2015 Term dates :1st Term : 5th Feb - 2nd April (Thursday). Term 2: 20th April - 3rd July.
Term 3 : 20th July - 25th September. Term 4 : 12th October - 18th December.
Welcome to week 2 of Term 1, 2015.
It is great to see everyone back so well rested and keen to delve into this year's learning!
Dates for your Calendar
Working on the Apiti Show Learning tasks is planned into literacy and Integrated learning programmes. Students are encouraged to discuss their ideas with you as part of their homework. This helps ensure students are prepared and able to use their class time most effectively.
Click this link for the learning tasks attached here.
All senior room students will be completing the Kiwi Kids News Contract as part of their homework commitments. The aim is to help students plan their homework time and meet deadlines, improve their skills in all curriculum areas and their awareness of current events.
This is given out each Monday and collected each Friday. All information is available on the website. Students are able to log in to their own profile. The user name is their name. The password is written on the front of their week 1 contract. You are also able to access and log into the site.
Marking in class will be as follows:
Kiwi kids Quiz: Monday
Feature article discussion and sharing: Tuesday
Sudoku (Maths knowledge) and Crossword (Vocabulary and spelling) : Friday
New articles: Daily roster for students to be established.
Please note:
I have encouraged all students to ask if they have questions as it is new for all of us.
Marking and sharing times may to be adapted to suit timetable variations.
Students are also expected to read for at least 20 minutes each night, complete work from class and planned homework tasks, spend time consolidating learning using interactive websites ... and most importantly ... share their learning with you!
Junior Room Students -
Each night the juniors are expected to read their book. The younger juniors will have these listed in the back of their notebook, please comment if necessary. Some will also have basic words or word building in their notebooks.
Written Language
Each week there will be written expression on their blogs, please feel free to comment or ask questions, or encourage friends and family to as well, as the students love feedback.
Oral Language
All junior room students are learning how to speak clearly to an audience.
Oral Language in class will be as follows :
Monday : "What you did at the weekend" for their recount.
Tuesday : Bring a favorite book to share.
Wednesday : Impromptu speech. Talk about a given topic eg red, dreams, sport.
Thursday : Talk about family, friends and pets with a partner. The partner shares your news.
Friday : Poetry.
All students have interactive learning through Mathletics, Sumdog, Reading Eggs, Express, Study ladder that they can learn from at home and school. If you are unsure of passwords please ask.
Oroua Triathlon
We will be training daily for this. Students are encouraged to bring their bikes to school for training. They should be parked in the bike shed on arrival at school and may be stored in the PE shed overnight if required. Could all students please ensure they bring suitable gear, including bike helmet and covered shoes, for running and biking. If anyone would like to help with training eg spotting for safety, biking or running with the students please let us know.
We are organising this Oroua group event on the 5th of March (Please note the date change). We will need all hands on board for this event, so please note it on your calender. It will be discussed further at the ASSA meeting tomorrow night.
Students will be swimming daily in preparation for the Oroua Swimming sports and Oroua triathlon. Could they please come prepared with the necessary gear. As swimming is an important part of the curriculum, students unable to swim should have a note from home. Thanks Toni for having the pool ready for this, it looks great!!
Nicki is available to run a carload of students, training for the championship events, to town most days. They will need to meet a parent in town for supervision. Please let Nicki know if you would like to make the most of this opportunity.
Once again we will have a training day at the Makino Pool to finalise events for each student. The date for this is to be confirmed following our Oroua teachers' meeting tonight.
Bus / Technicraft
Our year 7 and 8 student's will once again be attending technicraft each Monday in term 1 and 2. Parents of these students are aware of this.
Please note that the Apiti bus will run 10 minutes earlier each Monday during term 1 and 2.
BOT Meeting
The first Board meeting for the year will be held on Monday the 16th of Feb in the staff room starting at 7.00pm. All members of the public are most welcome.
ASSA AGM and first meeting for 2015
The meeting will be held in the school staffroom tomorrow (10th Feb) at 7pm. Could we please have a representative from each family.
EOTC - Annual Camp
Year 8 students are currently planning this. It is timetabled for the 16th - 18th of March. More information will be available following our ASSA and BOT meetings.
Mrs Prince has re-organised these for 2015. We are short of some items so we have done our best to suit all students. If you feel your child needs a different size in any of the uniform items e.g pants, top etc, please let us know. Could we please ask that students wear this as school uniform only to help with wear and tear. Thank you.
Library Books
Students are encouraged to read from the great selection of library books we have in our school library. Many parents also regularly take their children to the Feilding Library. We appreciate this immensely. Encouraging children to really get hooked into reading through reading about what they enjoy and at an independent level greatly improves reading progress. Students are encouraged to bring these books to school to read as part of our CAFE reading programme.
Year 7 / 8 Vaccinations - 26th February
The girls involved in this have bought forms home. It would be appreciated if they were returned asap. Many thanks.
Keeping you up to date ...
Learning Celebrations
This year we will continue to share student progress and achievements here.
These will particularly celebrate literacy and numeracy progress, quality work and progress in all curriculum areas.
Students who perform well on our interactive learning sites, such as Mathletics, will deserve a special mention as this is a great way to consolidate and enhance learning. Students are encouraged to spend time learning on these sites as part of their homework time. A link to websites used can be found on our website.
Goal Setting Conferences
There will be a goal setting conferences on 19th February. Please click on this link here or in the side bar on the newsletter to book a slot. If this date is not suitable please make another time. Your child's learning and welfare is our priority. Please feel free to discuss any aspects of your student's education with us by texting or emailing to make a suitable time so that we can give it the attention it deserves.
Should your child be absent we would appreciate a text, or email. These are also a great way to communicate messages with your child's teacher.
Annual Bush Walk 2014
Thanks to Jimmy Warren who kindly organised a great walk for us. It was also great to have so many parents and members of the community join us. Spending time and learning in our local bush environment was a motivating experience for all and a new experience for many. The river and stream to cross was an added bonus!!
A big thanks to :-
Christine Lowe for the great job she has done once again ensuring the grounds and school are in top shape and a place we can feel proud to call our school.
Pat and Meyer for the time they put into organising the teacher resource areas in the holidays.
Toni, our new pool attendant. It was great to have the pool up and ready to start the year.
Adam for mowing the school field.
Happy Birthday to the following students, we hope you had/have a great day!
5th February - Jayda! 10th February - Jackson!
Term 3 : 20th July - 25th September. Term 4 : 12th October - 18th December.
Welcome to week 2 of Term 1, 2015.
It is great to see everyone back so well rested and keen to delve into this year's learning!
Dates for your Calendar
10th Feb - ASSA meeting at 7pm in school staffroom.
16th Feb - Board of Trustee Meeting at 7.00pm.
26th Feb - Year 7 / 8 HPV Immunisations.
28th Feb - Apiti Show.
5th March - Oroua Schools Triathlon at Apiti (p.p date: 13th March).
9th March - Oroua Schools Swimming Sports in Feilding.
13th March - Science Roadshow.
16/17/18 March - EOTC Camp.
2nd April - Term 1 ends.
3rd April - Good Friday.
20th April - Term 2 begins at 9.00a.m.
16th Feb - Board of Trustee Meeting at 7.00pm.
26th Feb - Year 7 / 8 HPV Immunisations.
28th Feb - Apiti Show.
5th March - Oroua Schools Triathlon at Apiti (p.p date: 13th March).
9th March - Oroua Schools Swimming Sports in Feilding.
13th March - Science Roadshow.
16/17/18 March - EOTC Camp.
2nd April - Term 1 ends.
3rd April - Good Friday.
20th April - Term 2 begins at 9.00a.m.
Welcomes and Farewells
We are delighted to welcome Elliot and his family to our school. Elliot is a brand new 5 year old student.
We would also like to warmly welcome Jayda and her family to our school. Jayda comes to us from the sunny Hawkes Bay and is a Year 4 student. We know Elliot and Jayda will enjoy learning at our school.
Sadly Travis and Derek have left our School but we wish them well in their ventures for the future. There will be a shared lunch this Friday for the Clarkes. We would appreciate it if each family could bring a plate of finger food to share.
We also said farewell to our Year 8 student Zahn and year 6 student, David. We wish them all the very best for their future schooling and we look forward to hearing all about their learning experiences.
Also Grace and Lachlan who have moved from the Apiti area. We wish them all the best at their new school.
School Times
School times for this term are as follows : Class time from 9.00 - 10.30. Break from 10.30 - 11.00. Class time from 11.00 - 12.30. Lunch from 12.30 - 1.30. Class time from 1.30 - 3.00pm.
2015 Staff Members
What's coming up ... We are delighted to welcome Elliot and his family to our school. Elliot is a brand new 5 year old student.
We would also like to warmly welcome Jayda and her family to our school. Jayda comes to us from the sunny Hawkes Bay and is a Year 4 student. We know Elliot and Jayda will enjoy learning at our school.
Sadly Travis and Derek have left our School but we wish them well in their ventures for the future. There will be a shared lunch this Friday for the Clarkes. We would appreciate it if each family could bring a plate of finger food to share.
We also said farewell to our Year 8 student Zahn and year 6 student, David. We wish them all the very best for their future schooling and we look forward to hearing all about their learning experiences.
Also Grace and Lachlan who have moved from the Apiti area. We wish them all the best at their new school.
School Times
School times for this term are as follows : Class time from 9.00 - 10.30. Break from 10.30 - 11.00. Class time from 11.00 - 12.30. Lunch from 12.30 - 1.30. Class time from 1.30 - 3.00pm.
2015 Staff Members
Principal / Junior room Teacher -
Mrs Mary Cuming.
Senior Room Teacher - Mrs Nicki
Teacher Aide - Mrs Pat Prince.
Teacher Release - Mrs Mary Burton.
Office Administrator - Mrs Christine
Caretaker / Cleaner - Mrs
Christine Lowe.
Bus Driver - Mrs Pat Lambert.
Pool Caretaker - Toni Tibbits.
2015 Board of Trustee Members
Chairperson - Mr Ben Pratt.
Principal - Mrs Mary Cuming.
Staff Representative - Mrs
Nicki Fielder.
Secretary - Mrs
Christine Digby.
Treasurer - Mr. Mike
Health & Safety Officer - Mrs
Fiona Stephenson.
Personnel Officer - Mrs Katherine Gillespie.
Property Officer - Mrs Yvonne Clarke.
Community Consultation Officer - Mrs Pam McKinnon.
2015 Overall learning theme
I am Connected
Apiti ShowI am Connected
Working on the Apiti Show Learning tasks is planned into literacy and Integrated learning programmes. Students are encouraged to discuss their ideas with you as part of their homework. This helps ensure students are prepared and able to use their class time most effectively.
Click this link for the learning tasks attached here.
All senior room students will be completing the Kiwi Kids News Contract as part of their homework commitments. The aim is to help students plan their homework time and meet deadlines, improve their skills in all curriculum areas and their awareness of current events.
This is given out each Monday and collected each Friday. All information is available on the website. Students are able to log in to their own profile. The user name is their name. The password is written on the front of their week 1 contract. You are also able to access and log into the site.
Marking in class will be as follows:
Kiwi kids Quiz: Monday
Feature article discussion and sharing: Tuesday
Sudoku (Maths knowledge) and Crossword (Vocabulary and spelling) : Friday
New articles: Daily roster for students to be established.
Please note:
I have encouraged all students to ask if they have questions as it is new for all of us.
Marking and sharing times may to be adapted to suit timetable variations.
Students are also expected to read for at least 20 minutes each night, complete work from class and planned homework tasks, spend time consolidating learning using interactive websites ... and most importantly ... share their learning with you!
Junior Room Students -
Each night the juniors are expected to read their book. The younger juniors will have these listed in the back of their notebook, please comment if necessary. Some will also have basic words or word building in their notebooks.
Written Language
Each week there will be written expression on their blogs, please feel free to comment or ask questions, or encourage friends and family to as well, as the students love feedback.
Oral Language
All junior room students are learning how to speak clearly to an audience.
Oral Language in class will be as follows :
Monday : "What you did at the weekend" for their recount.
Tuesday : Bring a favorite book to share.
Wednesday : Impromptu speech. Talk about a given topic eg red, dreams, sport.
Thursday : Talk about family, friends and pets with a partner. The partner shares your news.
Friday : Poetry.
All students have interactive learning through Mathletics, Sumdog, Reading Eggs, Express, Study ladder that they can learn from at home and school. If you are unsure of passwords please ask.
Oroua Triathlon
We will be training daily for this. Students are encouraged to bring their bikes to school for training. They should be parked in the bike shed on arrival at school and may be stored in the PE shed overnight if required. Could all students please ensure they bring suitable gear, including bike helmet and covered shoes, for running and biking. If anyone would like to help with training eg spotting for safety, biking or running with the students please let us know.
We are organising this Oroua group event on the 5th of March (Please note the date change). We will need all hands on board for this event, so please note it on your calender. It will be discussed further at the ASSA meeting tomorrow night.
Students will be swimming daily in preparation for the Oroua Swimming sports and Oroua triathlon. Could they please come prepared with the necessary gear. As swimming is an important part of the curriculum, students unable to swim should have a note from home. Thanks Toni for having the pool ready for this, it looks great!!
Nicki is available to run a carload of students, training for the championship events, to town most days. They will need to meet a parent in town for supervision. Please let Nicki know if you would like to make the most of this opportunity.
Once again we will have a training day at the Makino Pool to finalise events for each student. The date for this is to be confirmed following our Oroua teachers' meeting tonight.
Bus / Technicraft
Our year 7 and 8 student's will once again be attending technicraft each Monday in term 1 and 2. Parents of these students are aware of this.
Please note that the Apiti bus will run 10 minutes earlier each Monday during term 1 and 2.
BOT Meeting
The first Board meeting for the year will be held on Monday the 16th of Feb in the staff room starting at 7.00pm. All members of the public are most welcome.
ASSA AGM and first meeting for 2015
The meeting will be held in the school staffroom tomorrow (10th Feb) at 7pm. Could we please have a representative from each family.
EOTC - Annual Camp
Year 8 students are currently planning this. It is timetabled for the 16th - 18th of March. More information will be available following our ASSA and BOT meetings.
Mrs Prince has re-organised these for 2015. We are short of some items so we have done our best to suit all students. If you feel your child needs a different size in any of the uniform items e.g pants, top etc, please let us know. Could we please ask that students wear this as school uniform only to help with wear and tear. Thank you.
Library Books
Students are encouraged to read from the great selection of library books we have in our school library. Many parents also regularly take their children to the Feilding Library. We appreciate this immensely. Encouraging children to really get hooked into reading through reading about what they enjoy and at an independent level greatly improves reading progress. Students are encouraged to bring these books to school to read as part of our CAFE reading programme.
Year 7 / 8 Vaccinations - 26th February
The girls involved in this have bought forms home. It would be appreciated if they were returned asap. Many thanks.
Keeping you up to date ...
Learning Celebrations
This year we will continue to share student progress and achievements here.
These will particularly celebrate literacy and numeracy progress, quality work and progress in all curriculum areas.
Students who perform well on our interactive learning sites, such as Mathletics, will deserve a special mention as this is a great way to consolidate and enhance learning. Students are encouraged to spend time learning on these sites as part of their homework time. A link to websites used can be found on our website.
Goal Setting Conferences
There will be a goal setting conferences on 19th February. Please click on this link here or in the side bar on the newsletter to book a slot. If this date is not suitable please make another time. Your child's learning and welfare is our priority. Please feel free to discuss any aspects of your student's education with us by texting or emailing to make a suitable time so that we can give it the attention it deserves.
Should your child be absent we would appreciate a text, or email. These are also a great way to communicate messages with your child's teacher.
Annual Bush Walk 2014
Thanks to Jimmy Warren who kindly organised a great walk for us. It was also great to have so many parents and members of the community join us. Spending time and learning in our local bush environment was a motivating experience for all and a new experience for many. The river and stream to cross was an added bonus!!
A big thanks to :-
Christine Lowe for the great job she has done once again ensuring the grounds and school are in top shape and a place we can feel proud to call our school.
Pat and Meyer for the time they put into organising the teacher resource areas in the holidays.
Toni, our new pool attendant. It was great to have the pool up and ready to start the year.
Adam for mowing the school field.
Happy Birthday to the following students, we hope you had/have a great day!
5th February - Jayda! 10th February - Jackson!