Welcome to week 9 2016 . The last week for term 3
Our focus for 2016 ... Whanuangatanga - learning together, accepting and involving family and others; including seeing through the eyes of others. This term our theme is Hauora - Healthy Living.
BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Nicki Fielder who has just won the position as Principal of Kiwitea School . This position is from Feb 2017. Nicki has been a fantastic senior room teacher, and will be missed by all at Apiti. We are pleased she will still be in the Oroua group and we will be able to continue working with her.
Our focus for 2016 ... Whanuangatanga - learning together, accepting and involving family and others; including seeing through the eyes of others. This term our theme is Hauora - Healthy Living.
BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Nicki Fielder who has just won the position as Principal of Kiwitea School . This position is from Feb 2017. Nicki has been a fantastic senior room teacher, and will be missed by all at Apiti. We are pleased she will still be in the Oroua group and we will be able to continue working with her.
Calendar of Events
19th Sept : Hinepau - Capital-e and Swimming at the Lido
22nd Sept : Spanish Celebration Day - (no toasties on this day)
Term 3 ends : 23rd September.
Term 4 starts : 10th October.
20th October : Lamb and Calf Day.
28th October : Swimming lessons start.
Celebrating our Successes:
Robotics - Congratulations to our robotics team won 10 bonus points and were second last week at Feilding High School. Tyler, Fisher, Jackson, Brooke and Johnny work well as a team and have many skills!
Mathletics Cidnee 400, Tayler 350, Saxon 220
Reading express Comprehension Fisher 70 Johnny 28
Reading eggs Certificates : Bentley achieved Gold 100% in Map 4 on 10th Sept. Katie Silver Map 7 on 7th Sept.
Sumdog Maths : (Top 5 last week) Questions answered and accuracy Johnny 490 93% Katie 425 91% Renee 390 81%, Josie 211 91% and Aimee 211 85%
Sumdog Reading: (Top 5 last week) Questions answered and accuracy Bentley 232 36%. Katie 199 65%, Aimee 138 86% Renee 69 32% and Abbey 48 88%
Reading : Katie Field is now on to Green 1 and Katie knows nearly all her basic words.
Bentley and Bently have finished the Early Words programme. Bentley is now on Yellow 1. Bently Yellow 2, Amiee Light Blue 2.
100% in Spelling: Junior room: Week 8 - Cidnee. Savannah. Josie. Aimee. Tayler. Renee. Katie.
Remember :- online learning continues to be available during the holidays. We would like lots of celebrations of success in mathletics, spellodrome, reading eggs and/or reading express, and also in sumdog maths and reading in the next newsletter/ blogspot. A high number of questions answered is great, but don’t forget to work on a high percentage in accuracy too. Please let us know if you think the level we have for your child is too easy or hard.
There is also a minecraft competition we are entering “design your own Dream Home”.
Capital E today
Capital E today
Lamb and Calf Day - Thursday 20th October
Please look at the link on the weebly. Click on links and information ...Term 4 … Lamb and Calf Day or click on this link .http://bit.ly/2cPnnuC
Students will be deciding on the learning tasks to be completed on the afternoon before/morning of Lamb and Calf Day on our final day of term. This gives students an opportunity to plan and prepare over the holidays.
Country Books and Poster
All students have been researching a country and have made or are making a book to inform others. They will also produce a poster to promote this country. The book will be finished this week so it can be judged in the holidays.
We had great motivation from Ron for our cushions as well as an amazing puppet show. Thanks to Carly for helping too. We will be finishing our cushions this week. Thanks to Pat for all her help with these, you are fantastic. If you have a spare afternoon this week, for either machine sewing, or help hand stitching we would appreciate help finishing them.
Margaret Smith is kindly glazing and firing our sharing plates / bowls and these will be ready for Lamb and Calf Day.
Thanks to Rebecca for your expertise, support and patience. The portraits are looking great thus far and students are learning fantastic new skills.
As you can see on the Lamb and Calf Day programme the students are working on their photo essay, (a story is told through 4-7 photos) and digital photo which can be enhanced. The photos for these has to be taken by the student. They can be photos they have already taken, or can take at school or in the holidays. If the student is taking them at home, please email them to school in a large format or on a pendrive. The final will include a title. Please talk to Mary or Nicki if you have any questions.
Enviro Day

Enviro Day
AIA Healthy Kids Challenge
Apiti Students will soon be taking part in this challenge. The goal is to encourage kids to be more active. Their real steps will be used to take them on a virtual adventure. If you would like to know more, visit https://www.heathlykids.kiwi
Sport Manawatu PE Module
Our current module is Touch rugby. Could all students please be prepared daily with PE gear so that we can practice. The final touch competition will now be held next term.
Sarah Goss Visited
It was great to see so many people celebrate with Sarah. She was quite overwhelmed and would like to thank everyone for all the support she received during the games and since.
Our robotics team, Fisher, Jackson and Tyler, Brooke and Johnny are currently joining a large number of teams at Feilding High School. Their challenge was to use the robot to have a tug of war with 2 others. They got first in this challenge. This weeks challlenge is to pick up the heaviest load.
We would like to thank Rabo bank for their support of this initiative. They kindly supplied the kit for us.
Bon Apiti
There will not be any toasties this week as we are planning our Spanish celebration day for this Thursday.
Board of Trustee Meeting
At the last BOT meeting it was decided to do a survey. The first survey will be on Digital Technology in Apiti. To help us get feedback from the community and plan programmes and deliver them according to the community. Please send any ideas, questions to the school so they can be added to this survey. The next BOT meeting will be Monday the 31st of October, in the staff room starting at 7.00pm. All members of the public are welcome to attend.
Stationery Accounts
These were sent home recently. Thank you to those who have paid so promptly. For those of you who still need to pay, please do so at your earliest convenience.
Swimming Lessons
We have swimming lessons booked in at the Feilding Makino Aquatic Centre with 2 lessons per day on the following dates : Friday 28th October, Friday 4th, 11th, 18th November, 9th December from 12.30 - 2.00pm with 30 minute break at 1 - 1.30. Please mark these dates on your calendar.
Horizons Challenge Day - 15th September at Totara Reserve
Report from Tyler - We had to do challenges and Brooke and I were the Apiti team. We had to find things, check footprints. We did well in identifying the pests because Brooke and I knew them all. There was a heap of cards of animals, we had to say whether they were brought to NZ or were originally here . We got that right too. We had to catch crawlies in the river, we caught more than the other group because we went upstream. I caught a trout but it didn’t count because it wasn’t part of the challenge. I released it. I learnt a whole heap of interesting things about stuff I didn’t know existed. Horizons put on a good learning day and I would recommend the school participates in it again, but it has to be different people every year.
Bluelight Camp
Brooke and Fisher report - We caught a bus up Friday morning to Auckland with 40 other students from the Feilding area. We stopped at the Army museum for morning tea and since it was snowing we played in the snow. Then we stopped at Huka Falls for lunch. We were staying at Chosen Valley Christian camp in Auckland. They had a great playground and flying fox. The first night we did skits and after dinner went to bed. We slept on gymnastics mats. We woke early to have breakfast and get ready for Rainbows End. We were able to do as many rides as we could. Fearfall was the best - Fisher because when you get to the top you just wait for it to click and let go. It tricks you a bit and the suspense is thrilling. Valentines for dinner we ate until we felt sick, one little kid ate 6 bowls of food! We both thought it was a great opportunity and would like to thank the Blue Light Trust for supporting schools like ours.
Language and Cultural Celebrations
As part of our Whanaungatanga learning, students learning a language through the Virtual Learning Network Primary, are planning a day to teach others and share their learning. It is a great way to learn more about other cultures, including language and food. Brooke and Johnny planned a very successful Japanese day with sushi and everyone can now count to 10 in Japanese and they can say Hello which is hajimemashite. This was followed by Fisher who organised German hotdogs with sauerkraut and apple strudel. Korean was organised by Phinece, she cooked bibimbap for lunch. We also watched her Korean lesson on the computer.

Next will be Spanish. This Thursday for our Spanish day, we will be teaching numbers up to 10, colors and how to say hello, goodbye. We are going to be making tacos for our main course at lunch time and then we will be making churros for pudding. Could we please ask if anyone has some spare mince, cheese, lettuce, etc to donate for the lunch, we would really appreciate it! Parents are most welcome to come along and share in the lunch starting at 12.30, but please let Tyler / the school know if you intend to come as we will need numbers for catering purposes. If possible, we would like students to dress up in something Spanish e.g poncho, sunbrero. Hope to see you on Thursday.
Safety Reminder
Please shut the entrance gates. These are temporary until we get our new fence.
Our students re-use our paper whenever possible and the Waste Busters do a great job at putting paper to be re-cycled in the shed with a push-up garage door. However it has to get to town! We would really appreciate it if those going could take a load to the recycling centre. A small or large amount at any time would be most appreciated. Thanks.
School Holidays
School will close this Friday the 23rd of September at 2.45 and reopen on Monday the 10th of October at 9.00am.
“Word of Mouth” Newsletter Child and Adolescent Oral Health Service
Some dentists say that “the two-hour rule” is the best way to keep your teeth strong. This is because time is a factor in the process of tooth decay: every time we eat something sweet, our teeth get weak: bacteria in plaque uses sugar to make acid – acid dissolves the minerals in teeth. But if you eat only at meals and morning and afternoon tea times, you give your teeth a rest of about two hours in between. In those two hours saliva makes your teeth stronger again, because teeth re-absorb the fluoride that is in saliva.
Dental checks are free for children until they turn 18. See the schedule below for a list of facilities and contact details. If you have any queries, please contact us.
- Marja Steur 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) (06) 350 8619. marja.steur@midcentraldhb.govt.nz
Fixed and Mobile Dental Clinics
For September 2016, our staff will be working in the clinics below and are available from Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 4pm.
Some dentists say that “the two-hour rule” is the best way to keep your teeth strong. This is because time is a factor in the process of tooth decay: every time we eat something sweet, our teeth get weak: bacteria in plaque uses sugar to make acid – acid dissolves the minerals in teeth. But if you eat only at meals and morning and afternoon tea times, you give your teeth a rest of about two hours in between. In those two hours saliva makes your teeth stronger again, because teeth re-absorb the fluoride that is in saliva.
Dental checks are free for children until they turn 18. See the schedule below for a list of facilities and contact details. If you have any queries, please contact us.
- Marja Steur 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) (06) 350 8619. marja.steur@midcentraldhb.govt.nz
Fixed and Mobile Dental Clinics
For September 2016, our staff will be working in the clinics below and are available from Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 4pm.
Clinic Locations
Contact Details
Dental Therapist
Feilding Health Care
Dental Clinic
(06) 323 6686
Helen Wilton
Manchester Street School (Mobile)
027 420 0871 or
(06) 323 6653
Lisa Marshall
School Holidays
During the September – October school holiday period, the Child and Adolescent Oral Health services will be available at our dental clinics based at the Feilding Health Care (Feilding). Mobile Dental Clinics will be operating at Feilding Health Care.
School Holidays at the Library
With the school holidays fast approaching, here at the library, we are gearing up to offer children and families some great activities.
One of our most exciting new programmes is called Digital Days and from 10am-12noon each day children can come and try out and learn to use some great new technologies such as Raspberry Pi and Makey Makey which amongst other things helps children learn to code! This is aimed at children 7-13 years old. If you have any questions or would like any further information please do not hesitate to email Victoria at Victoria.Blockley-Powell@mdc.govt.nz or ring 323 5373. - Victoria.
Apiti School 125th Jubilee minutes - 15.9.2016
Present : Pat Prince , Nikita Lowe, Hilton and Christine Digby and Mary Cuming
Apologies : Kimberley McIntyre, Hugh McIntyre, Rebecca Kelynack (nee Goodall ), Martin family.
General Business :
- It was decided there were not enough people attending this meeting to form a committee.
- It would be great to see some more ex- students of the school or ex-staff or BOT or committee members or even community people .
- We will advertise more and ask as many people as possible, Christine will put it on school newsletter.
- Nikita will put it on Facebook and advertise it widely.
Next meeting 13th Oct 2016 at 7.30 in the school staff room.
As this is the last newsletter for term 3, we would like to wish you all a safe and happy holiday period and look forward to seeing you all back here on Monday the 10th of October.
Regards, Mary, Nicki, Pat, Mary B and Christine.
Community Notices
Ladies Group - please note change of date
On Monday the 26th of September in the school senior room starting at 7.30pm, we will have Shelly talking and showing photos about her recent cruise abroad. Here are some of the places she went to :- Istanbul, then the cruise ship thru the Greek Islands, Malta and some parts of Italy, then off the ship she visited Rome, Cinque Terre and Venice. Gold coin donation towards the school for power and a light supper provided. All community members are most welcome. - June and Chrissy.
Ladies Group
A group of our ladies are planning a day out. Yippee! We will be departing from PN train station at 8.30 am to Wellington. Arrive there 11.20 then bus to David Jones .......the new posh shop!
After a look around / shopping we will be heading to the 17th floor for a scrumptious 3 course buffet lunch. ......view menu at steamrail.nz We are going to eat at the 1.15 option.
After more shopping / looking we head back to leave Wellington at 3.55 getting back to PN at 6.30
Adult fare with no lunch is $95. With lunch $125.
This is set to happen on SATURDAY 15TH OCTOBER.
Please let Mary Burton know if you would like to join us. r.m.burton@inspire.net.nz 3284706 - Mary B.
Apiti Tavern
What’s happening at the Apiti Tavern.
Wednesdays are Indoor bowls and Pool night. Gold coin donation for Indoor Bowls, tea and coffee provided afterwards. September, we start a $30 voucher pool comp.
Community Dinner on Friday the 30th Sept, with Live music that same night. Mike’s coming all the way from Matamata to entertain the Apiti crowd. Dinner is @7pm, $25pp and kids pay a dollar per age up to 16yrs. Please RSVP 06 328 4848
Also Happening in September - We are getting Sky TV!!! - New Menu Coming Soon. - Hendrik.
Conservation Week with REACT Sunday Sept 18th 2016
Kowhai Planting for Kereru corridor
REACT welcomes all hands to help plant Kowhai and other natives along the paper road to Rangiwahia Scenic Reserve.
This is to bring back green corridors and address biodiversity for our bird life.
When: Sunday 18th September from 10am. Bring Gumboots and workwear.
Lunch provided. Car share preferred. More details please phone 06 3282823
Where: Meet Rangiwahia Environmental Arts Centre, The Old Dairy Factory, 2489 Rangiwahia, Rangiwahia 4774.
email: rangienviroartscentre@gmail.com
For more info on REACT regeneration work: http://www.rangienviroartscentre.org/regeneration.html
Plants provided thanks to Horizons Regional Council Community grants.
Flags on Bikes: Oct School Holiday Workshops with REACT
October 5th and 6th Palmerston North Library – Sound and Vision 10-3pm
Bring your bike and make it flash! Be Safe Be Seen.
Making flags for bikes to increase visibility on the road for safety aspect.
Also to engender ‘love my bike’ feelings, raising profile of cycles and cyclists and the positive impact of bike riding in the social and environmental arenas.
As part of Envirofest 2016. Funded by PNCC. For more details Ph: 06 3282823 email:rangienviroartscentre@gmail.com
The Feilding Amateur Swimming Club, (FASC) 2016-2017 Season, is due to start on Oct 10th, 2016.
Registration forms will be emailed out to our database of last year’s members soon.
These can be filled in and returned to entries@fasc.co.nz .
For new Members,
Please come along to our Enrolment Assessment morning at Makino Aquatic Centre between 10am & 12 noon on Sat 8th Oct.
We will answer your questions, and look at your childs swimming, so we can place in the correct group for lessons. More info can be found on the clubs facebook page. - Bronwyn Bismark, FASC Committee.
We very much need to find volunteer collectors for the above collection in Feilding in October.
Pink Ribbon Appeal
We very much need to find volunteer collectors for the above collection in Feilding in October. If anyone is interested, please go to www.pinkribbonvolunteer.org.nz or pinkribbon@nzbcf.org.nz or phone 0508 105 105.
- Kath Bryan, Feilding Area Co ordinator for Pink Ribbon Appeal.
New Arrival
I am moving to the area in October and will be looking for employment. I am currently sole manager on a 1000 acre block 700 effective rest in QE2 and bush, we fatten friesian bulls and cross bred steers. I am looking for a similar position, block manager, worker or general hand. I am a competent tractor driver, fencer stockman and good all rounder, honest reliable and hardworking. If you have full time or even part time work just to get me started it would be much appreciated.
I am very much looking forward to being part of your community and hope to meet you in October. My contact number and e mail hugheshelma@gmail.com 0273333621. - Helma.