Apiti School and District Newsletter 3.4.2017
Welcome to Week 9 of Term 1, 2017.
2017 Term Dates : Term 1 : 7th Feb - 13th April. Term 2 : 1st May - 7th July.
Term 3 : 24th July - 29th September. Term 4 : 16th October - 20th December.
Our focus for 2017 ...is Mahi tahi which with see everyone working together collaboratively to achieve learner-centred educational goals. With a focus on building positive relationships that will continue well after the learning goals have been achieved.
Calendar of Events
Every Monday : Technology for Years 7/8 at Feilding Intermediate.
Mondays : Music with Jo Loveridge. Sam Strahan and Junior cup rugby training.
Tuesdays : Golf at school, Robotics after school for Fisher, Tyler, Jackson and Phinece.
5th April : Junior Rippa for Year 5/6.
7th April : Sam Strahan for Year 7/8.
7th April : ASSA Meeting at 7.30
11th April : Ice Skating / Lido.
12th April : Assembly 2pm.
13th April : Term 1 ends at 2.45.
14th April : Good Friday.
25th April : ANZAC Day.
1st May : Term 2 begins at 9.00am.
8th May : BOT Meeting at 7.00pm in the school staff room.All welcome.
Please note: These dates are updated as required. Please visit our google calendar for the most up to date info.
Triathlon winner photos
Writing - There has been some amazing writing this week for the EOTC magazine, recount diary writing, expressive cameo writing as well as writing up research on sea life and creatures.
Sarah for the suspense in her cameo, Tyler - for his cameo opening sentence and for getting on and getting it completed, Fisher- impact writing - wave/swimming - Johnny for his exciting beginning and personal voice.
Junior Reading - Katie knows all her basic words, now on Orange 2. Renee is now on Orange 2. Bently is now on Yellow 3.
Reading Eggs Gold certificate Abbey. Reading express Bronze Certificates :- Tyler and Johnny 3 each, Fisher 1.
Mathletics :- Savannah achieved a bronze certificate with 1020 points.
Last fortnight Savannah 1120, Ava P 1060, Cidnee 950, Aimee 410, Owen 390, Johnny 302, Kealee 260.
Sumdog Maths : Top Students last fortnight
Correct questions answered Katie 340, Summer 146, Abbey 127, Devarney 100, Bently F 83.
Accuracy: Summer 95%, Katie and Bentley P 87%, Renee 86%, Abbey 78%, Sarah 74%.
Sumdog Reading :Tayler 80% accuracy. Fisher has the highest Skill status.
Spelling : Week 8 : 100% Junior room : Abbey, Renee and Katie.
100% Senior room : Tyler, Sarah, Phinece, Aimee, Savannah and Josie.
Students of the Week
Senior Class - Week 8 : Josie for working hard and finishing her tasks on time.
Junior Class - Bently completing all tasks with a great attitude.
On Sunday, we went to Anna and Andrews house. We had chicken and potato and we had pudding, it was yummy. We had a birthday to go to after, it was Connor’s friend Max. He was turning 3 and he had a bouncy castle. It was an under-water one, it had a whale and a shark on it. - Abbey.
Student led conferences
There are a few parents who have not yet had student learning conferences. Please contact the school to make a time. This is where the students set their goals with the teacher and their parents. This is an important time to share learning and set goals for the term and year.
It has been fantastic to catch up with those parents that have been able to the senior class has had an 85% turn out which has been awesome. Well done team! We look forward to catching up prior to the end of term with the other 15%.
Ice Skating / Te Manawa Visit - 11th April
Tuesday the 11th of April, we will be Ice Skating at Ice World in the Square in Palmerston North from 10 - 11am, we will then have lunch at the Lido followed by a swim. We have cancelled Te Manawa this visit as we felt time was very tight but hope to do the Te Rangi Whenua and the Manawatu Journey programme in the future. If students have 3 strikes they will still come with us but do work at the venues instead of participating. We will need transport for this trip, so please let Mary, Louise or Christine know a.s.a.p if you will be available to help out. We are hoping for enough transport please, otherwise we may not be able to go on this trip
Swimming Accounts
Accounts for the swimming lessons held at the end of 2016 were sent home recently. Please pay at your earliest convenience. Thank you to those who have already paid, your prompt payment is very much appreciated.
The final assembly for Term 1 will be held in the senior room starting at 2.00pm. Hope to see you then.
Board of Trustee News
At the recent Board meeting, we were delighted to welcome Tim Field as a Board member. If anyone else is interested in becoming a member to share in the schools important decision making, please feel free to come along to the next meeting on Monday the 8th of May at 7.00pm in the school staff room.
Penhey Cup
At the recent Penhey Cup competition, congratulations to Sarah and Johnny for competing well in this competition.
Certificates were awarded to Sarah for coming 4th in the Girls 100m Freestyle and for the Oroua Group team finishing 5th in the Country School relay and for being a Penhey Cup entrant.
To Johnny for coming 4th in the Boys 100m Freestyle and for the Oroua Group team finishing 5th in the Country School relay.
Mobile Dental Unit
The school mobile dental unit will be visiting Apiti school at the start of term 2.
Left at School
We have a pair of child’s gumboots here at school that must belong to someone out there. They are small size 8 UK boots, coloured green and pink with polka dots. If they belong to you, please collect them from the school foyer.
ASSA meeting on 7th April
Please can we have a ASSA quick meeting to whizz through Possum Hunt stuff ... Friday 7th April @ 7.30pm in School staff room - Agenda:
Catering – update on ideas and what is planned
Activities – update on ideas and what is planned
Hunt – what’s happening here
Marketing, sponsors, prizes etc – update and some decisions on website, signs etc need to be made.
LET’S GO WATER ONLY! Go water only by providing only water and plain milk to drink! Sugary drinks include fizzy drinks, juice and flavoured milk. They provide empty calories instead of the nutrient dense foods needed to fuel growing bodies. Sugary drinks are linked to weight gain and can cause tooth decay, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Water is the best way to rehydrate unless you’re doing more than 90 minutes of intense exercise. Swap sugary drinks with water, water infused with fruit and herbs such as berries, lemon, apple and mint or serve plain milk. Make water the main drink at meal times and offer plain milk regularly. Keep anything sweet for special occasions! - Heart Foundation.
Happy Birthday to the following students who will celebrate their birthday during the holidays, we hope you have a great day! – 15th April – Abbey! - 17th April - Saxon! 21st April - Bentley P! 30th April - Fisher!
As this is the last newsletter for term 1, we would like to wish you all a happy and safe holiday period, see you at the ANZAC Day Service and see you back here on Monday the 1st of May at 9.00am.
Regards, Mary, Louise, Penny, Linda, Pat, Pam, Mary B, Jenni and Christine.
Thanks to those who supported our Education Outside the Classroom Camp to Akitio. We all look forward to The Camp Mag!! Please click on the link below to view all camp photos.