Welcome to week 9 of term 4, 2012 and the final 2 weeks of school.
2013 Term
Dates :
Term 1: 7th February – 19th April.
Term 2: 6th
May – 12th July.
Term 3:
29th July – 27th September.
Term 4:
14th October – 20th December.
We would like to welcome Marrac to Apiti School as a brand new 5 year old. Marrac is a younger brother to Cailee and Brianna. We know Marrac will enjoy learning at our school.
Leaver - We would like to wish Stanley our year 8 student all the very best for his future at high school and beyond. We look forward to hearing of his progress in the future.
Oroua Athletics
Thank you to all parents who transported their children to Feilding last Friday. A real shame these sports had to be cancelled which was a tough call to make - hope for better luck next year! Nonetheless, it was great to see just how committed our students were to training this year and the skills developed.
Board of Trustees Meeting
A reminder that this meeting is tonight (Monday the 10th), starting at 7.30pm in the school staff room. This will be the last Board meeting for 2012. Please view the agenda and the previous meeting minutes by clicking on the BOT tab at the top of the newsletter. All members of the public are welcome to attend.
School Assembly - Friday 14th December
Our final assembly of the year will be held this Friday in the senior room. We will have a short meeting to look at 2013 camp options at 1.30, followed by the assembly at approximately 1.50. All community members, friends and family are most welcome to come along and we look forward to seeing you all here.
Kiwitea School Concert
We have been invited to the Kiwitea School Concert dress rehearsal next Monday, the 17th of December. We will need to leave Apiti School by 12.45 as the concert starts at 1.15p.m. We will be back in time for the bus run.
We will need transport to and from Kiwitea for this, so please let Mary or Nicki know a.s.a.p if you can help out. Parents are welcome to stay for the concert, and if need be, can continue on in to town afterwards.
School Photos
These were
taken recently by Svendson Photography. The link will be updated on the blog as soon as we receive it from Svendsons which should be by tomorrow.
All orders must
be directed through Svendson Photography please.
Triathlon options for 2013
This is a great opportunity for our students to challenge themselves and see their improvement. These events provide an excellent build up for the Oroua triathlon. If enough students are keen, either individually or as a team, we should be able to organise car pooling for children and bikes. Please let Nicki know if you are keen. There is a prize for the school with the highest proportion of their school involved.
Please see the website for more details.
School Uniforms
Could these please be returned to school this week. Thank you to those who have already returned theirs - very efficient!
Ski and Swimming Accounts
Thank you to those parents who have paid these accounts, it is very much appreciated. Those of you who still need to settle your accounts, please do so before the end of the term. If you require another copy or have any queries, please ring the school for help.
School Bus
Thank you
Yvonne and Mervyn for a wonderful job done as our school bus driver having delivered our
school bus students safely to school and back home again and for driving the
bus on a few occasions to other destinations e.g Kimbolton, for Oroua group
activities. The school staff, B.O.T and parents have certainly appreciated your
safety conscious skills.
Thanks also to Katherine for stepping in to drive the bus to help Yvonne and Merv out recently.
Healthy Lunches
These will continue for this Wednesday and then finally on Monday the 17th.
A huge thank you to June and Audrey for all the time and effort they have put into helping our Bon Apiti students create these healthy lunches, and also teaching them the basic hygiene standards expected in a kitchen and cooking skills. Your effort has been very much appreciated by the students, staff and parents.
Thanks also to Katherine for stepping in to drive the bus to help Yvonne and Merv out recently.
Healthy Lunches
These will continue for this Wednesday and then finally on Monday the 17th.
A huge thank you to June and Audrey for all the time and effort they have put into helping our Bon Apiti students create these healthy lunches, and also teaching them the basic hygiene standards expected in a kitchen and cooking skills. Your effort has been very much appreciated by the students, staff and parents.
Targa Rally Calendars
We have 26 of these calendars available in the school office selling for
$5.00 each with proceeds going to the students account.
Some really great photos of rally cars on each month. The months
are from October 2012 to September 2013. Just call into the school office
to view or purchase these calendars.
End of Year
School will
close for term 4 on Thursday the 20th of December 2012 at 3.00pm.
Term 1 2013 will commence on Thursday the 7th of February at 9.00a.m.
folks as this is the last newsletter for 2012, on behalf of the Apiti School
Staff, Board of Trustees and students, we would like to wish you all a happy
and safe Christmas / New Year period and look forward to seeing you all back
here safe and well on the 7th of February 2013.
Regards, Mary, Nicki, Pat, Mary B, Jenni and Chris.