
Welcome to week 9 of term 2, 2012 and only 2 weeks of this term left already!
Well the cooler weather certainly is setting in. Our students really did do well staying committed to cross country training no matter the weather. It is great as we all knuckle down for our last week and a half of rehearsing for our annual production. A good time of year for this event. 

Happy birthday to the following student, we hope you have a great day!
Stanley - 27th June!

Events for your Calendar
Remember to click on the Calendar tab at the top of our newsletter to keep up to date with these. If you cannot open the calendar let us know and we will help you.

Celebrating Our learning 
Junior Room Stars :-
Reading - Derek moved on to Yellow 2.  Ryan - Blue 1.  Johnny - Yellow 1.  Logan - Yellow 1. Franklin - Magenta 1.
Mathletics.co.nzis a quality learning site used extensively to support teaching and learning at our school. 
It allows teachers to personalise practise and learning for each child. It is a fantastic way for students to continue to practise maths strands not currently being focussed on in the classroom. Mathletics can be accessed anywhere with internet providing a fantastic link between home and school. Take the time to share this with your children and learn together. 

Benefits of Mathletics include:
·        * The modern gaming format make practising Maths skills and strategies fun.
·        *The content is based on the NZ Curriculum and it covers all strands from Year 1 to 13.
·        * Instant feedback on answers, including explanations about what they should have done.
·        * Teachers can set regular course work and allow students to compete on Live Mathletics.
·        * Students earn points for every correct answer and credits when they beat their personal best.
·        * Students can work towards bronze, silver and gold awards.
·        * The online Concept Search and dictionary assist students to build their understanding.
·        * Teachers can easily set up individualised learning programmes.
·        * Mathletics can be used as part of the classroom programme and for homework.

Congratulations to our Mathletics Stars:-
These students had the highest online activity for the week 11th June - 17th June :- 
3330 - Hayley. 
1960 - Lacey. 
1770 -  Brooke. 
1074 - Travis. 
1040 - Huntah. 
1030 - Chloe.
Those students with the overall highest number of certificates on Mathletics are :-
Tom - 30.
Huntah - 21.
Hannah - 19.
Travis - 18.
Cole, Charlotte and Alex - 16.
Logan WB - 12.
Brooke - 11.
Tyler  - 10.
Special mention to:-
David - 3 certificates.
Lauren - 2 (has only been at school for 1 term).
Derek - 1.
Logan H - 1.
For your information, if you were to pay to belong to Mathletics, it would cost you $99.00 per student per year.  The school pays an annual cost of $30.00 per student per year, so please make every effort to use this very valuable resource.  

Cross Country
We are very proud of all of our students, their commitment to training and the race. Students prepared well both in physical and mental stamina and development of technique. 
Well done to all students who rose to the challenge of the day ... you were absolutely fantastic. Its a pity not all students were present.  We had at least one place getter in every age level which is fabulous achievement. 
Thanks to parents and grandparents who supported our students. Also thanks to Waituna West for organising another wonderful cross country. 

Junior Room Stars:-
Sarah - 5 year old girls = 1st!
Lauren - 5 year old girls = 3rd.
Ryan - 5 year old boys = 9th. 
Johnny - 5 year old boys = 4th. 
Logan - 5 year old boys = 7th.
Alex - 6 year old boys = 1st!
Tyler - 7 year old boys = 2nd.
Senior Room Stars:-
Ben - 8 year old boys = 6th.
Brooke - 8 year old girls = 3rd.
Hannah - 9 year old girls = 2nd.
Charlotte - 9 year old girls = 5th.
Tom - 10 year old boys = 2nd.
Cole - 10 year old boys = 10th. 
Huntah - 10 year old boys = 3rd.
Once again, well done to those students, you all performed with distinction and you should all be very proud of yourselves.

Sharing our Learning
Annual Production - 'The Lorax'

Thanks to everyone who has helped with the production thus far. We are in full swing practising and I'm sure many of your children are practising the songs at home!!
Our show will be next Thursday, the 28th of June, commencing at 6pm in the senior room.  Students who need to be here to prepare with make-up, hair etc need to be here by 5.30, all other students need to be at school by 5.45 please.  
All members of the community are most welcome to come along - we would love to see you here.  Supper will be served at the conclusion of the production.  
We will have a matinee next Wednesday, the 27th at 1.00p.m for the Oroua Schools and anyone else who is unable to make the evening performance. We encourage families with preschoolers to join us at the matinee.

Sports Report - Saturday 9th June

Tom and Huntah's team, Highlanders - 25, played Bush - 30.  Huntah scored 1 try.
Logan and Ben's team, Waiarapa Bush - 5, played Manawatu - 9.  Logan scored two tries.
Hayley, Tyler and Alex's team, Hawkes Bay - 8, played King Country - 6.  Tyler was named Player of the Day for Best Tackler.
Johnny scored 4 tries for his team! Good one Johnny!
Hannah and Charlotte's team, Oroua Future Ferns - 7, played Lytton St - 6.  Hannah shot 3 goals!! Well done Hannah!
Brooke and Danni's team, Oroua Fun Ferns - 5, played Lytton St - 0.
Saturday 16th June
Tom and Huntah's team, Highlanders - 60, played COB's - 10.  Tom scored 2 tries, Huntah scored 4 tries! Good one Huntah!
Logan and Ben's team, Waiarapa Bush - 3, played Auckland - 10.  Ben scored 2 tries!
Hannah and Charlotte's team, Oroua Future Ferns - 10, played Manchester St - 2.
Brooke and Danni's team, Oroua Fun Ferns - 7, played Manchester St - 11. Danni shot 1 goal. Brooke shot 5 goals!! Way to go Brooke!!  Danni was named Player of the Day!  
  -  Report by Huntah.

BOT Meeting
The next Board of Trustee meeting is tonight (Monday 18th) starting at 7.00pm in the staff room. All members of the public are welcome to attend.  Please view the agenda on the BOT tab at the top of our newsletter. 

Hot House tender
Congratulations to Pat, who is now the proud owner of a new all seasons Glass house.  We hope you get a lot of enjoyment from it.
Thanks also Pat for your support of our school!!  All staff members, students and Board members really appreciate all you do for our school.

School finishes / starts
School will finish for term 2 on Friday the 29th of June at 2.30pm.
School will open for term 3 on Monday the 16th of July at 9.00am.

Good Sort 
We have nominated Jock as a Rural School Good Sort in the 'Take a Stand for Good Sorts in Rural Schools', and hope to win $3000 for the school from RD1 and StaFix. The results are to be announced on the farming show with Jamie McKay on Radio Sport from the 18th to the 22nd of June.  Please check what the students wrote about him on this link ;- http://apitischoolwiki.wikispaces.com/Cumulative%C2%A0Magazines

Thank You
A huge thank you to Hilton for organising the shavings for the school playground through the Manawatu District Council and for donating the timber for the shade house.  We really appreciate all that you do for our school!
As this is the last newsletter for term 2, we would like to wish you all a happy and safe holiday  enjoying spending time with your children.