Welcome to week 7 of term 3, 2016.
Our focus for 2016 ... Whanuangatanga - learning together, accepting and involving family and others; including seeing through the eyes of others. This term our theme is Hauora - Healthy Living.
Unfortunately last week we said farewell to Jacob. We wish Jacob all the best for his future schooling.
Calendar of Events
This week : Maths Challenge Week.
8th Sept : German Celebration Day.
9th-11th Sept : Bluelight Camp.
12th Sept : B.O.T meeting at 7.00pm. Agenda
13th Sept : Sarah Goss visiting Apiti Tavern.
14th Sept : Sarah Goss visiting Apiti School.
14th Sept : Korean Celebration Day.
15th Sept : Horizons Challenge Day.
15th Sept : Jubilee meeting at the school starting @ 7.30pm.
19th Sept : Hinepau - Capital-e
23rd Sept : Spanish Celebration Day.
Term 3 ends : 23rd September.
Term 4 starts : 10th October.
20th October : Lamb and Calf Day.
28th October : Swimming lessons start.
Celebrating our Successes:
Sumdog Reading: (over last 2 weeks) Most active - Aimee 86%. Abbey 86%. Bentley 36%. Tayler 35%. Renee 30%.
Sumdog Mathletics : Johnny, Cidnee, Renee - 86%. Abbey 84%. Bently 43%.
Reading : Tayler on Orange 1.
Mathetics Winners: Savannah 2230. Katie 2280. Aimee 1970. Cidnee 1420. Abbey 1290. Brooke 1180.
Readingeggs Quiz : Aimee – for achieving 100% in Map 7. Cidnee for achieving 100% in Map 5.
Mathletics : Congratulations to Cidnee, Katie and Aimee on achieving a bronze certificate.
100% in Spelling: Senior room: Week 5 - Brooke. Fisher. Jackson. Tyler. Summer. Sarah. Johnny. Week 6 - Brooke. Fisher. Jackson. Tyler. Sarah. Johnny. Ava.
Junior room: Week 5 - Josie. Abbey. Savannah. Renee. Katie. Week 6 - Cidnee. Aimee. Renee. Katie.
Oroua School Speech Competition
A special ‘well done’ to Brooke and Tyler who represented us at the Oroua School Speech Competition which was a great competition. Huge congratulations to Brooke who won the speech competition. Thank you to our esteem judge Mayor Margaret and her helper and to Nicki for organising the competition. Results were as follows:
1st - Brooke / Ike Nitsche.
2nd - Maggie Hare / Zoe Lister.
3rd - Emily Ridd.
4th - Tyler.
AIA Healthy Kids Challenge
Apiti Students will soon be taking part in this challenge. The goal is to encourage kids to be more active. Their real steps will be used to take them on a virtual adventure. If you would like to know more visit https://www.heathlykids.kiwi
There is an opportunity for students to take part in a chess tournament on the 21st of September. We have more info in this. If anyone is interested please let us know.
Sport Manawatu PE Module
Our current module is Touch rugby. Could all students please be prepared daily with PE gear so that we can practice.
Sarah Goss Visiting
On Tuesday the 13th of September, Sarah Goss will be visiting the Apiti Tavern as part of the celebration of competing at and winning the silver medal at the Rio games with the women’s sevens team. The visit is scheduled to start at 6.00pm and all members of the public are most welcome to attend.
On Wednesday the 14th, Sarah will visit Apiti School at 9.00am to talk with the students.
Ski Cards
Thank you to those who have returned their ski cards to school. If you still need to, please do so as soon as possible, as we will be charged for any not returned.
Our robotics team, Fisher, Jackson and Tyler, Brooke and Johnny are currently joining a large number of teams at Feilding High School. Their current challenge is to use the robot to shoot a paper plane as far as possible.
We would like to thank Rabo bank for their support of this initiative.
Bon Apiti
There will not be any toasties this week as we are planning our German celebration day for this Thursday.
Creative Cushions with Ron Te Kawa and Carly Thomas

This Friday (the 9th), we have Ron (who has a studio at Sqaure Edge in P.N) and Carly visiting us to instruct our students in the art of creative art helping with our cushions.
At 9.30 Ron will do a puppet show and any pre-schoolers and members of the community are most welcome to come to this.
At 11.00am, we would love to see all sewers with sewing machines come along to help sew these cushions with the students.
These whanaungatanga creative cushions are being made for Lamb and Calf Day. For these, we will be needing old woolen blankets for the base and some colourful / interesting materials / fabrics e.g braid, ribbon, lace or maybe even lamb and calf sashes, to decorate the cushions with. Please send any materials along to school a.s.a.p that you think would be suitable.
Portraits with Rebecca Stewart
As we will be doing portrait painting, please either send students to school in old clothes or send a painting shirt along to school for them to wear whilst using acrylic paint.
Board of Trustee Meeting
The next BOT meeting will be next Monday the 12th of September, in the staff room starting at 7.00pm. All members of the public are welcome to attend.
Stationery Accounts
These were sent home recently. Please pay your account at your earliest convenience.
Swimming Lessons
We have swimming lessons booked in at the Feilding Makino Aquatic Centre with 2 lessons per day on the following dates : Friday 28th October, Friday 4th, 11th, 18th November, 9th December from 12.30 - 2.00pm with 30 minute break at 1 - 1.30.
Horizons Challenge Day - 15th September at Totara Reserve
Brooke and Tyler make up our Apiti School team for the Conservation Week Challenge Day. They will complete an amazing race style challenge based on the environment and sustainability.
Bluelight Camp - This weekend
This weekend Brooke and Fisher will be attending the Bluelight Camp to Auckland, run by the Feilding police. We are sure that they will have a great time!
Hinepau (Capital e) PN - 19th September
Hinepau is a mythological tale about staying true to ourselves, respecting our environment, history, cultural traditions and how the choices we make affect other people. Hinepau is different from other members of the hapū and through fear and prejudice, she is cast out. Yet it is Hinepau who must make a sacrifice to save the village when disaster strikes. The production is based on the popular NZ book by Gavin Bishop
We will be attending this show when it visits Palmerston on Monday the 19th of September. If you can help with transport, please let Christine know.
Whanaungatanga - Learning through our ecosystems
Last week it was great to spend the day working with Rowena from Enviroschools. We all learnt a lot about our ecosystems and the interconnectedness. We looked at whanaungatanga in the living world.
Thank You
Thank you to the two local volunteers who helped our caretaker sort out our water problem over the weekend. We really appreciate your valuable time helping
FREE pet day lamb vaccination and docking service
Pet Days are almost upon us and Totally Vets is offering a free vaccination and docking service
for pet lambs being taken to school pet days.
This service is available from Monday 12th to Friday 16th September between the hours of 9.00am and 4.00pm.
Families can contact their nearest Totally Vets clinic for more details and to book their pet lamb an appointment.
Apiti School 125th Jubilee
There will be an Apiti School 125th Jubilee meeting on the 15th of September starting at 7.30pm at the school, for all interested parties to discuss when to hold the jubilee and what we need to do to get the planning under way. Be great to see as many past pupils as we possibly can to hear your views.
Language and Cultural Celebrations
As part of our Whanaungatanga learning, students learning a language through the Virtual Learning Network Primary are planning a day to teach others and share their learning. It is great way to learn more about other cultures, including language and food. Brooke and Johnny planned a very successful Japanese day last Friday. Days to follow include German, Korean and Spanish.
Each week senior students complete a 100 word challenge. The task is set and the writing is shared on an educational website.
This week's challenge was to write an interesting piece using the words below.
Black Flamingo Extraordinary Poked Underneath
I saw a black cloud coming over and a extraordinary flamingo with its group. It poked underneath a giant tree for shelter. The flamingos were a beautiful pink with beautiful feathers and beaks. The tree was a very nice golden colour with a near black trunk. It’s extraordinary. Then the sun poked through the black clouds filled with water. The flamingo group went out into the shallow pond of water and later flew away when the dark clouds left and the sun was shining brightly. The flamingo group came again poked underneath the tree again with an extraordinary golden leaves. - By Summer
Happy Birthday to the following student who celebrated a birthday recently, we hope you had a great day! 30th August - Sarah!