
Term Dates:  
Term 1 : 5th Feb - 15th April.  
Term 2 : 2nd May - 8th July.
Term 3 : 25th July - 23rd September.
Term 4 : 10th October - 19th/20th December.

Welcome to week 4 of Term 1, 2016.

Our focus for 2016 ...  Whanuangatanga - learning together, accepting and involving family and others; including seeing through the eyes of others.

Calender of Events
25th Feb     -  Oroua Schools Triathlon (pp date: 1st March).
27th Feb     -  Apiti Show (ASSA provide lunches for judges).
3rd March  - First Aide Course at school for staff.
4th March  - Oroua Schools Swimming Sports at the Makino.
10th March - Health and Safety with STA for principals and BOT 1.30 -3.30
14th March - ASSA meeting at 7.30pm
22 - 23rd March - EOTC Trip to Wellington.
25th March - Good Friday - school closed.
28, 29th March - Easter - School closed.
30th March - School at 9.00am.
6th April    - Junior Rippa at FMG.
8th April    - Sam Strahan at FMG.
11th April  - Interschool Athletics with Feilding Schools at Timona Park (pp date: 13th April). This is a new event that the Oroua Schools have been invited to send the best 3 in each age group from the Oroua group.
15th April  - Term 1 ends.
2nd May    -  Term 2 begins.

School Times
School times which were trialed in term 4 2015 will continue for this term as follows:
Class time : 9.00 - 10.30.
Morning tea : 10.30 - 11.00 (sit and eat for first 10 minutes).
Class time : 11.00 - 12.30
Lunch time : 12.30 - 1.15 (sit and eat for first 10 minutes).
Class time : 1.15 - 2.45.
Home time : 2.45.

Celebrating our Successes
Mathletics -  Last year we had 3 overall winners - James 69 concepts mastered Caelan 60 and Lauren 53. They will each receive a medal. We had a total live mathletic points of 6,817 and the average number per student was 207.  197,930 total number of points earned from questions, average 5,998. These figures were well above the national average.
Last weeks top scorer - Tyler 127 points, Fisher 101 points, Jacob 93 points,
Reading Eggs / Reading Eggspress: Top points - 1st Jacob, 2nd Tyler, 3rd Fisher.
Top comprehension points - Brooke.
Junior Room - Reading - Tayler now on to Red 3! Savannah & Cidnee on Green 2!  Katie on Magenta 3! Abbey now on Green 3!

Apiti Show
The students are entering in 4 sections
Apiti Show learning tasks

  • Dream Car picture 
  • Dream Car competition 
  • Waka construction/sculpture 
  • Whanuangatanga photo 
It is a hive of activity as students complete their Apiti Show Learning Tasks. All learning tasks are to be completed by Thursday. They will be put up on Friday at the Domain for judging. This is an important part of planning learning to suit the time available, time management and meeting deadlines. There are a number of students who still need to take their digital photo. Examples of arty subjects could be shadows of various ages, hands, hats, boots, people/family playing games, people in favourite places with friends, animals etc taken from different angles. Could these be taken tonight please and sent or brought to school on a pen-drive tomorrow please. This must represent an aspect of Whanaungatanga. The definition is at the top of the newsletter.
Look forward to seeing you all at the show.

Oroua Schools Triathlon - Thursday 25th February
We are organising this Oroua group event for the 25th of February (pp date: 1st March). As discussed at the last ASSA meeting, we will need ALL hands on board for this event. Please talk to Nicki, Mary or Jess if you have any questions. Everyone will be expected to help in some areas, either marshaling or selling food during the day. 
Students are required to wear their school uniforms for this event please.  Uniforms have been given out today, students need to run in their green sports top - please talk to Pat if there are any problems with your child's uniform asap please.  
All members of the public are most welcome to come along and help or support our students.

Training Day for Oroua Swimming Sports
We are trying to organise a day for this which will be held at the Makino Pool in Feilding.  All students - junior and senior, will need to attend this training session. It will be an afternoon before the event and will be on our calendar if we don't hear before the newsletter goes to print. This is to finalise events and to practise events, that they will enter into in the Oroua Group of Schools Swimming Sports being held on Friday the 4th of March. 

Oroua Group of Schools Swimming Sports - Friday 4th March
This event is happening at the Makino Aquatic Centre in Feilding.  There is no bus or postponement date, the weather would need to be really bad for the sports to be cancelled, so please come prepared.  This event is for the whole school, but the juniors will have a programme in the shallow pool.  Entry to the pool is free.  Children will require their togs, 2 towels, goggles, their lunch, a drink, warm clothes, a hat and sunscreen.  Kimbolton will sell food and drink. Students are required to wear their school uniform please.   Cup age groups :- Junior = 8 years and under. Intermediate = 9 and 10 year olds. Senior = 11 years and over.  Parents are asked to arrange transport for their own children on this day. It is a great Oroua day and a chance to see your children and their swimming confidence and ability. There is no stand so parents will have to bring their own seating and shade.
The programme for the seniors should conclude at about 2.00 and juniors earlier. This is a good date to make all those appointments.  More information at a later date.

First Aide Course
There will be a first aide training course held at school on Thursday the 3rd of March from 9.00 - 1.30 for school staff members, but if anyone else would like to take part in this course, you are most welcome, just let Mary or Christine know a.s.a.p please. 

Education Outside the Classroom Trip - 22nd - 23rd March
This year we have planned 4 overnight camps. One each term, the first is this term and the date for this EOTC overnight trip to Wellington, is the 22nd - 23rd of March.  Students will begin planning this next week. Parents will have all details before and at the next ASSA meeting on 14th March.

Education Beach Day - Friday 12th February
Many thanks to the parents who provided transport for this, and those who helped in the water. it was a great day of learning and hopefully our students will remember the sea safety rules every time they are at the beach.


At school, a very small black sim card, if this is yours, we have it here in the office.

Thank you to all those parents who have paid all of their Apiti School accounts, however there are still a few outstanding accounts for the ski trip and for the swimming lessons.  Please settle these a.s.a.p.  Stationery accounts will be sent home in the near future.

Blanket Consent Forms
Please find attached, a Blanket Consent form for all EOTC activities held during 2016.
Please fill this form in and return it to school as soon as possible.  This form relates to all activities
that students participate in outside the classroom i.e Triathlon, Oroua events etc. which are not over night or could contain risks. 

ASSA Meeting
It was great to have had a great attendance at our ASSA meeting held last Thursday, thank you to you all.  The refreshments for sale,  organised for the triathlon is in good hands, as is the judges lunches for the Apiti Show! As  many people as possible helping on the day is great. Contact Jess if you can be available even for a short time. Some people are busy with playcentre and we don't expect them to help with the judges lunches as well. The minutes from the meeting will be posting on the ASSA page soon.
The next ASSA meeting will be held on Monday the 14th of March at the school, starting at 7.30pm, to discuss the EOTC trip and the Bike Trail.

Board of Trustee Elections - Friday 3rd June
These elections are to be held Friday the 3rd of June 2016.  Now is a good time to think about running for a position on the Board, or for who you would like to have representing you on the board. 
The time line is as follows: Close main roll by 4th of May.  Call for nominations: 6th May. 
Nominations close: Noon Friday 20th May.  Voting papers issued: 25th May. 
Voting closes : Noon Friday 3rd June. Votes counted and results declared 9th June.  Board take office: 10th June 2016.  -  C. Digby Returning Office.