Community Survey Update

Monday 18th November, 2013

Apiti School recently consulted with their school community and local community to gain information about how stakeholders perceived different aspects of the school and its place and importance within the community.

To those who contributed to the survey, thank you for your time and willingness to share your views.  As part of this process, I was commissioned by the Board of Trustees to collect, collate, analyse and report back the information I was given.  I was neutral in this role – I had connections in the past with Mary and Nicki through the Assess to Learn project and cluster professional development around Teaching as Inquiry.  I had some idea of the curriculum delivery within the school but hadn’t worked in the school as such.  My job was to do as outlined above and these were my findings; 

The three biggest groups who responded to the survey were students, families (with attending students) and staff members.  There were some responses from families (with non-attending students), the play centre community and community members but disproportionate to the first three groups.

Those who completed the survey would be aware that the questions varied in content and premise. The responses to each question were analysed and trends identified.  This process was peer reviewed by my Director, Mrs Diane Leggett.   Four overall trends became evident as I mined the data.  These trends are as follows:
  1.  This is a great school! – Where kids are happy and feel as if their learning needs are being met. 
  2. Community division - There is an undercurrent of division with the school community and into the wider community.
  3.  School Curriculum – There is a varied view on this.  Many believe the inquiry based curriculum is effective and of high level – others are unsure of the benefits.
  4.  Reputation – It is the perception of some people within community that the school is not running to its full potential.
Most recently, I met with  the Board of Trustees and the teaching staff to start to work through some of these perceptions and an action plan is currently being formulated based on the results of the survey. 
To conclude, I hope this has given you an idea as to where we are at with this process.  It is important that we work through the process systematically and this does take time.  Once again thank you for contributing to the community survey, it is important that we work through the evident trends and together build on the positives to continue to grow Apiti School to ensure it is a asset within your community in the future.
Anna Stephenson
(Dip Tchg, BEd, MEd)
Centre for Educational Development
Massey University