
Welcome to Week 10 of Term 1 2016.

We would like to welcome Bently and his family to our School.  Bently joins us as a junior room student.  We know Bently will enjoy learning at Apiti School.      

Our focus for 2016 ...  Whanuangatanga - learning together, accepting and involving family and others; including seeing through the eyes of others.
Calendar of Events
4th April    -  Board of Trustee Meeting at 7.00pm in the staff room.
5th April   -  Student led conferences 
                -  Training with Manawatu Rugby Union
5th April   -  ASSA meeting re-trail ride starting at 7.30 in the staff room. 
6th April    - Junior Rippa at FMG.
                       Selected from our school: Jackson, Phinece, James, Sarah, Johnny.
8th April    - Sam Strahan at FMG.
                       Selected from our school: Northern Oroua - Brooke, Dylan / Oroua combined - Tyler, Phinece, Sarah
11th April  - Interschool Athletics with Feilding Schools at Timona Park (pp 13th April). 
                        Selected from our school: Brooke, Sarah, James and Kirsten.  
14th April  -  Assembly at 1.30pm
15th April  - Term 1 ends.
17th April  -  Trail Bike Ride.
25th April  -  ANZAC Day.
2nd May    -  Term 2 begins.
16th May   -  Education Review Office visits Apiti School.

Celebrating our Successes   
Reading Express 21st March - 3rd April Jackson 24 Comprehension 359 lessons Phinece 3 Comprehension 180 lessons  
Reading Eggs These student have completed these levels since the last newsletter Map 6 Abbey 100% Cidnee Map 4 Tayler Map 3
Mathletics 21-27th March Lauren 100 28th Mar - 3rd April Lauren 1020 Cidnee 100 
Sumdog Last week 5 top students were  Fisher 248 97% accuracy Renee 124 62% accuracy Jacob 105 99%accuracy Josie 102 98% accuracy Savannah 89 accuracy 79% 
Junior Reading - Savannah is now on Green 3.
Kirsten is working independently and is a great leader in the junior room.  
Renee is writing some great stories.
Cidnee is working very well at sounding out and spelling words.
Tayler - "What a Worker!"  She has a great attitude to learning!

Education Outside the Classroom in Wellington 

An amazing learning experience for all in Wellington  The camp magazine will be out soon but here are some snippets from students writing. You can see their writing on their Integrated Topic pages on their wikis. The rich experiences support impact writing showing strong personal voice.
At camp I saw Dreamworks at Te Papa. At Te Papa I saw how they made movies. My favourite part was making the tiger face change. I made it cool by changing the face and the tongue. I made the eyes shout.  -  Renee.
We went to Te Papa to see Dreamworks animation. At Dreamworks I saw how they made 'How to train your dragon" movie .The next day we went to Capital E, We made an animation. I made a lion missing its mumma lion.  - Ava.

We used the Tablet at Capital E to make animations. I made a ball that moved because I copied lots of pictures and moved them along every time. So it looked like the ball was bouncing.  - Cidnee. 

I am proud. I liked going to camp. I saw some war statues. They looked like rock. I saw a giant tank. It was very hot in the tank. I saw the tunnels and they had guns and some of us had a little turn with a gun.   -  Elliot.

Please view the movie the students made by clicking on this link - Across the Trenches
Animations the students made at Capital E can be viewed by clicking this link - Animations
We look forward to students making more animations next term,

Board of Trustee Meeting
The next Board of trustee meeting is tonight (Monday the 4th), starting at 7.00pm in the school staff room.  Please view the Agenda on our Blogspot by clicking on the BOT Tab.  All members of the public are welcome to attend.
Board of Trustees Elections
The BOT elections happen on June the 3rd this year.  If you are interested in standing for the Apiti School Board of Trustees, please talk to Mary, Ben or any other Board member.  You are most welcome to attend our meeting tonight to find out more on how the BOT works.

Student Led Conferences - Tuesday 5th April 
Research shows that home school collaboration is the most important factor for high achievers. Once a term we have student led conferences, where students report on progress and achievement and goals. Students at Apiti are fully involved in their learning journey and at this time formally share their journey.  However we celebrate learning through our wiki e-portfolios. Unfortunately the record keeping page on these is now not secure. With the development of google docs we are now using these for reporting. Thank you to those who have replied that they can access these and let us know if you are having difficulty. The students welcome feedback, which is very motivating, from family and friends on their blogs and wikis.  Please fill in the time suitable to you for these conferences by visiting the Links and Information tab on the blogspot or use this link http://bit.ly/1N4tOBT

Assembly - 14th April
An assembly will be held on Thursday the 14th of April starting at 1.30 in the senior room.  All members of the public are welcome to come along to hear of our students learning successes through-out the term.
We would like help to put the winter cover on the swimming pool and store the summer cover away on the same day, so anyone willing to help out, please arrive earlier (maybe at 1.00).

End of Term 1
School will close for the April school holidays on Friday the 15th of April at 2.45 and will re-open on Monday the 2nd of May at 9.00am.  We wish you all a happy and safe holiday and enjoy spending quality time with your children.
Push Bikes
We would appreciate all bikes be taken home before the holidays please as we will accept no responsibility if any bike goes missing.

ASSA Meeting - Tuesday 5th April
This meeting will be held in the school staff room starting at 7.30pm.  We will be discussing the trail bike ride which will be held on Sunday the 17th of April.  It would be great if at least one member of each school family attends this meeting - we also would welcome any member of the community to this meeting who has an interest in this bike ride or would like to help out on the day as we would love to have as much community support as possible.  This is our major fundraising event which sees many $$ raised for our students.  Hopefully we will see you tomorrow night.

Happy Birthday to the following students, we hope you have a great day!  14th April - Caelan!  15th April – Abbey!  30th April – Fisher! 

2016 Term Dates :  Term 1 : 5th Feb – 15th April.  Term 2 : 2nd May – 8th July.  Term 3 : 25th July – 23rd Sept.
Term 4 : 10th October - 20th December.