Lucas.
9 Year old Girls : 17th Ava.
11 Year old Boys : 1st Johnny!
11 Year old Girls : 1st Sarah! 7th Phinece, 10th Summer.
Teams : 7 / 8 Year olds : 11th Abbey, Renee and Katie.  14th Savannah, Aimee and Josie.
9 / 10 Year olds : 17th Ava, Lucas and Bently.
11 / 12+ Year olds : 3rd Johnny and Sarah. 10th Phinece and Summer.
Well done to all those students who participated in this event, Apiti school students competed very well on
the day.

Junior Room Triathlon Stories
On Friday it was fun, it was a lovely day.  Our mums and dads came to watch us.  I had a fun time at the
triathlon and I came 12th in my race.  -  Bently.
On Friday we had the triathlon. We ran, biked and swam.  My mum and dad came to watch.  I liked running the
best.  I came fourth in my race.  -  Kadin.
I have a new bike.  Granddad brought it to school for me yesterday.  I went to town with nana to buy it.
On Friday it was a lovely day.  In the triathlon, we ran, rode our bikes and swam.  Our mums, dads, grandparents
and friends came to watch.  I liked biking the best. I liked it when we had a sausage sizzle.  I came 3rd in my
race.  -  Kealee.
On Friday we had the triathlon, it was a lovely day.  We ran, biked and swam.  Our mums, dads and
grandparents came to watch me.  I liked swimming the best.  I came 3rd in my race.   -  Emily.  
This year the Education Outside the Classroom trip is on the 21st - 22nd March to the Hawkes Bay. We are
staying overnight at the Aquarium in Napier and have other activities planned. There will be more about this
at the ASSA meeting. At the ASSA meeting we will give out the appropriate forms for camp.
Blanket Consent Forms
A Blanket Consent form for all EOTC activities held during 2018, has been sent out to all parents. Thanks to
those who have returned the forms already, those who still need to, please do so at your earliest convenience.  
This form relates to all activities that students participate in outside the classroom, i.e Triathlon, Oroua events etc.
which are not over night or could contain risks.
Board of Trustees
The next Board meeting is Wednesday the 28th of March at 7.00pm.  All welcome.
‘Energising Young Minds’ Competition - genesis school-gen
We could win $25,000, $15,000 or $10,000 to spend on our school’s science or tech equipment.
Entering is easy, take 5 minutes now!  1) Go to www.schoolgen.co.nz    2)  Enter your details.   3)  Get voting!
The number of votes is divided by per student at our school.
Sunhats, Sunscreen
It is expected that all students bring a named sunhat to school which they can keep at school and wear
outside during playtime and when doing outside activities.  It is great to see many students are wearing their
hats and wearing sunscreen, but not all students are, we would like to see them do so please.  
Training Day for Oroua Swimming Sports
Thanks to those who took transport recently for this training day.

Apiti Show  
Thank you to Nikita Lowe and Nicola Graham for judging. The judges were impressed with the high quality of
art on display.  Also thanks to those who supplied and served the food for the judges lunches and helped with
the golf. This is one of our major fundraisers for the year, your support is valued.
Results Congratulations to :-
5 / 6 Year olds : Enviro Poster : 1st - Owen.  2nd Autumn, 3rd Saxon, 4th Emily.
Pastel and dye : 1st= Bentley P, Rydah. 2nd Kadin, 4th= Emily, Jake.
Charcoal : 1st - Claire. 2nd Rydah, 3rd Kealee, 4th Autumn.
Sculpture : 1st - Owen. 2nd Kealee, 3rd Willow, 4th Bentley P.
7 / 8 Year olds :  Enviro Poster : 2nd Savannah, 4th Josie.
Pastel and dye : 1st= Savannah. 3rd= Katie, 4th Bently F.
Charcoal : 1st - Meiah. 2nd Bently. 3rd Aimee, 4th Josie.
Sculpture : 1st Meiah. 2nd Renee, 3rd= Katie, Savannah, 4th Josie.
9 / 10 Year olds : Enviro Poster : 3rd Skaife.
Charcoal : 3rd Lucas, 4th Ava.
Sculpture : 1st Skaife. 2nd= Boston, 3rd Ava, 4th Lucas.
11 / 12+ Year olds : Enviro Poster : 3rd Sarah, 4th Johnny.
Charcoal : 2nd Sarah, 4th Phinece.
Sculpture : 1st - Sarah. 3rd= Johnny, Phinece, 4th Summer.
1st - Ava T from Kiwitea with 14 points!
2nd= Sarah (Apiti), Savannah (Apiti) with 12 points.
3rd=  Owen Knight (Apiti), Meiah Johnson (Apiti) with 10 points.
4th=  Skaife Johnson (Apiti), Rydah Fleming (Apiti) with 9 points.
Thank you Apiti, Kimbolton and Kiwitea for entering the competition.
Golf - Closest to the fadge but not in it, winner - Tammy Corbett.

Staff Info
Next Monday the 12th of March, Mary is to have her ankle replacement operation, she will still be available by
email. Linda Penfold will be the acting principal while Mary is away.  
Mrs Christine Lowe has handed in her resignation as Caretaker effective from the end of Term 1 (13th April).
Christine has been our caretaker for many years. We thank her for her dedication to the job over the years and
how she has kept the school and grounds looking great.
We would like to advertise this position.  The caretaker position is for 6 hours a week.  The job description is
available on request. If you are interested in this position, please apply in writing by the 26th of March
addressed / emailed to the Principal (principal@apiti.school.nz).  
Thank you
A big thank you to the Digby family for mowing the field supplying the hay and the standards for the triathlon.
Also a big thank you to Farmlands in Feilding for donating 3 bundles of brand new standards.  These will be
extremely useful on such days as the triathlon and other fundraising events.  Again, a big thank you to
Thank you to John and Tim for helping Toni with the school swimming pool.

Happy Birthday to the following student who celebrated her birthday recently, we hope you had a lovely day!  
- 4th March - Ava!

Regards, Mary, Darren, Linda, Pat, Mary B, Jenni, Ruth and Christine.