Apiti School and District Newsletter 21/11/2016.
2016 Term Dates : Term 4 : 10th October - 20th December.
Our focus for 2016 ... Whanuangatanga - learning together, accepting and involving family and others; including seeing through the eyes of others.
Nicki and Mary attended the Nathan Mikaere Wallis Seminar organised by the Manawatu Principals last week. He speaks about the latest brain research and is well known for the way he uses this for students learning and development. Several people have indicated they would like to see the notes we took. Take a minute to read this http://bit.ly/2fqdqlw
Calendar of Events
21st November : Manawatu Digi Awards (good luck to our finalists Brooke and Tyler ! ADD links to their documentaries)
25th November : Oroua Athletic Sports (PPD 2nd November) - Arrange own transport please.
5th December : Manawatu Young Achievers.
6th December : Oroua Year 8 Leavers Dinner - Apiti Tavern. Sarah Goss to speak.
8th December : Softball / Tee Ball tournament in PN (TBC) - Transport required please.
9th December : Student Reports shared with parents. Makino Swimming Lessons.
Week 10 : Student/Parent/Teacher goal setting conferences (Optional)
12th December : Board of Trustees Meeting at 7pm. All members of the public are welcome to attend.
14th December : Apiti School Bush Walk (PPD 15th Dec) - Transport required please.
16th December: Makino Final Day - Water Survival and Fun Day.
19th December : Final school assembly. 1.15 Apiti’s Got talent and Farewell for Nicki - everyone welcome!
20th December : Last day of school. The bus will run, but it will be a tidy up day.
Please note: These dates are updated as required. Please visit our google calendar for the most up to date info.
Daily: Athletics training - Could all students please make sure they have PE gear (especially shorts for running and high jump) every day for practice … we have to make the most of it whenever weather permits at the moment!!
Wednesday: Softball / Tee ball lessons at school with Dean
Friday: Swimming at Makino (9th, 16th Dec).
At Apiti School, at this time of year we formally reflect on our learning and our next steps. Record keeping is on-going throughout the year and parents are always welcome to check their children’s progress on their google docs in their Reporting Folder, This includes oral language, writing, maths strategy, maths knowledge matrices as well as reports. The reading graph for juniors and PAT results are also available. The students progress, according to National standards, is also available in their folders which are shared with parents through their email address. Please ask your child, or contact the school, if you need any help with these. As students are clearly aware and own their learning journey, they are able to verbalise this in their reports. These are being written at the moment.
Mathletics : In the last 2 weeks - Fantastic work Katie 810
Maths : Awesome progress in maths: Saxon - counting forward and backwards to 10, number bonds to 5.
Bentley P - excellent progress in learning number bonds to 20, doubles and teen numbers.
Cidnee, Savannah, Aimee, Abbey, Tayler, Renee and Katie - great results in basic facts test !
Reading express : Quiz winner Lauren 86%
Reading eggs : Certificates Bentley P - Silver Playground 2 Map 6. Abbey - Silver Theme Park 2 Map 10. Bently F - Gold Zoo 1 Map 1.
Sumdog Maths : Johnny 375 at 99 % in the last week but in last 2 weeks Johnny 419, Ava P 394, Katie 336, Tayler 325, Aimee 273 and Ava F 265.
Apiti Juniors were 45th in the Sumdog New Zealand National sumdog competition. Well done!
Remember the Manawatu/ Wanganui contest runs for the next 2 weeks we want to see you on the leaderboards !
Sumdog Reading: Bentley P 38, Josie, Kealee, Aimee, Abbey.
100% in Spelling Senior Room - Week 6 : Fisher. Jackson. Sarah. Summer. Johnny. Phinece. Lauren. Ava. Josie.
100% in Spelling Junior Room - Week 6 : Aimee. Tayler. Renee. Katie.
Excellent Progress in Reading:
Congratulations to Savannah who is reading fluently with great expression !
Devarney and Ava F- making an excellent start to school and learning their early words !
Tyler - Fantastic improvement in retell in reading!
Writing: Bently F - writing interesting stories.
Junior Room : Devarney amazing swimming progress - Well done!
Senior Room:
Fisher / Summer / Lauren - Excellent leadership while report writing
Genny - Positive attitude toward school and using LOTS more words
Sarah / Caelan / Josie - Great use of maths strategies
Robotics team: Leader, builder, programmer and designer - Tyler, Brooke, Fisher, Jackson and Johnny
We were winners of last week’s team challenge!!
The challenge is the same as the National Championship Challenge. We needed to design a robot to knock the balls off a wall and another robot design to pick them up and put them over the wall. We worked together with another team to get the most points. - By Fisher
Excellent time management: Phinece: Meeting deadlines consistently … well done!
Manawatu Young Achievers’ Award 2016
It is with pride that we celebrate Brooke as our Apiti School Young Achiever for 2016. She will receive her award, along with the other young achievers in the Feilding district, on Monday the 5th of December at the Feilding Civic Centre.
Brooke Pratt
Brooke is an exceptional school leader and role model of excellent character. Outstanding achievements include whanau-group leader, Bon-Apiti, sports representative, digi-awards finalist multiple times and writer/producer of our 2016 production. Her outstanding attitude and inclusive leadership style are inspirational to all.
GRIP Leadership Course
Brooke, Fisher, Jackson and Tyler spent the day with other young leaders from the Manawatu at the GRIP Leadership course in Palmerston North. Many thanks to Chonee for accompanying our leaders to allow them to make the most of this experience.
Student Writing -
My best holiday
Saxon was at Bentleys and i was playing Minecraft . Bentley is a cool boy. We had a picnic and we went to the river. We went into a cave. I was happy because I found some gold in it. - By Savannah.
My Best Holiday was when I went to the beach. I played in the sand. I made a sandcastle. I swam in the sea. - Bently F.
My best holiday is when I went back to Matamata. My Aunty Sis, she shows horses too. My Mum, Dad, Tayler and Ava came too. We stayed at Nanny and Poppy’s. I jumped into their bed. At the horse show I got heaps of ribbons. My horse is called Paris and she is good at it. She had a foal and it is a boy horse. - By Cidnee.
I liked the earthquake because our house was wobbling. - By Saxon.
Weekend Recount 21.11.2016 - by Katie
On Friday on the way to town I asked if we could stay at nana's for the night and mummy said yes, but first we had to go to swimming. We had lots of fun at swimming. We had two lessons. My swimming is improving. I am using arms and legs well now. I can go on my back now.
After swimming we went to Nana’s and we played for a while. Next we went to get our photos taken in town at a photographer's shop. All the kids got their photo taken. We were dressed up as fairies and I didn't want to get out of my costume because it was so pretty. I love the colours, purple, pink white and orange.
Then we went back to Nana's for tea. We had fish and chips. Yummy. Then we had iceblocks for pudding while we waited for the chips.
Nana went out for dinner with Louise while Mum looked after us. We blew up a little sleeping bag bed for Clare to have.
Sport Manawatu PE Module - Softball / Teeball
Our goal is to provide opportunities for our students to try the vast range of sports available to Kiwi kids. Students have been learning softball with Dean, from the Huia Softball Club in Palmerston North. This may need to be deferred until next year however due to Dean’s family commitments. Our Oroua Tournament in Palmerston North on the 8th of December will be confirmed when we have more information.
Bon Apiti
This term’s Healthy Lunch option is Shepherds pie and a small salad available each Thursday. Please order on Wednesday - small serving $1.50, large serving $3.00. Juicies are also available at $1.50. Please send your money along to school each Wednesday in a named, sealed envelope and hand it in to Brooke.
Swimming Lessons
The remaining swimming lessons booked in at the Feilding Makino Aquatic Centre, with 2 lessons per day, are on the following dates : 9th, 16th December.
We will leave school at 11.00am to allow the students a little extra time in the water to develop their water confidence and social skills in a different environment. Thank you to those who are letting Christine know in advance how they can help with transport. It is most appreciated.
Oroua Group of Schools Athletics Sports - Friday 25th November
This event happens this Friday the 25th of November (p.p date : 2nd December), at Timona Park in Feilding. Students need to be at Timona Park in time to assemble at 9.30 for the 9.45a.m start (Timona Park is off Simon St, which is the second on the left past the North St BP station on Kimbolton Road). All students participate in this event. Students need to wear their school uniform for the day please. All students need to take a good packed lunch, plenty to drink, a hat, sunscreen and clothes that suit all conditions. The playground and river are out of bounds to all children at all times!! Parents, please make sure that this is emphasised to your children as they must stay away from these areas until the completion of the day and until the children are in your care.
The juniors (5, 6 & 7 year olds) will be dismissed at lunchtime (from 11.30 onwards) and then become the responsibility of their parents or caregivers. The day is expected to conclude after the relays and prize giving at about 2.00pm for the senior students. However, this is a guide only and parents should return to the park early in-case the programme finishes early. Senior students 30 minute lunch break will be from 12.15 - 12.45. There will be lots of food to buy at the Park.
Parents will need to provide transport for their own children and the bus will not run at all on this day. If transport is difficult, please contact the school. If this event is postponed due to weather conditions, an announcement will come over the radio from 7am onwards and a txt message will be sent around, and it will then be school as normal. Parents are asked to help with the event our school is responsible for (junior ball throw), so please make yourself available at some stage during the day.
School Photos
School photos will be next Tuesday the 29th of November. If you would like family photos taken, please be at school at 11.30.
Lamb and Calf Day Trophies
Please return your Lamb and Calf Day trophies to school so they can be taken in to be engraved and then returned to you before the end of year. The Board of Trustees kindly pays for the trophies to be engraved.
Thank you to all parents who have paid the ski and stationery accounts. If you have any outstanding accounts still to be settled, please do so before the end of the school year. Please remember that part payment on a regular basis, is also an option. If you require another invoice/statement, please ring Christine during office hours.
End of Year Assembly - 19th December
Over the next 2 weeks we are planning our final assembly. Students have decided that they would like to celebrate their achievements of 2016 through an ‘Apiti’s got Talent’ style celebration. Students are encouraged to think about what they enjoy in the arts and develop a short act to share at our final assembly. It could be a dance, song, musical piece, speech mime or play. They are welcome to do it on their own or/and with others. Throughout this week we will be brainstorming possibilities and finalising choices. This is just a heads up as I would expect your children to come home with ideas to discuss with you as they go through the planning stages. You know your children well and I am sure will have a few suggestions!! Students who are not part of ‘Apiti has got Talent’ will be sharing their learning from throughout 2016.
This assembly is on Monday 19th December and will start at 1.15.
School Bush Walk
Our annual school bush walk is planned for the 14th of December (p.p date: 15th). It would be great if you could keep the date free and join us. Community members are also very welcome!! There will be more details shortly.
A Blue 20” wheel bike with green wheels has recently gone missing from the school shed. If anyone knows of its whereabouts, please let the school know, or if the bike is returned to the shed, no questions will be asked.
School Holiday Reading Programme with the Feilding Library
Please find pamphlets attached explaining the Feilding Library programmes “Sail into Summer Reading” for 4 - 10 year old children and the “i Read” for Year 6 - Year 8 students.
Thanks to the senior students for their kind get well messages online, and the juniors for their card. Also I really appreciated the “Hamper Basket” from the staff and BOT. You know me really well. I am really enjoying it. I hope to have an update about my ankle on Friday when I meet with my consultant. I am missing you all and hope to get back soon, in the meantime, I am trying to be patient but thank goodness for computers! - Mary.
Happy Birthday to the following student, we hope you have a great day! - 1st December - Lauren!