What we have been up to ...
Quality Work
Literacy - Writing - Charlotte - Click here to read her fantastic holiday recount
- Reading - Huntah , Lauren
Handwriting - Tom, David, Derek, Dylan
Maths - Bronze award for Mathletics - Tom, Huntah x2, Hannah, Chloe
Apiti Show
Once again this was a fantastic day. Well done to all those who played a part in organising such a great local event especially the Apiti Show committee !!
Many thanks to Mike for helping put up the kites ... quite a feat!
Results :- Senior Students - Year 6 - 8
Free Verse Poems = 1st =Zahn. 2nd = Travis. 3rd = Huntah. 4th = Tom.
Modified Animal = 1st = Hannah. 2nd = Tom. 3rd = Charlotte. 4th = Zahn/Lacey.
Silohette = 1st = Francis (Rangiwahia School). 2nd = Nikki (Rangi). 3rd = Cole. 4th = Zahn.
Kite = 1st = Francis. 2nd = Huntah. 3rd = Tom. 4th = Hannah.
Intermediate Students - Year 4 - 5.
Free Verse Poems = 1st = David. 2nd = Tyler. 3rd = Ben. 4th = Brooke.
Modified Animal = 1st = Tyler. 2nd = Dylan. 3rd = David. 4th = Pixel.
Silohette = 1st = Joanne (Rangi). 2nd = Pixel. 3rd = Dylan. 4th = Brooke/Derek.
Kite = 1st = Brooke. 2nd = Joanne. 3rd = Tyler. 4th = Pixel.
Junior Students - Year 0 - 3
Free Verse Poems = 1st = James. 2nd = Lauren. 3rd = Logan. 4th = Alex.
Modified Animal = 1st = Franklin. 2nd = Alex. 3rd = Sarah. 4th = Johnny.
Silohette = 1st = Ian (Rangi). 2nd = James. 3rd = Georgia (Rangi). 4th = Johnny.
Kite = 1st = Sarah. 2nd = Chloe. 3rd = Johnny. 4th = Ian.
Overall winner:- Tyler - Congratulations Tyler!!
Second overall:- Francis (Rangiwahia School).
Third overall:- Zahn, Tom, Brooke, James.
Many thanks to our judges who commented on the creativity and originality of the exhibits.
The students did a great job manning their fundraisers - which proved quite popular. There was a huge amount of learning both in the planning stages and on the day! Well done especially to the Hydro Rangers (raised $72.00), Expert Plantogators (raised $39.00) and the Waste busters (raised $35.00). They also spent time organising prizes. Many thanks to RD1, Paper plus and Hunting and Fishing for their generous donations!!
Many thanks to Mike and Adam for once again running our very golf fundraiser. This event raised $160.00.
Many thanks to our ASSA group for organising the judges lunches once again. It takes quite a lot of planning and the effort is appreciated.
Many thanks to Murray for repairing the Show School work Trophy - very much appreciated!!
Vegetable Garden Planting
Last week we even found a little time to plant our Whanau Group gardens.Over the holidays our potatoes have sprouted. Each tyre stack has a different variety of potato. We are getting closer to harvesting and are looking forward to comparing these. This is part of our learning in Science. If you have a moment come and take a look.
We also planted up some rare mountain cabbage trees grown locally. Thanks to Dylan for bringing these to school for planting!
Looking Forward...
Oroua Group of Schools Swimming Sports - Friday 1st March
This event takes place at the Makino Aquatic Centre in Feilding this Friday the 1st of March, there is no postponement date, the weather would need to be really bad for the sports to be cancelled, so please come prepared.
This event is for the whole school, but the juniors will have a different programme.
The whole school is to meet inside the Makino pool complex by 9.30, seated behind the Apiti School sign. Entry to the pool is free.
Children will require their togs, 2 towels, their lunch, a drink, warm clothes, a hat and sunscreen.
Students are required to wear their school uniform please. Could we ask parents to sit with the swimmers to make sure they are ready for their events - their event numbers will be written on their hand and programmes will be given out on the day. Could we also ask two parents (or take turns) to help out with the time keeping please. Championship cups will be given out after the last event. There will be no lunch break, so children will need to eat when they have a good break between races, or as required. Kimbolton School will have for sale, bread rolls for $3.00, sausages in Bread for $2.00 and cakes/slices/muffins for $1.00, no drinks available.
Both teachers will be marshalling on this day and Mary will be running the junior swimming sports.
Cup age groups :- Junior = 8 years and under. Intermediate = 9 and 10 year olds. Senior = 11 years and over.
Parents are asked to arrange transport for their own children on this day. It is a great Oroua day and a chance to see your children and their swimming confidence and ability. Thanks to those who have supported their children by taking them for extra training. If you have difficulty with transport, please contact the school as soon as possible. The school bus will not run at all on this day.
The programme for the seniors should conclude at about 2.00, so those who are not going to stay at the pool, please make sure you return to the pool in plenty of time to pick your children up.
No children are to use the pool shop during the day. The trampolines and other pools are strictly out of bounds.
The younger students (Junior room unless told otherwise) are to meet inside the Makino, sitting down near the trampoline but not on it. At 10.00, Apiti, Kimbolton and Rangiwahia junior students will walk to the library. 11 - 11.30 - playtime at Makino park. 11.30 - change into togs. 11.45 - start swimming programme. These events should be finished by 12.45 at which time students will be returned to their parents or if desired, the weather is good and a teacher is free to watch them, they may have free time in the small pool.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Thank you to those parents who helped with transport into the Feilding Makino pool last Friday.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Thank you to those parents who helped with transport into the Feilding Makino pool last Friday.
Reminder - Squad training tomorrow for championship swimmers. We will aim to leave school at 3.15.
Board of Trustees MeetingThe next BOT Meeting will be held in the school staff room this Wednesday, starting at 7.30pm. Please view the Agenda by clicking on the BOT tab above. All are welcome.
Dental Clinic
The mobile Dental Clinic will arrive at Apiti School next Monday the 4th of March. Please find information sheet attached.
Water Safety - 'Deep Water' Experience at the Makino
On Tuesday the 5th and Thursday the 7th of March, we will be travelling into the Makino in Feilding to complete the 'Swim for Life' programme. We will need to leave Apiti School at 10.00 and will be in there for the remainder of the school day on both days. We will also practice water safety skills for Kapiti with kayaks, snorkels, face masks, flippers, rock shoes, life jackets and safe entry and exit from the water. We will be hiring some equipment from Makino but if you have any of these items at home it would be great to bring them along on this day.
We will need transport for these trips, so please fill in the attached transport slip and return it to school before next Monday. Deep water experience is an important part of the Swim for Life programme and they will be working with Richelle on the last 3 lessons down there on those 2 days, also as we prepare for camp.
Oroua Group of Schools Triathlon - 8th March (ppd 11th March) (Year 4 - 8)
Senior students are currently training for the Oroua Triathlon. This event will be held at Rangiwahia school next Friday the 8th March for all Senior Room students and a couple of Junior Room students. All other Junior students will remain at school for this day.
We will need to be at Rangiwahia by 9.45. Students participating in this event are asked to attend school first and will leave for Rangiwahia from school. The triathlon is a great event as it is a short distance of running, biking and swimming. This is achievable for all students and provides an excellent personal challenge. All of our students will compete both individually and as part of a team. They will also be managers on the day. This is a great opportunity to further develop management, organisational, communication and leadership skills. It is a great school day. We will require transport for the day. If you are able to transport bikes, that would be really appreciated. Please let Nicki know how you can help.
Bon Apiti
In term one and two we will be offering healthy lunches on a Tuesday and Thursday. The aim is that these lunches are healthy, tasty, affordable and can be made in the time frame.
Tuesday:- Shepherds pie.
Thursday:- Potato topped mince rolls.
The cost is $2.50. If you would like this for lunch, please give your order to Huntah before 9am. Orders along with your name, should be written on an envelope with the money enclosed please.
If anyone has any mince they could donate, we would really appreciate it. Many thanks to June for once again, offering her expertise in this area.
A newsletter was sent home and/or emailed to all families last Friday regarding our annual camp planned for 12th - 14th March (ppd 19 - 21st March). We are completing planning, including food/meals, sleeping arrangements and activities, with students this week. There are opportunities to fish, surf casting, if you have gear or expertise in this area please let us know. We are pleased to have Rangiwahia students join us for our EOTC experience this year. A parent meeting will be held on Tuesday the 5th of March at 4.00 - 4.30 for a cuppa and then from 4.30 meeting to finalise camp planning. At this meeting you will be able able to write your name beside food items you wish to donate (this keeps the cost down as many of you have meat and gardens with vegetables to share) We would like a representative from each family attend the camp meeting please. This will be followed by a community barbeque, and all members of the public are most welcome to the community BBQ from 5.30 onwards. BYO meat and liquid refreshments for the BBQ. Please bring salads, and a finger dessert to share.
Please fill in the attached 'Blanket Consent' form and return it to school as soon as possible.
Junior Students Weekend Stories
Dad and I went to school to ride our bikes at school and have a swim in the pool. We are going to invite Chloe and Lacey next time we come to school. I came first for my kite at the Apiti Show. - Sarah.
At the Apiti Show, me and Sarah got heaps of lollies from the playcentre shop. I bought 2 bottles of fizzy. I saw Tyler get his trophy. - Lauren.
At the Apiti Show, my Grand-dad and Grandma came and Nana and Hoppy came and Grumps came. My Grandma put lots of coins and money in my wallet. I played Dylan and Huntah's game four times and I won two fishing lures and two or three bags of lollies. I played Zahn's game and when I played Zahn's game I won nothing at all. Dylan won a prize. - James.
21st February - Logan. 7th March - Tyler.
Staff : Chrissie L.
We hope you have/had a great day!
Well thats all for now folks, will catch you again in a fortnight.
'Deep Water' Experience
I am able to transport my own children, plus...............other children to the Makino on the
5th and/or 7th of March (please circle).