Celebrating our Students' Achievements
Basic facts. These students have set personal records (speed and accuracy)
Lacey, Dylan, Anneke, Brooke, Pixel, Bianca, Hannah, Jaycee (NEW CLASS RECORD!) - Well done Jaycee!!
25 nights of Reading
Dylan, Pixel, Bianca, Derek, Chloe, James, Lauren, Sarah, Franklin, Johnny.
Thinktank - These students have completed a full line of numeracy knowledge within the last two weeks :- Travis, Hannah, Nikki, Dylan.
Celebrating the successes of our past students
Well done to Jessica Dearlove, who has just been accepted to do the Waikato Batchelor of Primary Education. It is great to hear the achievements of all of our past students!
Digi Awards
The deadline for the Manawatu Digi awards is only two weeks away (20th September). This is a great opportunity for our students to showcase their learning to a wider audience. Once again we are proud to have students putting in entries in a range of categories... Digital photo, Photo essay, Music video, Documentary and Book trailer. The photo and photo essay will also be showcased and judged as part of our Lamb and Calf Day Indoor Competition to be held on the 24th of October.
Whanau group learning
Community Creators
We recently visited Manchester, Tiritea and Mt Biggs School libraries. We got a lot of great ideas. We made a presentation to ASSA to ask them for their support to help us make our library a better place to learn in. Now we are able to go ahead with our plan. We are regrouping and relabelling all of our books. We will get a new couch and table. We are looking forward to seeing our finished product.
Hydro Rangers
We achieved cleaning the glass house and making it look really good at the working bee.
On Wednesday, Mrs Sandbrook came down and helped us plant some blackcurrant plants. Then we planted some Kowhai seeds in potting mix. Soon we are going to be making lots of batches of walnut crackle.
We would like to thank Mrs Lowe and Mrs Gillespie for helping us at the working bee and Mr and Mrs Carter for letting us come over and make signs for our veggie gardens. Also thank you Mrs Sandbrook for helping us plant the plants. We really appreciate all the help everyone has put into our school.
Our recent projects include science projects which Zahn and David did together and Lacey did with Charlotte. Zahn and David's is called 'Corrosion Concoctions' and Lacey and Charlotte's is 'Crackly Crackle'.
Expert Plantagators
We have made our compost for our science investigation. We have finished all of our testing. We learnt how to make good compost and what to put in it. We can use what we have learnt to make our compost at school. We also made our traffic lights. Thank you to Mr and Mrs Carter for helping us to make and paint our traffic lights and make our signs for our veggie garden.
In our action learning area we have cleared most of the dirt off the trailer and started making the paths. We would like to thank Ben for helping us with this at the working bee. Thank you Mr Digby for bringing in the dirt for us to use. Our next step is to finish the tyre fence and get the rest of the dirt off the trailer.
Supa Small Blacks
Marking the Field
Last Friday Travis, Zahn, Huntah and Jaycee started to mark the Field with 4 cans of tail paint. We started marking the outline on the East side (with red tail paint). Then we started the goalie box (with blue tail paint). It is not the world's best goalie box but it will do for now. Then we started the other outline on the other side. Travis, Zahn, Huntah and I walked over to the other side of the field to mark the other goalie box because we had run out of red paint. So we got part of the outline done but we got both of the goalie boxes done.
Waste BustersWe have tidied our recycling shed and painted our worm farm. We also have nearly completed our pinata.
We set our mind to finishing our worm farm painting and the recycling shed! These were our goals! We also have nearly achieved our path. There is only a little bit left to do!
We would like to say thank you to Mrs Wills for helping tidy the recycling shed. It was very appreciated help!
We would also like to say thank you to mrs McKinnon and Ms Stephenson for helping us paint our worm farm. It was a great help to have some expertise!
Also Mr Digby has been a great help. He has let us come up and pick worms. He has also helped us build our worm farm and he put the tyres in around it!
Thank you to everyone who has helped us! It was very much appreciated!
Our next step is to completely finish our worm farm and talk to the council and BOT about the community recycling shed! We could suggest this at the Community Meetings.
We hope that everyone had a great time at the working bee! Thank you. From the Waste Busters, Hannah, Tyler, Brooke, Bianca and Chloe!
Sports Reports
Hockey - Huntah and Charlotte's team had a bye. They have their last game this Friday night and then have a meal afterwards at the Chelty.
Netball - Hannah and Brooke attended the netball prize giving : For their Oroua 9 & 10 year old team, Hannah was presented a trophy for the 'Most Consistent Player' and Brooke was presented a trophy for the 'Most Improved Player.' Well done Hannah and Brooke!!
Rugby - The Feilding Saturday Morning rugby had a fun day on Saturday which was then followed by their prize giving. Huntah received a certificate for 'Best Tackler' for his under 11 Hylanders team.
Dylan received a trophy for 'Most Improved Player' for the Under 9 grade. Way to go Dylan!!
James received a certificate for 'Best Tackler' for his Under 8 Northland team.
Well done to all our students who played a Winter sport - you are all winners!!
Ricoh Sports Tops
We are missing a couple of these tops, so if you happen to have any at your place, could you please return them to school so we can keep them all together, thanks for that!
Oroua Soccer Tournament
Thank you to all those parents who transported our students out to and back from Kimbolton for this tournament held last Monday, your support was really appreciated.
Conservation Day - Tuesday 10th September @ 9am.
This week is Conservation Week. To celebrate this, the Expert Plantagators and Bon Apiti Committee have looked at ways we can give back to our community. We will be planting 200 trees at Hilton and Christine's wetland project to protect our waterways. The bus will run as usual. PROBUS volunteers, Horizons and Playcentre families will also be joining us to plant to celebrate conservation week.
The day will go ahead unless the weather is absolutely atrocious. Students who go on the bus will be taken directly to the Digby's so that we can start close to 9am. Please help your children ensure they are prepared with warm clothing, wet weather gear and gumboots. If students (especially senior children) have access to a spade, could they please bring it along (labelled in some way so they can take responsibility for it). If you have a bit of spare time we would love to see you there! All members of our community are very welcome!
Contact Anwyl if you have any questions and queries.
Action Learning Area Opening - Friday 27th September
We are on track with our planning for this celebration (Last day of term). If anyone has spare muscles to help with the paths and tyre fence we would love to see you on Friday afternoon the 20th September.
Mosaic Tiles
This Wednesday and Friday we will spend our afternoon Whanau Group Learning Rotations making mosaic concrete pavers. Many thanks to those who have sent icecream containers to school for this (these were asked for in an earlier newsletter). Students have designed some possible tiles they could make. We will provide basic tile pieces. If your child has a specific idea, they are welcome to bring extra bits on Wednesday to add to their tile. Things like old brightly coloured tiles, bits of crockery, moulded glass etc work well. If your child has gardening gloves these would also be useful on Wednesday.
Many thanks to 'Tile trends' in Palmerston North for donating tiles.
Painting Shirts
If you have any old shirts, we would appreciate them as we are trying to build a set of shirts for painting. Thanks!
Oroua Science Expo - Thursday 12th September
All students are involved in the Oroua Science Expo. All senior students will have their Science Boards on display. Year 7/8 students will head down in the morning for judging. Year 0-6 students will leave school for Kiwitea at 11.15am. We will have lunch with the other Oroua Schools before starting our Science Rotation. The afternoon is expected to conclude at 2.30pm. The bus will run as usual. Students are asked to wear the Apiti School uniform on this day please. If you are able to help with transport please let Nicki or Christine know asap. Kiwitea School will have a sausage sizzle available at lunchtime.
Shared Lunch - Friday 13th September
This Friday we would like to have a shared lunch to welcome Mary back to our school and say thank you to Anwyl for filling in for Mary and Nicki over the past four to five months. Please bring along a plate to share from 12.30 onwards in the senior room. All parents and members of the community are most welcome. Hope to see you here then.
Skiing - Wednesday 18th September, ppd 19th, pppd 25th.
Skiing is booked ... now we just need to hope that the weather is kind to us!! Please spend some time this week making sure you have suitable layers and waterproof clothing for the day. If you need anything, or have extra that someone else can borrow, please add it to the list in the school foyer and talk to Nicki. I am sure we can source most things between us!
As a trial this year, we have put together an "Apiti Ski Booklet". The aim is to ensure clear communication for all families;especially for new families to our school. Click here to go to it. A paper copy has also been sent home for your fridge. I would appreciate your feedback. If this is useful, we will look to develop a series of guides for our annual learning opportunities and events.
A huge thank you to Rural Fuel for sponsoring $200 of petrol vouchers to help with skiing costs. This really is appreciated. Thanks very much to Mrs McKinnon for organising this!
All families should have received a copy of our School Survey last Wednesday. Thank you for taking the time to fill it out. There is also an option to fill the form out digitally. A link for this will be emailed to you as soon as the digital format is received. (This is the preferred method for ease of collation). Please only complete one form - digital or paper.
Anna Stephenson from Massey University, an outside provider, has offered to work with us to collate the surveys.
This survey will give the Board of Trustees valuable information on a range of issues as we prepare to develop our strategic plan for the next few years of the school’s development. Please return the paper version to the school office for collation by Wednesday the 18th of September.
Accessing our newsletter
With most people in Apiti now being in mobile phone coverage, it makes sense that we go mobile. You should be able to read the school newsletter easily on your mobile phone. You should also be able to access our calendar and the other links in the side bar of this newsletter, meaning you can access information at any time and anywhere. Just type in the newsletter link into your mobile internet -(http://apitischoolnewsletter.blogspot.co.nz/) and it should come up in mobile mode. If you have any questions, contact Nicki. We would also appreciate feedback from you regarding what works well and how we can make it more us useful.
You can of course still access the newsletter as you have; using your computer / tablet or by requesting a paper copy.
It was great to see so much support at the Apiti Community Meeting. The follow on meeting for this is Monday the 16th of September. This clashed with our BOT meeting. To allow as many people as possible to attend we have changed our BOT meeting to the following week.
New BOT meeting date: 23rd September. Everyone is welcome to attend.