
Welcome to week 5 of term 2, 2016.  

Our focus for 2016 ...  Whanuangatanga - learning together, accepting and involving family and others; including seeing through the eyes of others. This term our theme is Hauora - Healthy Living. 

Calendar of Events
6th June  -  Queens Birthday holiday - school closed for the day.
7th June  -  Year 8 students to Kimbolton School for Fldg High School invitation talk at 2.00pm.
7th June  -  BOT meeting. All welcome.
9th  June -  Rowena from Enviro Schools to come and work with students, all welcome
9th June  -  7.30 ASSA meeting at school. All welcome.
10th - 19th June - Possum Hunt Fundraiser.
16th June - Inter-school cross country.   
17th June -  Oroua Schools Cross Country at Waituna West. 
23rd June -  Feilding High School Open Day.
27th June -  Board of Trustee meeting.
1st July    -  Sir Peter Blake Leadership.
Week 10 -  Concert Scooby Doo - date to be confirmed. 
8th July   -  Red Sock Day.
8th July   -  Term 2 ends at 2.45.  
25th July -  Term 3 begins at 9.00am.

We are delighted to welcome Serenity a year 7 student and Jordyn a year 8 student to our school.  We know Serenity and Jordyn will enjoy learning at Apiti school.   

Celebrating our Successes

The Education Review Officers visited our school last week. It has been 5 years since our last ERO visit. They commented positively on our school. They could see our school was well focused on learning for life. Also there was lots of great learning happening for the students.  They noted we were early to embrace digital learning, are community focused, an enviro school and our whanau based inquiry is an authentic context. They commented on our warm welcome and the work we are doing on cultural responsiveness. Lately there have been many changes in education especially in ERO reviewing, Health and safety, Vulnerable Children's Act and with the new Education Council, so there is always work to do. Thank you to the students, parents, Board, and especially Ben for your time and support with the review. 
Sumdog The Manawatu Wanganui Sumdog competition results individual winner was Jacob. Well done!
James was 6th and Johnny 27th. Our school was a daily winner on Thursday. 
This weeks winner for questions and accuracy were: Fisher 1783 - 95%, James 1466 - 92%, Johnny 1160 - 81% Jacob 1013 - 99%, Jackson 974 - 79%.
Sumdog Reading Top 5 students: Kirsten, Fisher, Cidnee, Elliot, Serenity.  
Reading eggs : Caelan - Map 9 - 93%, Abbey Map 7,- 80%, Josie Map 5 - 100%, Savannah Map 2 - 100%, Kirsten Map 2 - 100%, Riley Map 1 - 96%. Well done!
Reading eggs Comprehension Quiz: Jackson, Lauren.  
Mathletics 16th - 29th May - Participation and total points: Sarah 1380 + Bronze award, Abbey 690, Bently F 420, Tayler 380, Riley 330, Josie 280, Ava 240, Katie 230.
Reading  Ava and Elliot have moved up a level. Both are using their strategies well.  
Maths - Abbey, Savannah, Cidnee and Elliot. Great skip-counting and multiplication 2's, 5's and 10's. 
I think Harold should come back. I learnt more than last year. He helped us learn about the parts of the body. I learnt about how the food goes down. The thing I liked to learn about most was the capillaries. They are so long that they could go around the world two and a half times!! I also liked all of the songs and singing. It kept the fun going. - By Johnny.
Hi from Tim and Harold at Life Ed Manawatu!
Thank you so much for having us at your lovely school - we had an absolute blast and lots of great discussions around food and nutrition with the pupils. Please go to our Life Ed Facebook page to see photos and captions from our visit - please leave a comment, and if you like us, FANTASTIC!! We can't wait to see all of you again in the future - take care, and have a wonderful rest of 2016!  -  Love from Tim and Harold.
Board of Trustees Meeting
The next Board of Trustee meeting will be held on Tuesday the 7th of June in the school staff room starting at 7.00pm.  All members of the public are welcome to attend.  To view the agenda prior to the meeting, please click on the BOT tab down the side of the newsletter. 
Thank You
Thank you to those parents who helped transport students out to Kimbolton for the Kahaurangi Maori Dance Performance recently.  Thank you too, to Pat for working in with the bus - leaving earlier and travelling to and from home in the opposite direction.
School Concert - Scooby Doo 
This year our annual production is Scooby Doo written by Brooke. Students are presently auditioning for their parts and learning about their character. There will also be words to learn and costumes and scenes to make. Please let us know if you can help. 
Digital Learning 
Students are presently working on their graphic designs, animations or movies. Some of these will be sent in for the digi awards. The link for these this year is ....
Marae Visit 
Geoff is kindly co-ordinating a Marae day visit for us this year. Date to be advised soon.  
Ki O Rahi
From 7th June this term, each Tuesday 1.00 -2.30 the students are learning Ki O Rahi, a new sport for us. Therefore lunch on these days will be 12.15 to 1.00. There will be a fun day at the end, date to be confirmed. 
Cross Country 
We are training for cross country everyday, please come prepared. We know some of our students have been training hard at home already.  Please feel free to join us, we run daily, usually at 12.15 but this is according to the weather. 
The Oroua Schools Cross Country event will be held on the 17th June at Waituna West and as it is a winter sport it will not be cancelled.
Early next term (date to be confirmed soon) we are planning an overnight camp at Whakapapa. As our new Child Protection policy states parents who want to accompany us must be police vetted. Please go online and get a form or ask for one from the office. Unfortunately these are taking a long time to come through as the Act comes into force on 1st July and there is a big back log we need to get onto it asap.  
Queens Birthday Weekend
School will be closed next Monday the 6th of June for Queens birthday weekend.  School will re-open on Tuesday the 7th of June at 9.00am.  Enjoy the long weekend.
ASSA Meeting
The next ASSA meeting will be held on Thursday the 9th of June at school starting at 7.30pm.  High on the agenda is the possum shoot happening from the 10th to the 19th of June.  It would be great if at least one member of each school family attends this meeting so you are fully informed of what is happening.
Apiti School Board of Trustees' Election Declaration of Parent Election Results  
At the close of nominations, as the number of valid nominations was equal to the number of vacancies required to be filled, I hereby declare the following duly elected:

KIRA, Geoff

C. Digby, Returning Officer.

Happy Birthday to the following students, we hope you had / have a great day!  29th May - Savannah!       2nd June - Phinece!