Term Dates:-
Term 2 : 6th May - 12th July. Term 3 : 29th July - 27th Sept. Term 4 : 14th Oct - 20th Dec.
A special welcome to Anwyl Minnaar who will be in the senior room while Nicki is on her sabbatical leave. Check Nicki and her family's Travel pod on http://blog.travelpod.com/travel-blog/fielderbeaumont/1/tpod.html .
Thank you all for coming for student led conferences, you will all be aware of the next learning steps for your children. These are also available on the wiki. If you want to meet the teachers at anytime, please email or ring to make an appointment. Together we make a difference and have the best opportunities to learn.
School Times
A reminder that during terms 2 and 3, school will finish at 2.30 every Friday afternoon. Lunch time will be from 12.30 to 1.00pm. Every other day lunch is from 12.30 to 1.15 and school will finish at 3.00pm.
Sam Strahan Rippa Rugby Tournament
This tournament was held during the last week of term 1. Thank you to those parents who went along and supported our students and helped out with transport. Our Year 4 - 6 team did very well but lost in the 1/4 finals to a coin toss. Jock felt the players punched above their weight with a great attitude that should hold them in good stead for their future. Our Year 7 - 8 team finished 3rd out of 6 schools - well done guys. We appreciate Jock taking time to select, transport and coach the Year 4 - 6 team, thank you Jock!
Events Happening
The year focus is "I wonder ??" The term is "We are performers".
However for the next 2 weeks :-
Capital E Science Centre - 'Seasons'
This Thursday the 9th of May, the junior room students along with the playcentre, will attend the Capital E Show of 'Seasons' at the Regent Theatre in Palmerston North. After lunch at the Esplanade (weather permitting ) we will visit the TeManawa Science Centre for 'Body In Action.' We will need to be seated in the Regent by 9.45 therefore we will need to leave Apiti by 8.45. Students will need to wear school uniforms on this day please, take a good packed lunch, a drink, a hat and warm clothing.
Please let Mary know by Wednesday if you are able to help with transport.
Healthy Food
On the 16th May we welcome Lucy Olsen from Food for Thought to the school. Check this link if you would like to find out more http://www.foodforthought.co.nz/. She will be delivering the programme to students and helping the Bon Apiti Committee. Bon Apiti, with great help from June, (Thanks June!) continue to provide healthy lunches on Tuesdays and Thursdays at school. This week and next week, we will have sausages, fresh tomatoes and wedges at a cost of $1.50 for each child. Please send your order and money along to school in a sealed named envelope.
Tennis Coaching
Thanks to Helen, the Oroua Schools have received a grant through Kiwi-sport. Tennis lessons will be free for 5 lessons with Kurt McNarmara. He will provide all equipment but you are welcome to bring your tennis rackets. Please wear suitable footwear. This is every Tuesday at 1pm starting on Tuesday the14th May.
Apiti's Got Talent
Jo is at school every Monday to help the children, there are only 4 more Mondays till the concert! but students are expected to practise. There will be sometime set aside during school time but remember break times are available and some work will need be done at home. Due to Queens Birthday Monday, the dress rehearsal will be on Tuesday 4th June. Preschoolers and any extras who prefer to come to the day time concert are most welcome. The night concert will be on Wednesday 5 June starting @ 6pm.
Cross Country
Cross Country training will be held everyday at 12.15 unless the weather is unsuitable then we will try and run at a later time. Please make sure students come to school prepared for cross country running e.g shorts and t-shirt. If anyone can help out with training and run with the students, please be down at the school by 12.15. Your help will be appreciated.
The Oroua Cross Country will be held at Waituna West School on Friday the 21st of June (p.p. date: 28th June).
Our whanua groups will work on their goals as set at the beginning of the year. Update available soon !
Working Bee
We need to tend to several jobs around the school, so are having a working bee this Wednesday (the 8th), starting at 1.30. Jobs needing to be done include trimming and painting the tree re-growth along the boundary fence line, fixing the bike ramp and fixing up the growing unit. Tools needed include loppers, paint brushes, hammers, axes, saws etc. If you are unable to attend the working bee this Wednesday, please ring Mary or Ben and arrange for a suitable time and job for you to do at a later date. Hope to see many of you here this Wednesday.
Colgate Carton Race
Just a reminder to get those empty Colgate Toothpaste Cartons in so we have a shot at winning a share of $60,000 worth of new sports gear, art supplies and music equipment. Every carton counts!!!
Thank Yous
A big thank you to Chrissy for all her work cleaning and caretaking over the holidays. The school looks lovely.
Thank you to those parents who helped out with transport to the Feilding Golf Club for the Oroua Schools Fun Golf Day held late last term.
Thank you to all our students who attended ANZAC Day, it was great to see you all there. A special thank you to Wendy Cawood, who once again made us a wonderful wreath. Tom and James (oldest and youngest on the day) presented for us.
Board of Trustee Meeting
The next Board of Trustee meeting will be held on Monday the 20th of May in the staff room starting at 7.00p.m. All members of the public are welcome to attend. An agenda will be placed on the BOT blog tab prior to the meeting.
Swim for Life Programme
A follow up from our 'Swim for Life' programme - according to the regional and national average, our students achieved a 95.45% average pass rate compared to a national average of 92.69% pass rate. Pat on the back for our instructor and our students!
Garden Festival Competition
Our students entered the Manawatu Garden Festival Table Setting competition, which they made in the last week of term. Thanks so much to the Pratt family and the Beard family for helping with the display. We await the results.
Apiti School would like to congratulate Emma on being chosen to play Sandy in the Little Theatres production of 'Grease.' A large number of young ladies auditioned to play Sandy but our very own Emma won the part. There is a matinee performance playing on Sunday the 26th of May (and on other dates) at the Little Theatre with tickets available from the Feilding Little Theatre. We are looking forward to seeing Emma on stage.
Happy Birthday to the following student, we hope you have a great day! - 6th May - Dylan!
For Sale
Anwyl has extra large feigoas for sale at $5.00 for 3kg bags. Just send a note and money along to school and Anwyl will get a bag to you. - A Minnaar.
Apiti School Board of Trustees Election
Nominations are invited for the election of 5 parent representatives to the board of trustees.
A nomination form and a notice calling for nominations will be posted to all eligible voters.
Additional nomination forms can be obtained from the school office.
Nominations close at noon on 16th May 2013 and may be accompanied by a signed candidate's statement.
The voting roll is open for inspection at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours.
There will also be a list of candidates' names, as they come to hand, for inspection at the school.
Voting closes at noon on 30th May 2013.
C. Digby, Returning Officer.
Board of Trustee Elections Timeline
These elections are to be held 30th May 2013. Now is a good time to think about running for a position on the Board, or for who you would like to have representing you on the board.
The time line is as follows: Supplementary roll closes: Noon 14th April. Both rolls merged.
Call for nominations: 15th April 2013. Main roll closes: Noon 30th April.
Nominations close: Noon 16th May 2013. Voting papers issued by: 21st May.
Voting closes : Noon 30th May. Votes counted and results declared 5th June 2013. Board take office: 6th June 2013.
The ASSA AGM will be held next Monday night the 13th of May starting at 7.30pm in the staff room. Dessert and beverages will be supplied. Hope to see you then. - Jo.
Apiti Trail Bike Ride
A huge thank you to all those involved in any way who made this day a success - your support was very much appreciated. The farmers who allowed the bikes to travel through your properties - without whom the bike ride would not be able to take place :- K & T Buckman. M Malone/M Cuming. T & P Strahan.
J & R Edwards. J & S Goodall. R & R Pettigrew. P & J Hayes. B & F McCarroll. R & J Beard. K & J Manning. A & E Knight.
Our Sponsors :- Bromley Dairy and Pump. RD 1. Rabo Bank. Ruapehu Farm Supplies. FMG Insurance. K. Manning Contracting. Hopkins Group. Altum. City Honda. PIS. Farmlands. Write Price.
Our Helpers : Gordie, Malcolm, Scotty who helped set up the track and where on the course.
Our Marshalls : Jock. Mary C. Murray. Christine. Vic and Maryann Snr. John S. Nipper.
June who helped out with the BBQ. Linda who helped man the gate.
Our First aide attendant Trevor and our local fire brigade.
You were all wonderful!!
Thank you to, to those who helped out (especially June), with the Adventure Bike Riders who came through on the Saturday before the Trail Ride - a busy but profitable weekend! It was great to have had so much support from the community and of-course our great parents. - ASSA Committee.