Welcome to week 5 of term 3 2015.
Dates for your Calendar
A reminder that school will finish at 2.30 every Friday during term 3.
The dental unit will be up at our school sometime this term, but have not been given a date yet. Please return the forms the next day after you get them, so the dental nurses can work on your students.
20th, 25th, 27th Aug or 1st Sept - Skiing.
18th 19th - Zero Waste
21st Aug - Oroua Schools Speech Competition.
15th Sept - Board of Trustee meeting.
25th Sept - End of term 3.
12th Oct - Term 4 begins.
18th 19th - Zero Waste
21st Aug - Oroua Schools Speech Competition.
15th Sept - Board of Trustee meeting.
25th Sept - End of term 3.
12th Oct - Term 4 begins.
Please view our google calendar for more details or for updates or date changes.
Celebrations and Updates ...
Student Quality Learning
Junior Writing - Great progress
Elliot writing his own imaginative stories independently.
Caelan great re-count writing.
Lauren - great descriptive writing
Sarah , Johnny and Bradley are developing good strategies for comprehension. Great improvement.
Senior STAR Learners -
Maths maintenance - Huntah, Hannah x 2, Jacob, Brooke, James x 4, Johnny x 2,
Bradley x 2,
Word work:- Huntah, Hannah, Georgia, Brooke
Bradley x 2,
Word work:- Huntah, Hannah, Georgia, Brooke
Junior Reading - Abbey now on to Yellow 2. Cidnee on to Blue 2. Elliot has moved up a level. Caelan onto Orange 2. Kirsten and Josie onto Orange 1 - all making excellent progress!
Mathletics Weekly winners
2nd - 8th August:- Kirsten 630 points, James 597 points, Lauren 240 points
9th - 15th August:- Josie 100 points, Abbey 90 points
9th - 15th August:- Josie 100 points, Abbey 90 points
Apiti School |
Hannah and Huntah,(who had only 1 point between them), will represent us at the Oroua Speech competition this Friday the 21st in the Oroua Rugby Club rooms, starting at 1.00pm. All senior students will travel to Kimbolton for this, as transport allows. Please let us know if you can take transport to this event.
Toasted sandwiches at $1.50 with a choice of fillings each Tuesday and Thursday
Toasted sandwiches at $1.50 with a choice of fillings each Tuesday and Thursday
Thank you to everyone for returning your activity ability forms. Please read the ski details sheet for all the relevant information. Click here for the details. We will make a definite decision late Wednesday if the trip is to go ahead on Thursday after we have looked at the updated weather report. Next Tuesday the 25th is the first postponement date. We would appreciate it if you can arrange your own transport. We know of several people with extra seats available and Mary and Nicki can also take transport. So let us know if you are unsure. An account will be sent home after the event, please pay ASAP.
Health forms will be sent home today to those families who have not filled in a Health Profile and Medical Consent form for past EOTC events. Please fill these in and return the form to school before the ski trip.
Health forms will be sent home today to those families who have not filled in a Health Profile and Medical Consent form for past EOTC events. Please fill these in and return the form to school before the ski trip.
Art with Eric Brew
We now have artist Eric Brew living in our community and he is going to help us with our art programme this week.
Pottery and Art
Students will all do pottery for Lamb and Calf Day this week and next. We suggest students bring a small named towel please. Also some will also be finishing water colour painting, which Yaju kindly supplied. It is always a good idea to wear clothes to school, which can be easily washed.
Zero Waste
On the 19th and 20th of August (Tuesday and Wednesday of this week), Shirley Goodall will be at our school teaching our students, Litterless Lunchboxes, Re-use and Resource Sustanability units.
Badminton from Manawatu Sports thanks to the money from Rangiwahia is being taught to all our students on Tuesdays. If there is anyone who would like to take badminton for students for an afternoon/evening there is gear at the hall, and many interested students. This used to be a very strong club in Apiti for students and adults.
Once again, we are extremely grateful to the Corbett's for donating several bags of potatoes to the school. You are able to purchase a 10 kg bag from us for $6.00 which is great value.
Lamb and Calf Day - 23rd October
Lamb and Calf Day provides a great opportunity for our school to showcase student learning and celebrate success. This open day is a meaningful opportunity to present and showcase work from many areas of the curriculum, in a variety of formats.The day consists of 3 parts : Indoor section in the morning, Outdoor section in the afternoon and the Whanau Group section.
The Lamb and Calf Day booklet is being updated as tasks are confirmed. This can be accessed at any time by clicking here or on the school website, 'Useful links and information' page.
Yaju's Visit - Asian Awareness
Huntah's Report about our learning
We have learnt numbers to ten in Chinese, origami papers, water colour painting and the very famous Chinese dumplings - a delicious Chinese cuisine. Learning Chinese languages and exciting fun activities with Yaju was great learning for all students at Apiti as it is not only helpful for us as New Zealanders but we can also teach Yaju things from our country to be taught / shown in China. Learning skills with a
I hope that Apiti School has welcomed Yaju Cheng to our country well and has learned lots from her and has taught her a little bit from our country as well.
Sports Reports - Rugby
Congratulations to Huntah who has been named in the Manawatu Under 13 Representative Rugby team. We look forward to hearing about your teams upcoming games.
Sunday 16th August - Feilding Rep Tournament
I felt anxious as we arrived at Otaki Domain. My team Feilding Black, started their first game, but I didn't go on until the second half, but I made a big difference and we won the first pool game. Then Johnny's team Feilding Yellow, played and lost to the best team there - the Norths. Next my team played Danniverke and we lost by 1 try. Then we wasted a red and blue stripped team. Then it was time to play the Norths - the team that has dominated the competition for ages. Just after the second half began, I came off for an injury on my knee, but it healed really quickly so I was able to play in the final. We were losing when I came up to make a tackle and wham I hit him and his sprig went into my knee, so I had to come off with a sore knee and didn't go back on. Not everyone agreed with the referee, everything seemed to be against us. Paraparaumu won, but they said we actually won because they never would have beaten the Norths. - By James.
Netball - Saturday 15th August
On Saturday our team the Oroua Starlights played netball against Manchester St. We won with the score of 6 - 4. Lauren was GS and WD and Sarah was C for the whole game. Georgia from Kimbolton was Player of the Day, she received a chocolate fish and a McDonalds voucher. Lauren shot an accidental goal. I was passing the ball to Ida, yelling out her name when the ball went in the goal - it was like the goal was hungry and got its arms out and ate it. It was funny and everyone laughed at that. - By Lauren and Sarah.
On Saturday we drove to netball. My team the Oroua Rockets, played Lytton Street. They had really, really good players. I was GS. It was so boring being GS, the score was 7 - nil. The other position I played was GK, that was fun because the other team always got the ball down to their GS, so I got to intercept the ball. Whenever Lytton St tried to get the ball into the hoop - they did! - By Jayda.
Happy Birthday to the following teachers who will celebrate their birthday this month, we hope you have a great day! - Mary C and Mary B.