01.05.2017 Newsletter

Welcome to Week 1 of Term 2, 2017.

2017 Term Dates :  
Term 2 : 1st May - 7th July.  
Term 3 : 24th July - 29th September.  
Term 4 : 16th October - 20th December.   

Our focus for 2017 ...is Mahi tahi which with see everyone working together collaboratively to achieve learner-centred educational goals. With a focus on building positive relationships that will continue well after the learning goals have been achieved.  Our unit for this term is understanding ourselves and history of where we have come from, hauora, and looking into the history of our area. This will pepeha. Te Manawa will be a great way to begin our journey.

Our production is 'Grease.' We look forward to learning all the songs that goes with this production.

Calendar of Events
1st May : Term 2 begins at 9.00am.
8th May : BOT Meeting at 7.00pm in the school staff room.All welcome.
9th May : Golf Tournament Years 5 - 8 in Feilding. Transport needed please.
10th May : Te Manawa in Palmerston North. Transport needed please.
14th May : Mobile Dental Clinic at Apiti.
16th June : Cross Country at Waituna West.
22nd June : School concert.
Technicraft continues for Term 2.

Please note: These dates are updated as required. Please visit our google calendar for the most up to date info. Which is on the right hand side of our blogspot.
The school also keep you updated with all community news. Check this link. http://bit.ly/2pvsJzf or the tab on the right hand side of the blogspot.  
Please email anything you would like to add to community notices to christinedigby@apiti.school.nz

Writing - There was some amazing writing last term and we hope everyone has taken the opportunity to look at all the wikis.  These can be accessed through the weebly link http://apitischool.weebly.com/e-portfolios.html   
Reading Eggs Gold certificate - Cidnee Map 6, Silver Certificate - Renee Map 8. Reading express Bronze Certificates -
Savannah and Aimee have been working well. Well done.
Reading :- Owen knows 11 words and is now on Red 1.
Mathletics :-In the last month , Ava P 680, Ava F 480, Savannah 430, Johnny 410, Cidnee and Bently 100, Owen 70.
Sumdog Maths : Top Students last month:-
Correct questions answered Katie 340, Summer 146, Abbey 127, Devarney 100, Bently F 83.
Sumdog Reading :Correct answers Tayler 52, Bently F 20.
Spelling : Weeks 9/10 : 100% Junior room :  Abbey, Bently F, Tayler, Renee, Katie and Bentley P.  
100% Senior room : Tyler, Jackson, Sarah, Phinece, Johnny, Ava, Aimee, Cidnee, Savannah and Josie.
100% every week for all Term 1 : Junior Room : Abbey, Katie, Renee, Tayler, Bentley P.
Senior Room : Fisher, Johnny, Sarah, Ava, Aimee, Josie, Savannah, Cidnee.
Term Certificates
Senior Room certificates were awarded to Johnny for fantastic managing self and completion of tasks.
Amiee, for a fantastic term!

We were proud of Tyler and Fisher who spoke on ANZAC day at the service. Also thanks to all those students who attended. Fisher and Kealee laid the wreath for the school and Sarah and Phinece for Mark Dickins the local Policeman. Also thanks to Linda, Penny and the other wreath makers last term.

Unfortunately we said farewell to Devarney at the end of term 1 as the family has moved to Ashhurst.  We wish Devarney all the very best at his new school.

Thanks to all those parents and staff who took the students ice skating and to the Lido at the end of the term 1. It was great to see the students try new things and new challenges!

Board of Trustee News
The next Board meeting will be held on Monday the 8th of May at 7.00pm in the school staff room.  Everyone is most welcome to attend.  The agenda will be posted on the blog spot prior to the meeting.  Previous Board meeting minutes are able to be viewed on the blogspot by clicking on the BOT tab. Check this link http://bit.ly/2oYXlbl

Thank you to all those parents who attended our assembly at the end of term 1.  Always great to see parents at our school sharing in the students successes.

Golf Tournament  
This is being organised for next Tuesday the 9th May for Year 5 - 8 students at the Feilding golf course. We will need transport for this event so please let Louise or Christine know a.s.a.p if you are able to help.  More info as details become available.

Te Manawa Visit
Last term we were planning a trip to Te Manawa but this was postponed until next Wednesday, the 10th of May. The visit to Te Manawa is for the Te Rangi Whenua and the Manawatu Journeys programmes and will involve the whole school. We will need to leave school/home at 9.00am and will return in time for the school bus in the afternoon if necessary.
We will need transport to and from Palmerston North, so please let Mary, Louise or Christine know a.s.a.p if you are able to help.  A transport notice will go out next Monday for the golf and Te Manawa trips.  We apologise for the closeness of these trips, but we have only just been informed of the date of the golf tournament and we had booked Te Manawa last term.  

As we have recently had new carpet layed in the class rooms, we ask students not to wear outside shoes inside, instead we would like students to bring a pair of shoes or slippers to school that they can leave at school to wear indoors please.  

Bon Apiti
Bon Apiti will continue this term every Thursday.  This week will be nachos at $2.00 per serve.  Donations of mince, cheese, corn chips will mean 1 x free serve.  We will be using the tomatoes and herbs from our hothouse for the nachos. Please place the money in a named, sealed envelope.  

Mobile Dental Unit
The school mobile dental unit will be at Apiti School the week starting the 14th of May. Once received, please fill out the relevant forms and return as soon as possible. Please see the nurses if you have any queries in this area.
Word of Mouth” Newsletter
Child & Adolescent Oral Health Service. May 2017.
We are all familiar with lollies as rewards for good behavior, but think about the amount of sugar that children are consuming today, and try to use alternative rewards instead. Stickers, bookmarks, certificates, or choices from a treasure box filled with inexpensive items from the $2 shop. Such rewards are fun and don’t contribute to health problems or tooth decay.
For May 2017, our staff will be working in the clinics below and are available from Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 4pm.  Feilding Health Care Dental Clinic (06) 323 6686 Helen Wilton.
Feilding High School 027 457 2097 or (06) 355 1849 Rebecca Paewai.  
Apiti School from 14-5-17 - 027 244 4217 or (06) 357 6634. Lisa Masters.
For any questions please contact : Yvonne Murphy | Clinical Coordinator, Child & Adolescent Oral Health Service, MidCentral Health, Private Bag 11036, Palmerston North 4442.  Ph +64 6 350 8619 ext 9550 Mob 027 486 0307. Email yvonne.murphy@midcentraldhb.govt.nz.

Holiday stories.
In the holidays, I went to Nana’s.  We went to the supermarket.  I was good.  -  By Bently F.
It was fun looking at my twins Grace and Sophie.  Sometimes they cry, sometimes they don’t.  -  By Kealee.
In the holidays me and Emily went to the lake. I had fun and we went on the boat. We had lunch on the boat. When we got back to the lake my family and me stayed one night. -  By Renee.

In the holidays Grandpa took us shopping. I got a beauty and the beast doll and Belle sings two different songs. I got a Elsa and Anna colouring in book and a little puppy called Maggie. We played with them at Nana's and I coloured in my book. When we went home we showed the things that we got with Grandpa. -  By Katie

Thank you
It was lovely returning to school with the outside and inside looking great thanks to Chrissie.
Thanks to those who supported our Education Outside the Classroom Camp to Akitio. We hope everyone has received the Camp Magazine!!  If not, please pick one up from the school foyer.  Please click on the link below to view all camp photos.  https://goo.gl/photos/qQum1ZkF5yUj9kzp7   

Regards, Mary, Louise, Penny, Linda, Pat, Pam, Mary B, Jenni and Christine.