Celebrating our learners ...
Senior room stars :-
Handwriting - Tessa, Travis, Lacey, Charlotte.Maths - Jack, Huntah, Lacey, Charlotte, Pixel, David, Brooke.
Spelling - Huntah, Hannah, Lacey.
Junior room stars :-
Logan and Johnny - great early addition.
Danni and Tyler - writing lots of detail about their pets.
Happy Birthday to the following students who will celebrate their birthday during the holidays :-
Chloe - 10th April. Chevelle - 20th April. We hope you have a great day!!
Danni and Tyler - writing lots of detail about their pets.
Happy Birthday to the following students who will celebrate their birthday during the holidays :-
Chloe - 10th April. Chevelle - 20th April. We hope you have a great day!!
What's Happening:-
Rippa Rugby
Today (year 4-6) and Wednesday (year 7-8) a selected group of our students will play in the Manawatu rippa rugby tournaments for the Junior Cup and the Sam Strahan cup. Players need to be at the FMG Stadium grounds by 9.30. The tournament begins at 10am. We wish both teams well.
Shared lunch and end of term assembly
We would like to invite school and community members to a shared lunch to farewell the Ross family, who have recently moved into Feilding. We wish them all the best and being just down the road, I'm sure we will keep in touch. We would especially like to thank Deltina for the fantastic job she has done as our school caretaker and looking after our school pool. She really has kept our school looking a place we should be proud of. Thank you Deltina.
Could all families please bring a plate of finger food to share on Thursday.
Shared lunch will begin at 12.45 and our final assembly for term 1 will begin about 2.00.
School will finish for term 1 at 3.00pm.
School will finish for term 1 at 3.00pm.
Uruti School Visit
Tomorrow we welcome the members of Uruti school, who are visiting us as part of their school camp. They are particularly interested in mixing with other small rural school and learning more about how we use wikispaces for learning.
Bon Apiti
Tomorrow (Tuesday) will be the last opportunity this term to buy hamburgers for lunch. Remember, only $2! They are both tasty and full of goodness!! Please give your orders to Tom on Tuesday morning before school.
Reflecting on current learning:-
Education Outside the Classroom - Annual Camp
We would like to thank all families for their support. It takes a lot of planning and teamwork to plan, organise and implement a camp. Thanks to all parents for their help with preparation, baking etc!!!
A huge thank you to the parents that joined us on camp. Your help was invaluable and certainly enhanced learning both at camp base and in our planned learning activities in Wanganui and Kai iwi.
Students are currently reporting on camp and reflecting on learning as part of our post camp learning activities. A camp magazine will be published for you to share with your children.
Real Art Bus
The Real Art Bus learning complemented our "Naturally Creative" learning context for term 1 fantastically and it was a great follow on from our learning at the Art Gallery in Wanganui. The art was fantastic. Much of it was 3 dimensional and the textures provided another element for our students to consider. The art folder , showing art displayed in the bus, is available in the school foyer for anyone who would like to peruse.
Thank you to all those who helped with transport to and from Rangiwahia the visit this Art Bus.
Thank you to all those who helped with transport to and from Rangiwahia the visit this Art Bus.
Senior Triathlon
Charlotte's cameo reflection - Senior students chose Charlotte's writing to share as she uses her personal voice well.
Finally the whistle blew ... All the year 5 girls were trying their best to keep in the lead for the run.

Finally the run was over and I grabbed my helmet, clipped it up and ran with my bike to the road. I hopped on and pedaled as fast as I could. I changed gears to 4, then to 5, then 6, then 7. I found it really tiring. Finally I saw the flashing lights. Then I saw Hannah. She yelled out to me to pedal as fast as I could down the slope. I went around the cone this year because last year I went through it! I pedaled as fast I could and changed my left hand gear to 3.
I suddenly saw the 'slow down' sign and I knew I was close to the transition area. I went round the corner chucked my bike down, chucked my clothes, helmet and shoes off and started to run to the pool ... but then realised Brooke, my manager, wasn’t with me. I called her. She came sprinting up to me and we ran into the pool. Then we walked in as quickly as we could.
I jump into the pool and swim as hard as I could. Once I had swam 4 lengths Brooke told me I needed to do 2 more.
I came to the end of the pool, jumped out and ran as fast I could to the finish line! I came to a halt ... and that was the end of the tri.
Junior Triathlon / Senior wiki learning
This was a new event for our junior students and I'm sure you would agree, provide a great new challenge for our junior athletes. Every junior student participated. Well done to all students, whether it was riding a bike for the first time or aiming to win the race!!
Senior students worked with the Rangiwahia students teaching them how to create avatars and upload images to their new wiki.
Junior Room Re-counts on the Junior Duathlon.
At the Duathlon, I came first and on the run Hayley tripped up. When I rode my bike, Dad said go, go, go Tyler. Derek was right behind me. - By Tyler (Yr 3).
In the Duathlon, there was no one from Rangiwahia in my race and I came first all the way. I stood up on the highest plank to get my certificate. - By Alex (Yr 2).
I am playing on the trampoline. I came 4th in the Duathlon. - By Logan (Yr 1).
I ran in the Duathlon. I came 5th. I was hot. - By Tehya (Yr 1).
I went to the Duathlon, I biked and I had to run and I was 2nd. I rode my bike, I went fast. Next time I will ride David's bike. - By Sarah (Yr 1).
We went to the Duathlon and it was fun. I came 3rd in the 6 year olds. I got hot doing the bike and run. We got biscuits and cookies and they were yummy. - By Chloe.
I went to the Duathlon at Apiti School. Rangiwahia came too. I got second in the 6 year olds. I got hot when I was running and bike riding. Mum came to watch us. First we walked the course. Then we ran around the field. I rode my bike round the block. We had apple shortcake for afternoon tea. - By Danni (Yr 2).
Board of Trustee MeetingJunior Room Re-counts on the Junior Duathlon.
At the Duathlon, I came first and on the run Hayley tripped up. When I rode my bike, Dad said go, go, go Tyler. Derek was right behind me. - By Tyler (Yr 3).
In the Duathlon, there was no one from Rangiwahia in my race and I came first all the way. I stood up on the highest plank to get my certificate. - By Alex (Yr 2).
I am playing on the trampoline. I came 4th in the Duathlon. - By Logan (Yr 1).
I ran in the Duathlon. I came 5th. I was hot. - By Tehya (Yr 1).
I went to the Duathlon, I biked and I had to run and I was 2nd. I rode my bike, I went fast. Next time I will ride David's bike. - By Sarah (Yr 1).
We went to the Duathlon and it was fun. I came 3rd in the 6 year olds. I got hot doing the bike and run. We got biscuits and cookies and they were yummy. - By Chloe.
I went to the Duathlon at Apiti School. Rangiwahia came too. I got second in the 6 year olds. I got hot when I was running and bike riding. Mum came to watch us. First we walked the course. Then we ran around the field. I rode my bike round the block. We had apple shortcake for afternoon tea. - By Danni (Yr 2).
The next B.O.T meeting is tonight (Monday the 2nd April), starting at 7.00pm in the staff room. Please view the Agenda ( and later the minutes and reports will also be there for your viewing ) .Just look on the Board of Trustee tab at the top of the newsletter. All members of the public are welcome to attend.
We wish everyone a safe holiday and hope you have some great family time recharging those batteries!!