Welcome to Week 5 of Term 4, 2017.
2017 Term Dates : Term 4: 16th October - 18th December.
Our focus for 2017 … is Mahi tahi - everyone working together collaboratively.This term we are working on Managing Self and making sure we are always being the best we can be at everything we do.
Calendar of Events
13th Nov : Board of Trustee Meeting.
14th Nov : Hearing and Vision testing at 9.30am.
17th Nov : Swimming Lessons.
22nd Nov : School photos.
23rd Nov : Korean Lunch and Cultural Afternoon
24th Nov : Oroua Schools Athletics (p.p date: 1st December).
30th Nov : Rod and Jan from ERO to visit teaching staff at 2.30.
5th Dec : Student led Conferences and Oroua Year 8 Leavers Dinner.
7th Dec : German lunch and Cultural Afternoon
11th Dec : BOT meeting at 7pm.
14th Dec : Final Assembly for 2017 at 1.30pm.
15th Dec : Swimming Fun Day 11 - 2 at the Makino Pool.
18th Dec : Term 4 ends.
Term 1 2018 : 7th Feb - 13th April. 30th April - 6th July. 23rd July - 28th Sept. 15th Oct - 18th Dec
Please note: The above dates are updated as required. The school also keeps you updated with all community news. Check this link http://bit.ly/2pvsJzf or the tab on the right hand side of the blogspot.
CONGRATULATIONS Johnny who represented the school, and the Oroua Group at the Rotary Speech competition on Sunday in the Te Kawau Clubrooms in the Year 6 age group. He was second to say his informative speech on “Bees” and we are proud of him.
Mathletics : Top students in the last 2 weeks : Congratulations to Phinece 410, Katie 360, Willow 270, Rydah 110. There will be bracelets and medals at the end of the year for the students with the most points. Currently this is Kealee, Aimee, Saxon, Boston and Savannah. So spend some time learning on Mathletics and keep up the good work.
Sumdog Maths : Top Students in the last 2 weeks are : Questions answered Ava 1440, Skaife 1004, Boston 838, Summer 331, Meiah 285, Bentley P 187, Sarah 175, Aimee 173 and Katie 147.
Sumdog Reading : Top student in the last 2 weeks is : Savannah 208.
Reading Eggs :- Certificates: Autumn My Zoo 4 Bronze, Zoo 3 Silver, and Zoo 2 Bronze. Bentley My Playground 4 Silver Certificate, Highest lesson completed 80. Katie Theme Park 4 Gold and Theme Park 3 Gold, Highest lesson completed 120. Saxon Zoo 1 Gold, Claire Zoo 3, Renee Highest lesson completed 95, Books read on reading eggs Katie and Autumn - 5 each, Claire and Emily - 4 each, Renee and Rydah - 2 each, Saxon and Bentley - 1 each.
Reading Express Josie Comprehension Level 35, Aimee Comprehension level 31. Quizzes completed Josie and Aimee.
Junior Reading : Bently is now on Green 1. Saxon on Red 3. Emily on Magenta 3.
Junior Maths - Great work by Bentley P on adding tens to numbers to 100. Plus Katie, Abbey and Renee working with numbers to 1000. Skip counting and adding and subtracting - well done!
Spelling : Week 3 : 100% Junior Room : Abbey, Renee, Bently F, Katie, Saxon, Kealee and Owen.
100% Senior Room : Fisher, Sarah, Johnny, Phinece, Summer and Josie.
Week 4 : 100% Junior Room : Abbey, Katie, Bently F, Renee, Bentley P and Saxon.
100% Senior Room : Fisher, Sarah, Johnny, Summer, Boston, Savannah, Meiah and Josie.
Bon Apiti
16th - Shepherds pie, Smoothies by Summer and Boston.
23rd - Korean Cultural Shared Lunch - free, cooked by Phinece and Sarah.
30th - Bon Apiti.
7th Dec - German Cultural Day, free organised by Fisher and Johnny.
Senior Room
The seniors have been working really hard this term which is pleasing to see. Many students are showing great leadership and coaching skills in athletics and have had lots of positive feedback. Well done seniors. We have also had some great creative writing happening which is fantastic, we look forward to sharing with you in the end of year magazine.
Well done to those who have 100% so far in spelling this term, keep it up.
Senior Room Reward Sleepover
Senior parents might have heard their children talking about a sleepover at school. Yes, that is right we will be having a reward sleepover at the end of the year. Date to be decided exactly, when we have taken a look at sporting and Christmas calendars, but will be during the final week of school.
This is what the senior students chose as their reward this term and we have come up with the following levels that will be rewarded.
A Gold Award - is a student who has been super and an excellent role model to others both in and out of class and produced quality work.
A Silver Award - a student who has been fairly consistent but had the odd wobble.
A Bronze Award - had a few mistakes but there has been some good work or showed an improvement in attitude or work quality.
A Red Level - Behaviour and work needs significant improvement.
This week we have reflected to where we sit now and most, very responsibly, gave themselves a silver grade.
What do they equal
A Gold - Welcome to the sleepover and participate in all activities which could include the likes of Fish and Chips.
A Silver - Welcome to come but Mrs I will be in charge of selecting what you have for dinner.
A Bronze - You will be invited just for a cooked breakfast on the morning after.
Red - You are not invited and you need to explain that to your parents before Mrs I does.
More information will come out closer to the time. However, this is something that I have found to have worked extremely well when we have done it in other schools - I can’t wait to see who will achieve what. Week one had fantastic spelling results and I have loved seeing the positive games being played in the playground. Keep up the good work senior students.
The Kereru
We heard from the Wildbase Hospital at Massey University. Unfortunately it was not a good outcome for the protected bird as it had several open fractures and had to be euthanased.
Hearing and Vision Testing - Tuesday 14th November.
Children to be screened during this visit will be new entrants who have not had / completed their B4 School check. Any Year 8 students that have not previously been screened as a Year 7 and any children who have no previous screening record. If any parent/guardian does not wish their child to be checked, please inform the school.
Swimming Lessons
Swimming lessons will continue this Friday, the 17th of November. The students are all progressing really well in their lessons. Transport is required please, so unless I hear otherwise, I will assume parents are able to take or organise transport for their own children. There will be no bus running in the afternoon after swimming.
Board of Trustees
The next Board meeting is tonight, Monday the 13th of November. All welcome. Please view the Agenda by clicking on the BOT tab on the blog.
Athletics Training
Could all students please be prepared daily with PE gear. We will practice daily, weather permitting, in preparation for the Athletics Sports later this term. We welcome help with training in the afternoons. Please let us know if you can help.
Every year a parent kindly tops up the long jump pit. We really need this done asap. If you are able to do this please let Mary know … many thanks.
Many thanks to Adam for mowing the school field - it makes athletics training that much easier for our students.
School Photos
These will be taken by Svendsen Photograhy on Wednesday the 22nd of November at 9.30. If you would like family or friends photos taken, please be at school at 10.00.
These will be taken by Svendsen Photograhy on Wednesday the 22nd of November at 9.30. If you would like family or friends photos taken, please be at school at 10.00.
Oroua Group of Schools Athletics - Friday 24th November
This event happens on Friday the 24th of November (p.p date : 1st December), at Timona Park in Feilding. Students need to be at Timona Park in time to assemble at 9.30 for the 10.00a.m start (Timona Park is off Simon St, which is the second on the left past the North St BP station on Kimbolton Road). All students participate in this event. Students need to wear their school uniform for the day please. All students need to take a good packed lunch, plenty to drink, a hat, sunscreen and clothes that suit all conditions. The playground and river are out of bounds to all children at all times!! Parents, please make sure that this is emphasised to your children as they must stay away from these areas until the completion of the day and until the children are in your care.
The juniors (5, 6 & 7 year olds) will be dismissed at lunchtime (from 11.30 onwards) and then become the responsibility of their parents or caregivers. The day is expected to conclude after the relays and prize giving at about 2.00pm for the senior students. However, this is a guide only and parents should return to the park early in-case the programme finishes early. Senior students 30 minute lunch break will be from 12.15 - 12.45. There will be lots of food to buy at the Park.
Parents will need to provide transport for their own children and the bus will not run at all on this day. If you have difficulty with transport, please ring the school.
If this event is postponed due to weather conditions, an announcement will come over the radio from 7am onwards and a txt message will be sent around, it will then be school as normal and the athletics will then be held on the following Friday, the 1st of December. Parents are asked to help with the events our school is responsible for (junior ball throw, senior High Jump), so please make yourself available at some stage during the day.