Our 'I wonder ...' integrated learning theme continues.
We are questioning, observing ... inquiring into the world around us. Why does ... happen? Can we explain it to others? If this is the case ... then how does it affect ...?
Questions like this really make us think!!
Celebrating our Successes
Apiti Speech Assembly
I'm sure you will agree that all students spoke fantastically and the improvement, in only a year, was very evident. Well done to everyone. It really is a skill that is invaluable in life. As Don Hoggard (Judge of the Oroua speech competition) said, "How well you can communicate your ideas to others may very well mean that you get that job you really wanted!" Confidence orally is the key to so many opportunities.
Placings of our Speech Competition:-
- Zahn
- Charlotte / Huntah
- Hannah
- Brooke / Tyler
- Lacey / Anneke
The Speech assembly afternoon tea was the first occasion that the 'Bon Apiti' Committee has organised. We had approximately 60 people present so it was quite an achievement. Thank you for your support. A special thanks to June, your help and expertise is invaluable!
Zahn and Huntah represented our school fantastically at the Oroua Speech Competition. Thank you to Leanne Melbie (Speech, drama and dance teacher from Feilding) who spent the morning working with our senior students. This year the cup went to Isabel from Waituna West School. Well done Isabel!
We have recently had the ASB Math Challenge. Many students found time in our busy learning schedule and their homework time to make the most of this. Especially well done to these students, who received participation certificates:-
Brooke (2927 points), Tyler (1439 points), Dylan (792 points), David (403 points), Charlotte (280 points), Hannah (206 points), Huntah (100 points), Zahn (91 points) and Pixel (79 points).
Bronze certificates:- Brooke x2, Tyler x1
Basic Facts Improvement
Table Tennis
The table tennis tournament that the Supa Small Blacks have set up has been a real hit. The first senior singles tournament has been completed.
- Zahn
- Hannah
- Huntah
Watch this space for more results
Sports report
Charlotte and Huntah played Marton. They drew 1 all. We worked together. We have 2 games left for the season.
We played Lytton St. The score was 14-12 to us. We were proud of our shooting and our defence. We have 1 game left for the season. Brooke was player of the day.
Tyler's team played against Johnny and Alex's team. The score was 13-12 to them. Tyler got coaches player of the day. Tyler got 2 tries. He was most proud of the try he got by running down the try line.
Dylan's team lost 7- 6 to Wairarapa bush. Dylan got a try by running straight through the middle of their 3 biggest players.
James team Northland - 10 played Counties - 2. On Sunday James rep team - 7 played Dannevirke - 2.
Huntah's team - 57 played Kia toa - 33. It was our 2nd to last game of the season. I scored a good try after Terrence popped it up to me and I scored by running down the sideline.
On Sunday, at reps, we played Dannevirke. The score wasn't the greatest - 68 - 5 to us. We had a good game and although I didn't get too much ball I got Player of the Day. This was picked by their team and coach. I received a ribbon and a certificate! I was also awarded Player of the Day when we travelled down to Wellington the week before to play Upper Hutt.
Charlotte and Huntah played Marton. They drew 1 all. We worked together. We have 2 games left for the season.
We played Lytton St. The score was 14-12 to us. We were proud of our shooting and our defence. We have 1 game left for the season. Brooke was player of the day.
Tyler's team played against Johnny and Alex's team. The score was 13-12 to them. Tyler got coaches player of the day. Tyler got 2 tries. He was most proud of the try he got by running down the try line.
Dylan's team lost 7- 6 to Wairarapa bush. Dylan got a try by running straight through the middle of their 3 biggest players.
James team Northland - 10 played Counties - 2. On Sunday James rep team - 7 played Dannevirke - 2.
Huntah's team - 57 played Kia toa - 33. It was our 2nd to last game of the season. I scored a good try after Terrence popped it up to me and I scored by running down the sideline.
On Sunday, at reps, we played Dannevirke. The score wasn't the greatest - 68 - 5 to us. We had a good game and although I didn't get too much ball I got Player of the Day. This was picked by their team and coach. I received a ribbon and a certificate! I was also awarded Player of the Day when we travelled down to Wellington the week before to play Upper Hutt.
"I wonder ... ?" Integrated learning
Dog Safety Education - This Thursday
Conservation Day - 10th September.
Two weeks until our Conservation Day celebration. Anybody is welcome!! See the last newsletter for details.
Two weeks until our Conservation Day celebration. Anybody is welcome!! See the last newsletter for details.
Lamb and Calf Day
It is great to hear the excitement as students get their lambs and calves. We always attempt to have our Lamb and Calf Day on the Thursday before Labour Weekend. This year it will be on 24th of October (subject to BOT approval). Learning tasks from term 3 and the beginning of term 4 will be showcased at Lamb and Calf day and judged for the Indoor Cups.
Photo Challenge
This week all students are expected to take a photo that 'makes us wonder' ... makes us think of things from another perspective, close up, from a distance, from another angle. We will be looking at originality, composition and how the image 'sits' in the frame. We will be sharing these on Thursday. Students will probably take quite a few and choose the best one to share. The photo can be enhanced digitally. These can be taken by the student at home or at school.
Photo Challenge
This week all students are expected to take a photo that 'makes us wonder' ... makes us think of things from another perspective, close up, from a distance, from another angle. We will be looking at originality, composition and how the image 'sits' in the frame. We will be sharing these on Thursday. Students will probably take quite a few and choose the best one to share. The photo can be enhanced digitally. These can be taken by the student at home or at school.
This week (Juniors) and next week (Senior) students may ask if they can take photos at home for their photo essay. We are looking at procedures and how things happen. We are writing procedural text for our science investigations and using photos to show a procedure visually.
School cameras can be borrowed overnight by arrangement for both of these learning tasks. Photos can also be emailed to school (apitisenior@gmail.com / apitijunior@gmail.com / nickifielder@gmail.com) or bought to school on a pen drive.
Oroua Soccer Tournament - Monday 02.09.2013
This tournament is an opportunity for all students to put their learning in soccer into practice in a tournament setting. The tournament will take place at the Kimbolton Domain next Monday the 2nd of September, starting at 10.00am. This event should conclude at about 11.30 at which time the students will then return to school for the remainder of the day. We will need to leave Apiti School at 9.30. Students will need to wear their school uniform, shoes and take along a drink bottle.
The whole school takes part in this event. The tournament is split by age groups of 10 - 13 year olds, 7 - 9 year olds and 5 - 6 year olds with all the Oroua School pupils mixing in with each other.
Please send Nicki or Christine an email if you are able to help with transport.
The whole school takes part in this event. The tournament is split by age groups of 10 - 13 year olds, 7 - 9 year olds and 5 - 6 year olds with all the Oroua School pupils mixing in with each other.
Please send Nicki or Christine an email if you are able to help with transport.
Whanau Group Action Learning
Our pinata is now a hedgehog. It started off as an owl but if it was then it would have been a malformed owl. The balloon that was shaping our owl popped and now it looks like a hedgehog. So we decided to modify our plan! We are starting to put spikes on it. We really hope our pinata turns out right :-)
Tomorrow morning we are going to visit other libraries. The goal is to find ideas and ways we can improve ours. We will be visiting Tiritea School, Mt Biggs School, Manchester Street School, Para rubber (seating) and Flooring xtra in Feilding (Carpet). We have also got a new table which Zahn and his dad have chopped the legs off to make a lower study table. The next step is to paint it to make it look new and colourful.
Waste Busters
Brooke and Bianca have decided to investigate what kind of conditions worms like to live in and Hannah and Tyler are investigating what kind of foods they like to eat and live on!
Brooke and Bianca will test and see how many worms are trying to crawl out of the wetness and Hannah and Tyler will count how many worms are in each section!We are looking to paint our lids for the worm farm on Wednesday. If anyone is free to come and help us with painting on Wednesday afternoon please let Hannah know.
Supa Small Blacks
Vegetable Garden
On Monday James, Franklin and Jaycee planted some more plants in the vege garden. We planted garlic, leeks and a little cabbage.
So now we hope they will grow to be big strong plants like the others in the vegetable garden.
Rock Path
We are making a rock path and we are working on it now. We are making great progress with the rock path. We are doing this so that we can walk around our vege gardens in any weather.
Marking the field
we will like yo give a special thanks to Trish and Mathew Shearer for leting us have 4 cans of tail pint to mark the field
Hydro Rangers
We have recently planted 3 kinds of plants in the tyres:- blueberries, raspberries and rhubarb. In the glass house the strawberries are dying as they have white fly.
We have made 3 batches of walnut crackle, testing which temperature is the best. Then after a while, when we know how to make the best crackle, we will start making it ready for week 8 to sell at the Feilding market.
Expert Plantagators
Science Investigations will be shared at the Oroua Science Expo at Kiwitea School on the 12th of September. Please let us know if you are able to help with transport.
Mums, Dad's, Grand parents, Friends of the school, Members of our community ...
Do you have a spare hour or two to help us? - Friday afternoon 1.00 - 2.30pm.
During our whanau group rotation and integrated learning time students have all been extremely busy putting their plans into action. There are some tasks that are very important but are time consuming and not the best use of learning time. Things such as digging in tyres and moving books. We would love your help to get these completed. Please let Nicki or Anwyl know if you are able to help. We'll even give you a cup of tea of coffee!
Mums, Dad's, Grand parents, Friends of the school, Members of our community ...
Do you have a spare hour or two to help us? - Friday afternoon 1.00 - 2.30pm.
During our whanau group rotation and integrated learning time students have all been extremely busy putting their plans into action. There are some tasks that are very important but are time consuming and not the best use of learning time. Things such as digging in tyres and moving books. We would love your help to get these completed. Please let Nicki or Anwyl know if you are able to help. We'll even give you a cup of tea of coffee!
Skiing - 18th September
Thanks to everyone for getting your ski preferences back to the office promptly to allow booking. If you have not yet done so, please do asap. We have a ruler set up in the senior room for students to measure their height. It is a good idea to start organising gear early. If you have any extra clothing or ski gear you are able to share, please let us know. Similarly if you are looking for clothing items let us know. We have a list running by the office. For many of us it is only one day a year so rather than rushing out and buying or renting gear, it makes sense to help each other out.
Board of Trustee Meeting
The next BOT meeting will be held on Monday the 16th of September at 7.00pm.
Board of Trustee Meeting
The next BOT meeting will be held on Monday the 16th of September at 7.00pm.
We are collecting:-
Weetbix cards. Please give them to James. We are hoping to win sports gear for our school.
Yummy stickers. Please give these to a member of the Waste Busters
Our survey is currently being finalised. Your feedback and suggestions are valued. Please email them to Nicki before Wednesday
Earthquake Drill
Wasn't Friday a great authentic opportunity to practice what you would do in an earthquake! It just shows that you can't choose when there will be a rumble and that you need to be prepared. It was great to see all of our students reacted immediately when we made the call. To ensure the 'DROP ... COVER ... HOLD' action is automatic, we will continue to do regular earthquake drills. Current direction when inside in an earthquake is as follows:
Sabbatical Update
Wasn't Friday a great authentic opportunity to practice what you would do in an earthquake! It just shows that you can't choose when there will be a rumble and that you need to be prepared. It was great to see all of our students reacted immediately when we made the call. To ensure the 'DROP ... COVER ... HOLD' action is automatic, we will continue to do regular earthquake drills. Current direction when inside in an earthquake is as follows:
- If you are inside a building, move no more than a few steps, drop, cover and hold. Stay indoors till the shaking stops and you are sure it is safe to exit. In most buildings in New Zealand you are safer if you stay where you are until the shaking stops.
Sabbatical Update
Hi everyone
Thanks to everyone for their work on home/school collaboration.
I'm sorry I'm away on my sabbatical at this time.
However, it's been a great time for me to visit schools, talk to principals, teachers, parents, and students. One of the most enlightening discussions has been with ex-students, their parents & grandparents of ex-pupils of Apiti School that l taught. They all, without exception were very positive remembering fondly Apiti school, community and events.
It has been a great time to reflect on our school. I have really enjoyed sharing our educational journey with others, (today l met with a teacher of juniors in Hampshire) As well as picking their brains, l have discussed our teaching philosophies, programmes, especially about reading, but have included the many special characteristics of Apiti school. They were all impressed in our authentic context learning but when most classes are 30-50 students it is very difficult, plus the focus on National testing means many teachers spend most of the year teaching to the test, meaningful contexts are not possible, sadly.
Its great to see everyone involved and committed to moving our school forward.
Special thanks to Nicki for keeping everyone informed, as well as, all that is involved in running the school .
I go to Jakarta Friday and am also spending time on the web researching. I am pleased to be able to visit Red Beach school in Auckland on the way home, which is very highly thought of in all areas of education. More about this later.
l look forward to the survey, although unfortunately it has been difficult to be part of a conversation or its development from this far away.
Please feel free to forward me any queries or questions.
Thanks to everyone for their work on home/school collaboration.
I'm sorry I'm away on my sabbatical at this time.
However, it's been a great time for me to visit schools, talk to principals, teachers, parents, and students. One of the most enlightening discussions has been with ex-students, their parents & grandparents of ex-pupils of Apiti School that l taught. They all, without exception were very positive remembering fondly Apiti school, community and events.
It has been a great time to reflect on our school. I have really enjoyed sharing our educational journey with others, (today l met with a teacher of juniors in Hampshire) As well as picking their brains, l have discussed our teaching philosophies, programmes, especially about reading, but have included the many special characteristics of Apiti school. They were all impressed in our authentic context learning but when most classes are 30-50 students it is very difficult, plus the focus on National testing means many teachers spend most of the year teaching to the test, meaningful contexts are not possible, sadly.
Its great to see everyone involved and committed to moving our school forward.
Special thanks to Nicki for keeping everyone informed, as well as, all that is involved in running the school .
I go to Jakarta Friday and am also spending time on the web researching. I am pleased to be able to visit Red Beach school in Auckland on the way home, which is very highly thought of in all areas of education. More about this later.
l look forward to the survey, although unfortunately it has been difficult to be part of a conversation or its development from this far away.
Please feel free to forward me any queries or questions.
Head lice are back!
Please help us by making sure you check your children's hair regularly so we can get on top of it quickly.
We wondered about Head lice and found out a few tips ...
• Head lice can run up to 30 cm per minute (THAT’S 1.8 km per hour)!
• This means that they can rapidly run away and hide when you part your child’s hair to
check for head lice.
• So it’s easy to miss a head lice infestation unless there are quite a few lice or eggs.
BUT — you can outwit these speedy little pests!
To catch them out:
1. Saturate the dry hair in hair conditioner, and comb through with an ordinary comb. Any
lice in the hair will get “stuck” in the conditioner.
2. Now take the hair in small sections and comb thoroughly with a long-tooth, metal ‘nit’
comb. Continue combing the whole head like this.
3. Keep wiping the comb on a white tissue, as you work, looking for head lice and eggs.
A magnifying glass will make this easier.
4. If you find any head lice or eggs, continue combing with the hair conditioner every day,
for 10 days to remove all head lice.
5. Rinse the hair conditioner off when combing is completed
Happy Birthday! to the following student, we hope you have a great day!!
- 30th August - Sarah!
Please help us by making sure you check your children's hair regularly so we can get on top of it quickly.
We wondered about Head lice and found out a few tips ...
• Head lice can run up to 30 cm per minute (THAT’S 1.8 km per hour)!
• This means that they can rapidly run away and hide when you part your child’s hair to
check for head lice.
• So it’s easy to miss a head lice infestation unless there are quite a few lice or eggs.
BUT — you can outwit these speedy little pests!
To catch them out:
1. Saturate the dry hair in hair conditioner, and comb through with an ordinary comb. Any
lice in the hair will get “stuck” in the conditioner.
2. Now take the hair in small sections and comb thoroughly with a long-tooth, metal ‘nit’
comb. Continue combing the whole head like this.
3. Keep wiping the comb on a white tissue, as you work, looking for head lice and eggs.
A magnifying glass will make this easier.
4. If you find any head lice or eggs, continue combing with the hair conditioner every day,
for 10 days to remove all head lice.
5. Rinse the hair conditioner off when combing is completed
Happy Birthday! to the following student, we hope you have a great day!!
- 30th August - Sarah!