21.03.2016 Newsletter

2016 Term DatesTerm 1 : 5th Feb – 15th April.  Term 2 : 2nd May – 8th July.  Term 3 : 25th July – 23rd Sept.
Term 4 : 10th October - 20th December. 
Welcome to Week 8 of Term 1 2016.
Our focus for 2016 ...  Whanuangatanga - learning together, accepting and involving family and others; including seeing through the eyes of others.
Calendar of Events
22nd - 23rd March - EOTC Trip to Wellington.
25th March - Good Friday - school closed.
28, 29th March - Easter - School closed.
30th March - School at 9.00am.
4th April    -  Board of Trustee Meeting at 7.00pm in the staff room..
6th April    - Junior Rippa at FMG.
8th April    - Sam Strahan at FMG.
11th April  - Interschool Athletics with Feilding Schools at Timona Park (pp date: 13th April). This is a new event that the Oroua Schools have been invited to send the best 3 in each age group from the Oroua group.
15th April  - Term 1 ends.
17th April  -  Trail Bike Ride.
25th April  -  ANZAC Day.
2nd May    -  Term 2 begins.
16th May   -  Education Review Office visits Apiti School.

Celebrating our Successes
On Friday Rowena Brown from Enviro Schools awarded us our new enviro sign. She is impressed with our students sustainability journey and will work with us next term. We would love to hear from anyone who would like to help pot up some cuttings and teach students about taking cuttings. We are also needing help with the vege tyres, maybe someone may have some extra plants at home especially vege or herb plants, or can suggest what to plant at Apiti for winter. Each whanau group has a tyre,  these are judged at lamb and Calf day. 

All students are learning a language through the Virtual Learning Network.  Languages include Spanish, Korean, German and Japanese.  
Te Reo is every Friday morning at 11.30 for the whole school.
If anyone has expertise in any of these languages we'd love to hear from you. 

Mathletics Stars
Fisher 1000. Elliot 600. James 350.  
Fisher 340. James 240. Dylan 190. Jackson 170.
Reading Express March results thus far - Jacob 183, Brooke 68, Fisher 61. 
Reading Eggs Tayler has completed 2 levels 100%, 93 %.  Josie 1 level 100% and Abbey has completed 1 level 10%.
Senior Room Spelling Stars = 100% - Brooke, Jacob, Dylan, Jackson, Tyler, Lauren, Sarah, Johnny, James.
Junior Room Spelling Stars = 100% - Ava, Kirsten, Caelan, Cidnee, Josie, Tayler.
Maintenance Stars = Brooke, Jacob, Lauren, Sarah, Phinece, Johnny.
Reading : Tayler and Renee are now on Yellow 1.  Katie on Red 2.  Cidnee on Orange 1.
I went to the park and it was fun.  I played on the swing.  -  By Renee.
My Aunty and Uncle came down and we saw a possum, it was cleaning itself.  We saw two deer and we saw some geese fly in to the power lines.  -  By Tayler.
Tomorrow the whole school is going on the camp.  It is my first time and it is going to be fun. I will like it.  There will be bunk beds, I am going to sleep on the top of the bunk bed.  - By Abbey.
Me and Sam and Mum broke the fence and we brought the wood home to cook dinner.  -  By Elliot.

Manawatu Striders Interschool Road Race
Ring Ring ... The bell goes for 11:00. James, Sarah and I all go out and wait for Jess to pick us up and take us to the road race. We had to run 3km. It was hard but fun.
It was cool to be there representing Oroua. James, Sarah and I walked some of the course. Then we are back at the start line.  On your marks ... get set ... bang! We started running. I forget we were racing and just wanted to go for a morning run in the park. But I took off and passed a few people. I decided my person to try and keep with and kept on running pass the band. I so want to stop and watch but I had to keep running. Then on the road nearly and the 2k mark ... Can I stop now? I kept on running ... "1k to go. Keep on running. Pace yourself Lauren. Keep going.  I can do this!" ...  and over the line! Everyone does well. Then we head off to subway, YAY.  -  By Lauren.
I line up for my race. On your marks get set go ... off we went charging out the gate and past the duck pond and around a 180 degree turn and off the road and into the bush. I was coming second behind a kid from Manchester Street School. We thundered on deeper into the bush it felt like I was being swallowed by the bush and then when I came out it felt like the bush didn’t like the taste of me and that it was relieved that I was out of its body.
When I finished I ended up coming second. I felt like going to sleep but I didn’t ... at least not until I got home anyway. 
 -  By James.
Sam Strahan Trials
As the trials were rained out last Monday, these are being held today at Kimbolton School.  Once again, we would like to thank Ben and Adam for offering their time and expertise to coach both our Junior Cup (Year 5-6) and Sam Strahan (Year 7-8) teams. Practices will be each Monday afternoon and one other day each week if possible. All year 5-8 students are encouraged to trail for these teams. They will need to bring a water bottle, shorts and sports shoes for the trial and all practices.

Education Outside the Classroom Trip to Wellington - 22nd - 23rd March
This learning experience is on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.  All students have a list of car, work and room groups. Please contact your child's driver to plan pick up and delivery of students.  Please remember that you need to leave Apiti by 7.30, meet at our first stop - outside the front of Te Papa at 10.30 for morning tea, start morning tea when you get there. Remember to have a large lunch for your child and a named water bottle. It is helpful if your child's lunch is in a disposable bag in a backpack, not in their overnight bag, as these will be in the cars. Cars can park at Reading Carpark or Te Papa. Please wear the Apiti uniforms on both days. Sports uniform for the first day and take the stripy Canterbury top.  All information was given out at the ASSA meeting, if you have any queries ring Mary or Nicki. 

Student Lead Conferences
These conferences will take place on Tuesday the 5th of April.  Please visit the 'Links and Information' page on our website and click on the Student Conferences tab, or ring Christine on a Monday or Wednesday to book a time.  Should you need to make another time, just talk to Mary or Nicki. 

Easter Break
School will be closed for the Easter break from Friday the 25th and re-open on Wednesday the 30th of March.  We wish you all a safe and happy Easter holiday and hope the Easter bunny will leave you a treat or two.

Lost from the school grounds, one well loved black mountain bike and helmet, the helmet is white with a bit of fluro green.  If anyone knows of its where-abouts, please get in touch with the school.

Board of Trustee Elections
The next Board of Trustee elections will be held on June the 3rd 2016.  If you are interested in standing for the Apiti School Board of Trustees, please talk to Ben or any of the Board members.  You are welcome to attend the next meeting on the 4th of April to find out more about how the BOT works.

To view the minutes of the last ASSA meeting, please visit the 'Links and Information' page on our website and click on the ASSA tab. 

Happy Birthday to the following student, we hope you have a great day!  26th March - Cidnee!