Welcome to Week 9 the final week of term 3 2013.
What's happening ...
Wasn't it a great day! Amazing weather and
fantastic commitment by our students. For some it was their first time in the snow and for others it was the next annual Apiti ski opportunity to improve and challenge themselves. Thank you for your help in making this such a successful learning opportunity!! If anyone has any photos, we would appreciate a copy. Students are currently reflecting on the day and are looking for photos to upload to their e-portfolios to compliment their writing.
Thank you to all those parents who helped out with transport and with supervision.
Science Expo
Thank you to those parents who transported students and equipment to the Science Expo held at Kiwitea recently.
Students have their learning in science recorded on their 'Integrated page' in their 'wiki e-portfolio'. Please take a moment to share this with your children.
Conservation Day
& Playcentre, travelled up to Hilton and Christine Digby’s wetland for Conservation Week!
Then we said our thanks yous; especially to Horizons staff, Aaron & Ruth, who donated 200 plants and helped us plant them. We appreciated the help of Robert and Mr Esson from PROBUS! They kindly offered their time to help out our community! It was also great to have the playcentre chlidren and their families and some of our parents planting with us.
As planned the staff and students have begun to learn Adobe Photo Shop and After Effects. These skills will be further developed next term, using the videos from Apiti's Got Talent. This has been made possible because of the financial support of Inhouse Computers who are generously supporting our school. Thank you to Nic Lush, from svcreations, for his tuition in this area. Entries were received from 40 schools and the finalists will be announced soon, and information is available on the web site http://thedigiawards.wikispaces.com/ The Red Carpet Evening will be held on Monday the 4th of November for students (and their families) who make the finals.
Moa Marathon
Apiti School students have joined other country schools in the quest to run a marathon!! Chris from Sport Manawatu, who have created this initiative, will be with us each Thursday afternoon, to give us running tips and teach us a range of skills and stamp weekly progress. All students need to be prepared with suitable clothing and footwear for running.
We will be running approximately 5 km per week for the next 8 weeks (including the holidays). This is done in a range of ways through our daily fitness programmes. The focus is on involvement and each student setting their own goals for improvement. We will run our final 3.2 km leg with all of the other schools at the Feilding Marathon on the 9th of November at 2pm. Please keep this date free in your diaries.
'400 words'
Senior room students are currently writing stories to be entered in the Breeze Radio Station Short Story Competition .http://www.thebreeze.co.nz/Competitions/400WordsMainHome.aspx
These stories will also be published by students and showcased and judged at Lamb and Calf Day.
The next BOT Meeting is tonight at 7pm in the school staffroom. Please view the agenda in the BOT page on this newsletter.
Lamb and Calf Day
This week students and staff will be planning the learning tasks they will complete just before Lamb and Calf Day. These Indoor Exhibits are valuable for learning as they necessitate planning, organisational skills, creativity and the ability to work within a time frame and meet a deadline. In the past we have completed these on the morning of Lamb and Calf Day. Last year we trialled completing them on the afternoon before Lamb and Calf Day. We would like to hear your preference. When they are completed will affect the tasks we plan eg time frame available, use of fresh flowers etc.
Please email Mary with your preference before Wednesday.
1. We prefer students complete their indoor exhibits on the morning of Lamb and Calf Day.
2. We prefer students complete their indoor exhibits in the afternoon before Lamb and Calf Day
3. We do not have a preference.
Parents / Students / Staff / Playcentre
Thank you to those who have taken the time to complete our survey. In order to ensure everyone has had ample opportunity, Anna has extended the online survey deadline to next Monday 30th September when she will collate the surveys. So if you haven't sent it in, you still have time!! We value your feedback!
We would also really appreciate feedback from members of our local community!!
If you receive a paper copy of our newsletter, the survey form should be attached. If you have not received a survey or link and would like to complete the survey online, please email Nicki (nickifielder@gmail) and we will forward it to you. This is the preferred option.
for taking the time!
Could all paper copies please be returned to the school mailbox by next Monday. If you would like extra time, just let us know.
Anna will report to the BOT on the results of the collation at the first BOT meeting in term 4. This report will be one source used to form our action plan for the remainder of 2013 and beyond.
Yummy Stickers
Could all Yummy Sticker charts please be back at school by tomorrow as the promotion finishes this Friday and all charts need to be posted before then. Results should be out mid October.
Term 3 Ends
Term 3 finishes this Friday the 27th of September at 2.30pm.
Term 4 Begins
School will re-open for term 4 on Monday the 14th of October at 9.00a.m.
Looking Ahead to Term 4
Summer Sport
Our final Sport Manawatu intensive coaching for 2013 is Athletics.
Weekly coaching begins on the first Wednesday of term 4. The days vary and are available on our calendar. Please help your children ensure they are prepared.
Once again we will give our students intensive swimming lessons at the Makino Pool in Feilding prior to the summer swimming and river fun! The dates are Friday 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and the 29th of November. It would be great if each family could help out a little with transport for these lessons. Please let Christine know the dates you can help.
Oroua are entering hockey teams in the Manawatu summer hockey league. It runs for 8 weeks, at the Palmerston North turf, starting the week of the 21st October. No previous hockey experience needed! You may play up an age group, but not down. If you are keen to play summer hockey contact the following team organisers:
What's happening ...
Wasn't it a great day! Amazing weather and
fantastic commitment by our students. For some it was their first time in the snow and for others it was the next annual Apiti ski opportunity to improve and challenge themselves. Thank you for your help in making this such a successful learning opportunity!! If anyone has any photos, we would appreciate a copy. Students are currently reflecting on the day and are looking for photos to upload to their e-portfolios to compliment their writing.
Thank you to all those parents who helped out with transport and with supervision.
Science Expo
Thank you to those parents who transported students and equipment to the Science Expo held at Kiwitea recently.
Students have their learning in science recorded on their 'Integrated page' in their 'wiki e-portfolio'. Please take a moment to share this with your children.
Conservation Day
& Playcentre, travelled up to Hilton and Christine Digby’s wetland for Conservation Week!
We planted about 200 trees. We did this to help keep the water and air fresh and we need to keep the amount of trees convenient! We ended up planting some Totara, Flax,
Cabbage trees and Kowhai trees!
The muddy mushy mush of mud was very easy to dig into.
The shovel was like a mini digger scooping as much mud as it could carry.
After about 2 hours of planting we stopped for some lunch that the wonderful Bon Apiti committee made. They made about 50 sandwiches, chocolate cake and Fonterra kindly donated some flavoured milk for everybody!
We are hoping that in a couple of years we may go up to the wetland and see how many plants have grown. Hopefully the creeks and dams will be filled to the brim with trout and there will be crystal clear water!
By Zahn, Hannah and Charlotte
Digi Awards
Once again our students have entered this Manawatu Competition. We have entries in the Digital Photograph, Photo Essay, Book Trailer, Animated Movie, Documentary and Music Video categories. The Digital Photograph and Photo Essay completed this term by students, will also be showcased and judged at Lamb and Calf Day and with the other entries will be posted on the students wikis.Digi Awards
As planned the staff and students have begun to learn Adobe Photo Shop and After Effects. These skills will be further developed next term, using the videos from Apiti's Got Talent. This has been made possible because of the financial support of Inhouse Computers who are generously supporting our school. Thank you to Nic Lush, from svcreations, for his tuition in this area. Entries were received from 40 schools and the finalists will be announced soon, and information is available on the web site http://thedigiawards.wikispaces.com/ The Red Carpet Evening will be held on Monday the 4th of November for students (and their families) who make the finals.
Moa Marathon
Apiti School students have joined other country schools in the quest to run a marathon!! Chris from Sport Manawatu, who have created this initiative, will be with us each Thursday afternoon, to give us running tips and teach us a range of skills and stamp weekly progress. All students need to be prepared with suitable clothing and footwear for running.
We will be running approximately 5 km per week for the next 8 weeks (including the holidays). This is done in a range of ways through our daily fitness programmes. The focus is on involvement and each student setting their own goals for improvement. We will run our final 3.2 km leg with all of the other schools at the Feilding Marathon on the 9th of November at 2pm. Please keep this date free in your diaries.
'400 words'
Senior room students are currently writing stories to be entered in the Breeze Radio Station Short Story Competition .http://www.thebreeze.co.nz/Competitions/400WordsMainHome.aspx
These stories will also be published by students and showcased and judged at Lamb and Calf Day.
The Grand Opening of our Growing Area - Friday 27th September
We are looking forward to seeing you all at this event this Friday from 12:00 - 1:00pm with a lunch
prepared by 'Bon Apiti' after the celebration.
The celebration will allow the students the
opportunity of thanking all their supporters and the wider school 'family' for
their input. It would be great to support the work put in by the students and
their many, many helpers. Completing the physical layout of the area
will facilitate more cross-curricula learning for our students and support
their whanau group work which is what makes Apiti School such a special place
The students have received confirmations from the Member of
Parliament and hopefully the Mayor of MDC. Unfortunately
the Prime Minister is unavailable, gallivanting with the Queen at
Balmoral!!. There will however be representatives from many of the
organisations who have supported us like Horizons, MDC and the school wide
community. The children are very excited and have a wonderful celebration
planned in which they will share their work and input.
Board of Trustee MeetingThe next BOT Meeting is tonight at 7pm in the school staffroom. Please view the agenda in the BOT page on this newsletter.
Lamb and Calf Day
This week students and staff will be planning the learning tasks they will complete just before Lamb and Calf Day. These Indoor Exhibits are valuable for learning as they necessitate planning, organisational skills, creativity and the ability to work within a time frame and meet a deadline. In the past we have completed these on the morning of Lamb and Calf Day. Last year we trialled completing them on the afternoon before Lamb and Calf Day. We would like to hear your preference. When they are completed will affect the tasks we plan eg time frame available, use of fresh flowers etc.
Please email Mary with your preference before Wednesday.
1. We prefer students complete their indoor exhibits on the morning of Lamb and Calf Day.
2. We prefer students complete their indoor exhibits in the afternoon before Lamb and Calf Day
3. We do not have a preference.
We would like to encourage all students to
participate on this day by bringing along a lamb or a calf. We suggest
that lambs and calves are born on or between 1/07/13 and 25/09/13.
Could all last year cup winners return your
cups to school all polished up before this year's Lamb and Calf Day please. If you still need a lamb for this day, we will try to source one for you to feed and then you can return it after lamb and calf day. If you require any further information, please don't hesitate to contact Mary.
Parents / Students / Staff / Playcentre
Thank you to those who have taken the time to complete our survey. In order to ensure everyone has had ample opportunity, Anna has extended the online survey deadline to next Monday 30th September when she will collate the surveys. So if you haven't sent it in, you still have time!! We value your feedback!
We would also really appreciate feedback from members of our local community!!
If you receive a paper copy of our newsletter, the survey form should be attached. If you have not received a survey or link and would like to complete the survey online, please email Nicki (nickifielder@gmail) and we will forward it to you. This is the preferred option.
for taking the time!
Could all paper copies please be returned to the school mailbox by next Monday. If you would like extra time, just let us know.
Anna will report to the BOT on the results of the collation at the first BOT meeting in term 4. This report will be one source used to form our action plan for the remainder of 2013 and beyond.
Yummy Stickers
Could all Yummy Sticker charts please be back at school by tomorrow as the promotion finishes this Friday and all charts need to be posted before then. Results should be out mid October.
Term 3 Ends
Term 3 finishes this Friday the 27th of September at 2.30pm.
Term 4 Begins
School will re-open for term 4 on Monday the 14th of October at 9.00a.m.
Looking Ahead to Term 4
Summer Sport
Our final Sport Manawatu intensive coaching for 2013 is Athletics.
Weekly coaching begins on the first Wednesday of term 4. The days vary and are available on our calendar. Please help your children ensure they are prepared.
Once again we will give our students intensive swimming lessons at the Makino Pool in Feilding prior to the summer swimming and river fun! The dates are Friday 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and the 29th of November. It would be great if each family could help out a little with transport for these lessons. Please let Christine know the dates you can help.
6 A-side Summer Hockey
Year 7 & 8 (Thursday ) – Pete Thomas (06 3289 770)
Year 5 & 6 (Wed) – Mike Osborne (06 3285 811)
Year 3 & 4 (Tues) – more likely that a team will be entered in Term 1 of 2014, however if you are interested, contact Katherine Gillespie (06 3284747)
For general information, contact Posy Moody (06 328 9199).
PGG Wrightson Oroua Hockey XI (see photo)
The coaches of PGG Wrightson Oroua Hockey XI aside would like to congratulate the squad on their excellent season – 8 wins out of the 12! The squad despite their lack of experience achieved this excellent result due to their commitment to the team, and willingness to learn. We wish you luck with your hockey next year wherever that may be. Prize Giving, was held last Friday in Marton. - Posy Moody.