Apiti School Notice to Parents, 05/08/2009.

Dear Parents,
Oroua Schools Science Fair
A reminder that the whole school will travel down to Kiwitea tomorrow (Thursday 6th August) to view the science projects on display at the Kiwitea Hall. Students will need to wear their school uniform please. We will need to leave school by 11.00a.m. The students will view the exhibits and then walk over to the school to have lunch before travelling back to Apiti in time for the school bus. At about 1.30 the year 7 & 8 students will chat to the judges about their exhibit.
Thank you to those parents who have offered transport to this event. I have allocated children to the following vehicles:-
BEARD :- Tom, Ben & Huntah.
CLARKE :- Travis, Derek, Logan & Hayley.
COOK :- Cole, Chevelle, Oliver, Caleb K & Sam.
CUMING :- Keanu, David, Brooke & Ashleigh.
DEARLOVE :- Rebecca, Jacob, Karen & Ethan.
FIELDER :- Anastaisia, Eden, Jacob Mac & Caleb J.
WILLS :- Emma, Hannah, Sarah & Charlotte.
If you need to change any of the above, please contact Mary or Nicki a.s.a.p.
Regards, Mary & Nicki.