Welcome to week 5 of term 3, 2016.
Our focus for 2016 ... Whanuangatanga - learning together, accepting and involving family and others; including seeing through the eyes of others. This term our theme is Hauora - Healthy Living.
Last week we sadly said farewell to Riley and his family who have moved down country due to work commitments. We wish Riley all the best in his future schooling.
We also sadly say goodbye to the Sandbrook family who are also moving down country. We will have a shared lunch for the Sandbrook family tomorrow (Tuesday the 23rd) starting at 12.30. Could every family please provide a plate for this shared lunch if possible. Unfortunately this late notice is due to unforeseen circumstances.
Calendar of Events
23rd Aug : Farewell shared lunch for Sandbrooks.
25th August : Oroua Schools Speech Competition.
Next week: Maths Challenge Week
12th Sept : B.O.T meeting at 7.00pm.
15th Sept : Jubilee meeting @ 7.30pm.
Term 3 ends : 23rd September.
Term 4 starts : 10th October.
Celebrating our Successes:
Sumdog Reading: (over last 2 weeks)
Reading : Abbey now on Purple 1. Saxon on Red 1. Savannah Light Blue 1. Aimee on Light Blue 2. Bentley Red 2. Katie Dark Blue 3.
Mathetics : Well done to Abbey who has achieved a Bronze certificate in Mathletics.
Reading Eggspress: Summer.
100% in Spelling: Senior room: Week 3 - Fisher. Jackson. Tyler. Summer. Lauren. Riley.
Junior room: Week 3 - Cidnee. Tayler. Renee.
Student led reporting conferences
Thank you to those who came to student led conferences, we make this time each term, and it is a valuable opportunity for students to more formally share their learning with parents and set goals for continued progress and for parents to touch base with any area they would like to discuss further. We would really appreciate it if you can come on the date set, if at all possible, as we employ a reliever on this day.
School Speech Competition
It was great to see the commitment from our students once again this year. Formal oral language is a skill that benefit from being developed at all ages. Our judge, Mrs Linda Penfold, commented on the high-quality presentation by students. There was only 1 point each between the 2nd and 6th placings!!
Placings were as follows:-
1st - Brooke
2nd - Tyler
3rd - James
4th - Dylan
5th - Johnny
6th - Jackson
Brooke and Tyler will represent us at the Oroua School Speech Competition on Thursday. We wish them all the best.
Day - Cake auction
This Tuesday the 23rd of August, there is a Daffodil Day
fundraiser being held in the Apiti tavern starting at 7.30pm. Included in
the evening, will be an auction of cakes that our students have cooked in their Whanau groups. Thank you to Pam who has helped with the baking. It would be great if as many parents as possible could come along and bid for the cakes your students have made.
Oroua Speech Competition
This is held in the Oroua Clubrooms this Thursday at 1.00 - 2.15pm. It is a great opportunity for our students to see the best speakers from our Oroua Schools and to support our speakers; Tyler and Brooke. This helps students as they develop their own speaking style in following years.
We would like senior students to attend this event. Please let Nicki know if you can provide transport.
AIA Healthy Kids Challenge
Apiti Students will soon be taking part in this challenge. The goal is to encourage kids to be more active. Their real steps will be use to take them on a virtual adventure. If you would like to know more visit https://www.heathlykids.kiwi
There is an opportunity for students to take part in a chess tournament in September. We have more info in this. If anyone is interested please let us know.
Sport Manawatu PE Module
Our current module is Touch rugby. Could all students please be prepared daily with PE gear so that we can practice.
Our robotics team, Jacob, Fisher, Jackson and Tyler, are currently joining a large number of teams at Feilding High School. Their current challenge is to use the robot to pick up ping pong balls and place them in a container.
We would like to thank Rabo bank for their support of this initiative.
Overnight Ski Camp

Many thanks to all parents who supported our students for this EOTC experience, whether it be providing food or hands-on support on the mountain. It was a fantastic learning experience for all students ... whether it be skiing, snowboarding, sledding in the snow or staying in a lodge set beyond the snowline. I am sure your child had a lot to share on their return home ... maybe after a good night's sleep!! This will form the foundation for student writing this week.
Ski Cards - If you forgot to hand in your ski card before leaving the mountain, please send these to school so we can return them, as there is a $5.00 charge to us for every card that is not returned.
Bon Apiti
Our Year 8's are the Bon Apiti team, and they are making toasted sandwiches every Thursday. The cost is $2. We would appreciate any donations of fillings and students who bring these will get a free toasted sandwich. Money made from Bon Apiti is spent by the students on the students.
Material Needed
Our students will be making whanaungataunga cushions for Lamb and Calf Day. For these, we will be needing old woolen blankets for the base and some interesting materials / fabrics e.g braid, ribbon, lace or maybe even lamb and calf sashes, to decorate the cushions with. Please send any materials along to school a.s.a.p that you think would be suitable.
Speed Limit Awareness
Please keep to the speed limit when travelling down Kimbolton Road and please also be aware of school buses and students on the road between Kimbolton and Cheltenham from 8 - 9.30am and 3 - 4.30pm during the week. Thank you for your co-operation. - Mark Dickins (our local police officer).
Apiti School 125th Jubilee
There will be an Apiti School 125th Jubilee meeting on the 15th of September starting at 7.30pm at the school, for all interested parties to discuss when to hold the jubilee and what we need to do to get the planning under way.
Happy Birthday to the following students who celebrated a birthday recently, we hope you had a great day! - 20th August - Tayler! 21st August - Summer!