
Welcome to week 7 of term 3 2015.
We are delighted to welcome Tayler to our school as a brand new 5 year old.  Tayler now joins her older sister Cidnee in the junior room.  We know Tayler will enjoy learning at Apiti School.
This week we welcome Zoe and Sara Carter who will be spending a couple of days with us.
Dates for your Calendar
A reminder that school will finish at 2.30 every Friday during term 3.
7th Sept   - Rotary Speech Festival.
11th, 12th, 13th Sept  -  Blue light Camp.
15th Sept - Oroua Badminton Tournament. 
15th Sept - Board of Trustee meeting.   
18th Sept - Digi Awards due.
22nd Sept - Student Led Conferences.Please book a time here 
25th Sept - End of term 3.
12th Oct   - Term 4 begins. 
23rd Oct   - Lamb and Calf Day.
Please view our google calendar for more details or for updates or date changes.

Celebrations and Updates  ...
Student Quality Learning
Junior Writing - Great progress
Savannah independently writing on her blog daily.
Junior Maths  Kirsten very quick correct maintenance everyday ! 
Junior Reading - Kirsten - Orange 2.  Savannah - Blue 2.  Josie - Orange 2.  Caelan - Light Blue 1.  Tayler - Magenta 2. All are making excellent progress!
Senior STAR Learners - 
Maths maintenance - Brooke X 4, James x 4, Phinece X 3, Johnny x 2, Bradley x 2, Huntah, Hannah, Jacob, Georjia, Jackson, Lauren.
Word work / Spelling:- Huntah, Hannah, Brooke, Nikki, Georjia.
Sumdog Competition - On Friday we were 6th in the Manawatu /Wanganui Competition.
Mathletics Weekly Points Winners 
17- 23 August - Caelan 6147 Bronze, Elliot 1070 Bronze, James 600, Lauren 600, Cidnee 500, Kirsten 340, Abbey 250.
24 - 30 August - Caelan 2353 Bronze, Erika 940, Bradley 790, Huntah 570, Johnny 430, Ella 310.
Digi Entries and Outlook for Someday Film Challenge - due by next Friday
Students are hard at work this week finalising their entries for the Manawatu Digi Competition.
All students are putting together a movie for the Movie, Documentary or animation section.
They are also completing their selfie (See criteria in an earlier newsletter) and a Graphic design. This is a small graphic poster representing their family. Photos of family members can be bought from home for this or sent to school on a pen drive.
Some of these entries e.g selfies, are also for Lamb and Calf Day.
Dental Clinic
The dental unit is at school this week. Remember to return the forms the next day after you get them, so the dental therapist can carry out any necessary work on your child. 
Toasted sandwiches at $1.50 with a choice of fillings each Tuesday and Thursday. These are proving to be very popular.
It is not looking good, so we have called it off for tomorrow.  We will try for another date in the near future.
Pottery and Art  
Students are all doing pottery for Lamb and Calf Day. We suggest students bring a small named towel please. It is always a good idea to wear clothes to school, which can be easily washed.  
Once again, we are extremely grateful to the Corbett's for donating several bags of potatoes to the school, these should arrive soon. Place your order for 10 kg bag from us for $6.00. 
Blue light Camp
Hannah and Nikki will this year be attending this event in Auckland run by the NZ Police.
Oroua Speech Competition 
Congratulations to Hannah who won the Oroua Speech Competition Cup this year with her speech about Bullying. The standard was high this year and both of our representatives, Hannah and Huntah, represented us admirably.
Hannah will go on to be the Guest Speaker at the Rotary Speech Celebration in Palmerston next Monday.
Oroua Badminton Tournament
 - Tuesday 15th September
This event will take place in the Civic Centre in Feilding for the Year 5, 6, 7 and 8 students, starting at 9.00 and finishing at 12.00.  We will need transport please, so contact Nicki if you are able to help.  
Board of Trustee Meeting
The next Board of Trustee meeting will be held on Tuesday the 15th of September starting at 7.00pm in the staff room, all welcome.  Please view the minutes of the last meeting on the blog.
Student Led Conferences
These will be held on 22nd Sept.  Please fill in the booking sheet online or ring Christine on a Monday or Wednesday to book a time.
Thank You!!
A huge thank you to all those Totally Vets clients who nominated our school through the Supporters Partnership.  We recently received $429.37 from this partnership.  The next time you are visiting Totally Vets, please fill in a registration form nominating our school.

Thank you to Mrs Goodall for donating a notice board to our school - it will come in handy!
Sports Report
Congratulations to Hannah and Brooke's netball team who won the final for their grade in PN last week.
Rugby - 29.08.15
Congratulations to Huntah's under 13 Saturday morning rugby team who won their grade in Palmerston North on Saturday. Huntah, being the captain, was presented with the shield.
Huntah's Manawatu Under 13 Rep team played Wanganui at Wanganui on Sunday with a winning margin of 84 - 5.

At rugby it was the last day of the teams being together and my team played against Marshall's team. It was the toughest game all season and both teams wanted to win but we wanted to win more because we wanted to have an unbeaten season. We did it, we won and I got six run away tries and Marshall got seven tries but we still won and the score was 16-9. On Sunday we fed the lambs and went for a walk and found all kinds of interesting things and Dylan found a pinecone bigger than his head and I carried it all the way back up a steep hill and we said that it was Dylan's and mine. 
 -  By James.

Happy Birthday to the following student who celebrated her birthday recently, we hope you had a great day!  -  30th August - Sarah!