Welcome to Week 9 of Term 3, 2017.
2017 Term Dates : Term 3 : 24th July - 29th September. Term 4: 16th October - 20th December.
Our focus for 2017 … is Mahi tahi - everyone working together collaboratively.
This term we are working on participating successfully with others. As part of this we are working on our Enviro Schools plans, goals in our Whanau groups and on our projects for Lamb and Calf Day. Through these we are developing the key competency of participating and contributing. As set out in the NZ Curriculum. There is more about this by clicking on this link http://bit.ly/2eyCKL3 Our Apiti Curriculum which has recently been updated and we value your comments on as we consult with the community has a focus on the key competency of contributing and participating (see the end of our curriculum document.) http://bit.ly/2smutOF will be /was passed at the BOT meeting
Most students are up to the planting stage, we have some plants here and are happy to source them, but if there is anything specifically needed for your child we would appreciate it if they could bring it. Remember an important part of this unit is the growing of the plants and what conditions plants need to grow. We are hoping these plants will be at their “best” for Lamb and Calf Day which is on the 19th October.
Calendar of Events
18th Sept : Board of Trustee meeting, all welcome.
19th Sept : Ski trip to Turoa.
28th Sept : 2pm Assembly in the senior room.
29th Sept : Term 3 ends.
16th Oct : Term 4 Starts.
19th Oct : Lamb and Calf Day.
20th Oct : Swimming lessons begin at Makino Aquatic Centre for whole school.
Please note: The above dates are updated as required. Please visit our google calendar for the most up to date info, which is on the right hand side of our blogspot.
The school also keeps you updated with all community news. Check this link http://bit.ly/2pvsJzf or the tab on the right hand side of the blogspot.
Congratulations to Fisher and Johnny who played in the Kiwitea team at the recent Ki O Rahi tournament in PN.
Mathletics : Top students last 2 weeks : Congratulations to Saxon 2200, Autumn 1180 and Renee 340.
Sumdog Maths : Top Students in the last 2 weeks are : Questions answered Ava 1033, Sarah 477, Summer 460, Phinece 187, Autumn 163, Bently F 149, Renee 134 and Kealee 127.
Sumdog Reading : Top students in the last 2 weeks are : Aimee 521, Savannah 329 and Josie 131.
Sumdog Spelling: Aimee and Phinece.
Reading Eggs Certificates - Autumn Gold Certificate Zoo 1, Kealee Silver Certificate Zoo 4.
Reading Express - In the last 2 weeks Medals awarded :Comprehension lessons completed Aimee Level 30 , Josie 1 Level 29, Savannah Level 24. Quizzes completed: Aimee 2 90%, Josie 2 90% and Savannah 1 80%.
Junior Reading : Bentley P now on Orange 1, Bently F on blue 3, Kealee and Owen on Yellow 2, Autumn on Red 1.
Spelling : Week 7 : 100% Junior Room : Renee, Katie, Bentley, Bently and Saxon.
100% Senior Room : Sarah, Ava, Savannah and Josie.
Week 8 : 100% Junior Room : Abbey, Renee, Katie, Bently, Bentley and Saxon.
100% Senior Room : Summer, Johnny, Ava, Savannah and Josie.
Maths Maintenance : Excellent work : Fisher and Josie.
Special thanks to Rebecca, our local artist in residence who has extended ideas, helped with a practical side of art and harnessed the creative skills of our students. They have all created a “How Apiti Makes Me Feel” painting using paint, PVA glue and pastel. Many of these are well worth framing and they will not be an easy job to judge. Thanks Rebecca.
Also thanks to David and Rebecca for giving us plants for our planters. Most appreciated.
Thanks to our wonderful cleaner/caretaker, Chrissy Lowe, the school looks amazing both inside and outside and we are very appreciative of all your work.
Whanau Groups
Whanau Group work is judged on Lamb and Calf day, by Rowena from Horizons. These include vege tyres, native area, whanau blog spot, wall display. Check what is happening in your whanau group here http://bit.ly/2ucOq8y
Life Education Trust
We had a great day on Friday with Tim and Harold visiting in the Life Education Mobile Classroom. The students all enjoyed their day. The seniors focused on relationships and resilience, especially looking at what makes a good friend.
Turoa Ski Trip - Tuesday 19th September
The lesson time is 9.30 which is the best time for lessons. It takes 1 hour 40 to get to Ohakune, so we will need to leave Apiti by 6.15 and meet by Ohakune Info centre (main st) at 8am, have a quick morning tea, a toilet break and than we will leave to go up the mountain at 8.15 from Ohakune. Unfortunately with my ankle this year, I’ll have to be based outside the cafe and won’t be able to go down with the students. Thanks to parents who have offered to help.
The Board of Trustees have most generously offered to cover the cost for all our students for the day, however parents will need to pay for themselves. Check prices on https://www.mtruapehu.com/winter/schools-youth-groups
All senior students who have an all mountain pass will have a helmet.
Thank you to those who have offered to take transport, I have allocated students to the following vehicles :-
Mrs CUMING - Sarah, Bently, Aimee and Abbey.
FIELD : Josie and Katie.
Mrs ILTON - Fisher, Johnny, Summer and Phinece.
KING - Autumn, Kealee, Ava and Renee.
KNIGHT - Owen.
PATTERSON - Bentley.
Please remember car seats for those that require them. Parents of children travelling in other vehicles, will need to contact the child’s driver for pick up and drop off arrangements please.
If any of the above transport arrangements change, please ring Mary or Louise immediately.
Please refer to the ski notice on the 06.09.2017 for all equipment details.
Kimbolton School Concert Dress Rehearsal - Tuesday 26th September
Next Tuesday the 26th of September, the whole school will travel out to Kimbolton for Kimbolton School’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’ concert dress rehearsal. We will leave Apiti at 12.00 as the concert starts at 12.30 sharp. If any parent would like to come along, please let us know a.s.a.p.
Student Lead Conferences
Student Lead Conferences will be held this Wednesday the 20th of September, please book a time between 9.00 and 3.00pm by filling in a suitable time on the link down the right hand side of the blog. Thank you.
Assessment and reporting is being updated on the students google docs. Please contact us if you have trouble accessing this information.
Enviro Up-cycled Woodwork
These are going well. We welcome help from parents or community helpers, so parents, grandparents, friends, we would love your help either by supplying plants or with building! Please ring Mary or Louise if you can help on any day and we will re-arrange our timetable.
Board of Trustee
The next meeting is tonight, Monday the 18th of September at school, starting at 7.00pm. All welcome.
We reviewed the Apiti School Curriculum and still welcome feedback. Please click on this link http://bit.ly/2smutOF
Please view the agenda on the blogspot under the BOT.
Board of Trustee Vacancy
We have a vacancy to fill on the Apiti School Board of Trustees. If anyone is interested in becoming a board member and having a say in the education of our students and in the management of our school, please contact either the Board Chairperson Ben Pratt, or principal Mary Cuming.
‘The Apiti School Board of Trustees Casual Vacancy for an elected trustee.’
A casual vacancy has occurred on the board of trustees for an elected parent representative.
The board has resolved under section 105 of the Education Act 1989 to fill the vacancy by selection.
If ten percent or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held.
Any eligible voter who wishes to ask the board to hold a by-election should write to :
The chairperson, Board of Trustees, C/- Apiti School, 11 Bryce St, Apiti R.D 1, FEILDING by 11th September 2017.
Bon Apiti - Fisher
Bon Apiti is every Thursday. The Bon Apiti lunch will include mince eg tacos and berry or banana smoothies. If anyone can help with mince, berries / bananas, yoghurt or any other ingredients this would be very much appreciated and those students will have a free serve. The cost will be $3.00 for a large portion, $2.00 for a small portion. Smoothies will be $2.00. Please send money to school in a named envelope and with what is required, written on the envelope.
We were delighted to have Mr and Mrs Ian and Sue McKelvie call in this morning to witness first hand the grass roots of small school rural education.
As this is the last newsletter for this term, we would like to wish you all a very happy and safe holiday and will see you all back here on Monday the 16th of October at 9.00a.m.
Regards, Mary, Louise, Linda, Pat, Pam, Mary B, Jenni, Cara and Christine.