Dates for your Calendar
26th Feb - Year 7 / 8 HPV Immunisations.
28th Feb - Apiti Show.
28th Feb - Apiti Show.
2nd March - Makino training day
4th March - Working bee at school
5th March - Oroua Schools Triathlon at Apiti (p.p date: 13th March).
9th March - Oroua Schools Swimming Sports in Feilding.
16-19 March - EOTC Camp.
2nd April - Term 1 ends.
3rd April - Good Friday.
20th April - Term 2 begins at 9.00a.m.
What's coming up ... 5th March - Oroua Schools Triathlon at Apiti (p.p date: 13th March).
9th March - Oroua Schools Swimming Sports in Feilding.
16-19 March - EOTC Camp.
2nd April - Term 1 ends.
3rd April - Good Friday.
20th April - Term 2 begins at 9.00a.m.
2015 Overall learning theme
I am Connected
Apiti ShowI am Connected
Thank you to parents for taking the time to talk to their children about ideas for the poppy and photo and helping them gather the necessary resources to complete them at school. All work will be put up in the show grounds after school this Wednesday in preparation for judging.
Click this link for the learning tasks attached here.
Whanau groups will be planning their fundraising activities this week.
Thank you for supporting your senior children as they plan their homework time. Kiwi kids homework is collected and the next week's given out each Friday. The quiz is marked each Monday. All information is available on the website by clicking here or on the Kiwi Kids link on our school website.
Just a reminder - students are expected to read for at least 20 minutes each night and fill this in on the kiwi kids weekly page, complete any other set homework and to share their learning with you!
All students have interactive learning through Mathletics, Sumdog, Reading Eggs/Express, Study ladder that they can learn from at home and school. If you are unsure of passwords please ask.
Oroua Swimming Training Day - Monday 2nd March
This will be held at the Makino Pool to finalise events for each student next Monday. We will leave school at 11.15 and aim to be back for the bus if necessary. We will require transport. Please let Christine know by email asap if you are able to help. Christine will be finalising transport on Wednesday. Many thanks.
Working Bee - Wednesday the 4th of March @ 1.00pm
There are several small jobs that we would love to have done before the triathlon, such as turning the bark under the playground, sheds tidied / cleaned out, cabbage trees tidied up.
Oroua Schools' Triathlon at Apiti School - Thursday 5th March 2015
(PP: 13th March).
Schools assemble on the Apiti School
field (outside classrooms) at 9.45 a.m. for pre-race briefing and course
First race starts at 10.15 a.m.
Certificates will be presented at
approximately 2 p.m.; home time 2.15 p.m.
The order of events will be run, bike, swim. There
will be a short run from the bike to the pool and from the pool to the finish
In order to lessen congestion at the
pool, the girls will start their run as the boys move into run/bike transition.
The events and order of races will
- Individual events: Boys individual followed by Girls individual for each year group. Start with Year 3 and ending with Year 8. Year 1 and 2 individual; boys followed by girls.
- Short break (Bikes put into position for team events).
- Team events: Year
3 & 4 Teams, Year 5 & 6 Teams, Year 7 & 8 Teams.
- Prize giving.
Bike helmets compulsory and must
be strapped on. Covered shoes must be worn on the bike. Bikes must have brakes
which work and saddles adjusted to the correct height.
* It is requested that
parents/spectators use the tennis court entrance to the school when races are
running and keep clear of changeover points and pool.
* The school
pool will be heated and is expected to be warm on the day!!
* The ramps on
our tennis courts are out of bounds.
* The Fire
Brigade and police will be in attendance.
Students will
need to wear their school sports uniform please.
Parking – Parking will be clearly indicated
as you drive into the Apiti Village. Please park your vehicles and walk your
bikes to the transition point to the right of the school front gates.
This is imperative to the children’s
safety. PLEASE ensure ALL parents are aware of this.
Spectators - There are excellent viewing points for supporters at the meeting point on the school field, on the concrete outside each of the long sides of the pool and on the grass opposite the hall on Makoura Road. It is requested that parents spectators stay off the road and use the tennis court entrance to the school when races are running, keep clear of changeover points and the pool entry.
Food – There will be a range of lunch and
snack food available on sale at the school. Tea and coffee is also available
for parents at a small cost.
Hope to see you all here on the day.
Training for this event is in full swing and it is great to see students so well prepared.
Oroua Swimming Sports - Monday 9th March
This event is happening at the Makino
Aquatic Centre in Feilding.
There is no
postponement date, the weather would need to be really bad for the sports to be
cancelled, so please come prepared.
This event
is for the whole school, but the juniors will have a different programme.
The whole
school is to meet inside the Makino pool complex by 9.30, seated behind the
Apiti School sign. Entry to the pool is free.
will require their togs, 2 towels, goggles, their lunch, a drink, warm clothes,
a hat and sunscreen.
Students are required to wear their school uniform please.
Cup age groups :- Junior = 8 years and under. Intermediate =
9 and 10 year olds. Senior = 11 years and over.
Parents are
asked to arrange transport for their own children on this day. It is a great
Oroua day and a chance to see your children and their swimming confidence and
programme for the seniors should conclude at about 2.00. More information at a later date.
All information has been sent out re our EOTC Camp to Mistletoe Bay on the 16th - 19th of March. Thank you to the families who have returned their forms so promptly. These are needed asap please.
Blanket Consent Forms
These were sent home recently. Thank you to those parents who have returned theirs, could those parents who have not returned their form back to school, do so a.s.a.p please.
Keeping you up to date ...
Quality Learning Celebrations:
Maths title page - Huntah, Hannah, Sarah
Addition and Subtraction basic facts - Hannah, Huntah
Mathletics - Silver Lacey, Pixel, James / Bronze Fisher, Chloe, Johnny, Franklin
Maths maintenance - James x 6, Huntah x 3, Brooke x 3, Phinece x 3, Hannah x 2, Nikki x 2, Fisher x 2, Tyler x 2, Jackson x 1, Lauren x 1, Johnny x 1.
Kiwi Kids Koru Whanau design - Jackson
Goal Setting Conferences
It was great to have an almost 100% turn out to the goal setting conferences. Student goals are recorded in the record keeping page in their e-portfolios so that you are able to continue to support your children at home.
A huge thanks to Sara, Mike and Anna Cuming for taking the huge build up of paper recycling to town. It has been waiting a while and your efforts really are appreciated!!
Thank You
A huge thank you to June and Murray for helping Toni, our new pool caretaker, learn the ropes. The pool looks very inviting in this lovely weather!
Ski Accounts
Thank you to all those parents who have paid for the ski trip held in September last year. Those who still have outstanding accounts, please pay at your earliest convenience.
Stationery Accounts
Stationery accounts will be sent home for payment within the next couple of weeks.
We would like to welcome the new addition to the Holdaway family - we look forward to meeting little Mathew in the near future.
ASSA AGM and first meeting for 2015
Many thanks to all who attended our ASSA meeting. Office holders :- Chairperson: Jess. Secretary: Sara. Treasurer: Lance. Committee : All Apiti School parents.