21.09.2015 Notice

Thank you for your patience regarding the on again, off again skiing, however we can't control the weather and that is the nature of skiing!
We will try again for this Friday, the 25th of September and again we will make a definite decision on Thursday - probably be able to inform you at assembly.  Please let us know of any changes from the previous ski attempts, i.e being able to / or not being able to attend the event, or being able to / or not being able to provide transport to Mt Ruapehu.
Of-course if the skiing is off, it will be school as per usual.

Student Led Conferences
Just a reminder that these are scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday).  If you haven’t booked a time but would like to, please fill in the booking sheet online (on the right hand side of the newsletter), or ring the school.

Graphic Design Photos

The students are designing a small graphic poster representing their family.  Photos of family members can be bought from home for this or sent to school on a pen drive, but they need to be at school a.s.a.p please.  Ring Mary or Nicki if you need more info. 

Our final assembly for term 3 will be held this Thursday the 24th of September, starting at 1.30pm. The students movies that they have put together for the Digi Awards, will be shown.  Everyone is very welcome to attend.

School Times for Term 4
During term 4, we will be trialing a different time schedule as follows :
9.00am     -       School starts.
9.00   - 10.30 - Morning class
10.30 - 10.55 -  Playtime.
10.55 - 12.30 -  Class-time.
12.30 - 1.15   -  Lunch time.
1.15   - 2.45   -  Afternoon class.
2.45   -   School finish for the day. The bus will run at 2.45 but teachers will be available after this if needed.  Hopefully this will suit parents better as they plan the extra curricular activities.

We do now have bags of potatoes ready for you to purchase at a cost of $6.00 per bag.  Thanks again to the Corbett brothers for their very generous donation of these bags of potatoes to the school.

Learning online
Remember students have access to Mathletics, Sumdog and Reading Eggs during the school holidays.

Term 3 Ends
A reminder that school will finish for term 3 this Friday the 25th of September at 2.30 and will re-open on Monday the 12th of October at 9.00am.  Enjoy the time with your children.

Apiti Show AGM meeting
23rd September at the Apiti Bar and Grill, starting at 7.30.  All welcome.