I'm sure you are all well rested, have thrown off the colds and bugs and are ready for another great term of learning for life!!
A reminder that school finishes at 2.30 every Friday afternoon during this term.
Happy Birthday to the following students who have just celebrated or are about to celebrate a birthday. We hope you had / have a great day = Ryan - 10th July!
Derek - 20th July! Tom - 25th July!
What's ahead?
This term we
focus on "Safety and Creativity."
We will be working
together with the Police, Red Cross and other educational specialists to
facilitate this term's unit.
Students will
be both learning about how to be safe and teaching others using a wide range of
media sources. This is a valued way to consolidate and own learning.
As with most
inquiry based learning, we begin with a brainstorm of current knowledge and
understanding and a discussion about areas where it is particularly important
for children to think about safety. Students will be illustrating one of these
creatively using a photo. These will be shared this Friday. They may take this photo at home.
It will be also
judged as part of lamb and calf day learning and may be the photo they enter into the
The judging
criteria is as follows:
· * Convey a
This Wednesday
the Red Cross will be doing the 'People saver' course with our students and on
Friday afternoon we will be looking at road safety with the NZ police.
Please look at
our Google calendar (Fridays) to see our overview for learning so you can have
those valuable discussions with your children.
(Wednesday), ukelele and guitar (Tuesday) lessons continue again in term 3.
Please let Mary know if your child would like to join a lesson or change any
current arrangements.
Could all accounts for last terms lessons with Jo please be settled before the commencement of more lessons. Please ring Jo if you need clarification regarding the account.
Could all accounts for last terms lessons with Jo please be settled before the commencement of more lessons. Please ring Jo if you need clarification regarding the account.
Well what a great school production that was! Congratulations to all those involved, especially the students! The learning is huge ranging from planning, learning words and actions, writing and ICT skills, reflecting on and improvement in singing, drama, prop and costume creation; and also planning and self management, helping others. Students have self assessed their progress and achievements in all areas.
We could not have done this without the help and support of many people and we thank all those who were involved with this successful production. This includes :-
All the great actors, readers, dancers, singers!!
Russell and Nipper for the stage in the senior room.
Jock for helping with the stage setting.
Maryann and Jo for the singing.
Nicki for all her time and effort put into producing this great production.
All the parents who helped out with their time and support in any way e.g helping to finish off costumes, helping with stage props, taking photos and video, helping students learn their parts etc. Pat, Mary B and helpers for the colourful supper.
Rangiwahia and Kiwitea Schools for attending our matinee.
to all the parents, grandparents and community members who came along on the night and supported the actors and our school - we hope you enjoyed the occasion.

As mentioned in our previous newsletter, well done to all those students who attended this event held at Waituna West on Friday the 15th of June. Our results are as follows:-
5 year old girls = 1st - Sarah. 3rd - Lauren.

6 year old boys = 1st - Alex.
7 year old boys = 2nd - Tyler.

8 year old boys = 7th - Ben.
9 year old girls = 2nd - Hannah. 5th - Charlotte.
10 year old boys = 2nd - Tom. 3rd - Huntah. 11th - Cole.
All students trained really well for this event, and it showed on the day with great results. Once again thank you to those parents and grandparents who travelled to Waituna West and supported our students.
Board of Trustee Meeting
The next Board meeting will be held on Monday the 30th of July starting at 7.00pm in the staff room. All members of the public are most welcome to attend. A reminder to view the minutes of the previous meeting by clicking on the BOT Tab at the top of our newsletter.
Thank You
Thank you to Chrissy for having the school looking good inside and out, on our return to school.
Thank you to Hilton for organising the shavings for our play area through the M.D.C.
Junior Room Holiday Stories
Holidays are a great motivation for writing. The juniors goal was to recount their holidays using description and adding detail - read our great stories.
In the holidays I went to Hamilton. We went to the Plaza in Hamilton. We went to the motor-park. We stayed for four nights. In the holidays, the Wilson-Bryants feed the cat meat and biscuits. - By Danni.
We went to the Eastons. When I went to Hokio Beach I got to sleep with the TV for 3 nights.
I went to Wellington, I stayed at the Rydges Hotel and it was my first time at a hotel. I went on the Cable car and I did some swimming. - By Lauren.
In the holidays I went to town. We went to see Ice Age 4. After that we went to the pools.
- By Logan.
In the holidays, I went to Australia and I went on the Scoobydoo ride, Mum screamed. I went on the Wildwest roller coaster. - By Johnny.
In the holidays, I went to Ryans birthday. We watched Ice Age 4 in 3D. Then we gave Ryan his presents. There was heaps of food.
I went to the Hurricanes game. I was excited about the Hurricanes game and Ryans birthday. - By Alex.
In the holidays we went to Nana and Grand-dads. Dad had to stay home. We stayed there for three days. On the third day we went Ice Skating. It was my best day. Logan fell over. John and Shirley went to Scotland. They just came back. She gave Logan a Scottish jersey and I got a teddy bear and owl earrings. It is nearly my birthday. - By Hayley.
In the holidays, I went to Ryans birthday. We watched Ice Age 4 and it was in 3D. We had pop corn. After the movie we played tag and hide-and-go-seek tag. The cake was fantastic. It was a Transformer cake. - By Tyler.
In the holidays we went to Grand-dads. We went to the dirt place. We had the pig dogs and we chased the pig. We caught the pig then we went home. - By Derek.
Hamilton Trip In the holidays my family went on holiday to Hamilton and we stayed in a cabin, it was colder than ice cubes. On Friday I think I watched Mrs Brown and then I went to water world and we went to mums friends house for tea, we had hell pizza, then we went back to the ice block. I had the top bunk that night then on Sunday we went to the zoo. After that I went to Auckland. - By Stanley
I get to the ice rink so nervous to get my skates on and I keep thinking to myself it would be funny if the ice broke not the people on the ice. I get on the ice I try to do it but I ended up falling on my bottom..Then I get the hang of it and Jed comes over and gives me a fright so I fall over on my butt again. Then I went around the whole ice rink (by holding on the sides). Then out of no-where Loo ( Jed's dad) came out of no where. WHAM. I skated into Loo. Then I crashed into him again. On the third lap I was skating around the whole rink but I was still falling over. Then out of no-where Coreteze threw a snow ball at me and I grazed my arm really badly. At the end of the day I was using a thing to help people to skate, but it looked like I didn't need one in the end. - By Logan
Sport Report - Sunday 15th July
The Feilding rep teams travelled to Bulls for a 10 aside rugby tournament.
Tom and Huntahs rugby team, Feilding Under 10's played games against, Bulls, High School, Kia Toa wining all three taking them into the finals against Marist. Feilding won 10, Marist 5.
The team was presented with a trophy and the whole team received a medal each.
- By Huntah.
Well that's all for the first newsletter of term 3, will catch you again in a fortnight.
Mary, Nicki, Mary B, Pat, Jo and Chris.