Welcome to Week 1 of Term 2, 2016. Nice to see everyone back here safe and well!
We are delighted to welcome Bentley and his family to our School. We are also delighted to welcome Saxon and Aimee to our school. Saxon is the younger brother to Savannah, and Aimee is the sister to Bently who joined us late last term. Aimee is a Year 2 student and Bentley and Saxon join us as brand new 5 year old junior room students. We know Aimee, Bentley and Saxon will enjoy learning at Apiti School.
We are delighted to welcome Bentley and his family to our School. We are also delighted to welcome Saxon and Aimee to our school. Saxon is the younger brother to Savannah, and Aimee is the sister to Bently who joined us late last term. Aimee is a Year 2 student and Bentley and Saxon join us as brand new 5 year old junior room students. We know Aimee, Bentley and Saxon will enjoy learning at Apiti School.
Many thanks to Mrs Lowe for a fantastic job over the holidays, we return to a lovely clean school inside and out!
Our focus for 2016 ... Whanuangatanga - learning together, accepting and involving family and others; including seeing through the eyes of others.
Our focus for 2016 ... Whanuangatanga - learning together, accepting and involving family and others; including seeing through the eyes of others.
Calendar of Events
2nd May - Term 2 begins.
9th May - Board of Trustee meeting at 7.00pm in the staff room. All welcome.
13th May - Oroua Schools Netball Tournament.
9th May - Board of Trustee meeting at 7.00pm in the staff room. All welcome.
13th May - Oroua Schools Netball Tournament.
16th - 18th May - Education Review Office visits Apiti School.
3rd June - Board of Trustee Elections.
6th June - Queens Birthday.
10th - 19th June - Possum Hunt Fundraiser.
17th June - Oroua Schools Cross Country at Waituna West.
8th July - Term 2 ends. 10th - 19th June - Possum Hunt Fundraiser.
17th June - Oroua Schools Cross Country at Waituna West.
25th July - Term 3 begins.
Celebrating our Successes
During the holidays the students can use our IT to continue learning! Congratulations to Renee
Mathletics : Renee - 280 points! Well done Renee!
Junior Room Daily Oral Language Programme
We are learning how to speak clearly to an audience.
Monday : What you did at the weekend? For recount.
Tuesday : Bring your favourite book to share.
Wednesday : Impromptu speech. Talk about a given topic e.g red, dreams, sport.
: Spelling.
Thursday : Talk about family and friends and pets with a partner. The partner shares your news.
Friday : Poetry - Read a poem. Share the poem together.ANZAC Day 2016
Once again a great ANZAC at Apiti. Thank you to all those school students who attended the service in uniform. Many commented on our great new tracksuits. Our eldest and youngest students Jacob and Katie laid the wreath - thanks to Mary for putting the wreath together, next year we look for student volunteers. Tyler and Jacob did a fantastic job representing us. Tyler told the story of Mrs Barnard's gingernut biscuits and Jacob read the reading. Everyone enjoyed the ANZAC biscuits and ginger nuts the students made at the end of the Term, thanks to Mrs Prince.
Board of Trustee Meeting
The next BOT meeting will be held on Monday the 9th of May starting at 7.00pm in the staff room. All members of the public are welcome to attend.
Oroua Netball Tournament - Friday 13th May
This tournament will be held at the Feilding High School Netball courts in Churcher St, Feilding. This event is for all senior room students. Students will be taking the opportunity to fundraise on this day by selling sausages, drinks etc. We will need transport to this event, so please let Nicki know if you are able to help. There will be more information closer to the event.
Education Review Office Visit - 16th - 18th May
We would like to invite all members of the community to attend the powhiri at school starting at 1.30pm on Monday the 16th of May and then join us for afternoon tea. We are looking forward to their visit and the opportunity to share our student learning with them.
Kahurangi Maori Dance Company - 19th May
This is run by the Theatre in Education for Kahurangi Dance Co. They have been delivering Theatre in Education programmes in NZ and internationally since 1983 and will be holding this performance for all Oroua Schools at Kimbolton on Thursday the 19th of May. This will be for all our students. We will need transport to and from this event, so please let Mary or Nicki know if you are able to help.
Manawatu Striders
This event is on Sunday May 29th - this includes a Marathon, Half Marathon, 10km, 5km course. Relay options for Marathon and Half Marathon.
We also have a Kids MaraFun with two courses - 2.3km and 0.7km. This kids marafun event is free and just for fun! Full details can be found at www.manawatustriders.org.nz
Enviro Workshop
Wednesday 11th May, 3.30 - 5.00pm (rain or shine). Kimbolton School. Parents, staff, BOT members, students are all welcome to attend. Please let Mary know if you are interested in attending this workshop.
Possum Hunt - 10th - 19th June
Rabbit / Hare / Duck / Fish / Stoat / Turkey / Deer.
1st Prize : $500.00 vouchers from Hunting and Fishing.
2nd Prize : $300.00 donated by Kesty Manning Contracting Ltd.
3rd Prize : $250.00 donated by City Honda, Palmerston North.
This event will be our big fundraiser for the year and it is looking like it is going to be EPIC fun for all the family.
So the concept so far is that it is a Possum, Duck, Fish, Rabbit, Hare, Stoat, Turkey and Deer Hunt from 10 June – 19th June. Three drop off days outside the hall on the Monday, Wednesday and Friday (9am – 10.30am) with the prizegiving and Family Fun Day at Makoura Lodge from 11am on Sunday 19th June. Entry fee $25 per adult and $10 per child (under 16 years).
The family fun day is the prizes for the categories of hunts from 12.30pm – BBQ lunch will be running from 11.30am – 1pm. There is also going to be the following activities / events that anyone can enter:
· Duck calling competition - $2 to enter and prizes for best calls
· Stag calling competition - $2 to enter and prizes for best calls
· Claybird shooting
· Archery
· Axe throwing
· Hole in one golf …. Again all of these have prizes for best of the day and an overall prize for best of all four activities.
Hopefully this can be a fun day for everyone involved …More info to come!!
cheers, Maryann Pratt.
2016 Board of Trustee Elections
Parent Election Notice cheers, Maryann Pratt.
2016 Board of Trustee Elections
School Name
Board of trustees’ election
Nominations are invited for the election of 5 parent representatives to the board of trustees.
A nomination form and a notice calling for
nominations will be posted to all eligible voters.
You can nominate another person to stand as a
candidate, or you can nominate yourself (make sure you sign both parts of the
Additional nomination forms can be obtained from
the school office.
Nominations close at noon on 20th May 2016 and may be accompanied by signed candidates’
The voting roll is open for inspection at the
school and can be viewed during normal school hours.
There will also be a list of candidates’ names, as
they come to hand, for inspection at the school.
Voting closes at noon on 3rd June 2016.
Signed: C. Digby
Returning Officer.
Happy Birthday to the following student, we hope you have a great day! 6th May - Dylan!