Welcome to week 6 of term 2, 2014.
Dates at a Glance:-
Celebrating our Successes
Well done to Hannah ... I won the ICAN anti bullying Super hero Competition, I drew a super hero called disco dude, he was bright and colourful I was very proud of him.
Thanks ICAN and the Fielding art center for supporting him!
Also I won on the kids show 'What Now,' I won letter of the week they read out my letter and they sent me a dream lites pillow pet!
We are currently working intensively on learning our basic facts. These are expected to be practised at home and at school.
All students in the senior room improved their score / time last week. Fantastic to see. Well done to Tyler, Brooke and Lacey who got 100/100 all week!
Fantastic work in Maths... Huntah, David, Brooke, Derek, Pixel, Tyler, Dylan. Poetry writing ... Hannah, Travis, Lacey, Nikki. Handwriting ... Jackson. Reading stamina ... Dylan.
Congratulations to Franklin who is now reading Yellow 2 and Kirsten who is reading Red 2.
Last week we were working on increasing our writing stamina and well done to Grace, Johnny, Chloe, Sarah and Lauren. Check their writing on their blogspots and wikis.
James and Grace are on typing practise, and they now form letters correctly and have good size, shape and space. Congratulations Savannah on improved printing.
Lochy great maths work, now onto repeated addition and multiplication.
School Website
We are in the process of revamping our website. It is owned by us all and is the hub for communication, teaching and learning. It should now be accessible on all devices; computers, tablets, smartphones etc.
Please save the link for easy access and take the time to explore the site.
Suggestions and comments are valued. Please email Nicki (nickifielder@gmail.com)
Supa Small Blacks - Potatoes at $6.00. Please see Travis.
Hydrorangers - Yummy Apple Stickers. We are still collecting these. Please give to Nikki.
Expert Plantagators - Colgate cartons. We are collecting these as well. Please give to Huntah.
Community Creators - Updating books. We have just bought some new colourful books for the library. If anyone has any modern series books at home not wanted anymore, we would love them. Please see Zahn.
Waste Busters - Milk in School - proving very popular
All students are working at school on the creation of a short movie, documentary, music video or animation as part of our literacy and visual language programme. We are offering extra time and tuition for any students who would like to book it. This is part of our independent planning focus and a way of helping students realise their goals. A teacher will be available for 1/2 an hour some lunchtimes. Nicki will also be available after school each Tuesday and Friday (except 13th June). Students are also encouraged to learn from their peers as teaching one another is the best way to consolidate learning.
Carly will also be working with us this Thursday and is available to help students especially with dance or moving to music. We congratulate Carly on her job as Arts reporter feature writer for the Manawatu Standard, we enjoy reading your articles.
Our Production is planned for Wednesday the 2nd of July.
BOT Meeting
The next BOT meeting will be held on Monday the 30th of June at 7.00pm. All welcome.
Hockey intensive
Students will be learning hockey with Sport Manawatu for the next five Fridays. Please check the calendar for exact dates.
Cross Country Training
We are in full swing training for the Oroua Cross Country. Parents or community members are most welcome to run with the students at 12.15 everyday. Nearly all students are very motivated and it is great to see their fitness and speed improving with each run!! Could students please make sure they have shorts, or suitable clothes to run in every day. If your child is unable to participate in anyway we would appreciate a note, email or text please. This means we can take into account various fitness levels, coughs and colds. Students unable to participate fully will be able to walk or jog instead.
Oroua Group of School Cross Country - Friday 20th June
This event will be held on Friday the 20th of June at Waituna West School. (postponement date: 27th June). As it is a school day, all children are expected to attend. It is about accepting challenges and working towards succeeding! Could we ask that all parents have a turn being a marshall on the course at some stage of the day.
Thank you to Shelly who is doing a wonderful job taking the 'Toe by Toe', and Early Words programmes at school voluntarily. It is wonderful having such great support from our community members.
Sports News
Happy Birthday to the following students, we hope
you have a great day!
12th June - Travis! 13th June – James!
Dates at a Glance:-
20th June
- Oroua Group of Schools Cross Country at Waituna West (pp date: 27th June).
June -
BOT Meeting at 7.00pm.
July - School
4th July - Term 2 finishes.
21st July - Term 3 begins.
August - Oroua Speech Competition.
We are delighted to welcome Savannah to Apiti school as a brand new 5 year old, we know Savannah will enjoy learning at our school.
Unfortunately we have had to say farewell to Anneke, Bianca, Damian and Joshua, we are sad the family has left the area. We wish these students all the very best for their future learning at their new school.
We are delighted to welcome Savannah to Apiti school as a brand new 5 year old, we know Savannah will enjoy learning at our school.
Unfortunately we have had to say farewell to Anneke, Bianca, Damian and Joshua, we are sad the family has left the area. We wish these students all the very best for their future learning at their new school.
Well done to Hannah ... I won the ICAN anti bullying Super hero Competition, I drew a super hero called disco dude, he was bright and colourful I was very proud of him.
Thanks ICAN and the Fielding art center for supporting him!
Also I won on the kids show 'What Now,' I won letter of the week they read out my letter and they sent me a dream lites pillow pet!
We are currently working intensively on learning our basic facts. These are expected to be practised at home and at school.
All students in the senior room improved their score / time last week. Fantastic to see. Well done to Tyler, Brooke and Lacey who got 100/100 all week!
Fantastic work in Maths... Huntah, David, Brooke, Derek, Pixel, Tyler, Dylan. Poetry writing ... Hannah, Travis, Lacey, Nikki. Handwriting ... Jackson. Reading stamina ... Dylan.
Congratulations to Franklin who is now reading Yellow 2 and Kirsten who is reading Red 2.
Last week we were working on increasing our writing stamina and well done to Grace, Johnny, Chloe, Sarah and Lauren. Check their writing on their blogspots and wikis.
James and Grace are on typing practise, and they now form letters correctly and have good size, shape and space. Congratulations Savannah on improved printing.
Lochy great maths work, now onto repeated addition and multiplication.
to the following High Achievers :-
Hi Mary,
A huge thank you to everyone who took
part in Sumdog's NZ National Maths Contest!
During the contest, 3,284 students answered a grand total of 1,007,220
questions. 26 students from Apiti
answered 5,752 questions correctly between them. Remember that they can
continue to use their free logins even now that the contest is over. The final leaderboards are here: http://www.sumdog.com/contests/NZ_NATIONAL_20140516080000/results
Regards, Joanna. http://www.sumdog.com
School Website
We are in the process of revamping our website. It is owned by us all and is the hub for communication, teaching and learning. It should now be accessible on all devices; computers, tablets, smartphones etc.
Please save the link for easy access and take the time to explore the site.
Suggestions and comments are valued. Please email Nicki (nickifielder@gmail.com)
Supa Small Blacks - Potatoes at $6.00. Please see Travis.
Hydrorangers - Yummy Apple Stickers. We are still collecting these. Please give to Nikki.
Expert Plantagators - Colgate cartons. We are collecting these as well. Please give to Huntah.
Community Creators - Updating books. We have just bought some new colourful books for the library. If anyone has any modern series books at home not wanted anymore, we would love them. Please see Zahn.
Waste Busters - Milk in School - proving very popular
All students are working at school on the creation of a short movie, documentary, music video or animation as part of our literacy and visual language programme. We are offering extra time and tuition for any students who would like to book it. This is part of our independent planning focus and a way of helping students realise their goals. A teacher will be available for 1/2 an hour some lunchtimes. Nicki will also be available after school each Tuesday and Friday (except 13th June). Students are also encouraged to learn from their peers as teaching one another is the best way to consolidate learning.
Carly will also be working with us this Thursday and is available to help students especially with dance or moving to music. We congratulate Carly on her job as Arts reporter feature writer for the Manawatu Standard, we enjoy reading your articles.
Our Production is planned for Wednesday the 2nd of July.
BOT Meeting
The next BOT meeting will be held on Monday the 30th of June at 7.00pm. All welcome.
Hockey intensive
Students will be learning hockey with Sport Manawatu for the next five Fridays. Please check the calendar for exact dates.
Cross Country Training
We are in full swing training for the Oroua Cross Country. Parents or community members are most welcome to run with the students at 12.15 everyday. Nearly all students are very motivated and it is great to see their fitness and speed improving with each run!! Could students please make sure they have shorts, or suitable clothes to run in every day. If your child is unable to participate in anyway we would appreciate a note, email or text please. This means we can take into account various fitness levels, coughs and colds. Students unable to participate fully will be able to walk or jog instead.
Oroua Group of School Cross Country - Friday 20th June
This event will be held on Friday the 20th of June at Waituna West School. (postponement date: 27th June). As it is a school day, all children are expected to attend. It is about accepting challenges and working towards succeeding! Could we ask that all parents have a turn being a marshall on the course at some stage of the day.
Students will
need to be at Waituna West School by 10.00am please. All children (with
adults) will walk the course starting at 10.15, guides will walk the course
with each age group.
Welcome at
10.45. Races will start at 11.00 am. Boys and girls will run
together but results will be recorded separately.
11.00 - 7 year
old race (1.4km). 11.15 - 8 year old race (1.4km). 11.30 - 5 year old race (600m).
11.45 - 6 year
old race (600m). 12.00 - 9 year old race (2.2km). 12.15 - 10 year old race (2.2km).
12.30 - 11 year
old race (3.1km). 12.45 - 12+ year old race (3.1km).
Children run in
the age group that they are on the day. Certificates will be awarded
after each race.
The course may
be muddy and there will be some water to negotiate for the older children, so
please make sure students take a change of footwear and clothes as they may get
wet and dirty.
The course is the same as last year.
Parents are able to watch their children from positions on the course as
long as you keep off the track and out of the way of competitors.
Students will
need to take warm clothing including a warm hat, their lunch, a water bottle
and suitable footwear for running in. Students will need to wear their
school sports uniforms please.
Parents are
required to transport their own children to this event please, however if you
have difficulty with this, please let Mary know as soon as possible. Mary can take some students to the event. It is great to see so many Apiti supporters there every year. If
parents do not stay to support the runners, please make sure you return in time
for pick up at 1.30pm. The school bus will not run at all on this day.
There will be
sausages/pies/soup and other hot food, drinks, tea, coffee and baking for sale throughout
the day.
The phone tree
will operate if this day is postponed and it will be school as usual.
If any parent is keen for their student to travel to Waituna West for a practice run before race day, please let Mary or Nicki know so a day can be arranged. We would require transport and would also require at least a group of students keen to go.
If any parent is keen for their student to travel to Waituna West for a practice run before race day, please let Mary or Nicki know so a day can be arranged. We would require transport and would also require at least a group of students keen to go.
Thank You!
Thank you to Hilton and Adam for covering the swimming pool to keep all the leaves from falling into the pool, thus hopefully preventing a lot of work by our pool caretaker to get the pool up and running next swimming season.
A huge thank you to Kesty for supplying the silage wrap now covering the pool.
Also thank you to Murray and June for conditioning the pool and for covering the pool bubble wrap cover and the pool heater.A huge thank you to Kesty for supplying the silage wrap now covering the pool.
Thank you to Shelly who is doing a wonderful job taking the 'Toe by Toe', and Early Words programmes at school voluntarily. It is wonderful having such great support from our community members.
Sports News
Saturday 7th June
Rugby - Zahn and Huntah's team, Feilding
Highlanders - 60 played HSOB - 14. Zahn
was named Player of the Day.
Tyler and
Johnny's team - North Harbour - 7, played Manawatu 6. Tyler scored 2
tries. Both teams were defending champs, so now North Harbour are top of the table. Nth Harbour worked well as a team!
Dylan and
James's team, Manawatu - 6, played North Harbour - 7.
Netball - Brooke's team Oroua Gold - 3, played Colyton - 14, who are the toughest team in the grade.
Hannah and Zahn's team - Yellow - 10, played North St - 13
Hannah and Zahn's team - Yellow - 10, played North St - 13
Hockey - Zahn, Huntah and Tyler's team Oroua - 3, played Hunterville -
2. Huntah scored a goal.
Grace, Lauren and Lachlan play hockey every Monday night.
This report is reported to us by the children, so we accept no responsibility for incorrect reporting. If parents could help us by discussing this with their children or would like to send a report along via email, that would be great.
This report is reported to us by the children, so we accept no responsibility for incorrect reporting. If parents could help us by discussing this with their children or would like to send a report along via email, that would be great.
12th June - Travis! 13th June – James!