4th May Update

Oroua Netball Tournament - Friday 13th May
On receiving more information re this tournament, it will be held at the vautier netball courts in Palmerston North for the Year 5 - Year 8 students.  We will need to leave Apiti School by 9.00.
The tournament will finish at 2.00pm at which time they will be dismissed for the day.  Transport is required, so please let Nicki or Christine know a.s.a.p, or before next Wednesday (thanks to those who have replied already).  A transport list will be sent out on Wednesday.  Students will be required to wear their school uniform please, take a good packed lunch or buy it at the venue, a drink, footwear to play in, a hat (sunscreen), and warm clothes.
We will be selling sausages and drinks at the venue.

ASSA Meeting
The next ASSA meeting regarding the Possum Hunt will be held next Thursday the 12th of May starting at 7.30pm in the school staff room.
Agenda for meeting:
·         Sponsor updates
·         Drop off days – how it will go down – animal handling, registering & $$
·         On the day – set up
-          BBQ – food required, roster of people on
-          Activities – what and how – roster of people
-          Prizegiving – Hunt, Spot prizes, kids, calling & activities
-          Clean up
·         Thank you’s after
·         Anything else
See you all here then.
Maryann Pratt