
Welcome to the first week of Term 2, 2015.  Nice to see everyone back here looking refreshed and looking forward to 11 weeks of exciting learning that will take us through to July the 3rd. 

Dates for your Calendar
22nd April  - Rippa Rugby Junior Cup.
24th April   - Sam Strahan Rippa Rugby.
25th April   -  ANZAC DAY.
26th April   -  Apiti School Trail Bike ride.
27th April   -  Anzac Day observed - school closed.
7th May     -  Board of Trustee Meeting at 7.00pm. All welcome.
8th May     -  Student Goal Setting Conferences
17-23rd      -  Fungal Forae
We are delighted to welcome Abbey and her family to our school.  Abbey is a brand new 5 year old student.  We know Abbey will enjoy learning at our school. 
What's coming up ... 
Sam Strahan Rippa Rugby
Congratulation to the following students who have been selected for our Northern Oroua Rippa Rugby Teams:
Junior Cup Team:- Tyler, Dylan (Reserve)
Sam Strahan Team:- Huntah, Hannah, Brooke
A huge thank you to Adam and Ben for coaching the Sam Strahan team. Practices are Monday and Wednesday afternoon. We wish the teams all the best for their tournaments this week. The students involved will be given details regarding this.
ANZAC Day is a very special day for our Apiti Community, with this year being especially significant. All Senior students will be learning more about ANZAC as part of their "I am Connected' integrated learning. 
All students are expected to join us for the ANZAC Day service on the 25th of April. We will be meeting at 9.45 in the village outside the garage.  As usual our oldest and our youngest student will lay the wreath. All students are asked to wear their school uniform please. Students will have an active part in the ceremony with our newly formed band, led by Hannah, performing for the first time. 
If any community members would like to share any ANZAC related stories with our students during the next week or two, we would love to hear from you.
ANZAC Biscuits
Pat will be making anzac biscuits most afternoons from 1.30pm this week in the cooking room.  If anyone would like to come along to help, it would be very much appreciated.  Just give the school a ring so we know to expect you.   
School Closed
Just a reminder that school will be closed on Monday the 27th of April and will re-open on Tuesday the 28th of April at 9.00am.
Quick-fire survey
Many thanks to those who have let us know your preference for communicating quick messages and unexpected changes. .... email, land-line or cellphone text ... It is important to us that we communicate with you in the best way possible. Obviously different circumstances may require different forms of communication. Please let Christine know if you have not done so already. 
Link for 2015 Charter
To keep you up-to-date with our School Charter, just click here School Charter.
We are currently updating our school description. This is a small section that gives the essence of who we are as a school. Here is one idea ... 
We would appreciate your feedback and ideas. Please give them to Ben before the next BOT Meeting on the 7th of May. Everyone interested is welcome at this meeting. 
Student Learning Portal
This has been updated and streamlined over the holidays. All information for senior student learning can be found here. It is expected that students can use this site for learning both at school and at home. Students will be familiarising themselves with the up-dated site over the next couple of weeks.Please ask them to share it with you ... or go exploring yourself!
Student led goal setting conferences
These are timetabled for the Friday of week 3. Please visit the 'Links and Information' page on our website or click here to book a time. Should you need to make another time, just talk to Mary or Nicki.
School Times
School will finish at 2.30 every Friday afternoon during Term 2 and 3.  Lunch time will be from 12.30 to 1.00pm only on Fridays.  The earlier finishing will enable families to make appointments as required, rather than taking students out during school time. It is important that students attend school during opening hours. 
The Supa Small Blacks have been working with Shaun from Sport Manawatu to ensure that they are planning a fitness programme that will best help us develop our fitness as we train for winter sport and our upcoming events. Could all students please make sure they are prepared with fitness gear daily.
ASSA / Apiti School Trail Ride
Thanks to all those parents who attended the ASSA meeting recently.  The Trail bike ride, which is happening this Sunday the 26th of April was discussed in detail. Please refer to the ASSA tab down the side of the newsletter for more information.
Pool Cover

A huge thank you to those parents who helped cover the pool at the end of term 1.
Fungal Forae
The Fungal Network of NZ (Funnz) Funnz.org.nz is holding a Foray in the north western Manawatu based at Sixtus Lodge from 17 - 23 May.  We (Funnz members) look for and collect small samples of fungi in the local bush, including reserves, then classify (describe - including microscopy, record and publish).
We invite Apiti School and members of this community to participate.  You are welcome to join us in the field, commencing each morning (Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri) about 8.30 from Sixtus Lodge or to see classification of fungi, best from 3.00 pm in afternoons of Mon, Tue, Thur or Fri.  
Secondary children and adults are also welcome to attend our (colloquium), presentations day on Wednesday at the Apiti Hall.  Please let me know if you plan to come on Wednesday.  Contact Tom Davies 07 870 1478   0272 1144 67   Tom.DaviesNZ@outlook.com
Items for Vanuatu Recovery
If anyone has any unwanted books (reading, colour-in etc), pens, crayons, scissors that could help Vanuatu citizens, please drop them off to June by Tuesday the 21st of April (sorry about the late notice).  

2015 Overall learning theme  .....   I am Connected
Celebrations and Updates  ...
EOTC - Mistletoe Bay Camp
All families should have received a copy of our camp magazine at the final assembly on our last day of term 1. Please pop in and pick up a copy if you missed this.
Here is the link to the digital copy on our website Mistletoe Bay Camp 2015
Country Schools Cricket Festival - Tuesday 31st March
Many thanks to Chonee and Maryann for helping with transport. Well done to our team who finished 4th! The team was extremely committed and trained well in preparation for this event ... learning some fantastic skills along the way.
Happy Birthday to the following students, we hope you had / have a great day! 
14th April - Caelan!  30th April - Fisher!