Junior room notice 08-09-2011

Thursday 8th September 2011
Capital E Visit - Tuesday 13th September
Next Tuesday the junior room students will be travelling down to Palmerston North for the Capital E performance of 'HEAR to SEE' at the Regent on Broadway. This show is scheduled to start at 10.00a.m (but we need to be seated by 9.45), so we will need to leave Apiti School by about 8.45. After the show and if the weather is fine, we will have lunch at the Esplanade (alternative arrangements will be made for lunch elsewhere if it is wet) and then we will visit the Te Manawa Science Museum before heading back to Apiti. We will be back in time for the afternoon bus run.
A reminder that if your children are not going to be on the bus either in the morning or afternoon to please ring Yvonne. If Yvonne does not answer the phone, she would appreciate it if you would leave a message.
We will need transport to this event, so please fill in the attached slip and return it to school by Monday so I can organise transport.
Children will need to take a packed lunch, a drink and please wear their school uniform.
Regards, Mary

Capital E performance - Tuesday 13th September.

I am able / unable to transport my own child/ren, plus ..............................other children.
