Celebrating Our Successes
Feilding Art Society
Charlotte, Brooke, Ryan won an award for the Feilding and District Art Society. Brooke won it for her photo called Spot the Difference. Ryan won his for his pottery Bird and Charlotte won hers for her photo called Engine Combustion. We would like to thank the judges - Cynthia Drake, Mick Page and Eric Brew and Mick for donating the prize money. Charlotte received $75.00 (1st), Brooke $50.00 (2nd) and Ryan $25.00 (3rd). - Charlotte.
If you have a moment while in Feilding, pop in and have a look at all of our work on display alongside the entries from other schools.
Country Kids Challenge
Stanley, Jack, and Huntah attended the Country Kids Challenge at the Feilding Show recently and had to complete a variety of challenges, from stacking hay on a trailer, to fixing a water pipe to assembling a horse bridle and many more. Stanley, Jack and Huntah received an award for the team that 'worked together as a team the best.' The boys thoroughly enjoyed the experience. - Jack.
Lamb and Calf day
Wow this really is a community event and it is the input by many that makes it so successful! Thanks to everyone for their contributions to ensure the success of our school lamb and calf day. The students were proud of their achievements and have reflected on the huge and varied learning.
The day ran very smoothly thanks to the weather. We would like to officially thank Christine, Pat and Mary B for their work towards the day and on the day.
It was great to see so many parents / grandparents and community members
here supporting the children.
A huge thank you to the following who helped out during the day and made
the day a great success :-
Indoor Judges : Sonya, Nikita, Julie, Jo
Eastwood, June and Jan.
Outdoor Judges : Hamish (our friendly vet
from Totally Vets), Paul (PGG Wrightson), Vaughan, Sandie, Tim, Russell, Donna
and Anna.
Totally Vets for supplying the ribbons and rosettes. Anwyl
and Nikita for judging the Native area. Pat for writing out all the indoor
certificates. Tania for helping the
students to make and decorate the 18 dozen assorted muffins – a huge effort. June for supplying the yummy scones for the
judges morning tea. All parents for
supplying the fabulous pot-luck lunch and the great afternoon tea (there are plates, bowls etc in the cooking room from this day). Mike and those who helped with the BBQ. Richard and Ben for
supplying and erecting the scrim. Vaughan for supplying the tape and standards. Adam for mowing
the field. To all the parents for all the support given to the school for raising a lamb or a calf, and of-course our great
students and their lovely lambs and calves. It was wonderful to see most children in every family with either a lamb or a calf. This day creates a learning opportunity
which encourages children to learn the responsibility of just how to care for a
lamb or calf.
Results of the
Day :- Native Area - Judged on the following criteria = Action Project Area, Foyer Display, Blogspot, Learning Portfolio, Care and Attention, Landscape Design, Knowledge, Vision and Planning, Muffins, the total points = 1st - Waste Busters with 35 points. 2nd= - Expert Plantagators, Supa Small Blacks, Hydro Rangers with 32 points, 3rd - Community Creators with 29 points.
Indoor Section:- Junior (Year 0 -
Year 2) 1st= - Ryan with 31 points.
2nd - Logan with 30 points. 3rd= - Alex and Lauren with 28 points. 4th - Sarah with 23 points.
Section (Year 3 &
4) 1st= - Ben with 38 points. 2nd - Tyler with 32 points. 3rd - Cailee with 25 points. 4th= - Brooke and Pixel with 23 points.
Section (Year 5 - Year
8) 1st - Tom with 37 points. 2nd= - Huntah, Hannah and Charlotte with 27 points. 3rd - Cole with 21 points. 4th - Jack with 20 points.
Outdoor Section:- Senior Calves :- Leading - 1st - Travis. 2nd - Charlotte. 3rd - Tom.
Care and
Attention - 1st - Tom. 2nd - Travis. 3rd= - Stanley and Charlotte.
Walking Without
a Lead - 1st - Tom. 2nd - Stanley. 3rd - Travis. 4th - Charlotte.
Senior Calf
Champion Cup = Tom. Reserve Champion = Travis.
Junior Calves
:- Leading - 1st - Ben. 2nd - Derek.
Care and
Attention - 1st - Ben. 2nd - Derek.
Walking Without
a Lead - 1st - Derek. 2nd - Ben.
Junior Calf
Champion Cup = Ben. Reserve Champion = Derek.
Senior Lambs :-
Leading - 1st - Hannah. 2nd - Huntah. 3rd - Cole. 4th= - Lacey and Bailey.
Calling - 1st - Cole. 2nd - Hannah.
3rd - Huntah. 4th - Bailey.
Rearing - 1st - Hannah. 2nd - Huntah.
3rd - Cole. 4th - Lacey.
Senior Lamb
Champion Cup = Hannah. Reserve Champion = Huntah.
Lambs :- Leading - 1st - Tyler. 2nd - Pixel. 3rd - Cailee. 4th - Brooke.
Calling - 1st - Cailee. 2nd - Tyler.
3rd - Brooke. 4th - Pixel.
Rearing - 1st - Cailee. 2nd - Tyler.
3rd - Brooke. 4th - Pixel.
Lamb Champion Cup = Cailee. Reserve Champion = Tyler.
Junior Lambs :-
Leading - 1st - Alex. 2nd - Lauren. 3rd - Brianna. 4th - Logan.
Well Done - Danni
Well Done - Danni
Calling - 1st - Logan . 2nd - Brianna. 3rd
- Ryan. 4th - Johnny.
Rearing -
1st -
Alex. 2nd - Lauren. 3rd - Brianna. 4th= - Chloe and Ryan.
Junior Lamb
Champion Cup = Alex. Reserve Champion = Brianna.
and well done to you all!!
We were delighted to see the articles in the Feilding Herald regarding the Lamb and Calf Day, but are disappointed some of the names were not correct for which we apologise - Mrs Cuming did email all the correct information to them. Thank you to Jo for organising the pot luck lunch and the grocery raffle and Katherine for selling the tickets on the day. We are delighted to say that ASSA raised $98.00 from the raffle. Thanks so much to all the parents who donated goodies for the raffle, thank you to everyone who bought a ticket and congratulations to Hilton for having the winning ticket and taking home all those great grocery items.
Oroua Junior Large Ball Day
Thank you to all the parents who helped with transport to and from this event. It was a great day for the students to socialise with the other school junior students and to learn large ball skills. Thank you to Kiwitea School for hosting this event.
At the large ball day, my favourite ball game was tunnel ball. I made two new friends, one of their names is Ben and the other ones name is Benjamin. I loved it because we played my favourite ball game. It was a fun day. I have never been before. Hayley was there too, I played with her for a minute then I looked after Marrac again...Marrac and I were playing on the slide and the pole, it was fun. I played on the swing as well, I was going so high I couldn't stop. I liked that because the lunch time and morning tea time is so long. - Brianna.
Whanau Group Feedback

Waste Busters : We are planning to make a new worm farm. We are going to make it from a bath. - Brooke.
Hydro Rangers : We would like to thank all the people for buying our vegetables. - Cailee.
Bon Apiti
Healthy lunches will be very Monday and Wednesday (starting this Wednesday). Fruit Smoothies will be available for $1.50 and Wedges and dipping sauce for $2.00. - Stanley.
Reading Eggs
After our 1 month trial, our students believe that 'Reading Eggs' is a worthwhile interactive learning site. We have therefore registered and paid for an account for each student. Please encourage your children to use this tool at home as it is a motivating site to improve reading skills. Your child has their password and log in details. Please ask Mary if you would also like a copy.
- Digi awards are tonight at the Regent Theatre at 6.30 for finalists and their families. Could our students attending this function, please wear their school uniform.
- Our next swimming lesson is this Friday. Please see the dates on the google calendar. Once again, we will leave school at 11.00am. The bus will only run in the mornings on all swimming days. Thank you to those parents who transported students to swimming last Friday, a notice will go home on Wednesday with this weeks transport arrangements.
- Zero Waste: Next Monday all students will be learning through the Zero Waste programme. Our facilitator for this is Shirley Goodall. Senior students will be making a MINI COMPOST, so could they please bring to school this week the following items in a plastic bag or ice-cream container. - a 2 or 3 litre milk, fizzy or juice bottle (This can be cut at home. See the linked instructions) ...Compost Homework Sheet - any extra bottles to share. - as many of the things that are listed in the nitrogen and carbon section above that would go into a compost.
- Health and Sexuality Education: Students in year 5-8 will be involved in this programme this Thursday. It is a full day programme. We had an indepth overview of the programme at our last parent collaboration and health consultation meeting. If parents of these students would like to discuss anything further, please get in touch with Nicki or Mary.
- Tennis Enrichment continues each Monday, with Kurt, for those who have registered. The cost of these, when divided between students, is $60 / child for 7 lessons.
- Athletics practice begins in earnest this week in preparation for the Oroua Athletics Sports. Please ensure you are prepared with shorts suitable for running, high jump etc ...
School Photos
These will take place next Monday morning (19th November) at school with Svendsen Photography.
Ski Accounts
These accounts were sent home recently. Could we ask that these accounts be settled as soon as possible please. Thank you to those who have already paid their account, this is most appreciated.
Rangiwahia School Concert
Rangiwahia School has invited our whole school to their end of year concert on the 10th of December. We will attend this event as it is a great opportunity for our students to see other students performing and getting ideas.
School Bus
We appreciate Katherine stepping in to drive the school bus for Yvonne on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week.
Our thoughts are with Yvonne, Mervyn, Travis and Derek on the loss of a loved sister and Aunty.
After School Athletics
The after school athletics will now be every Tuesday afternoon (not Wednesdays), starting tomorrow at 3.00pm. Could parents please make themselves available on occasions to help out. The bus will not run at 3.00 but at 4.00 o'clock every Tuesday while athletics are on. We appreciate Yvonne being willing to run the bus an hour later every Tuesday. Bus students not staying for athletics will need to arrange alternate transport home these days please.
The results of the hockey games played last week :-
The Oroua Octogons - 5, played West End Warriors - 2. Huntah scored 1 goal.
the Oroua Otters - 7, played Central Normal Blue - 0. Cole scored 1 goal, Jack scored 2 goals!
- Sports report by Cole.
Happy Birthday to the following students, we hope you had /
have a great day!!
Pixel – 31st October! Franklin – 2nd November! David – 13th November! Brooke – 16th November!
Regards, Mary, Nicki, Pat, Mary B and Christine.
Regards, Mary, Nicki, Pat, Mary B and Christine.