
Welcome to week 8 already!What we have been up to ...
Quality Work
Maths - Silver award for Mathletics:- Hannah and Tyler. Well done!

Bronze award for Mathletics - Charlotte, Lacey, Chloe and Alex.  Well done! 
Kapiti EOTC
The students and adults all learnt an amazing amount recently on the Education Outside the Classroom experience to Kapiti Island. It was an experience and a great opportunity for our students and we'd especially like to thank those who made it possible. The students are currently reflecting on and writing about camp. This will be shared with you through your chlid's wiki e-portfolio, blog and our annual camp magazine. One of the highlights for many students was meeting Boysie. This is what some of the students have written to thank him.  
Dear Boysie  -  I hope you had enjoyable company when we were on Kapiti.  We enjoyed your company.  I enjoyed having the birds land on my shoulder.
I enjoyed the kiwi going squawk, squark at night while we were in our tents.
I liked staying there.  Thank you for letting us stay there.  I will not forget you.  -  From Lauren.
Dear Boysie.  Thanks for the kumara chips and the hot cross buns, they were really good and all the chocolate.  The cat story was really funny.  I enjoyed seeing all the birds and the Kaka landing on my shoulder and eating nuts out of my hand.  Kaka's kept pooping on my tent so we moved it so it wasn't under a tree.  -  From Alex.
Dear Boysie.  Thank you for being very nice.  Thank you for the chocolates, kumera chips and ice-cream.  Thank you for sharing Kapiti Island with us.  -  From Johnny.
Dear Boysie.  I want to come back with my whole family, especially my Mother, because I want to show them around Kapiti Island.  Thank you forever.  Thank you for everything.  I won't forget you!  -  From Sarah.
Dear Boysie. Thank you for letting us stay on the Island.  I loved seeing the cheeky Kaka.  Thank you for the chocolates, they were yummy.  Thank you for the ice-cream too, it was also yummy.  I loved seeing the seals swimming in the sea.  I loved seeing all the nature.  -  From James.
Also a big thank you to all the parents for your support to make this trip possible. We were pleased to have Rangiwahia School join us on this EOTC experience.
Writing Blogs 
All students now have writing blogs linked from the literacy page on their wikis. These are very motivating for the students, and can be added to at home or school. They are a new initiative, as part of our home/school collaboration . Please feel free to discuss these with your children, and add photos or comments.  
Student /Teacher /Parent Interviews 
These are coming up, please make a time by email or phone at a time that suits you around the 10th, 11th and 12th of April.
Students are learning golf this term, along with the other Oroua school students as part of our commitment to exposing students to a range of new learning experiences and in the hope to develop passions to develop further. It is great to be able to have experts visit us!! This will conclude with the last lesson at Apiti Golf Club on 11th April, 9.15 -10.30 and an Oroua golf tournament on the 16th of April. We welcome any golfers (or parents to come and help her on these days). We will also need help with transport.  
Kurt's last lesson for this term will be this Thursday. If you are yet to pay, please send payment to school with your student this Thursday. All students will have the opportunity for tennis lessons next term, paid for using the grant Helen from Rangiwahia school applied for for all the Oroua Schools. Term 3 soccer, Term 4 athletics coaching.
Bon Apiti
Lunches are proving popular this term with the choice of cottage pie (Tuesday) and Stuffed mince rolls (Thursday). Many thanks to the Beards, Gillespies, Bethwaites and Fielder-Beaumonts for donating mince. This really does help out as we try to keep these lunches affordable for everyone. If you donate ingredients, such as mince or cheese, your children will receive a free lunch that day.
School Pool
This is open until this Thursday the 28th of March.  Supervised lunchtime swims will continue if enough students bring togs to make the most of the end of the season.
It is great to see how well prepared all students are for our daily fitness and P.E. programmes.
School Ramps
Unfortunately these have been moved around during the weekend. These are a great asset to our school and it is important to us that these are safe for all students.  If you would like to move the ramps in any way, please discuss this with Mary or Nicki first.
Thank You
A very big thank you to Gordon and Julie for allowing us to use your gas bottle recently when our gas bottle was discovered to be empty.  We really appreciated your help at such short notice! 
Also a big thank you to all the parents for your support to make this trip possible. We were pleased to have Rangiwahia School join us on this EOTC experience.
Sam Strahan Trials
Keen students visited Kimbolton School today to trial for these teams. It was fantastic to see how many students were enthusiastic to be part of the team - we needed four cars for transport!! It is great to see such a positive approach to all areas of learning!! Teams and practice times will be uploaded to this site when they are finalised by Jock - Sam Strahan Coach. 
Just a reminder that we break from Friday to Tuesday. We hope you all have a restful catch up with family and friends and try not to overindulge in easter eggs!!
Looking Forward ...
Rippa Rugby
Manawatu Turbos coaches will work with our students on the 4th of April. All students will have this opportunity.
The next BOT meeting will be held in the school staffroom on the 8th of April. 
Oroua Netball
If you are in Year 3 - 8 and are interested in playing netball this Winter for Oroua, you will need to register before April the 15th.  The season runs from May to the beginning of September.  Boys are welcome to play.  Please call Justine Marsden on 3285 077 or 021 912959 or Sarah Burge on 
3285 780.  -  Judy (Kimbolton School).
Thank you to all those who supported the school with food and help at the Apiti Show.  Through the golf and the students games, on the day we made $1,250.00 which is a fantastic result!!! 
Board of Trustee Elections
These elections are to be held 30th May 2013.  Now is a good time to think about running for a position on the Board, or for who you would like to have representing you on the board. 
The time line is as follows: Supplementary roll closes: Noon 14th April.  Both rolls merged.
Call for nominations: 15th April 2013.  Main roll closes: Noon 30th April.
Nominations close: Noon 16th May 2013.    
Voting papers issued by: 21st May. 
Voting closes : Noon 30th May.
Votes counted and results declared 5th June 2013.  Board take office: 6th June 2013.