Āpiti School and District Newsletter 10.12.2018
Welcome to Week 9 of Term 4.Welcome
We would like to welcome Edith to our school as a brand new 5 year old. Edith is the younger sister to Owen. We would also like to welcome Isobella and her family to our school and we look forward to her younger sister starting in the new year. We know Edith and Isobella will enjoy learning at Apiti School.
Dates for your calendar
12th Dec : Swimming Survival Water safety lesson then play on Inflatables.
12th Dec : BOT final meeting of the year. All welcome.
18th Dec : Kiwitea Concert “The Book Club” leaving school at 9.30.
18th Dec : Final assembly for 2018 at 2.00pm in the senior room.
19th Dec : Term 4 ends at 2.45. (this is just a clean-up day )
7th Feb 2019 : Term 1 for Apiti School starts at 9.00am.
11th Feb : Technicraft for Year 7 and 8 starts. (the bus runs 15mins earlier on a Monday)
23rd Feb : Apiti Show
1st March : Triathlon at Apiti (proposed date)
8th March : Oroua Swimming Sports at Makino
Please note: The above dates are updated as required. The school also keeps you updated with all community news. Check this link http://bit.ly/2pvsJzf or the tab on the right hand side of the blogspot.
Please email anything you would like to add to community notices to christinedigby@apiti.school.nz
Thank you
At Apiti School we have had an amazing year.
Thanks to ….
Most importantly I’d like to thank all the students. You are inspirational, gifted, diverse, reflective, creating your own learning pathway both inside and outside the classroom. We have such a talented group of students who drive our school. We focus through the NZ curriculum on your needs, interests, through meaningful authentic learning contexts. We assess and plan a programme focussed on you the learner. Students needs are the driving force at Apiti. Congratulations to you all.
BOT ASSA and families
Thanks for helping us run our school and provide for all our students needs. The BOT have governed the school really well. The governance role includes finance, personnel, property, and health and safety. A reminder that there is the Board of Trustees election being held in March/April 2019. Please consider standing for the election.
Thanks to ASSA which includes all our school and community families, for your fundraising and support.
Thanks to all staff who go well beyond the call of duty to teach and provide support to all. You are a fantastic group, dedicated to student learning. Each and every one of you is a vital part to the successful running of the school. Special thanks to Darren who has taught in the senior room.
Our Schooling Futures: Stronger Together
There are some major changes in education following the Tomorrow’s Schools Taskforce.
Here is a video I urge you all to view. Here is the link http://bit.ly/2E99On4
As part of the national Education Conversation | Kōrero Mātauranga, the Government is reviewing Tomorrow’s Schools – the name given to the reforms that dramatically changed the governance, management and administration of our schools nearly 30 years ago.
After more than 200 meetings with people interested in education, the Independent Taskforce reported its findings to the Minister of Education in November 2018. Their report: Our Schooling Futures, Stronger Together l Whiria Ngā Kura Tūātinitini has now been released for public consultation.
The report covers eight key issues: Governance, Schooling Provision, Competition and Choice, Disability and Learning Support, Teaching, Leadership, Resourcing, Central Government agencies.
The Taskforce’s report makes a number of significant recommendations for changes to the current education system. Stakeholder feedback on the report and its recommendations will be critical to inform Government decision making in 2019.
Student Successes and celebrations
Students Reports
It is great to see the students confidently reflecting and reporting on their successes and learning pathways in their reports. We are very excited to see they are so clear about their progress and next step. This is their true personalised learning journey. As teachers we teach, but through these reflections we know the students are clear about their levels and what they have learnt. Your students reports are shared with parents on their google documents, as they are completed. We are happy to print reports if you would like one.
Everyone will get their report link by Thursday. Please feel free to discuss your students report or progress, just make an appointment to see your child’s teacher.
The Senior Room came 9th in the NZ National Sumdog Maths Contest. We competed with 90 schools around the country. We worked hard and the goal was to answer 1000 questions. All our efforts paid off and we came 9th! This is a great effort for a class of 15 students as we were competing against much bigger class sizes.
Sumdog results: Senior Room: Renee 1707 questions answered at 73%, Phinece 1220 questions answered at 57%, Danielle 1143 questions answered at 70%, Lucas 1094 questions answered at 64%, Josiah 1093 questions answered at 60%, Katie 1111 questions answered at 77%, Luke 11060 questions answered at 59%, Summer 1001.
Junior Room: Kadin 657 questions answered at 81%. Kealee 300 questions answered at 95%, Claire 257 questions answered at 95%, Emily 256 questions answered at 71%, Jake 168 questions answered at 67%, Rydah 104 questions answered at 79% and Saxon 104 questions answered at 84%.
Reading Eggs:
Spelling/Vocabulary/Grammar: Abbey 8, Katie 8. Books read: Claire 9, Saxon 8, Josiah 4, Claire 4, Savannah 3, Conner 2 and Phinece 2. Reading lessons completed; Josiah 4, Savannah 3, Phinece 2, Claire 2 and Connor 2.
Junior Room: Claire: 12 Gold, 8 Silver and 96% overall. Emily: 11 Gold, 8 Silver, 1 Bronze and 89% overall. Kaelee: 9 Gold, 4 Silver and 95% overall. Rydah: 6 Gold, 6 Silver, 2 Bronze and 77% overall. Autumn: 6 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze and 88% overall.
Spelling - Week 7 - Junior room : 100% Kealee, Autumn, Emily.
Week 8 : Owen, Kealee, Autumn, Emily.
Week 7 - Senior room : 100% Phinece, Summer, Lucas, Josie, Savannah, Renee, Katie.
SunSmart - sunhats
All students are required to wear a sunhat at school while playing outside, so please make sure your child brings a wide brimmed hat to school everyday. Students are permitted to bring their own sunscreen as we no longer keep sunscreen at school as some students re-act to particular sunscreen.
Bon Apiti - We enjoyed yummy Stuffed Potatoes made by our awesome Year 7’s; Phinece, Sarah and Summer with help from June and Ava. Mr Hodder says, ”The food is awesome, it’s up to cafe standards!”
End of Year Celebration Lunch - This week Bon Apiti will be tomorrow on Tuesday 11th Dec -
Lunch will be free for everyone. We will be cooking a 3 course meal, with a French/Korean/ Christmas theme as the year 7’s have been learning languages.
Entree Kimbap Korean sushi - this is a "Phinece Special" she has been learning Korean for 3 years now.
Main - Croissants with ham, cheese, tomatoes and tomato relish with lettuce.
Dessert - Self saucing "Christmas themed " pudding.
Swimming - Wednesday 12th December.
For our last swimming day we have booked a water safety lesson. This will include deepwater experience and correct use of life jackets. We have booked the bus to take some students in as I know this is a very busy time for parents, however we still require some transport. We will be leaving school at 9am and returning by 2.45. Thanks to Pat for driving on this day. Please make sure your child has their own sun protection, there is some sunblock at the pool but we will be outside for most of the day. Thank you to those who have offered to take transport, I have allocated students to the following vehicles :-
ANGOVE : Renee and Emily.
BLACKMORE : Savannah (down).
CARTER : Aimee, Bently, Rydah, Lucas and Kadin.
FIELD : Josie, Katie and Claire.
KING : Autumn and Kealee.
KNIGHT : Owen and Edith.
SINCLAIR : Isobella.
BUS : Phinece, Sarah, Danielle, Luke, Ava, Abbey, Connor, Josiah, Summer (Jnr), Bentley, Jake, Savannah (home). If any of these arrangements, please contact the school.
Board of Trustee Meeting
The final BOT meeting for 2018 will be held this Wednesday night the 12th of December, in the staff room, starting at 7.00p.m. All welcome.
Enviro T-shirts
Students will bring their Enviro T-shirt home today. Unfortunately we were unable to steam-iron the ‘enviro message’ t-shirts that students made leading up to Lamb and Calf Day. Please handle with care when washing and try not to iron the fabric paint.
Whanau Group Fun Days
Danielles - Super Small Blacks are going to have a movie afternoon. There will be a choice of 2 movies and snacks as well.
Lucas - Community Creators are going to do Secret Santa. (gifts supplied)
Phinece - Successful Seedling A picnic at Apiti Bush area - weather permitting. (17th ?)
Summer’s - Games fun day.
Sarah - Water fun day - students to bring water guns, togs, hat, 2 towels, their own sunblock.
As the weather is a little unpredictable this week, we cannot say for sure what days these activities will happen on. The students will plan these days according to the weather.
Kiwitea Concert “The Book Club “
On Tuesday the 18th Dec, we are going to Kiwitea for the Kiwitea School Concert, leaving school at 9.30. It is great for students to view performances, and support and get ideas from others. We will be taking the bus but would appreciate help with transport on this day. Please let Christine know if you can join us a.s.a.p. I hear it's a great show. We will return to school after the concert as we have the assembly at 2.00p.m.
The final assembly for 2018 will be held on Tuesday the 18th of December starting at 2.00pm in the senior room. Everyone is welcome.
End of Term
School will finish the 2018 school year on Wednesday the 19th of December at 2.45. This will be a clean-up day only.
Dear ASSA members
For those who don't know, ASSA stands for Apiti School Support Association and every school family is a part of ASSA, also some community members help us with events and fundraising .
We hold meetings periodically and at least one member of each school family is required to attend. Our aim is to fundraise for the school, as we need to supply the Board of Trustees with $8000 a year to fund the awesome activities the children do like the annual skiing trip and other Education Outside the Classroom. It also means school fees are eliminated.
Our main fundraiser is the mid year possum hunt, but coming up we have the Apiti Show. Every year we do the judges lunches, where we make approx $800 and we feed around 80 judges. This is happening in February and we will need each family to bring an ice cream container of cooked cold meat as well as a salad, as well as spending an hour or so helping with set up or pack down. The school also runs a ‘hole in one golf’ on the day that will need some adults to supervise over the day. We organise rosters so all time slots are covered and everyone gets a chance to enjoy the show with their families.
We also have the Oroua triathlon early in the year, and we will need marshals and bbq/shop attendants to help with this. We will have a meeting closer to the time but as its a busy time of year a lot of us are unable to make one now, so I am keeping everyone up with the play via email. - Regards, Nicole Philps (ASSA Chairperson).
Apiti Playcentre
Unfortunately the Apiti Playcentre has closed and here is an update.
The first meeting to set up a playcentre in Apiti was in June 1966. The first supervisors were Sylvia Payton and Marg McKay. The original building was the Apiti Principal’s house. The community raised $60,000 to put the new building where it is now. They also got help from CDPA (Central District Playcentre Assoc).
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who made the playcentre a success over the years, especially the students who were lucky enough to attend.
Pre-school education is very important, as is a local community facility that children and parents can use. If anyone is keen to start a playgroup we would encourage them to contact CDPA.
On 14th December, other playcentres have been invited to up lift equipment and later the building will then be removed. However if a playcentre or playgroup wishes to take it over they will get support from the CDPA and the school.
On 10th February 2019 there will be a celebration of the Apiti Playcentre at the Apiti Tavern. More info at a later date.
As this is the last newsletter for 2018, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year. We look forward to seeing you all back here on Thursday the 7th of February 2019.
Regards, Mary, Darren, Pat, Mary B, Linda, Ruth and Christine.
Ladies Group Christmas Dinner
The Ladies group Christmas dinner will be held this Thursday the 13th of December starting at 6.30pm in the Apiti Tavern at a cost of $22.00 per person. Please provide a $5.00 secret santa gift. Please email or phone June by tonight on 3284 773. - June and Chrissy.
Kimbolton and Districts Bowling Club
2018 - 2019 season. Opening day and champagne breakfast - Saturday 22nd December - Kimbolton Bowling ground, Kimbolton. 10a.m start. BBQ lunch provided and BYO liquid refreshments.
Junior Kids Camp - Highland Home Christian Camp
Wednesday 9th - 12th January 2019, for 6 - 8 year olds. $95.00 Earlybird price before 21st December, $115.00 full price.
Register online at highlandhome.co.nz or contact Rebecca on 02040139716, email kidscamphh@gmail.com - R. Gray.