
Welcome to week 9 of term 3 2015, with only 2 weeks of term left!!
We are delighted to welcome Renee and her family to our school.  Renee joins us as a brand new 5 year old.  We know Renee will enjoy learning at Apiti School.
Dates for your Calendar
A reminder that school will finish at 2.30 every Friday during term 3.
15th Sept - Board of Trustee meeting.   
18th Sept - Skiing 
18th Sept - Digi Awards due.
22nd Sept - Student Led Conferences.Please book a time here 
23rd Sept - Apiti Show AGM meeting at the Tavern 7.30
24th Sept  - Final Assembly for Term 3 at 2pm 
25th Sept - End of term 3.
12th Oct   - Term 4 begins. 
20th Oct   -  Oroua Badminton tournament.
22nd  Oct - Lamb and Calf Day (not the 23rd as previously advertised).
Please view our google calendar for more details or for updates or date changes.

Celebrations and Updates  ...

Student Quality Learning
Junior Writing - Great progress
Cidnee and Bradley great idependent writing on their blog daily.
Junior Maths  Josie and Kirsten counting to 100 and back in 2's, 5's and 10s. Savannah has moved from Counting on to Advanced Counting! Tayler knows her numbers to 10 and is now onto addition. Well done.
Junior Reading -  Caelan - Light Blue 3. Tayler - Magenta 3. Cidnee - Blue 2. Abbey - Yellow 3. Great improvement in comprehension Johnny and  Bradley. 
Senior STAR Learners :- 
Maths maintenance - Huntah, Jacob X 4, Brooke X 3, Ella, Tyler X 2.
Word work / Spelling:- Nikki, Dylan.
Top Spelldrome for August : Phinece 90, Lauren and Kirsten 50. 
Mathletics Weekly Points Winners 
31 Aug- 6th Sept - Caelan 1310, Georjia 560.
7th -14th Sept Lauren 1060,  Cidnee 960,  Elliot 760, Ella 360, Josie 340, Caelan 290 , Abbey 220.
Digi Entries - due by Wednesday
Students are hard at work this week finalising their entries for the Manawatu Digi Competition.
All students are putting together a movie for the Movie, Documentary or Animation section.
They are also completing their selfie (See criteria in an earlier newsletter) and a Graphic design or photo essay. Some of these are for lamb and calf day as well, a small graphic poster representing their family. Photos of family members can be bought from home for this or sent to school on a pen drive.
Oroua Badminton Tournament ....Date Change - is now on the 20th Oct (next term), sorry for this date change but it was beyond our control.  
Board of Trustee Meeting
A Board of Trustee meeting will be held tomorrow evening (Tuesday 15th Sept), in the staff room starting at 7.00pm.  All welcome.  Please view the Agenda on the BOT tab.
Safety Issue
All students who have wheels at school eg ride a scooter, bike or roller skates/blades on the ramp, must wear a helmet and shoes please.
Toasted sandwiches at $1.50 with a choice of fillings each Tuesday and Thursday. 
School Uniforms
They have finally arrived and look fantastic. Could all students please bring all their uniforms back asap. As students return their uniforms they will be re-sized and be given their new uniform. Please remember that they are to be only worn for school events to help ensure they last. A huge thank you to ASSA for supporting this venture, Pat and Nicki for organising the ordering and naming the uniforms..
We are sorry the days we planned to go skiing had to be changed, however we hope the 18th will be all go. Please read the ski details sheet for all the relevant information.  Click here for the details.  We will make a definite decision late Thursday, (and this will be communicated by text) if the trip is to go ahead on Friday after we have looked at the updated weather report. We know many transport arrangements have changed, if you are unable to organise transport for your children please contact the school. An account will be sent home after the event, please pay ASAP. 
Student Led Conferences
These will be held on 22nd Sept.  Please fill in the booking sheet online (on the right hand side of the newsletter or ring Christine on a Monday or Wednesday to book a time here.
Cash for Communities - Earn $$$ for Apiti School with PGG Wrightson Cash for Communities
This spring, PGG Wrightson and Ballance Agri-Nutrients will continue to run the 'Cash for Communities' programme which will be an opportunity to earn cash for Apiti School!  So please nominate Apiti School when you purchase your next order of Ballance Agri-Nutrients fertiliser on your PGG Wrightson account.  Thank you to those of you who have nominated our school in the past with this promotion, we always appreciate your support. 
Creative and recount writing. 
The people are sailing the boats and the eel is coming to kill them and the eel is fighting the sailors.   -  By Elliot.
I am at the park and Connor went too and Mum and Dad and Abbey.  -  By Abbey.
I am at the party, it was Renees party.  -  By Abbey.

In the weekend I watched Fast and Furious I have got Fast and Furious 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. People online are saying there might be a 8 Fast and Furious. I hope there is one, if there isn't I will cry so bad. I will faint. Me and my sister will watch Fast and Furious 6. I will have tea. For tea I will have pizza with chips and pudding. For pudding I will have a whole big pack of lollies the pack of lollies is about 2 inches long. - By Bradley.