2018.09.12 Notice

Oroua Disco
This event is to take place on Friday the 21st of September in the Kiwitea Hall.
The junior students - Year 0 - Year 4 disco from 5.00 - 6.30pm
The senior students Year 5 - Year 8 disco from 7.00 - 8.30pm.
The Theme : Neon.
Cost $2.00 entry per child.
Apiti School will be selling the refreshments on the night.

Oroua Schools Badminton Tournament
This tournament is to take place on Tuesday the 25th of September at the Civic Centre in Feilding,
starting at 9.00am through to 12.00pm. Students will then return to school for the afternoon.
This event is for Year 5 - Year 8 students. For our Year 0 - 4 students, it will be school as usual.
We will need parent transport for this tournament, so please ring the school if you are able to help out.

ERO Visit
We have the Education Review Office visiting us on Monday the 24th and Tuesday the 25th of
September. As we are not having working bees around the school, it would be fabulous if we could
have a few volunteers to help tidy up the grounds e.g help to oil our outdoor tables, help to tidy up the
vegie gardens and a few other chores before ERO arrive. Please ring either Mary or Dave (our friendly
caretaker) if you are able to help us out - it would be very much appreciated.

Yummy Stickers
To those of you who are collecting these little stickers and Labels, please have your collection sheets
at school on or before the 21st of September.

School Library
As our Library is now 'In the Clouds' we would love to have help to check and catalog our Library
books. Please ring Mary to arrange a suitable time if you are able to help.
However to make this work well, we need to have all Apiti School library books back at school as soon
as possible please, so hunt them out from under the beds, in the wardrobe in their older siblings old
school bags etc.
More updates re all of the above, in the next School and District newsletter.
Kind regards, Mary, Darren and Christine.