Welcome to week 7 of term 3, 2009.
Unfortunately we have had to say farewell to Eden who has left our school. We would like to wish Eden all the best at her new school.
Stationery Accounts
Thank you to all those who have paid these accounts. Could those who have not paid, do so as soon as possible please.
Parent Interviews
Thank you to everyone for sharing in your child's learning at our 3 way student led conferences. All students took responsibility for sharing their learning with confidence and understanding. Students were able to show where they were using evidence and discuss their next step. It is a great opportunity for students to set their individual goals.
Thank you to everyone who attended the assembly held recently. The next assembly will be the last day of term.
Education for Sustainability
Weedbuster Day
This Friday we will visit our Bush Block. We will head to the bush after play; at 11am. We will take our lunch to the bush with us.
The aim of this visit is to :
- Tackle the weeds in the bush
- Revisit each Whanau Group Area, assess where it is at and continue to clear a track, tackle weeds and showcase key learning areas in each section.
To do this we need at least one adult per whanau group.
Together each whanau group will develop a plan for the next step.
Some tasks will require adults with chainsaws, pruning saws and chemicals to stop regrowth.
Others require adult supervision.
We have tried to have short concentrated bursts working in the bush as we realise that your time is precious. We appreciate your support with the practical aspects of our bush redevelopment.
Learning within the bush and in the classroom is invaluable. We really are making a difference and it is a fantastic ongoing learning experience. This provides a real reason to read, write, develop key competencies such as managing self, participating and contributing and working with others and understand the integrated nature of sustainability.
Marton Primary Teachers visit
On Thursday, we welcome teachers from Marton Primary School. They are coming to learn about our learning in Environmental and Sustainability Education. They are about to embark on the journey and are wanting to visit and learn from our students and staff.
Paricipating and Contributing in our local environment
Last Thursday DOC delivered 150 stoat traps to our school. The aim is to set these on local farmland that backs onto our bush areas to eradicate the stoat. A plan is being put in place with members from DOC, Jock, our local farmers and students. Please contact Jock or the school if you would like to be part of our team.
Native Area Development
On Friday, it was great to share our learning with Christine Morrison, Massey Advisor for Education for Sustainability.
She was truly impressed with the growth in all of our learning projects since her last visit in term 1. Christine left saying that she will always remember our motivated passionate students who had vision and commitment. The vision of children at 8.30 in the morning heading straight to the gardening shed and armed with tools, to the native area will stick with her. Students demonstrated excellent skills in relating to others and oral language as they shared their learning with Christine.
Well done children... The native area is being landscaped with care and originality. It will be a great place to visit at Lamb and Calf day.
Our next step in recycling

The Recyclers Whanau Group investigated areas related to worms for their Science Fair Investigations. They learnt that they could be a very practical way to recycle our food and some paper scraps.

As a result of this research, a worm farm was established at school last week. When Christine Morrison visited, she gave us some excellent tips about feeding and caring for the worms. In this photo Christine is discussing with students the food that is not suitable to feed to worms. This ongoing learning is all recorded on the Recyclers Blogspot.

Ski trip
The weather does not seem to be very predictable for our ski trip tomorrow. We have always agreed that it is better to be flexible and wait until the weather is likely to be suitable. This hugely effects the learning experience had by your children.
We have decided to postpone our school ski learning experience until next Tuesday the 8th of September. This was our first postponement date. We will assume that all arrangements remain the same unless we hear otherwise. Should we need to postpone next week, the next date will be Tuesday the 15, not the 9th as previously stated. Other activities have had to be put in place for next Wednesday (the 9th) so the decision was made to have the p.p.p.d the 15th of September.
As always we remain active in this area. The importance of helping our students develop the skills required for success in todays ever changing technological world is our overall learning goal for your children.
This week, teachers from the Oroua Group and some Feilding Schools will spend the day here at Apiti working with Heather Bell and Hans Konlechner on the use of web 2.0 tools and e-portfolios.
On Thursday morning Angela Armstrong Lush, our ICT facilitator, visits us to continue working specifically with Mary and Nicki. The focus is on ways to further develop use of ICT in the classrooom to enhance student learning. We are allocated 1.5 days per term due to our commitment to our ICT contract and this has proved to be very valuable.
Next Wednesday, all of the lead teachers from the Feilding area will meet here after school. We look forward to sharing the great learning, using ICT, with them!
Next Wednesday the 9th of September, we will be having pottery with Margaret Smith. We will be making planters to plant edible plants into. If you have any old containers such as drench containers, old basins, tubs, bowls we can have, it would be very much appreciated.
Lamb and Calf day
This is to happen on Wednesday the 21st of October. Please mark this date on your calendar.We would like to encourage all students to participate on this day by bringing along a lamb or a calf. If you have problems sourcing a lamb, please let Mary know and Mary will organise a lamb and milk powder. Once lamb & calf day is over you would possibly be able to give the lamb back. We suggest that calves and lambs are born on or between 1/07/09 and 23/09/09. We welcome families, friends, neighbours and relations to the school for this day. An entry form will be sent home at a later date.
Thank you to all those who have given us your e-mail address. You will now receive our newsletter through e-mail. If you have e-mail please forward your address on to us as we would ideally like to have everyone on e-mail if possible. This would cut down on paper and help our environment.
Orchard Area
We are delighted to be able to announce that we now have an orchard area planted at school. Each Whanau group will take responsibility for their 1 tree.
Board of Trustee Meeting
The next Board of Trustee meeting will be held on Tuesday the 15th of September, starting at 7.00p.m. in the staff room. All members of the public are most welcome to attend.
Thank You
A big thank you to Sandi & Jim Warren for the puzzles and the games you recently donated to us. They will be very useful on those cold, wet play and lunch times.
Congratulations to Rhonda who recently won lotto and a huge thank you for donating the $25.00 back to our school. We will buy a pear tree with the money for our orchard area.
Sports Results - Saturday 22nd August
Rugby :- Ben, Logan and Hayley's team Ireland – 10 played Fiji – 10. Ben & Logan scored 2 tries each. Logan was Player of the Day.
Huntah’s team Canada - 18 played Italy – 17. Huntah scored 4 tries. Huntah was Player of the Day.
Netball :- Hannah & Charlotte’s team Mt Biggs – 2 played Manchester – 3.
Sunday 29th August
Rugby :- Ben, Logan & Hayley's team Ireland - 10 played Italy - 11.
Huntah's team Canada - 12 played Sth Africa - 12. Huntah scored 5 tries!!
Jacob & Caleb J’s team Fldg Hurricanes – 1 played Ashhurst – 5.
Netball :- Prizegiving - Hannah received a trophy for the Most Consistant Player and a medal - Congratulations Hannah!! Charlotte also received a medal. Well done Charlotte!

Thought for the Month : If you can’t have what you want, try wanting what you have!
Well that’s it for now folks, you’ll hear from us in a fortnight.
Regards, Mary, Nicki, Mary B, Pat, and Christine.
Community Notices
Apiti Tavern – Hi from the Tavern. Daffodil Fundraising - Well done to everyone who has supported our fundraising events over the past few weeks. Last Friday night’s Daffodil night was a wonderful event with a great response to our auction. We are delighted to be able to tell you that we exceeded our $$$ goal with a total amount raised of $3,300.00. A huge thank you to everyone for the great support and a wonderful community effort. Conference – Bruce & June will be away at a conference from Monday the 28th of Sept to the 2nd of October. On the Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday the Tavern will open at 4.30p.m. Bruce and June would like to thank everyone for their concern and kindness shown over the past few days of June’s illness, it has been very much appreciated. - June and Bruce.
Ladies Night – To be held on Wednesday the 16th of September in the tavern starting at 7.30p.m. Our quest speaker is to be Hayden George talking about his time living in Korea. All welcome. – Bev George.
125 Apiti & Districts Jubilee Meeting – The next meeting is to be held on Monday the 21st of September in the Apiti Tavern starting at 7.30p.m. Everyone is most welcome to attend. - C. Digby.
To Rent – A couple are looking for a suitable house to rent locally at a reasonable rate. Please ring Lyn on 027 7257435, or you may ring the school on 3284 884. - Lyn.