Welcome to week 2 of term 4, 2013.
We would like to welcome Joanne to our school. Joanne comes from Rangiwahia and is a Year 5 student. We know Joanne will enjoy learning at our school.
Good News
Staffing Entitlement - The Ministry of Education have approved our 2.4 staffing for 2014.
The Royal Society of NZ has advised us that we are successful in its application for Bayer Primary School Science funding of $1,918.05.
We have also just sent in our WWF reports for the $750.00 grant received for our growing unit, worm farm, vegie garden and shade house.
Thanks so much to Nicki and Anwyl for successfully applying for these grants.
Celebrating our successes :
Congratulations to Huntah and Hannah. These 2 students have been nominated to receive a Manawatu District Council Young Achievers Award for 2013. The award is in recognition of the contribution they have made to our community and school during the year.
Quality work in maths: 2x, 5x, 10x Multiplication - Lauren performed well in the speed test.
Mathletics : 14 October - 20 October
Johnny participation 1447 (total 7 certificates), Lauren 580 (total 4 certificates), Damian 201, James 370.
Huntah participation 370 (total 29 cetificates).
Brooke participation 217 (total 17 certificates).
Reading Eggs
Students are encouraged to use this site to read as part of their homework and at school.
Community Creators
As you all know our group has been trying to make the library more exciting ... well we have we got the new Ottoman! We also got a table for inside the Ottoman. It has already been a very popular place to read, do our maths at and spend morning tea and lunch.
Our group would like to thank A.S.S.A for letting us buy this for our library and we would like to thank Huntah and Jaycee for helping us carry the Ottoman in! Now we are labelling all of our shelves in our new colours. Come and have a look. Thank you all for supporting our library.
Waste Busters
For the opening ceremony for our opening we sang "She'll be right" and then started with opening the hydroponics - Charlotte Sarah and Mrs Lowe.
Hydro Rangers
On Friday the 27th we had our opening ceremony for the Green Finger Zone. We shared our glass house and our next steps on what we were going to do. We had MP Mr Mckelvie, Councillor Matt Bell and members from Horizons present. They were very impressed!
Thank you to all those people who came and joined us for that. We would also like to thank Mrs Lowe for coming up and cutting the ribbon with us.
The strawberries are up and running again after bright fly and they taste good!! We have also planted some more tomatoes, lettuces and parsley.
Expert Plantagators
On the Friday of the last week of term three we had planned for a grand opening to celebrate our group's achievements. With funding from Horizons regional council, we had the opportunity to revamp the growing unit and shade house with new sprinklers, timers, hoses and work benches. Huntah's granddad helped so much with this area. With Mitre 10 giving us big discounts it made it a lot easier. The whole group worked a lot with building the shade house and making the vege gardens look really good. We are really proud of how much the veges in the tractor tires have grown. Also how well the growing unit has been working.
Supa Small Blacks
Our part in the opening of the Green Finger Zone
Zahn and I were at the gate walking everyone to the office. It was hard because we were very nervous. - Jaycee.
Nikki helped set out the chairs and was a great role model for James and Franklin. Everyone was a role-model for the Juniors. - Nikki.
Travis and the Bon Apiti Committee welcomed and handed paper towels to put the food they had made onto for lunch. - Travis
It was fantastic to see you all there ... Many thanks to everyone who played a part in the day ... and the weeks ... and years of learning leading up to the opening of our Green Finger Zone.
What's Happening...
Today, Monday 21st, we welcomed the four staff from Bainesse School to Apiti after receiving the following email :
"My name is Andrea Harnett the principal at Bainesse School. We are a similar size to you and have started our Inquiry Learning journey with our Rural Science. Would you allow us to come and see your amazing school. We would love to see your journey of Inquiry and talk to you about your philosophy." - Andrea
Digi Awards
Congratulations our students who are finalists !!! James for his photo essay on his bean growing, Zahn for his music video titled "Life is for Real" and to The Coconut Girls; Chloe, Sarah and Lauren for their music and dance movie! This popular event is getting larger each year with over 900 entries this year. Last year we had 5 finalists and the year before 6. We are recognised as a leading school in information and communication technology and our students continue to be well prepared for the 21st century. We would like to thank our sponsor Inhouse Computers for paying half the professional development for Nic Lush from Creative Screen Solutions Ltd who worked with the teachers and students on Adobe Photo Shop. We have purchased this programme, and it will enable students to further develop movie making and photos including blue screening.
Lamb and Calf Day - 24th October
We look forward to showcasing and celebrating our learning on this day. The students decided on their indoor exhibits, miniature scene, vege/fruit sculpture and decorated gumboot (the gumboot can also be entered in the Feilding Show). The feedback, re-morning or day before, for completing indoor exhibits was inconclusive so the students are completing the gumboot on Wednesday 23rd and the miniature scene and sculpture on the morning of Lamb and Calf Day. Please check the link Lamb and Calf Day or look on the Apiti School wiki for all the things students will need so they are prepared. A copy of this was also sent home with students last Tuesday.
The technology challenge on the morning of Lamb and calf day is to make a scarecrow. These are also part of the whanau group judging. Groups will be planning these tomorrow. They will need old clothing to stuff, pantyhose for arms, legs and face and a couple of poles to give their scarecrow structure eg manuka or bamboo. If you would like a copy of the Lamb and Calf Day booklet please contact the school, or call in.
We look forward to seeing you all here on the day.
The reading page on your child's e-portfolio has recently been updated. Your child will bring CAFE Parent Pipeline letter home tomorrow specific to their child's reading goal. These have been sourced from the CAFE Daily Five teacher website and may give you useful ideas and ways you can help at home. We would appreciate your feedback. How useful are they for you?
For the last 2 terms senior students have had an intensive focus on basic facts at the beginning of each maths lesson. It has resulted in improved speed when solving problems. This term our intensive focus at the beginning of our maths lesson is problem solving. This is an area many students find more challenging. If you are looking for a maths homework focus ... continuing to practice basic facts would be great! This site is a great one to start with: http://nzmaths.co.nz/basic-facts-learning-objects If you would like other ideas for ways to practice basic facts, please let Nicki know.
Moa Marathon / Athletics Coaching /Fitness
Students are running daily, and training with Sport Manawatu twice a week as part of these programmes. They all run for 10mins everyday and are developing high levels of fitness, as well as learning skills for athletics. Please make sure students have appropriate clothes for these activities, e.g shorts please. There has been some sickness; both flu and tummy bugs. Children should be kept at home if they are unwell. We remind students about handwashing, sunhats and sunblock, but it is important that students learn about these and take responsibility for their own health, as part of managing themselves.
Please always let us know if your child is unwell.
Swimming Lessons at the Makino Aquatic Centre
The swimming dates have been on the google calender for most of the year, but these are : Friday 25th October, Friday 1st November, Friday 8th November, Friday 15th November, and Friday the 22nd of November. Please email Christine, as soon as possible to save her ringing around, with the dates you can take transport to and from swimming. The bus will run as usual in the morning and the students will complete literacy and maths as usual, before leaving Apiti at 11am and returning in time for the school bus unless the parents taking cars have made other arrangements. Please ensure students have 2 towels and googles for these lessons. They will also need to bring a packed lunch and drink.
Carly Thomas will be taking dance classes on Mondays at school during this term for all students. This will lead up to an end of year / assembly item.
Oroua Group of Schools Athletics - Friday 29th November
This event happens at Timona Park in Feilding on Friday the 29th November pp date 6th December. All children participate in this event. More information closer to the time.
Rangiwahia School
As part of the Rangiwahia School closing in January 2014, the Rangiwahia School BOT have allocated us the following resources:- an interactive whiteboard, the ride-on lawn mower, tables, chairs, oven, fridge, microwave, storage cupboards, Phys ed gear, books, teaching resources and the pool heating equipment. We will need help moving these. Please contact us if you can help. We will be moving these on Monday 28th and Thursday 31st October.
Looking to recycle your TV?
Enviroschools and the Ministry of the Environment are currently running the Enviroschools Challenge to encourage responsible disposal of unwanted TVs.
TVs contain materials like glass that can be re-used if they are recycled, as well as hazardous materials like lead. TVs should not be dumped, but recycled responsibly to recover valuable resources.
The Enviroschools Challenge invites students, friends and familes to drop off unwanted TVs at participating drop-off sites. If you nominate Apiti School as your participating enviroschool, every TV would earn points and the best overall recycling rate will win a technology package from Samsung. All nominated Enviroschools will go in the draw to win 2 x Samsung Galaxy Note 8 tables. For more information, visit www.tvtakeback.govt.nz or www.enviroschools.org.nz
Please read the attached Enviroschools Challenge flyer for more details.
What’s changing?
We would like to welcome Joanne to our school. Joanne comes from Rangiwahia and is a Year 5 student. We know Joanne will enjoy learning at our school.
Good News
Staffing Entitlement - The Ministry of Education have approved our 2.4 staffing for 2014.
The Royal Society of NZ has advised us that we are successful in its application for Bayer Primary School Science funding of $1,918.05.
We have also just sent in our WWF reports for the $750.00 grant received for our growing unit, worm farm, vegie garden and shade house.
Thanks so much to Nicki and Anwyl for successfully applying for these grants.
Celebrating our successes :
Congratulations to Huntah and Hannah. These 2 students have been nominated to receive a Manawatu District Council Young Achievers Award for 2013. The award is in recognition of the contribution they have made to our community and school during the year.
Quality work in maths: 2x, 5x, 10x Multiplication - Lauren performed well in the speed test.
Most active Sumdog Students :
Questions Accuracy
Johnny 313 78%
Lacey 109 82%
Charlotte 109 90%
Derek 88 88%
David 67 84%Mathletics : 14 October - 20 October
Johnny participation 1447 (total 7 certificates), Lauren 580 (total 4 certificates), Damian 201, James 370.
Huntah participation 370 (total 29 cetificates).
Brooke participation 217 (total 17 certificates).
Reading Eggs
Students are encouraged to use this site to read as part of their homework and at school.
Community Creators
As you all know our group has been trying to make the library more exciting ... well we have we got the new Ottoman! We also got a table for inside the Ottoman. It has already been a very popular place to read, do our maths at and spend morning tea and lunch.
Our group would like to thank A.S.S.A for letting us buy this for our library and we would like to thank Huntah and Jaycee for helping us carry the Ottoman in! Now we are labelling all of our shelves in our new colours. Come and have a look. Thank you all for supporting our library.
Waste Busters
After that it was our turn and we said our bit ...
"We are the Waste Busters. I am Hannah the leader and this is my team Brooke, Tyler, Bianca, Chloe. We do all the recycling and food scraps in the school. - Hannah
We have a recycling centre and look after the worm farm. We have pig buckets and feed Gordie's pigs. - Chloe
George and Mavis Carter from Mageo helped us with our designs and we painted the rest. - Brooke
We have just built this new bigger worm farm, it is made from an old bath with a wood base.The Bon Apiti Committee made us lunch for the opining ceremony. - Bianca
We have a recycling centre and look after the worm farm. We have pig buckets and feed Gordie's pigs. - Chloe
We have just built this new bigger worm farm, it is made from an old bath with a wood base.The Bon Apiti Committee made us lunch for the opining ceremony. - Bianca
We painted the worm farm, we sang songs, we cut the ribbon. Hannah and Chloe cut the ribbon.We had lunch.We hope to be able to put more food scraps in and grow more worms and produce more worm wee.
- Tyler
- Tyler
Our future plans are to work with Manawatu District Council on a village recycling centre and sell worm wee. - Hannah
On Friday the 27th we had our opening ceremony for the Green Finger Zone. We shared our glass house and our next steps on what we were going to do. We had MP Mr Mckelvie, Councillor Matt Bell and members from Horizons present. They were very impressed!
Thank you to all those people who came and joined us for that. We would also like to thank Mrs Lowe for coming up and cutting the ribbon with us.
On the Friday of the last week of term three we had planned for a grand opening to celebrate our group's achievements. With funding from Horizons regional council, we had the opportunity to revamp the growing unit and shade house with new sprinklers, timers, hoses and work benches. Huntah's granddad helped so much with this area. With Mitre 10 giving us big discounts it made it a lot easier. The whole group worked a lot with building the shade house and making the vege gardens look really good. We are really proud of how much the veges in the tractor tires have grown. Also how well the growing unit has been working.
Supa Small Blacks
Our part in the opening of the Green Finger Zone
Nikki helped set out the chairs and was a great role model for James and Franklin. Everyone was a role-model for the Juniors. - Nikki.
Travis and the Bon Apiti Committee welcomed and handed paper towels to put the food they had made onto for lunch. - Travis
It was fantastic to see you all there ... Many thanks to everyone who played a part in the day ... and the weeks ... and years of learning leading up to the opening of our Green Finger Zone.
The Grand Opening of our Growing Area
‘Kids do region proud’
- Heartiest
congratulations to Apiti School.
I was one of the invited guests to sghowcase the
childrens’ work done since receiving the glass house they won at the Manawatu
Garden Festival. What a great effort, a
lovely opening attended by our MP Mr Ian McKelvie and others, then we were
invited to share a delightful lunch made by the children from produce grown in their gardens. Well done all of you! - AL
GIBB - Feilding Herald, 03.10.2013.
I want to say thank you
for the wonderful time I had at your celebrations of the Opening of the Growing
Unit, at the end of last term. I met some really lovely people and you
all made me feel so welcome. You have so many great things happening at
the school - I especially love the native area and your new Growing Unit.
I can't wait to get stuck in and help you with anything that you need
doing. – Rowena Brown, Manawatu Enviroschools Facilitator.
& I would like to thank the children who visited us for their eco gardens, for
the entertainment they gave us !!! and for the very kind gift card they have
just brought. We thoroughly enjoyed their company. Many
& George. What's Happening...
Today, Monday 21st, we welcomed the four staff from Bainesse School to Apiti after receiving the following email :
"My name is Andrea Harnett the principal at Bainesse School. We are a similar size to you and have started our Inquiry Learning journey with our Rural Science. Would you allow us to come and see your amazing school. We would love to see your journey of Inquiry and talk to you about your philosophy." - Andrea
Board of Trustees Meeting
The next BOT meeting is tonight starting at 7.30pm in
the school staff room. Please view the
Agenda by clicking on the BOT tab down
the side of the newsletter. All members
of the community are welcome to attend. Congratulations our students who are finalists !!! James for his photo essay on his bean growing, Zahn for his music video titled "Life is for Real" and to The Coconut Girls; Chloe, Sarah and Lauren for their music and dance movie! This popular event is getting larger each year with over 900 entries this year. Last year we had 5 finalists and the year before 6. We are recognised as a leading school in information and communication technology and our students continue to be well prepared for the 21st century. We would like to thank our sponsor Inhouse Computers for paying half the professional development for Nic Lush from Creative Screen Solutions Ltd who worked with the teachers and students on Adobe Photo Shop. We have purchased this programme, and it will enable students to further develop movie making and photos including blue screening.
Lamb and Calf Day - 24th October
We look forward to showcasing and celebrating our learning on this day. The students decided on their indoor exhibits, miniature scene, vege/fruit sculpture and decorated gumboot (the gumboot can also be entered in the Feilding Show). The feedback, re-morning or day before, for completing indoor exhibits was inconclusive so the students are completing the gumboot on Wednesday 23rd and the miniature scene and sculpture on the morning of Lamb and Calf Day. Please check the link Lamb and Calf Day or look on the Apiti School wiki for all the things students will need so they are prepared. A copy of this was also sent home with students last Tuesday.
The technology challenge on the morning of Lamb and calf day is to make a scarecrow. These are also part of the whanau group judging. Groups will be planning these tomorrow. They will need old clothing to stuff, pantyhose for arms, legs and face and a couple of poles to give their scarecrow structure eg manuka or bamboo. If you would like a copy of the Lamb and Calf Day booklet please contact the school, or call in.
Lamb and Calf Day provides a great
opportunity for our school to showcase student learning and celebrate success.
This open day is a meaningful opportunity to present work from many areas of
the curriculum, in a variety of formats.
This day consists of three parts : Indoor
section in the morning, Outdoor section in the
afternoon and Whanau Group section.
Students arrive at school with required items
to complete Miniature Scene and Vegetable / Fruit Sculpture at the normal time.
9.00 - 10.15 : Students complete Learning Tasks
10.30 - 11.00 : Morning Tea.
11.00 - 12.00 : Judging of Indoor Individual
Students complete
Whanau Group Learning Tasks.
12.00 - 1.00
: Shared Lunch.
Calves / Lambs to arrive before 12.45.
: Judging of Lambs commences
Judging of Calves commences (Senior/Junior)
At the completion of outside judging, the
indoor exhibits will be open for viewing.
The Native area can be viewed at any time
through-out the day.
This will be followed by Prize-giving and afternoon
We welcome families, friends, neighbours and
all community members to our school for this day from 12 noon. The day will run
wet or fine.
Lambs are judged on Leading, Calling, and Rearing. Calves are
judged on Leading, Walking without a lead and Care and Attention.
Pre-school children are welcome to bring their lamb – their section will
be after the school lambs. They are also
welcome to join us for the fun events.
Fun events will be held while points are being added up, for ‘best
dressed lamb and calf’ and a ‘drinking competition’ if you would like to bring
200mls for your lamb and 2 litres for your calf.
Cups /
Could all of last year’s cup winners return your cups to school, all
polished up as soon as possible.
Lunch / Afternoon Tea
ASSA organises the shared lunch for the day which may include meat,
salad or vege dishes e.g quiche, bacon and egg pies / sausage rolls etc. We would like to invite all families,
community members and friends to join the judges for a shared lunch at 12.00, before
the lamb and calf section starts.
We are running a grocery raffle on the day, so could each family please
provide 3 non-perishable items to contribute to this raffle. These items can be dropped into the school
staff room any time before Thursday the 24th please - thank you! Tickets will be available through-out the day.
The reading page on your child's e-portfolio has recently been updated. Your child will bring CAFE Parent Pipeline letter home tomorrow specific to their child's reading goal. These have been sourced from the CAFE Daily Five teacher website and may give you useful ideas and ways you can help at home. We would appreciate your feedback. How useful are they for you?
For the last 2 terms senior students have had an intensive focus on basic facts at the beginning of each maths lesson. It has resulted in improved speed when solving problems. This term our intensive focus at the beginning of our maths lesson is problem solving. This is an area many students find more challenging. If you are looking for a maths homework focus ... continuing to practice basic facts would be great! This site is a great one to start with: http://nzmaths.co.nz/basic-facts-learning-objects If you would like other ideas for ways to practice basic facts, please let Nicki know.
Moa Marathon / Athletics Coaching /Fitness
Students are running daily, and training with Sport Manawatu twice a week as part of these programmes. They all run for 10mins everyday and are developing high levels of fitness, as well as learning skills for athletics. Please make sure students have appropriate clothes for these activities, e.g shorts please. There has been some sickness; both flu and tummy bugs. Children should be kept at home if they are unwell. We remind students about handwashing, sunhats and sunblock, but it is important that students learn about these and take responsibility for their own health, as part of managing themselves.
Please always let us know if your child is unwell.
Swimming Lessons at the Makino Aquatic Centre
The swimming dates have been on the google calender for most of the year, but these are : Friday 25th October, Friday 1st November, Friday 8th November, Friday 15th November, and Friday the 22nd of November. Please email Christine, as soon as possible to save her ringing around, with the dates you can take transport to and from swimming. The bus will run as usual in the morning and the students will complete literacy and maths as usual, before leaving Apiti at 11am and returning in time for the school bus unless the parents taking cars have made other arrangements. Please ensure students have 2 towels and googles for these lessons. They will also need to bring a packed lunch and drink.
Carly Thomas will be taking dance classes on Mondays at school during this term for all students. This will lead up to an end of year / assembly item.
Oroua Group of Schools Athletics - Friday 29th November
This event happens at Timona Park in Feilding on Friday the 29th November pp date 6th December. All children participate in this event. More information closer to the time.
As part of the Rangiwahia School closing in January 2014, the Rangiwahia School BOT have allocated us the following resources:- an interactive whiteboard, the ride-on lawn mower, tables, chairs, oven, fridge, microwave, storage cupboards, Phys ed gear, books, teaching resources and the pool heating equipment. We will need help moving these. Please contact us if you can help. We will be moving these on Monday 28th and Thursday 31st October.
Drum Lessons with Natasha Stephenson
Absolute Beginners Drum Lessons will be starting on Thursday the 31st of October. Lessons will cost $10.00 per half hour and will be in groups of 2 students on Thursday afternoons. One lesson will be free if you pay for a full term on the first lesson. If you are interested, please ring Natasha on 027 9578729, or Mary a.s.a.p.
Thank You
A huge thank you to Pat for helping Chrissy clean up all the storm debris from the school grounds recently - very much appreciated!
Thank You
A huge thank you to Pat for helping Chrissy clean up all the storm debris from the school grounds recently - very much appreciated!
Enviroschools and the Ministry of the Environment are currently running the Enviroschools Challenge to encourage responsible disposal of unwanted TVs.
TVs contain materials like glass that can be re-used if they are recycled, as well as hazardous materials like lead. TVs should not be dumped, but recycled responsibly to recover valuable resources.
The Enviroschools Challenge invites students, friends and familes to drop off unwanted TVs at participating drop-off sites. If you nominate Apiti School as your participating enviroschool, every TV would earn points and the best overall recycling rate will win a technology package from Samsung. All nominated Enviroschools will go in the draw to win 2 x Samsung Galaxy Note 8 tables. For more information, visit www.tvtakeback.govt.nz or www.enviroschools.org.nz
Please read the attached Enviroschools Challenge flyer for more details.
Year's Manawatu Show 2013 is on the 6th, 7th and 8th of December, and once
again we will be holding a competition for 10, 11 and 12 year olds testing
and teaching rural and life skills. The Agri Kids Challenge will be held on
Sunday the 8th of December.
contest consists of a series of ten minute long challenges, starting a
10am and a final 'race off' of the top three teams.
emphasis in all sections will be on team work and quality of work with some
points for speed.
team will be given advance knowledge of any of the challenge as the idea is
that this contest will not require preparation by the children.
would like to invite your school to enter a team or teams. Each team must
comprise 3 pupils aged 10, 11 or 12 years with all teams being of mixed gender.
Each team must be accompanied by one adult. Due to time
constraints we are limited to 10 teams.
enter, please contact Nicki no later
than November the 12th. There is no
cost to enter the Challenge.
SafeKids Aotearoa
1 November 2013, child restraint laws are changing to improve safety. As a driver you must make sure any child
travelling in your vehicle is correctly secured.
What’s changing?
law says you must: From Friday 1st November 2013: Correctly
secure your child in an approved child restraint until their 7th birthday!
law also says you must: Correctly secure your child in an
approved child restraint if one is available in the vehicle (and if not, in any
child restraint or safety belt that is available). However, regardless of
age, school children are safest in a booster seat until they are 148cm tall.
are offering a voucher for 10% off a wide range of child restraints at The Baby
Factory, including already discounted items, purchased at The Baby Factory
before November 8th. Vouchers are available at participating
Caltex service stations.
find out more visit Safekids Aotearoa at www.mysafekids.org.nz or at www.safekids.org.nz
Many thanks to everyone who helped in any way
with the Oroua Netball 2013 Season, the season went quickly but very
successfully and we had a brilliant turnout of players all of whom played their
hardest and were really committed to the teams.
Thanks to all the players, parents, coaches and managers it has been a
great season and I am sure we will all miss it now that it is over! Thank you also to the support we receive from
the Oroua Schools, your annual donations keep us going and storing the kit for
us is a great help – this job was being done by Kimbolton but Apiti School has
kindly agreed to take over.
Unfortunately we will saying goodbye to two
of our coaches this year, Pete Thomas who has been coaching the Intermediate
Grade for the last three years and Anna Martin who has been coaching the Fun
Ferns, they have both done an outstanding job and we really appreciate all the
time and commitment they have given us.
We are therefore looking out for two more coaches for these grades, if
you can help please do get in touch as we would like to get this sorted out for
next year as soon as we can. Maryann
Pratt has kindly agreed to continue coaching the Future Ferns Grade and we are
very grateful to her for this as she does a fantastic job, ably assisted by
Sara Wills who has also kindly agreed to carry on. Anna will continue her job as Treasurer and
we thank her for that. So what we really
need is a Coach and Manager for the Intermediate Grade and a Coach and Manager
for the Fun Ferns – could this be you?!!
It would also be really good to have an overall ‘Chairman’ to liaise
between each grade and Feilding – not necessarily a parent – do you know
someone who could do this?
Please also keep netball in mind for the 2014
season, we always need new players and it is great for the children to give it
a go. Well done everyone! THANK YOU. - Sarah
Burge, (06) 3285780.
Labour Weekend Holiday – Monday 28th October
Feilding Junior Cricket
Just a reminder that although Feilding Junior Cricket's
registration night has been held we are still taking registrations for the
Start date for this term is Tuesday 29 October for C
grade (Blue, Red and Green teams) and Saturday 2 November for Primary and
Intermediate teams. Contacts Brenda 324 0581 or Sharon 323 7775. - Brenda Manley, Secretary - Feidling Junior Cricket.
Labour Weekend Holiday – Monday 28th October
School will be closed next Monday for Labour Day. School will re-open on Tuesday the 29th
October at 9.00a.m.
Happy Birthday!! To the following students, we hope you have / had a great
1st October – Hannah! 21st October – Johnny! 27th October – Lacey! 31st October – Pixel!
QUOTE - “Some people think you are
strong when you hold on. Others think it is when you let go.” Sylvia